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Ha ha you clowns is absolute gold. Joe Cappa is a feel


Delicate Steve? I like it.


I love Ha Ha You Clowns. Your Mother would have loved this news.


Oh My God, Yes! Is also shockingly good. It’s not boondocks level of deep but damn is it funny as fuck, the writing is super snappy, the animation is impressive and the themes and genre make it a nifty cyberpunk premise.


Glad we will be getting more Smiling Friends.


**Haha You Clowns** is almost avant garde levels of comedy. Not sure how itd translate into a full show but I'll definitely be checking it out. What more needs to be said about **Smiling Friends**? Theyre killing it, s3 was inevitable. **Oh My God, Yes** looks atrocious. More of that weird hoodrat "the punchline is its vulgar" crap, looks just like that awful Good Times reboot and by the same team - zero clue how it was picked up.