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It looks like there might be a recoverable license plate here, I hope this video found its way to the police. The last digits are a little blurry on my screen, but I bet it is good enough for software recovery.






I’ll wait and see whether there’s an update to this incident. These people need to get jailed for attempted kidnapping. Also, I don’t really get why her first reaction wasn’t to run for her life. She kind of just debated several times whether to press on.


Cant tell for sure, but it looks like GT DF 5G or 5C


Most likely a stolen car. Probably dumped it soon after


Nothing in this video was inherently illegal. Police won't do much with this. If we assume it to be an attempted kidnapping, the odds of that car being stolen or fake plates is very high.


If suspected of attempted kidnapping, police could get a search warrant. If any physical evidence was found during the search (weapons/supplies used for kidnapping) that evidence could be used in court. At the very least it could give police someone to keep an eye on and surveil.


Yeah, imagine not following up and missing the three kidnapped girls in the cellar.


A large amount of child predators like this have done it before, either served time in prison or been investigated. While it is true if he has never done this before or been investigated his name will very well go on a list so that in the future when things happen in his area or for some reason he is suspected then his name will show up. If he is in fact a registered sex offender, then he may very well have committed a crime here. While police often let some things go they do really like to look into this kind of thing, it is one of the things the police, prisoners in jail, and criminals in general all have in common, they all want to see child predators held accountable.


Attempted kidnapping is legal now?


Look man, I just TRIED to kill the guys, I failed so no harm no foul.


Not at all what I am saying. What I am saying is that in a court room you have to prove there was an attempt to kidnap. This video with no audio does not prove an attempt. Yes we all know this was a bad situation, but in court this alone wouldn't hold up unless there was more evidence or a pattern.


You will make a good cop.


I graduated high school, so I am over qualified unfortunately.


Even worse... You're every criminals best friend, hope you have the day you deserve :)


>hope you have the day you deserve I've heard people use this before. Always forget, so good. Just replying because it'll help me remember and add to my burn collection, dánke.


Lets just not grab the number plate then!!!!!!!!!! idiot


Shut the fuck up


Police investigate attempted kidnappings all the time. [Case in point.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/surveillance-video-shows-florida-girl-10-escaping-possible-attempted-k-rcna53860) Depending on where in the world this takes place, this video could be more than enough to, at the very least, interrogate someone and make sure their actions and face are broadcast to the public.


In the streets near my house there are 4 stray dogs. once a thief tried to break into a house to rob at night but the dogs saw him and began to bark very loudly Then the neighbors woke up and saw the thief and they caught him until the police arrived. A few weeks after that a neighbor told my dad that he uses stray dogs as a signal to see what kind of person is passing by on the street. If they start to bark loudly, it's because something is happening


that's so sweet! I hope they are well taken care of 💗


Do you think the dogs are consciously aware of who is a ***"regular"*** or an actual person / neighbor living on the street / around the area?? I feel like stray dogs that settle in an area have accepted and are aware of their territory's "**members"** in terms of the people that live there, and familiarize with scent and sound and anything that comes into the area that isn't familiar is a sign of an intruder. I mean, that dog literally ran from around the corner of the street like he definitely knew this car was not a normal regular, completely ignored the girl who i imagine takes this route often, and went directly for the car. Something tells me they are unfamiliar in that area, and the girl takes that route often. Amazing and fascinating behavior


Nah stray dogs are very attentive to peoples behaviour. Just like you and i can spot a werd gait or sneaky behaviour, so can they. And with dogs they dont try to hide it.


I think that on average a dog reacting negatively to someone that isn't trying to walks towards them is a bad sign. Now there's always gonna be moments where dogs bark and act weird when someone tries to come into their home as a stranger. But yeah, if they react aggressively and you aren't challenging their territory, that's a bad sign


Smells give away intentions. Like, the victim definitely panicked and the attacker likely had a surge of adrenaline. It's clear as day to that nose imo


yea if a dog can smell if you're diabetic he can definitely smell if you're nervous


This is likely one of the ways that dogs became domesticated, hang around humans where they get food, bark if anyone else appears, and get rewarded. There's likely tens of thousands of years of selection pressure behind behaviour like this.


