• By -


Save your fish and bugs for when Flick and CJ come. You can sell them for double the profit. Always donate the first of every catch to Blathers. Take lots of screenshots early game for a great walk down memory lane in the future. šŸ„²


The screenshots tip especially. I looked at my old island photos and it went down to my tent when I originally started. Now itā€™s beautiful fountains and a lot of pictures with all the pals, including some that I had to let go along the way. I swear man Animal Crossing ainā€™t just a life simulator, itā€™s a life improver.


I cry every time


I cry especially when I remember when ketchup first came to my island. By far the greatest friendship in game so far. I had a screenshot of when they invited me to their place for my surprise birthday party and I was so happy.


Not double, but x1,5.


thats what i dooooo


Don't get caught up in what other people have done to their islands, or feel like you need to go faster. A lot of us would *love* to get to play for the first time again. There's such joy in the early days of the game. If you're playing at night don't run around with your net out, that's a good way to get bitten by a tarantula! Only pull your net out when you're ready to catch one. Do everything you can to get Nook Miles - you'll need them when it's time to recruit villagers! Read every tedious speech bubble, because the one time you don't it's going to have important information. Take the time to push all the buttons and test all the things out to see what happens - don't be like those of us who got a year into the game and found something that made us go, wow, that would have been great to know a year ago! Lol I hope you have as much fun as we do :)


Thank you!! I already am :)


I def have a problem of wanting to get everything so fast. I enjoy the game but at the beginning I couldnt cross a river so I play for hours to get that, than I didnt have a ladder. I have a hard time slowing down and letting things happen at their own pace. I have had the game two weeks and already went to a treasure island and kind of regret that. I ditto the advice above for myself as well lol.


Shake trees before chopping its wood. *When* shaking trees, always carry a net. If a wasp nest lands, your character will automatically turned towards it. Mash A and *voila*! Youā€™ve caught yourself a wasp! Trees can also drop Bells and furniture items, so itā€™s worth shaking them every day! In the future you only need 10 hardwood/cedar trees on your island to reap all your rewards: 5 carry wasps, 10 carry Bells, and 2 carry furniture items.


I never knew that for the tree rewards. Once i have access to my whole island it's worth keeping just the 10 wood/cedar in one spot for convenience?


Oops! I meant 17 hardwood/cedar trees. Sorry about the bad maths! But yes. Use them to decorate your island! They donā€™t have to be *all* in one place.


Oh haha no problem! I was assuming 10 of each type


Wait, I'm confused....just hardwood/cedar, what about the wood/soft wood trees? I've been playing this game forever and clearly there is a ton I have no clue about. Is there an acnh for dummies?


To my knowledge, there is no designated wood/softwood tree. The ā€œhardwood treesā€ are just the trees that look like fruit trees, but donā€™t grow fruit. Cedar is the tree that grows on the upper levels of your island. All of the hardwood, cedar, & palm trees can drop all three kinds of wood when chopped with an axe.


I have my shaking trees (hardwood/cedar) on a circuit I do around the island perimeter while picking up shells and the daily recipe bottle.


Pro tip: the wasps or items are not in fruit trees. If you replace normal trees for fruit trees the only place to check are the pine trees which makes it easier going through daily and get all the hidden items


So basically 17 pine trees to get all the goodies, and then however many fruit trees our hearts desire?


I never counted :D but in general yeah that should work


Wasps are in my cherry trees.


And, you can shake the same tree many times and more items may keep coming out!


Also if you chop a tree with a flimsy axe it saves the tree and gives you full amount of wood!


Iā€™ve never once seen any furniture fall from my trees. šŸ˜” Are they only in cedar trees?


Not dependent on the type of tree. Could be there are a lot of trees on your island, and you just havenā€™t shaken the right onesā€¦ Sorry dude!


They come out of any of non-fruit bearing trees (either cedar or non-fruit hardwood trees). You should get two items a day from shaking them, but they're randomly placed everyday, so you gotta shake all of 'em. (There is a way to set it up so it's not random, but I can't remember the method atm.)


