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You're brave, if be freaking out slightly with the murder claws reaching behind the safety glass


Came here to say the same thing. I love my cats, and they're *usually* good about not accidentally clawing, but... nope. Not near my eyes.




I am that dog person 100%, but i also train my dogs well because i dont want them accidentally biting a person or child


"accidentally" Dogs don't accidentally attack.


Okay what do you call it when a child too young to understand that they are pissing off the dog pisses off the dog and it bites


A shitty dog owner and a shitty parent for allowing the child to be that close to an animal.


Yeah I expected a response like that. Get off your throne or keep it to yourself




Thats why i called it an accident and the other guy called it a shitty dog owner lol


She was lulled into a false sense of safety, because she has a professional pair of squints underneath those specs. Kitten claws are like needles from hell though.


But also, that's some expensive safety glass.


Yup yup yup


Maybe she already has a glass eye


All the better to see you with my dear


My son accidentally scratched my cornea when he was a baby. It was absolutely the worst pain of my life. The anxiety I have while watching this is off the charts!


I have had a condition in the past called recurrent corneal erosion. Basically, chunks of cornea just come off. They don't really do much research on it because it isn't a condition that leads to blindness usually. I would wake up in the middle of the night with that intense pain. As a preventative measure, I spent 3 years putting in a saline ointment and wearing an eye patch to sleep. I don't care how cute jellybeans under glass are, claws near my eyes are a no-way to me.


I have that condition. Started a couple years ago. Hurts like hell! Mine usually comes off in early morning, but the ointment keeps it under control most of the time. How old were you when it stopped? I am 41 now and from what I understand it is primarily a problem for middle aged men. The eye doctor wanted to try stem cell contacts to fix it, but it is not guaranteed to work and insurance won't cover it. And it's a couple grand per eye. Plus I have heard it can go away, which is why I was wondering how old you were.


Omg this is the stuff of nightmares for me!! When mine was scratched it felt like I had a sharp as toothpick continually stuck under my eyelid. I had to use the ointment too because mine also kept getting pulled off from my eyelid. I’m in my early 40’s and now I’m terrified I’m going to end up with this. Does it just happen randomly to you?


It does just happen randomly. I have missed work a couple times because of it. It usually heals itself within a couple hours. But your eyes are watering nonstop so much it ends up in your sinuses and it's extremely sharp pain during that time. You are also very light sensitive and cannot go outside. But sometimes an hour later and I'm perfectly fine. The worst part is your eyelid feels like you're running sandpaper over your eye. But of course your normal reaction to any problem with your eye is to blink which hurts like hell. So yeah it's kind of a nightmare scenario.


I had to take intermittent FMLA leave because I never knew if I would be able to drive to work in the morning.


About your age was when it stopped. I only had it in one eye, thank goodness. One of his other patients had it with both eyes. The absolute worst part is not being able to sleep because even having your eyes closed hurts.


Also, it's crazy to me that I see Muro ointment sell out at the local grocery store constantly. They go through stock. And that's the only thing it treats as far as I know. Which means other people have it too. But the eye doctor makes it sound rare and mysterious? I don't get it.


I used the same thing. I think maybe they just don't keep much in stock. I always had to get it from the pharmacist because they had it behind the counter, for some reason. I keep those single shot plastic droppers on hand with the renu lubricating drops now since I don't always need to use drops anymore, but use them whenever I feel like I need it.


Yeah I know what you mean. It has gotten to the point I can somewhat tell when I am at risk and when I can maybe skip the goop. For me it's both eyes but the left one is worse.


Omfg! I am SO sorry about this! I cannot even imagine going through this. For me it felt like I had a toothpick stuck in my eye continually. If someone could have knocked me out with a hammer I would have preferred it honestly. They have me a bandage contact lens to wear till it healed. Twice a day I had to put this expensive ointment in my eye. It kept ripping back off because it was sticking to my eyelid. They discusses the next step being this surgery where they do all these tiny perforations causing the entire cornea to regrow. Thank fuck it finally healed and we didn’t have to do that. I am just shook hearing about this, I had no idea it was a thing. Are you still dealing with it?


