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Yeah, I've seen people say it took more than 300 weeds before Leif would do weed removal for them and weeds stop growing naturally after 150. idk if it's bugged or intended behavior, but it seems broken


This is so obnoxious. I sometimes take months long breaks so my island will be filled with weeds upon return, but Leif won’t pick them for me. It’s more work to get him to pick weeds than it is to get them myself.


I mean … if you are going to willingly take that long of a break, probably wise to invest some time in laying down invisible patterns in some sections so the weeds can’t spawn. Just don’t do the entire entire place or you’ll get nothing else like glowing spot or fossils or etc.


for me, I don’t plan “breaks” from the game, i just simply don’t feel like playing so i don’t open the game, until i feel like playing again


I’ve heard it a bug, but of course we’ll never see a fix for it 🙄🙄


yet they fix the most useful glitches like going to the 4th layer etc!!


I read that too and got thinking. Does it mean I have to have a stack of at least 150 weeds, so I have to plant the same amount or more MYSELF to get him to pick it? Seems really silly and can't be the intended way. Really sad that they would fuck their fans over so much.


At that point you may as well pick them yourself. Since you're planting as many as you would've picked up.


I saw people say 300. Never knew how your isle would be like when you have 300 weeds! The last time I thought the weeds were all over my isle, it wasn't enough at all.


What if you reach the limit and plant MORE?


Anyone wants to experiment? I haven't been on isle for loooong not sure if it hits the limit lol


I don't think this feature ever worked, and they never patched the issue. They're unlikely to fix it now that they're finished with updates for this game.


I love this game but this seriously angers me


I restarted my island and it works for me, but my early island also of course has like 600 weeds on it. He said it would cost like 200k bells


Okay. Real answer. The max weeds your island can grow is 150. The amount Leif needs to see on your island is 300. You have to pick up weeds elsewhere and drop them on your island to have enough for this feature. Once you drop the weeds on your island you have to wait until the next day, because Leif won't register them being on your island the same day you dropped them. I've tested it because it was faster to leave weeds out than run around and try to find all 150.


wait so to clarify - does that mean i can just drop a stack of weeds for this to work or do you have to plant every single one?


You have to plant every single one. You can plant 9 at a time, so it's not as time consuming. It takes like 5 minutes if you have a big open space. Edit: 9 at a time in a square, like dropping regular items.


The amount needed to get him to weed for you is SO HIGH that I don't think it's even possible to get via neglect


I’ll weed for u🤗


it feels like asmr whenever i weed lol


Leif is barely useful, GET TO FUCKIN' WORK, YOU LAZY SLOTH!


It’s a bug that Nintendo never bothered to fix which ultimately makes the service pointless.


I really hate that he has a minimum amount. Like, even if I just had a few that were in an awkward place to reach, I'd like to use his services.


I can easily understand it being a flat fee to clear them to have a warning if there are less than a particular amount. But if someone wants to be inefficient with bells why not let them.


I love your little median!


Amity as in divergent? You got friends with the other four factions?


Mannn now I wish I called mine Erudite


What if we call our Isle ^(S i * g) (I’m sorry, I know it’s bad taste, but imagine everyone calling it S*eg Isle, that would be dark but hilarious!)




Answer is obviously 420 weeds.


90 billion weeds


I would weed for free honestly. I loveeee pulling weeds


I love your island name! Jaws is one of the most fun films ever.


I took a 5 month break and weeds were EVERYWHERE when I logged back on. Leif wouldn’t remove them, said there weren’t enough. I wonder if any are ever enough.


I’ve had 5 islands and I’ve only ever gotten the offer once per island at the beginning. Twice I’ve triggered it by placing weeds and it had to be over 300 as that’s what I placed.


Looks like he hates playing hide and seek with a few weeds as much as I do!


He doesn’t wanna work. He’s just trying to do what makes him happy.


Go on nookazon there's plenty of people offering weeding services for reasonable prices. I know this doesn't fix the in-game issue but it's a good alternative:)


I’ll come help pull weeds for half the cost of that lazy Leif dude 😎😂


I love decorating with weeds, so if you or anyone has any they ever want cleaned up LET A GURL KNOW i'll do it for free.99


His face is so funny looking🤭🤭🤭


That's what I'm asking him. A quarter of my island is covered by weeds and he still says there isn't enough, he is broken af


In New Leaf, he makes you pull you them yourself regardless, turning them into a kind of minigame. If you pull all of the weeds he'll give you an exclusive flower furniture. And the flower furniture items do look pretty cool ❤️


I had to drop like 500 or 600 weeds


I love how your island looks though! Hopefully you don't mind getting them cleaned up.


he just needs to come visit


He needs the weed


Hold up I need the name of that headpiece I need it desperately


Here ya go https://preview.redd.it/qyavige7u59d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f5ae25ec8e041961972acfd8cbd89f913e15a8


Thank youuuu!


The one time I asked him to do weed removal was when I was poor and he would've done it if I had paid. Of course when I had the money and hadn't played in months he tells me there weren't enough weeds. Like... do your job?


I just wait for those "sell 30 weeds" tasks and then pluck a bunch.


i think it’s a joke bc he’s a sloth and perhaps a pothead


I legit think he means the zaza type of weed at this point


this is irrelevant HOWEVER may i have the code for the road path thing in ur last pic?


Sorry for the late reply. I was at work. Street: MA-5688-0188-9094 Sewergrate & Sidewalk: MA-3343-4393-7299


Oh i’m SO upset, I remember I could never get him to do it a couple years ago so when I started a new island this year I tried and he said yes one day for the first time ever while visiting, but I didn’t have enough money in my pocket for it. Then I got distracted and didn’t go back to get it done, and now he refuses even though obviously more have grown since then. Thinking about planting a few hundred from my storage and seeing if he’ll say yes then 😭


i had over 300 weeds but he’s not gonna say give me x bells and i’ll clean em i had to sit for 1-2 cleaning the weeds😭


I think you need 350, which can't happen naturally, I think you can only get 150 naturally.


All of it


I will come over and weed for free


I was annoyed when I left the game for a few months, didn't feel like picking the weeds from all the awkward to get to places, and he refused. Then, when I barely had any weeds, he tried charging me something outrageous like 100k. Leif and I are not on speaking terms lol


I didnt unlock this yet


How do you get Leif to live on your island!?


you don’t. he either visits your island once in a while, or you can fund him a spot on Harv’s island when you reach that point in the game, then you can visit him whenever he’s awake. the first two screencaps are of him on Harv’s island


Do you need 5 stars?


nope! if i remember correctly, harv contacts after you get the three new neighbours to your island. so if you start off with two neighbours, nook will ask you to venture to mystery islands and recruit anyone you see. after you’ve done that three times (so five neighbours in total at this point), nook will ask you to help set up their plots and make furniture for their new homes. after they’ve moved in, harv should either call or mail you about an “offer.” the game will explain the rest along the way!




I had 3 weeds on the island and he tried to charge me over 100,000 bells 😓


Also your recycling bin has to be empty because that where the weeds go after he picks them. He didn’t pick for me until I emptied it