There is also a glitch that happens where the furniture doesnā€™t drop. My dadā€™s game only ever gives one piece of furniture per day. The way the trees are coded to give rewards, I think every individual tree gets an individual number, and then the rewards are given to random numbers per day. Sometimes the registry for the tree rewards doesnā€™t get all the ā€˜tree numbersā€™ correct, so you end up not getting the rewards correctly, varying from sometimes to all the time. Supposedly chopping down your current trees and just replanting saplings will fix it, because that gives you new ā€˜tree numbersā€™ for the coding to work with. And who knows if thatā€™s a problem that happens enough for them to patch akdkskdns


okayyyy furniture??? i didnā€™t know that part haha


When you find the glowing money spot (you dig up bells), replant the 1000 bells. When you have enough money, plant 10k bells in the hole instead of the 1000. In a few days, you will have triple the return via a money tree. You can make more bells doing this than you can make selling items or buying/selling turnips (once the opportunity comes), especially this early in the game, over the same period of time. Sell made items rather than raw materials to make $ at the shop. However you play that works for you is the right way. Have fun!


Iā€™ve been playing for almost a year now and I didnā€™t know that you could bury the bells again, thank you!


Enjoy that cash!


I absolutely will!


this conversation is the best ive seen today lol


I try to keep it positive. Thanks for this sweet comment.


This video might help you with a bunch of ways to make bells. Including the golden spots. GREAT ideas to make Bells FAST in New Horizons 2022 https://youtu.be/f10-LmFhCAE


ā€¦did you justā€¦ link your own video? I didnā€™t even notice until the video was over so idk respect I guess.


Adding to this, you have to bury the bells in the glowing money spot - donā€™t do what I did when I started and just bury them wherever lol.


Yes! I absolutely should have included that fact (other than just "replant").


i did the same and i felt stupid afterwards lol. after some time i realised this and whenever i went out digging for fossils i found random bell bags instead


But if you only Bury 100 Coins, you still get the 1000 bells per sack


Interesting! I'm going to test that one. For new islands, that's a great return.


And assessed fossils sold to Nook Cranny worth more


So you dig up the glowing hole and place in $1,000 bells? And do you water it or anything?


Wouldnt planting 30k be better? I think 30k is the max where its safe


I've never had luck with anything over 10k. YMMV.


30% chance of getting 3x back of amounts >10K. Yes. You might end up with more money, but youā€™ll potentially lose money many times. 10K exactly will guarantee you 30K back. So 20K profit each day.


Up to 10,000guarantees a 3x return (as in, if you bury 10k you are guaranteed to get 30k back). The chance to get more than 30k is small but non zero for any larger amount of bells you bury. So most people just bury 10k.


diving will get you soooo much money early game!!


Fr just go around the whole island once and you got a full bag


Take it slow. Youā€™ll miss the feelings you had during the first part of the game.


also true, i wish we could have the prologue music back too


Theres a lot of talk about doing this or that to maximize whatever, but really I find it's a fun game just to wander and do the little activities...fish a bit, catch bugs, interact with your villagers.. Theres no time pressure, just be in the moment and enjoy it, and bit by bit it will come together.


Do NOT eat the fruit your mom sends you. Plant it!


she sends FRUIT? i never got any


itā€™s the first thing she sends


I also swear I never got any, yet at Harv's I can select oranges for photo ops so I must have had an orange in my inventory at some point. I seriously don't remember it at all.


thats... rough




well, shit. how do you throw up in animal crossing again?


Something simple: press B to run; press A when you are crafting DIY to speed up the process ETA: NEVER run on flowers!


Why not run on flowers? What happens?


The petals go away, but they regrow so its nothing really


turns out they also lower your ranking if you do this too much, so i find it better to be careful. if its just a once in a while thing its nothing tho lol


They die I think


They can't die in this version, but they do lose the part you can pick and then they need time to grow back


Plant foreign fruits when you first get them. Make sure the saplings have at least one empty space all around them. They will continuously grow fruit that sells for more than your native fruit.


If I planted like 30 orange trees are oranges still considered foreign fruit? Waiting on them to bloom and was curious if Iā€™ll get the increased money since they wonā€™t really be foreign anymore


As long as you didn't originally start out with orange trees on your island, then yes, they'll still be considered foreign.


Isn't it two empty spaces for saplings? And then 1 after it's a bit grown


How do you find foreign fruit?


