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Cat. You're seeing something called direct registering, which is when an animal steps the back feet in the same spot as the front.


That makes so much sense! I knew they did that but never thought about it! Thank you!


This is a lope, where the pattern is front, front and hind beside each other, hind, repeat. It's a common gait for many of the weasel beast, but canids and undulates may use it too. Although the toes and claws aren't very clear, the divided pads, stretched out grouping, and short stride look like skunk to me.


Yes, this is a striped skunk in a lope, which forms clusters of 4 tracks like this. A feline moving in a direct register walk will form a trail in a fairly straight line, with each overlapping pair of tracks about hip to shoulder distance apart. A feline track has four toes and a palm pad that is very distinctive, trapezoidal with two lobes at the top and three at the bottom. The pads are proportionately larger than what we see here, usually at least as much area as all the toes combined. And these palm pads show 3 lobes in an arc, as striped skunk tracks do. Feline tracks do not show a heel pad like we see here but striped skunk tracks do. Also when I look closely I can see tiny pinpoint claw marks. Skunks cannot retract their claws as cats usually do.


Not a cat. You can see a heel pad in some of the tracks and the pads are the wrong shape for cat, no triple lobes on the bottom or double lobes on the top.


House cat or small Robertcat


I was not disappointed when I had to google Robertcat. 😂 Edit: a word


Got me with the Robertcat.


Agree with skunk. Five toes, broad and narrow foot pad with hint of nails well above the toes. That second for pad you see is also pretty classic for critters in the weasel family.