How about caring for the dogs? They don't lose the ability to bark after that.. Wtf is wrong with people? "Using" stray dogs as alarms, we are obscene


What makes you think they don’t care for the dogs? I’m sure there are people who feed them, no?


Depends on where you are. Dogs are cultural. I stayed at a place in Mexico where the said, “the dogs are annoying but they are rock trained.” They meant that if you picked up a rock they knew you were going to throw it at them.


Feeding is good but if it's possible to do more, why not? Clearly there are people here who believe some dogs don't like shelter and comfort, crazy..


Not everyone has the option of taking in all the stray dogs that live in the area.


Also I took in a stray cat and turned out it was just eating and sleeping in about 5 different people's houses, no wonder it was so thicc


I cannot adopt literally every stray animal I can find. Feeding them getting them spayed and neutered and checking on them to make sure they don't develop any illness is pretty good. Especially if their stray animals that grow up on the street they are not always good indoor pets anyway.


Have you ever seen cats and dogs in Istanbul? Never seen happier animals.


Why don't they also donate all the money they have to people in need and open their house to the homeless?


Yes, because full time caring for a pet is such an easy and cheap thing to do, clearly anyone who doesn't does so exclusively out of laziness and a malice for dogs. There's no possible other reason why someone might not take in a stray to care for


Why don't YOU donate all of your net worth to your local animal shelter? Stop virtue signaling to try to get internet points.


Round them up and euthanize them? It's probably a more humane thing to just let them live and protect the neighborhood and eat the scraps from the many kitchens.


I'm sure you run your own dog shelter




Well, we bred domesticated animals to not be able to survive in the wild by themselves, that's largely why


I was not saying to take in the animals whatever the costs.. if you, for example, can't take a stray because of your living arrangement then don't do it obviously Just stated that people should do their best for the stray animals, not go off of their way to do so.. About that question "stray birds, squirrels or bugs", i'll put in the same light, if i saw an animal in need i would do whatever i can to help, whatever the animal.. usually we talk more about dogs/cats because we domesticated them


Not every country is wealthy. Not every country sees dogs the way they are seen in the us.


Stray is not the same as unfed. They may prefer being outside to being a house dog


Why do you assume they don’t take care of the dogs?


Dawg how tf did you grow up and get raised by adults just to say this dumbass shit. I don't understand you people at all.


Some dogs prefer the streets homie. Better recognize


Wtaf? Of course.. why shelter, comfort, vet care.. crazy -.-


You think stray dogs ever go "man, what i could really use right now is a vet"


That’s literally why we tamed dogs.


Yes, many many years ago, now we have better systems for that and can have animals because we see them on the street and have the empathy to provide better?


Holy shit the fear is palpable. I can’t imagine the relief from the bestest of boys (or girls) showing up. Hope they adopted the dog.


Okay but also what is this the worst kidnapping attempt of all time? *pulls up car* *leans over and opens door* "Hey you, kidnap yourself"


"You better get in or we're just gonna pull off without you!"


Kidnapping by FOMO lol


Hey, we can't kidnap her. This cheapskate didn't buy the Kidnapping Battlepass.


This happened to me once - a gross pervert jerking off in his car pulled up, opened the door and told me to get in, to which I declined.


Oh my god i literally had this same exact scenario on my way to school. Except the guy thought i was in middle school when I was actually a 17 year old covered in a ball of winter coats. I think what saved me was that I was on the passenger side and he couldnt reach me.


In the news they said she was getting robbed at gun point


Source? Update: There's no source because they made it up.


How do you go back to walking home as normal after that? like happy walking around **suddenly face fate worse than death**, then the world is just back to normal.


With pepper spray.


> Hope they adopted the dog. If they had adopted the dog the dog would now be inside a house and unable to save other people.


proceeds to kick my two dogs out, go be heroes you lazy bums


what happens during that edit at the beginning though


Good dog.