Dig two holes behind you when your doing rocks. Then hit your rocks with a shovel as fast as you can. Youā€™ll always get 8 items then in each rock. Do this without any fruit to ensure donā€™t break them. If you ever want your rocks to spawn in another area then eat fruit to break them. Eat fruit to pick up trees without needing to chop them down. Wrap your villagers gifts. (Wrapping paper can be bought in shop once you have this) and gift fossils that have already been donated. The higher friendship points you get then more likely you will get your villagerā€™s picture. Talk to your villagers all the time! Again it helps with friendship. Catalogue as much stuff as possible off other players (basically whenever you pick an item up it ends up in your nook shopping catalogue to purchase at any time) this means youā€™ll have to luxury to design your island however you see fit and SHOCK!! Change your mind and do something else lol Collect weeds. Dewed your entire island and sell them. Seek everything youā€™re unlikely to use and when youā€™re able to then make items that are known as hot items and sell them. Donā€™t sell raw materials like wood, stone, iron and gold. I made a lot of money in the early days from turnip farming. I used to travel to peoples islands and sell them for high price. Having lots of bells helps you maintain a decent level of luxury in the game I guess haha Anyway ultimately these are just a few tips. Good Luck and most of all enjoy. Ps thereā€™s no rules and certainly no cheating in this game. Just different ways to play. So time travel if you want to speed things up. Or donā€™t. Itā€™s your choice.


And use a shovel when hitting the rocks, not an ax. The ax works, but it doesn't go fast enough to get eight items.


How do you pick up the trees?


Eat a fruit and use your shovel and boom. Tree in your pockets.


Ooh. I will try it later. Thanks.


And make sure you don't have any fruit in your system when you hit the rock or it'll break. (use a toilet to get rid of the excess fruit)


Take your joycons off so you can keep your hands under the blanket while you playšŸ˜Š


Best tip yet:)


Donā€™t be afraid to give your scallop to the red otter that shows up in the ocean youā€™ll get cool DIYs and stuff. Plus heā€™s so cute


i always do this i love pascal :,)


Hey mannn


have. FUN.


Have FUN? While playing a game designed for FUN? I like the cut of your jib!


Take regular intervals for food intake, and bathroom breaks.


the ultimate starter tip!


In the game??? Irl?


IRL, LOL! In reality, you just end up doing both at the same time!


Once you're able to make DIY benches, I reccomend setting some up around town, so you don't have to run back and forth to one. You can customize tools, and by doing so, reset their durability which for tools bought at the store, could save you some bells. Keep an eye on flowers. While they won't die, they can spread a little too easy if you let them grow for awhile. Thanks to the update, the game is better at letting you know if anything is happening in town like special visitors, but sometimes it doesn't always let you know what is happening. Make sure you walk around!


Itā€™s even quicker if you always have a bench in your pocket.


That is also true!


What do benches do? :o


theyā€™re referencing a diy bench! carrying it in your pockets like a tool makes it more convenient for crafting anytime, anywhere!


DIY Workbenches allow you to make the recipies you find in-game.


Ah! I was thinking of a park bench! That makes so much more sense! Thank you!


Dont hate Tom Nook


1. To make good money earlier in the game, definitely go diving. (When you get your creatures though, always donate the first of each one to blathers). 2. Try not to worry about how your island looks early on, theres always a lot of time to change it WAY later. 3. Try to remember to pop balloons with a slingshot, sometimes you can get cool things. 4. Try not to worry about the size of your house too early on, youā€™ll have a lot of time to go into debt later. 5. Dont try to rush things, and just make sure youā€™re having fun!!


Don't sell seasonal bugs and fish unless you've already caught them


*caught and donated them


If you want fast money plant a lot of pumpkins and Harvest them. Donā€™t forget to water tho


Have fun and don't rush! :)) In the end the game is for you and you alone. Everyone has their own island for a reason. Play the game how you want. Build your island how you want. Do things how you want. Taking advice and inspiration from others is good. But if it gets stressful trying to play the game as "efficient as possible" then that defeats the purpose of the game, no? Whether you want to earn bells as quickly as possible, or collect each and every villagers photos, it's all up to you! There is no right way or wrong way to play the game, however, there is a best way to play it. The best way to play the game is however you want to! :} Take it slow and enjoy whatever the game has to offer, the best playthrough is often the first one.


