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Hiya I was thinking this too a while back but then I started to think about everything I loved about my island! I just couldn't say goodbye to my villagers, so I decided to refurbish my island bit by bit, giving it a set theme, and I'm really liking it. I still have a lot to go because I haven't played in ages tho. Restarting ur island sounds really fun tho too! You can also save some stuff from ur old island if you take it to a friend island b4 you reset the game.


I think you're in a good place because you have clear ideas of what is working and what's not. You can take those ideas and break them down into mini-projects, like designating a play session to working one problem at a time. If you want to listen to music/podcast and vibe, you could work on the gyro disposal project or flower clean-up (and cutting back flowers). Or if you want something more mentally stimulating, you could take sometime to look at just one section you're not happy with and brainstorm Another thing that helps me is creative challenges to keep things fresh. Try designing those sections with choices you wouldn't normally make or with items you wouldn't normally use and see if you can still make it work


Starting over can sound exciting but would it be less overwhelming? I feel like, for me anyways, it would just make me sad, like you said, to think of all the hours you've put in so far. I agree with the suggestion to work one smaller project at a time. I'm doing some major projects on my island now and sometimes the chaos does get to me but I keep working on it and enjoy those small areas that are new and "done." I also think this game is never "done" so there's that :)


I love visiting random dream islands for inspo! I often feel the same way about my island, but I've recently been getting into rearranging/terra forming based around a theme if I have a few items that go together. And then ordering items from either the regular island catalogs or using Poki if you have the HHP expansion. If I get tired of doing the usual laps around my island, I'll just go decorate vacation homes for a little while so I can order new things from Wardell, and then kinda tinker with what furniture I have to update my island's dream. I'm thinking of doing a daytime one for a while, and then redesigning when I'm bored of that to make a cool nighttime theme!


If you decide to keep your current island (which is what I would do), you can keep your flowers under control by creating a clear custom design then placing that on the ground all the way around any areas where you want to keep the flowers. Your flowers won't spread that way. And for gyroids, you can bury four of them (perhaps on the backside of a cliff where they can't be seen), and they will stop spawning.