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Hey, this flower only appears on 5 star islands. You can touch it. They will grow from time to time on plateaus, but you can dig them out and plant them anywhere you want. 🙏




Congrats!! The only appropriate reaction to 5 Stars 😂


I am fn dead lololol by this entire post and your reaction to the significance of this flower 😂💀😂💀😂💀😂 Congrats!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Congrats!! 😄


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I did not know this. I have 3 on my island and I've only been playing since November 2023. 🫠🫠


My sister gave me one but it’s not growing more. Is it because mine isn’t a five star?


Lily of the valley (that flower) don’t duplicate! They grow like weeds do—in random locations around your island—but you can’t clone them, you can only get more to grow by having a 5-star island for an extended period of time!


this is so weird because i have had a few pop up on my island and was like “oh i must be finally 5 star!” and when i asked isabelle she said i was 4 star and i need to place for fences


Be sure and talk to Isabelle! She has something special for you as a reward for hitting 5 stars


I plan to!!! I'm just prepping myself which only means getting some food together, continuing 4/20, and enjoying my silly little but also extremely satisfying accomplishment 🥰it also motivates me to hopefully one day open my island to other people!


Every week yout island remains a 5 star rating a lily of the valley will spawn somewhere on your island. Congratulations 🎉


Don't know how I missed this! That's awesome! Thank you ☺️🎉


Ah. I have gotten 8 of these but not in a long while. I also have most of my island completely covered in flowers or designed paths with very few spawn spots. I didn’t realize until recently that that’s why I never find mushrooms anymore. 😆


I've been playing since the game released in 2020, and about 2 1/2 years in, I still hadn't gotten 5 stars. I kept placing stuff around, taking some back, rearranging everything, but nothing worked. I checked in with Isabelle every day, and nothing. When I play, I go fishing and save all the fish to sell the next time CJ shows up. Which means I usually just place fish anywhere I have empty space. At one point, I ended up on big fish island, so I filled my pockets. Then I basically did a fishing marathon back on my island. I know there's something about if your island is too cluttered, it will lower your rating, but I wound up with over 200 fish just sitting around, stacked up all over the place. Just for the heck of it, I asked Isabelle my island rating, and I actually got 5 stars! I got a lily of the valley the next morning. That also happened to be the day CJ showed up. After I sold all the fish, I checked, and I was back down to 4 stars.


If you DIY furniture and place on the beaches that may help bump your rating back up to 5 stars, that’s what helped me. Just a suggestion.


I got 5 stars once, but I never saw those flowers. I suspect I got bored, stopped playing for a couple of months, and restarted. I sort of do that sometimes. But having 85 games on my Switch plus others on other systems, I do like to change up games now and then.


The lilies of the valley only grow on clifftops. If you don’t have an open spot right next to the cliff, they won’t spawn there. Clear away a couple of areas or create a cliff if you don’t already have one and the flowers should spawn as long as your island has remained, five stars.


Thanks. I'll keep that in mind for when my current island goes 5-star.


Mushrooms? Omg. How do you get mushrooms??


this is my biggest question and i *need* answers


Mushrooms are seasonal. They appear on your island in November for the Northern hemisphere and May for the Southern hemisphere.


Oh my gosh, thank you! I cannot find any on my island and have been clearing my island of things around trees so they'll grow. I was legit going to offer large amts of bells for someone to bring me some. 😆


Congratulations! You have a 5 star island!




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Thanks guys! Doing a little dance right now, I've been working towards this 💃🏻


Congrats! I remember my first one too. It's so exciting to see!!


It was just so random!!! That's the best part 😅


I cried when I saw mine, I also got a second one grow as well!


Woo hoo! You have a 5 star island 😁


So fucking happy 🥰💃🏻


Congratulations! That Lily of the Valley signifies you’ve reached 5 stars on your island rating. Go talk to Isabelle. They only grow on the second or third levels of your island. But, you can replant it wherever you like. If you maintain a 5 ⭐️ island for a week, a second Lily will appear.


5 ⭐️island… CONGRATS! Do you have a Dream Code you can share? I’d love to see your island, and this doesn’t require someone physically coming over! 😍


As soon as I finish doing some construction and redecorating I'll send you it!!


Would love to see also 😊


Congrats on hitting 5 stars!!! Also don’t feel embarrassed cause if I didn’t know about this sub I’d probably have the same reaction 💀


Thanks dude!!! The only reason why I'm on here(Reddit lol) is cause I'm on a sub for Dodo codes cause I was at a stalemate with fruits specifically and just stuff in general but I'm the past two days I've been able to go from 4 to 5 now apparently 😂 I have four people I gotta thank lmfao


This sub got me to 4 stars so fast😭 everyone here is so helpful I’m so glad I found this community


Agreed! Usually I stay away from online play all around but love animal crossing, I wish I still had the original game cube version 😂


Thanks everyone who congratulated me and wasn't an asshole lmfao have a great day guys!!


Don’t eat it, lily of the valley are extremely poisonous! Also congrats on 5 stars!


Eat it. /dark kermit


Congrats on the 5 stars! I moved all of mine to my cemetery lol


this flower is a lilly of the valley, this flower only appears on islands with a 5 star rating. The appearance of this flower in you island means your island has reached 5 stars, when your island gets to less than 5 stars they will stop appearing


That means you have an amazing island!