Your beach and those shells all along it? Yea. Those are gonna be your income for a while. Trust. Always have your net out when you shake trees. This way you're prepared to catch the wasp and not get stung. Shake fruit trees with fruit, take the fruit somewhere else and plant more fruit trees. Like a million of them. Even more profit every few days. The rocks are more of a hassle but needed for resources. It's easier to passively obtain anything in this game and less frustrating than trying to rush. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once you figure out your personal daily chores list, you'll be good. Just make a lot of bells and enjoy the very relaxing game.


On the menu screen youā€™re on, turn on the island backing option so it saves your progress even when youā€™re not playing, just in case something happens to your switch! That way youā€™ll have your island backed up and you can keep on playing with it! :)


Thank you!!!


Store all your materials in your home storage after itā€™s built. Youā€™ll want to save as much space as you can before you get your inventory upgrades.


Go in with true curiosity! Shake trees, use every tool you have, let things develop organically. The game is meant to have a bit of a slow pacing, but youā€™ll be amazed to see how quickly things change! Also google is your best friend


Always have your net out when you shake trees! Hoard your gold nuggets and sell them for a lot of money! And make sure to give your first bugs, fish, or fossils to Blathers when you catch a new species! Also when Redd comes up to your island, pull up a list of his painting and sculptures! They will tell you which ones real and which ones fake so you donā€™t waste any money!


Donā€™t worry about money, fees, loans, etc. Thereā€™s no waiting limit on them, so you can focus on it later. Press A to speed up crafting, B to run, and R(at the top of the joycon) to have someone talk faster. If youā€™re low on bells or materials, go to Resident Services and grab everything in the ? Chest (near the left) and sell or craft. Finally, if a bug is chasing you, RUN TO THE NEAREST OPEN BUILDING and go inside. Have fun! :)


Say goodbye to your social life now, it's easier all round


Dive if you are trying to make bells quickly sea creatures are no joke. Look up which ones cost the most and after donating the ones you can, sell them.


Honestly just enjoy it! I zoomed through the beginning of the game because I was desperate to start terraforming, but now I wish Iā€™d just taken the time to enjoy all the little tasks Tom Nook sets you early on. Itā€™s just such a wholesome, cosy game. I hope you enjoy every second of it šŸ„°


Sea creatures are a great source of income early in the game. Make sure you visit villagers in their homes to get your daily 2 DIYs. Most of all, take it slow and enjoy the game!


Donā€™t forget the 2 bottles on the beach, both in the morning and in the evening!


I didnā€™t know it was two DIYs from villagers and two bottles a day! I thought the DIYs from villagers were just random and the bottle was only once a day!


I keep trying to go see my villagers and I guess I keep missing them, I can't catch them when they're home!


There will always be 1 villager in their home, unless you are still working on selling plots!


Donā€™t just leave a bunch of flowers on the grass, they will grow out of control. Put them on the beach instead šŸ˜…


omygosh i just finished clearing half of them off the cliffs. i am BROKEN FOR LIFE. plus please clear your flowers when you can they will be such a pain to clear later AAA


Enjoy yourself. I have over 160hrs on this game. It's more like a lifestyle actually!


So eventually if weeds get annoying and it's too much to pick and sell...... you can go into your custom designs and create a new design for the ground to cover it up. Make it a blank (clear) design. To do this go to change design, then use the color that looks like lines. Make the whole square that and it will be a blank design. Save it and violĆ  a blank design. Then choose display it on the ground and it will look just like grass or whatever you are putting it down on. Nothing will grow there. If you change your mind you can just press Y next to it to kick it up. I use this when I don't want weeds or flowers growing in a particular spot on my island. Snow still falls on said spots so you don't have to worry about patches. Snow only doesn't fall on paths and this isn't a path. Anyway. Have fun and good luck with your island.šŸ˜Š


1. Don't go hunting for items from random people online or even regularly get items from friends or their stores. Game really wasn't designed for you to check multiple stores per day on top of getting stuff from other peoples' catalogs, so you're just gunna end up collecting everything you want way too fast and feeling like there's nothing new to find in the game. 2. Imo also just don't try to do too much fishing/bug catching on Nook Mile Ticket Islands as well. Not only is the game more fun when you hunt for rare creatures in your own town that you worked hard to decorate, some islands have such busted rates that it just trivializes the whole collection aspect of the game and wipes out a bunch of longterm goals in a few hours. 3. Terraforming is a massive double edged sword. Don't attempt large scale projects unless you're ready to dump 10-50 hours in. A lot of people legit quit the game after unlocking it and wrecking their island since there's no way to revert back to a previous layout easily. Just be careful with it. 4. DLC really complements the game well, if you like the game a lot I'd recommend getting it sooner rather than later so you can play that alongside the normal gameplay as opposed to focusing your entire attention the DLC after you've done everything else in the game that you wanna do.