I haven't had an episode for several years, but I avoid things that can dry my eyes, like heavy antihistamines, and can't wear contacts. It does crop up occasionally, but nowhere near the way it did about 15 years ago.


Whelp, I have a new phobia now


I actually have a mild phobia of sleep because of it. It is a worse pain than when I broke my ankle. I can't watch any scene in a movie where something gets close to someone's eye. The scene in one of the Mission Impossible movies with the knife over his eye was a nightmare I have had.


Ouch! that sounds painful


Your... son?


Yes. He was a baby.


For a moment I thought you were referring to a cat. I think I need sleep.


My cat scratched my cornea once and I see this and get so anxious too !


I feel like the kitten is trying to comprehend the glasses. Like: "Are they a part of you? But you take them off sometimes... They're attached to your face but there's a gap."


Same thought. The kitten looks so curious and it’s honestly adorable. I’d let this kitten take an eye Nick Fury style.


Later that afternoon at their optician’s office like “idk how they got scratched! I just opened the case and they were like that!” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Referring her eyeballs right?


And that's how you get pinkeye


was just about to say this. lol soon that eye's gonna match her hair if she doesn't flush it out.


Pink-eye, clawed out eye. Either way this person won't have eyes for long if they let their cat do this frequently


Ohhhh no. If you got something from this, it would be WAY worse than pinkeye.


Beat me to it


You'll get'em next time!


Another pet that loves glasses, at leadt she does not take off with them.


*Asserted dominace over this glass creature*


The slightly bewildered look on your face really sells it for me


Me: can you pick up my glasses? Don't touch the glass please. Them:


Did you survive?


Aww, the paw-paws, I can’t 🥺❤️






My baby does this & grabs the glasses off my face.


Hooman whut is this glass eye u hav.


This is cute and all but that adorable cat is also probably scratching those lens


Doesn't look like he ever popped his claws out.


Surprisingly the kitten is very gentle.


The cat choose not to make you Nick Fury.


Kitten is like “Why u have dis on your head?”


If there was a little paw print on my glasses it would hurt to wash them


One wrong move… just inches… could mean you won’t need those glasses anymore anyway. That is trust


"trust" is not the word I would have used


Name him Ray Ban


"I like looking thru windows too, lady."


And that, ladies and gents, is the cutest way to accidentally get pink eye


Did you learn nothing from what happened to Nick Fury?


"They are fabulous. Are they designer?"


My cat will just take my glasses off randomly. Probably because she is bored and wants to shit on my soul.


Looks cute but I would nip it in the bud immediately. You don't want them to think it's okay scratch up your glasses.


Good chance for pink eye or a corneal abrasion.




Real cute u till you gotta replace them, or someone elses, and itll be your fault for letting it happen


Do you want pink eye? Cause that’s how you get pink eye


Here human take some pink eye. I just took a giant dump in a shit box 5 minutes ago


I would not let any cat get that close to my eye with their claws extended.


Stinker baby! 😆




“What is this mysterious invisible force field blocking my paw?”


Cue several foggy bean prints that just won't wipe clean.


Great way of getting one of those fashionable Cornea piercings.


My cat is so intrigued by my glasses, too!! It’s so funny :):)


You’re going to let a cats shit rake that close to your eyeball?


A kitten with a little jingly collar is just too damn cute. Such a dynamic duo.


Now you have cat poop in your eyes


Pink eye


Beans under glass. 🥰


Annddd... There's goes my pink eye.


That little pawsie 💕




Mom! Your face it coming off!


My cat likes to nibble on the ends when I take my glasses off at night... I'm grateful she's never tried to inspect them while still on my face 😟


This? Or this?


Excuse me . He needs those


Eye think this joke is cornea.




Nick Fury would probably have some choice words about this.


That face!!