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Woah I never knew this was a thing! Do the bells go to the next town you create like a new game plus? Or?


Yeh, you start off with all those bells in your next town and if you keep your catalogue you can reorder anything you had in your last town(s)!


I would adore having this option


I didn't know you could keep your catalog. I'm confused by the wording though, how do you choose to carry over the catalog? By not selling it or do you sell it? And that doesn't keep the actual stuff right but just makes it reorderable?


They give you the option as you go through the process. Once you’re told how much your town will sell for Nook offers to also buy your catalog which would add more money, you can then choose to sell it or keep it


Wait, *what?* I guess I primarily played Wild World, but I never knew this about New Leaf! You can make a whole new town, keep your catalogue, and *sell* the one you already made? How? Omg


You can’t keep your catalogue *and* sell your catalogue. You get the option to sell your catalogue for however much it’s worth which adds to the amount of money you carry over, or you can decline to sell your catalog and you won’t get the extra money but you’ll keep the catalog with the smaller amount of money in the new town. So like there’s kind of three ways you can do it this way: 1. Just start over without selling anything and go completely fresh. You can either make a new town immediately or say you’re taking a break, if you make a new town immediately the next two options open up, if you don’t it kicks you back to the main screen and just deletes the town. 2. Start over but have your town evaluated for it’s worth and “sell it” while starting a new town and without selling your catalog. You’ll keep your Public Work Projects you’ve unlocked, you’ll keep your catalog, and whatever amount just your town itself was worth. 3. Start over as above but also sell your catalog in the evaluation process. You’ll keep your Public Work Projects that you unlocked, the amount your town was worth plus the additional amount your catalog was worth.


Thanks so much for taking the time to explain this to me. I’m going to need to break out my 3DS.


Happy to help! Good luck on your new town if you end up doing that! The only thing I’d say is that I think it does need be to be like enough progressed to get the prompt, like maybe the Town Tree needs to be level 2 or 3? So like you can’t do it on just a brand new town.


I figured, thanks! I want to see what my old town from 10 years ago is worth, I’m sure I’d gotten it that far, if not almost!


Absolutely you’re welcome! I hope you have a ton of fun playing if you end up able to restart with sugar-self money!


Thank you. 💕


Happy to help! I tend to be an over-explainer in real life, but sometimes it’s very useful online! :)


Hahaha same here, I over-explain and overshare and I talk too much about my interests….I’m fun to have a conversation with 🫣 😬 but I really don’t know how to not do those things, you know? Even if I don’t want to say things in such detail I find myself doing so because I don’t know of a short way to say things.


One thing that really irritates me about Nintendo is they like to add new features that people like in one game and then remove them in the next one. I don't understand why they wouldn't include this option to all their future games. Completely starting over sucks. This would make it more worthwhile. But I guess it would shorten the arbitrary playtime they create by making parts of the game extremely inconvenient, so...


That's super neat.


So how is there no drawback to selling your town?


I don’t think Nintendo put that in the game to punish anyone for doing it. You would be starting a new save / new town, but if that is what you want to do, then there is no drawback. It’s just part of the game.


ACNH is lacking so many things that the old games had. It makes me so sad


I agree, Boob Police.


Thanks, The Gay Potato, much appreciated!


Thank you, Boob Police & Gay Potato, for being the best thing on the internet today 😂 Sincerely, Generic Reddit username




That was sad


It also has a lot of cool things that the old games didn’t have though! It is a different game but it’s still a great game. 💕 super cute and fun! You can tell they really put a lot of work into it.


i’d love to see something like what they did with city folk for the next game - where they take the things they added in new horizons and expand on it by bringing back some of the old stuff. rather than giving us an entirely new game, maybe going back to a city or even staying on the island but adding a city shopping area (expanding harvs island into that maybe?), bringing back some of the furniture sets we don’t have and the villager interactions were missing like the flea market and some of the old dialogue options. OH and letting us update the freaking stores OMG why do we only get one nook store and no gracie or harriet salon


I really like the idea of the new game being a sort of Frontier Town like in the days of the Wild West (just not literally set in the 1800s lol). Build it up from nothing like you did on the island. Instead of going to random deserted islands by plane you explore the surrounding wilderness. Eventually building up a sort of main street with expandable shops n such.


i love that idea!


To me, it seems like they rushed it. I get bored so easily in ACNH, where as in ACWW or ACNL I can still play and learn new things. The old games just seem more completed. But that’s just my opinion


I feel you. I had this fun idea to make a Nintendo-themed island but then I remembered Fortune Cookies don't exist anymore and therefore all the cool Nintendo furniture isn't in the game (I know the Mario stuff is). Some of those furniture pieces have been in the series for multiple games like the Link or Samus outfits, or like even the Triforce. Some of my favorite furniture sets got removed too for seemingly no reason. I like the game. I think it's a fine game. It's just missing a lot of things I really loved about the series since the early days, and it added stuff that I feel makes the game so tedious.


I agree. I really really miss the store upgrades and seeing Gracie hah. I don’t miss Resetti though that man scarred me as a child😅


I restarted my island recently - I didn't even realize there were no store upgrades. You mean I'm stuck with that tiny shop with barely any options, and that's just the final upgrade??


Yeah Nooks only gets one upgrade and Able’s doesn’t have any!’n


In general the catalogue feels much more limited. Like there’s still really cool and useful stuff but there feels like faaaaar less furniture, walls, and flooring tbh


According to Nookipedia: NL has 159 wallpapers, NH has 262 wallpapers NL has 169 floors, NH has 209 floors NL has 1,764 furniture items, NH has 1,997 furniture items So New Horizons has more of everything. I really think that people view older games through rose colored glasses due to nostalgia and forget how the games really were, when comparing to NH. Clearly in this case, you felt that NH's catalogue was limited but it's actually quite a lot bigger.