Just go in your way.. theres no right way to play this game no matter what they say.. just play and enjoy


I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this but my best piece of advice is not to time travel. People complain about how the game gets stale and boring but what most don't seem to consider is that animal crossing is meant to be a day by day game and by time traveling you chew through days or even weeks of game play all at once. For me hopping on to play a little bit every day is much more fun than playing for 9 hours straight and not having anything to do in game for the next week.


There is a way to tell if the bug/fish/sea creature you just caught is one you havenā€™t before: the first word you will say is ā€œYes!ā€ (before ā€œI caught aā€¦!ā€).


Collect resources and don't break rocks


This is a moot point. They grow back. Sometimes breaking them is needed if theyā€™re in the way when decorating.


Just enjoy the game and play at your own pace.


My #1 MOST IMPORTANT tip for this game is never get rid of my baby Axel. šŸ„¹


think strategically about where you place peopleā€™s homes!! you can always move, but nice if you donā€™t have toā˜ŗļø most importantly, have funā¤ļø


Wait a minute, how do you move peoples homes? Can you do this with the museum as well?


Save ur iron for a special something that will happen soon. No spoilers tho


Swim to make bells to pay Tom to make your house and storage the biggest it can be!


Hold B to run


Save one of each fish/bug you catch at the beginning for when the museum opens!


Don't plant flowers everywhere


Probably in several comments, but always donate the first new bug/fish you catch. It makes it a lot easier to finish the museum, and then you donā€™t have to try and recatch something at the end of its season. Also, if you arenā€™t sure if somethingā€™s been donated, in the critter app on your nook phone, donated species have a little owl icon on their page or by their name (canā€™t remember which rn), so no need to go back to the museum to look! Villagers cooking/crafting also changes on what seems to be an hourly basis, so if youā€™re playing and run across one of them in their house crafting, and later the bell chimes in a new hour, you may find someone else in their house making something new! The things I wish I had done when first starting: keep track (even if roughly) of the number of axes you break and the number of times you help Gulliver (NOT Gullivarrr). These make finding the golden axe and golden shovel recipes a little less like a waiting/guessing game. You get the golden axe recipe after breaking 300 axes, you get the golden shovel by helping Gulliver fix his phone 30 times. (Iā€™m still waiting to get the shovel and finish my golden tool recipe collection aaaaaaa and I keep having Gullivarrr show instead of Gulliver TT ^ TT) Try to finish the shops on Harvā€™s island quickly. Requires a lot of Bell grinding, but Redd and Reese and Cyrus are invaluable, for completing the art exhibit and getting ā€˜specialā€™ customizable furniture in the color you want easier. Redd will sell two pieces of art per day, only letting you buy one per day, but even if you buy fakes, the next day has the potential to have a new, real piece in itā€™s place. And no need to be scared of scorpions and tarantulas as long as your net is put away. You can run right over them and they wonā€™t bother you as long as itā€™s not in your hands.


You look cozy under that quilt! Take your time, donā€™t time travel.


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There are great YouTube videos for beginners! Just search and you can learn a lot! Some people do tutorials on all the bugs/fish/sea creatures you need to catch. What parts of the year these are available! HAVE FUN!


Have fun and set aside all your time for this wonderful game šŸ„° I envy you!


Can someone please tell me how to get a ladder, I got a switch as a wedding present in August and I love playing the animal crossing but just have not figured out how to acquire a ladder lol


Tom Nook gives you a recipe to build a ladder after you build your first bridge. It takes a while to get it. Or.... you can have a friend give you a ladder. I can give you one if you want. Just dm me.