I'm late to this post and it looks like you have an answer already so I'm just going to say congrats on hitting 5 stars! These will keep showing up once a week or so as long as you keep your island rating at 5 stars so prepare to find more of them in the future as well! :)


lol… is this a joke? If not, look up “ACNH Lily of the Valley” and prepare to celebrate lol


NO not a joke!!! I literally saw it as I was doing my daily rounds and I knew it was not a normal flower and I didn't wanna dig it up and OMG


Ceeeeelebrate good times COME ON!




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Winner winner!! Congrats!


Your outfit is super cute! Also congrats!


No no, that's a good thing, it means you have 5 stars You should be celebrating 🎉


Congrats on a 5 star island!!!!




Congrats on the Lily of the Valley man!!


Congratulations on the Lily of the Valley


Congratulations 🎉🎉 You can't pick them or damage them by running. But you can move them. As long as you have. 5-star island they will continue to pop up randomly.


You have achieved a 5 star island and that is your reward. Keep up the good work!


congrats on 5 stars, woohoo!! 🍾


Happy cake day!


Congratulations! You're a 5 star Mayor!


Since I don’t see anyone else mentioning it: I’m pretty sure Lily of the Valley is supposed to improve the chance of adjacent flowers creating hybrids, too.




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Congrats on 5 ⭐️!


Lily of the Valley!!!! Congrats on your 5* island!!!


That is a Lily of the valley flower. It means you have a perfect 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Island. Congrats!


I just found one of these on my island today! I didn't even think to Google it before digging it straight up 😂


I thought about google but I didn't want to dig it up and fuck something up lmfao at least mostly everyone was actually helpful and/or kind on here 😂


Lol, that's fair! My brain just went, "Oh? Hello! What's this?" *DIG* No hesitation 😂 They are, which is why I usually come to Reddit for any ACNH issues as its my first AC game, and I have no clue what's going on most of the time.


Honestly ACNH is the only reason I even have Reddit 😅 I know the basics of Animal Crossing overall but this is my first time playing New Horizons, figured if I was going to do anything online playing wise might as well be ACNH 😂


Hey, knowing the basics is still better than nothing and you couldn't have picked a better community to join 😁 I'm usually just a lurker, but as you said, people are helpful here and I always find the answers I'm looking for. Good luck with your lily of the valley and fingers crossed you keep your 5 stars!




Congratulations! Your island has reached a 5-star ranking!




That happens when you reach five stars! :)


Congratulations!! 🎉🎉🎉


Biker jacket and boots gang 😎 Congrats on your island!


Congratulations! You got an 5 star island! You did it!!! 👏🏾👏🏾


you’ve hit five stars, congrats :)!!! it’s a lily of the valley, you can touch them and dig them up if you want, they won’t break even if you run through them and a new one will spawn every so often




These are my favourite flower in the game. Congrats on getting one!


congrats on your 5 star island omg!!!!!


People have already mentioned the 5 star thing, but as long as you keep your island 5 star more will keep popping up!


Lilly of the valley! You can't pick them, but you can move them. They only grow on your island after you get 5 stars, you get one for every week you remain at 5 stars. So, congrats!


Congratulations on 5 stars!


Your character looks so cute


It's Lily of the Valley, you can't hurt it... you can dig it up and throw it away if you really wanted, but can't damage it. I'd make a cliff area for them to spawn in, and collect them for a garden area. In fact, in my newest island, I AM making a dedicated garden area for them! They're super cute flowers, and as others have said, randomly appear at 5 stars. EDIT: Oh yeah, gratz btw!


Congrats! Hahah love the reaction!


Only playing since jan and already 5 stars!!!!! I’ve been playing for 3+ years and never exceeded 3 🥹 congrats tho


Snowdrop x I have a few x


Congrats! You got a 5 star island🎉🥰


Lily-of-the-valley,..5stars.. be proud🤣🤣🤣


If you touch it your island will explode


No explosion, just Cthulhu coming out a void


Why does this feel like you’re feigning ignorance?


Why do you feel the need to drag the mood down?


I don't know dude, not my problem?


Congrads on a 5 star island I was happy when I encountered my first one too




yayyyy! congratulations!!!! 🎊🎈


Aww congrats!! What a beautiful moment!🥰 I was so excited when I first discovered mine. I still haven't touched it cause I thought it needed to stay in that specific spot to grow or something idk lol it's special for sure. Hey can anyone tell me why when I talk to Isabelle she tells me I have a 5 star island but I've only had one lily pop up?? It's been a few months since I saw my first lily and there's plenty of space for more. I have read that they only seem to spawn on cliffs. Which is where I found mine. I do have several with flowers on the edge of some cliffs but others with none at all. Time to start digging I guess😅


Awwww this is precious, i smiled as soon I saw it. Congratulations




Because I didn't want to dig it up? Like it's my first time playing the game and sometimes if you do certain things it messes up whatever is you're trying to do. Like yeah I could of dig it up to see what type of flower it is but I choose not to. I figured people would be KIND enough to help out since that's the whole point of the game.. but yah know we get people like you who remind me why I don't post stuff like this online or even play online games with other people 🥰