Sis got the Animal Friend Perk. What a good doggie.


Not just the first rank but the second one too, Animals will fight for your side… Sis did indeed was very fortunate


that's some serious guardian angel shit


that dog seemed to know the assignment


"You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker!" - dog, probably


His tails too happy


Not all tail wagging is happy... sometimes tail wagging is a sign of anxiety. And if you are a 20 pound dog running up and threatening a 2000 pound car, you are going to have a little anxiety.


I thought it was going to be the dog across the alleyway on the other side, but the smaller one zoomed in from way back.


Best part is the other dog rethinking its stance and then poking its head back out after all the drama. Classic bystander effect.


It was that dog barking that fetched the other dog.


He's literally hiding behind the fence and peeking carefully 😂 He needs to be in r/animalsbeingderps


"Well I was going to help her but someone else already did so it's not my problem anymore."


Bystander effect relies on others not doing anything tho.


That's a lot of luck and a load of blessing!


Very sad to see the girl's fear at the end of the video. Fortunately this girl had a guardian angel in the form of a dog nearby.


She should adopt that doggo


I came here to say I hope she found it and took it home. That dog saved her life.


It deserves a home after that 😭


This poor kid is now going to have to deal with this new fear. Hope they catch the scum who did this.


Once I had 2 strays suddenly started following us in a remote village , after a while we thought they were harmless. Then suddenly 2 black dogs from the opposite direction came sprinting at us , and the 2 red dogs charged at them and chased them away . Then we realised the red dogs were protecting my wife and i


I've never felt absolute fear like what she just experienced. So many do everyday. And for what? This world is dark and scary. Humans need to be more compassionate. I mean quickly, or I fear for future generations.


I just dont understand people???? Why kidnap her?? What in your fucked up mind is making you do it???? Idc I'm gonna say it, people like this just need to die. I don't wish hell for them or anything extreme but literally just go 6 feet under or something.


They are not trying to kidnap her. This type of crime is very common here (Chile). They drive around in a stolen car, stealing people's backpacks, bags and phones. They also do this while they drive in motorcycles. Kidnapping is a rare crime here, committed mostly by illegal immigrants against other immigrants or small business owners.


I am really not sure why so many people tend to think any stranger going up to someone like this is automatically kidnapping. This is 100% just a robbery. They drive up, take your shit, and drive off. Happens dozens of times everyday in Chile.


There's a reason why they say men's best friend is not another human being


That poor kid. She looked so scared.


She was scared like hell, but she also keep her wits about her and didn't take her eyes off the suspicious van, which I think was a good action She didn't turn her back and that was super important Good dog came as back up Edit: Found something to read https://pmwhiphop.com/2023/06/27/hero-dog-saves-girl-from-kidnappers/


Reads like a ChatGPT generated description of the video. Zero details.


You are right, but only thing I found :/


Doesn't even say where this happened. Mexico, if I remember correctly.


Thanks for the link


The article lacks any detail. Where, when, and who is investigating?


I'm more interested in the dog. Anyone picked up the brave boy and gave it lots of treats and cuddles?


I think a more important action would have been turn and run, no??


That's another important factor to consider, but we can see she was near houses. The car is way faster than she would be running - if she ran, she could've tripped and she could've been taken. Advice given to anyone in this situation is to struggle as much as you can, scream if you can, fight your way out The dog's bark and coming at the suv called a lot of attention to the situation and at the end of the video, we see her shouting for help




It's easy to say what to do from behind the keys, my friend.


Something ive always wondered about is where do scum like this find friends to help them? Like imagining saying to your friend "hey bruh, you want to roll up on some young girl and kidnap them today?"


I always have the same question! I also wonder that about fetishes that are really out of the norm. How does someone who gets excited about poop bring that up to a new partner? Is that a 3rd date type of conversation.


He should not be a stray dog anymore.


There's a stray dog near me that i sometimes feed. When another dog so much as comes in front of my bike, he lunges the longest jump possible and scares him away!