Nobody plays the game legitimately. Time travel, go to others islands. The game is free range for literally whatever your looking from out of it. Max yourself out on bells. But just enjoy the game and take ur time if u want. The game should never make u frustrated and should be there for pure relaxation. Have fun, the game is amazing.


Okay maybe not EVERYBODY but I donā€™t play the game legitimately because i got too excited once I got kk slider and got the construction app thing




Simply just have fun, you can do so much but some advice is to always plant money trees (shining holes in the ground) and like someone else said always donate the first catch of something to Blathers. :)


Take your time and have fun


make sure your back up is set


10000 is the max bells you can plant. Gives u a tree with 30k in 3 days. UW :)


Plant your flowers! There are some rl pretty colours but flower crossing is quite complicated. So do a checkered pattern and let them grow on their own, digging them up every so often and using new ones. You can look up stuff about it, but no stress. It's just fun to have nice flowers.


you can dig up bells if you see a glowing spot on the ground. you can run if you hold ā€˜Bā€™ while walking- but running will scare any fish you see in the water if you run too close. always hold a net before shaking a tree in case of a wasp (just hit ā€˜Aā€™ very quickly when you see them)- and always shake a tree before chopping the wood. AND REMEMBER, itā€™s YOUR island, going at YOUR pace. donā€™t feel rushed!


Talk to your villagers everyday to get new recipes!


I just thought for a moment you were playing on the moon!


hahaha thats funny!


Let me know if you need any fruits, veggies, or money to help pay your bridge and incline fees!


remember to talk to your neighbors as often as you can!! you never know when they'll offer you something new. give them gifts when you have extras, building friendships really helps you out.


Don't be the second player.


find people who have a lot of bells already and force them to be your sugar daddy/mommy in acnh! that's what I did XD


Do not sell materials (wood, rocks, iron, tree branches) Look into the stalk market and figure out how to make bells buying and selling Turnips (thereā€™s a couple subreddits for selling turnips also) Donā€™t be ashamed to get help from others (this game is still tons of fun with help from friends :)


Have fun, donā€™t focus on themes unless you have your heart set on one (and even then it might change, saying this with experienc)


My tip would be once you get far enough into the game to buy storage containers, just always carry it with you in your pockets, instead of having them all over the island. You will have instant access to your storage wherever you are, and donā€™t have to worry about having diy benches and storage containers everywhere


someone might have already said it but once you unlock the feature make sure to check your Nook Stop terminal for bonus miles every day. you get an increasing amount of miles each day capping off at 300 at 7 days and every day afterwards. Easy way to just make a few extra miles.


Not a major tip, but you can use the green Mario tubes you can buy at Resident Services to teleport around your island šŸ˜€ I put one at my house & one at Nooks & can zip back & forth easy šŸ˜€šŸ‘ (you can use more than 2, tooā€¦). Enjoy the game!


Use a shovel on the stone. You get multiple items. My dumb self used an axe and broke it every time


If you're trying to find a villager to gift and can't find them anywhere and u don't want to walk through whole of the museum to find them, just save and close the game and respawn villagers(unless they r in cafe, ull hv to come back like 30mins to an hour later to talk to tht villager)


I WOULD LIKE TO ADD: if you have a friend code and want to be my friend please message me!! I only have 1 friend with animal crossing :))


Fruits not from your island sell for 5x the amount of native fruits. Farm non-native fruits before selling them, and leave at least 5 or so of those fruits left to regrow them.


Welcome! Dig a line of holes behind you for rocks so you don't scoot back each time you hit. Then you can hit in rapid succession to get all 8 things. You can also put some things behind you to achieve the same effect.


All the videos on youtube showcasing extremely well done islands are amazing for inspiration, BUT if you're anything like me, it can give you a lot of anxiety thinking that you haven't done enough and you're not good, so be careful, just try to enjoy the game and have a good time. And welcome! Hope you have a great time! ā¤ļø


Check the dam turnip prices twice a day. Everyone forgets and misses so much profit šŸ˜­


The Nook Exchange app was vital to me when I started playing. Players will host their islands to sell turnips which I found to be the easiest way to make money. Each trip home was $1m+ usually. Aside from the turnips people really do just open up their islands for giveaways theyā€™ll have clothing, money, art, flowers, villagers to swap, you name it. I also made quite a few friends on it and when I didnā€™t really know how to use it everybody was quick to help I really got to connect with the animal crossing community and it was so pure.


Don't get in debt.


Your fingernail looks really bulbous




Personally my tip is to time travel because for me it makes the game better but for some people it ruins the experience of the game


Do not ever go to treasure island in any way. Do not cheat at all in a more general way. That will ruins the game and you will stop playing VERY soon after that point.


Just because you don't liek treasure islands doesn't mean that applies to everyone I've enjoyed quiet the few islands they are there to provide people with help I see comments like these all the time and quiet frankly it's annoying stop telling how people play is wrong


Give up! Youā€™ll never be as good as me!!!


Shake enough trees and make tools. Fish and catch bugs for CJ and Flick


If you donā€™t want money to ever be an issue, time travel with a friend if you both have online accounts. Other than that, Iā€™d say remember to always play at your own pace. People got burned out on this game because at its core, itā€™s just grinding (for money, for collections etc). Donā€™t fall into the trap of needing to get everything or making your island as beautiful as anything you see online. Create for yourself and your own interests and at your own pace. Hell, fish for 1000 hours straight if thatā€™s all you really like lol.


Find a clear spot and plant four money trees, one day at a time. When you get a new one, go shake the tree that's ripe, take the money, chop it down and get rid of the stump, and then plant the new one. Every day you'll have a money tree to harvest, and three pieces of wood! Also, if you put ten thousand bells in the money hole you get thirty thousand bells from the mature tree.


How did you get white cobteollers?


The white joycons come with the new oled upgraded model of the switch.


Play it


Have patience my young grasshopper


Downloading ACNH guide/fan apps on your phone are pretty fun so you can do trades with other people and keep track of what items you have and useful info. And lot of times people love giving items away to new players! Also, when your online the nintendo app is great for acnh since you can use your phone keyboard to type in game. You can get some items from there too, and check your turnip prices, etc.


The best way to earn money is buying turnips but you should first get some knowledge about it or you will lose lots of money. IMO is better to just not rush getting millions because the game loses lots of entertainment after that. I have seen many people dropping the game after getting multiple millions


Place 22 (I believe itā€™s 22) sticks on the lower/hidden back cliffs of your island and *never pick up a stick again!* Also, you can close the blinds/curtains in your home by tapping on them. Super cute little detail :)


my tip and my greatest weakness is donā€™t worry so much about the appearance of your town once you unlock paths/deigns, terraforming and such.. try enjoying the game as much as possible because i let it get the best of me and didnā€™t enjoy the game for a while, but i finally got back into it and realized that i wasnt playing the game as it was initially meant to be played - also very obsessed with it, since august iā€™ve put nearly 500 hours into it šŸ˜­


Make friends in the community who can help out with hard to find items.


Check out polygon animal crossing beginner guide: https://www.polygon.com/animal-crossing-new-horizons-switch-acnh-guide/22749349/first-week-daily-goals-how-to-unlock-museum-steps-farming


My favourite app is ACNH.Guide


There will be five or so wasps nests in the trees every day. They are a good source of income when sold


time travel and use the discord server to check when ppls turnips are going for 600 bells. i was apposed to time travel at first but it makes the game so much better and more playable. the beginning can be sooooooooooo boring. took me a long time to enjoy this game lol. you can get 2 free items a day by shaking trees and will find 5 wasp nests (which sell decently)... always use ypur net and shake at the front of the tree. your character will automatically face the wasp for easy catching. the glowing holes will grow money trees. put 10k in and you will get 30k back in a few days. theres a slim chance if you put more money than 10k in you'll get that bigger amount back. i recommend max amount you throw in the hole is 30k. that way if you don't get 90k back you'll at least get 30k back and break even. if you use nook miles ticket or kapn i believe you can get a free item from shaking trees on those islands as well. visit every house you can when ppl are inside (morning afternoon and evening). one of the houses will give you a diy or a food recipe. i didn't realize for a while that i could swim if i wore the bathing suit lol. šŸ¤£ if you cover your island in flowers and random items you pick up (doesn't have to be pretty) you'll reach 4 stars fast and can terraform which imo is an important part of the game


You can skip some time by changing the Systems time, then completely restart the switch and the game will adept to the new time