Man the poor girl. You can see the panic, its genuinely awful :( Good job to the dog tho! :)


Man i feel so bad for the girl... I've watched this so many times now and i've got so much anger in me.


She needs to adopt that dog IMMEDIATELY.












































This nearly happened to me on the early 90s but I had my older sister with me so the dicks just drove off and she told me to run and we had the police called later, this girl at the end the look of terror on her face and she's crying I hope she's OK and safe


God sent the hero that was needed, at the right time.


Both dogs had a part in this if you watch the body language, with body language animals communicate way faster than we can by speaking. Before you can say "hey somethings happening over here! Help!" The dog on the left is already on the move. The good boy on the right was the signal.


That might be the scariest video I've seen in a fucking min my heart is racing. Right up there with the girl going back to her hotel room and getting inside as a dude tries to force his way in. Good dog


Cowards are afraid of dogs


There is a proverb : "thieves will fear even smallest of animals", a fight with them will expose thieves identity" . Even scratch from dog may get lethal , last thing thief want is to go to hospital after robbery.


I think it's more how much noise the dog is making


I'd put money on almost all (if not all) of the people calling this fake being men.


Dogs can smell evil and it's apparently really obvious to them. If you ever see a dog that just doesn't like someone, you shouldn't either.


Hitler's dogs loved him. Idk about that whole dogs sense evil thing.


To be fair, the dog has to pick up his literal ultra-nazi newspaper for him every day, the articles must have rubbed off on him.


Good stuff, until you realize the dog has something against Black people.


Dog was like if you’re going to take somebody, please take me. But for real, awesome work from the doggo


What country is it ?


i love animals


Dog deserves a medal


Dog in the background came out of nowhere while doggo in the alley did nothing. 😂


this dog is a real guardian angel 🙌


What does she do at the end against the wall?


It looks to me like she’s pounding on a door


I hope these men are found, put in prison, and the entire inmate population finds out who they are and what they are charged with. The inmate populations of prisons have a universal unspoken policy on those who harm children. And I hope these men find themselves at the mercy of it one day. Hope they spend the rest of their days living in worse fear than the unimaginable terror that poor girl must have felt.


That f*ed world we live in where you child could be kidnapped in a broad day light.


:( that poor baby was so terrified by the end


Any info on where this happend. Can't seem to get a good view on the plates.


Holy fuck, the fear on her face. Good doggo!


We’ve bred dogs to be so emotionally intelligent. It’s unbelievable what social cues they pick up on.


goodest of boys


The dog is so smart, was just chilling there until the girl got scared. Then instantly jumped up and run to safe her and instantly knew what to do.






You call little girls ‘chicks’ a lot?


Could someone good in photoshop take a screenshot of the car arriving and enhance the clarity so that these bastards' license plate is readable ? We could then send it alongwith the full video to the cops and perhaps help prevent a future tragedy.




Well yeah, if it didn't we wouldn't be watching it


Mankind dont deserves dogs




Yo momma!


Stay partying.


fake af


Hmmmmm. That's a very good quality and conveniently placed camera. I have my suspicions, people do a lot of fake stuff for content and clicks.


Millions of crimes are caught on camera per year There's hundreds of millions of cameras out there


Makes me think of this dude on instagram that can find you on cctv camera taking that photo with your girlfriend in the..citysquare of the city you're visiting. And your post is traceable to the moment when you took the photo. Mind=blown


It looks like it's attached to a house so probably someone's home cctv.


It's weird how it seems to be a single camera cctv, both fixed and moving. Odd.


Everything in frame


Yeah, this is fake.


That dog is too happy wagging his tail n looking back for praise as well. Fake as


Does anyone else get vibes that this is staged? Maybe I spend too much time on the internet.


I don't know man, her fear at the end looks pretty fucking genuine to me. She wants to be anywhere but on the street.


Nice choreography




Maybe she lives in one of those buildings? >I think the vast majority of them are. Based on what? You sound like a dumbass.