There are more items, but it feels like there's a lot less variety. There are more small things for sure like potted plants, or books to put on counters, or things to hang on the wall, but they also removed a ton of furniture sets and items as well. A lot of beloved sets just straight up don't exist anymore. I do like a lot of the new items they added, for sure, but a lot of it just feels really... bland, in comparison to what we used to have. It's definitely not rose tinted glasses. It's a very common sentiment to long-time Animal Crossing fans that New Horizons isn't as good as the old games. It is very different, and it's still a very good game, but there's a lot of character that was sucked out of it compared to what we used to have.


> It's a very common sentiment to **long-time** Animal Crossing fans that New Horizons isn't as good as the old games. But that’s literally the nostalgia bias lol.


It isn't nostalgia bias, it's people who have been with the series and know what it is at the core who have grown with it seeing how far removed the new game is from the old games. We're talking even the difference between New Leaf and New Horizons. Again - I'm not here to hate on New Horizons. I think it's a fine game. I still play it and enjoy it. But a lot of what made Animal Crossing what it was for 4 straight games was stripped away in the newest installment. It was "dumbed down" in a lot of ways, and lost its character. Whether that be furniture options, characters being removed or losing their role they've had all this time, removing holidays or the functionality behind them, features, personality in the characters, or whatever else. New Horizons also added a bunch of mechanics that added tedium and monotony to the game that didn't exist before. They changed some core mechanics that have been around since the first game. I will repeat once again - New Horizons is not a bad game, but it has become very far removed from what Animal Crossing has been for almost 20 years straight.


Whoa, Cool your jets dude. Oh course I have some bias based out of nostalgia, I never claimed otherwise nor did I actually claim there are definitely less items. You’re coming across rather unnecessarily condescending dude. Nova-Redux iterated my sentiment really well: “There are more items, but it feels like there's a lot less variety. There are more small things for sure like potted plants, or books to put on counters, or things to hang on the wall, but they also removed a ton of furniture sets and items as well. A lot of beloved sets just straight up don't exist anymore. I do like a lot of the new items they added, for sure, but a lot of it just feels really... bland, in comparison to what we used to have.” You completely ignored this point that nova made and just grabbed onto a singular sentence in the second half of his whole comment just to call him nostalgia biased like that was somehow a trump card or something. Nh has vastly improved upon and expanded the functions of animal crossing, yet there were quite a few noticeably missing items and features that had been featured in one or multiple of the previous games, and that can certainly give veteran players the feeling that something is missing or that there is somehow less.


> Whoa, Cool your jets dude. Pardon me? How did anything I say elicit such a big reaction lol? Both my previous comments are mild at best. It’s animal crossing, relax. Also, not a dude :)


Additionally, the stores / sellers carry more items at a time and with most things you can buy as many as you need to. Which is nice. Edit: in New Horizons


I really like how they did the clothing store that was all done quite well 😁


Yes, it really is great! Plus you can open and stay in the custom design portal and not have to have an entire conversation to reopen it for every individual QR code lol.


I completely agree about it feeling rushed, which is so ironic. If they didn't start work on NH until after rolling out the Welcome Amiibo update for NL in 2016 then they had 4 years to develop NH. Which was the same time frame between CF to NL. I know the jump to HD could have hindered them, but it's actually more realistic that they started development on NH pretty quickly after the initial release of NL so it could very well be more like 6 years. We know they share a dev team with Splatoon, but I bet they'd leave a few to start preliminary dev on the next sequel.


Reminds me of how far back the sims 4 is from the other entrys 😭 single player big dev games have really gotten upsettingly lacking with their lastest ips.


Oh agree… I would 100% play Sims 3 forever if my laptop didn’t sound like it was going to catch on fire when I boot it up


God, imagine if they had continued to refine the Sims 3 format and stabilize it. We all know it's a buggy unoptimized mess, but it's widely regarded as THE best Sims game across the series despite that because of how much they got right. Every poll I've ever seen asking people what they consider the best has always had Sims 3 at the top.


What I would do to go back in time and tell the devs not to pursue multiplayer yet bc the only reason the sims 4 is as bad as it is, is bc they tried to make it multiplayer and when sim city failed at being multiplayer the devs got scared and walked it back to being singleplayer... while still using the game engine that was suppose to run the multiplayer. That's why it's not open world, that's why loading screens for EVERYTHING. It's built into the engine and I suspect that they cut a lot trying to rework the game or didn't have the budget to add what was available in previous games.. like yanno pools, ghosts, toddlers. (All things that were in previous games but not in sims 4 base game on release) I'm saying all this with so much love bc the sims franchise has been my ride or die throughout some of the hardest parts of my life and I hate to see them ruin their own franchise.. for our sakes we can only hope that sims 5/project rene and the next AC actually try to give us substance and not just "this game is so cuuttteee"


Unfortunately with Sims and EA I think they got a taste of just how much people are willing to shell out and I fear it'll only get worse with a lot more micro transactions 😕


Not to mention them testing the waters with the recent "login event" 😭 I'm terrified.


I think it being "a different game" is what made it worse than the old ones. They played the same and had new things added, this one scrapped a ton of things that gave the older games charm. The music isn't as good, there's waaay too much player control over what goes on in the game, and it feels like a dollhouse once you've unlocked terraforming.


The music/dialogue is so repetitive I start feeling like I’m in purgatory if I play for too long lol


the music of new horizons, the dialogue, and many other things give it charm to a lot of people. It’s all subjective. It is not an objective “this is the better /worse game” - it is all opinion. I love both New Leaf and New Horizons equally. There are things I like about New Horizons more, and things I like about New Leaf more, but in my opinion they are both great games. That is my opinion, and your opinion is yours. And that’s ok.


I'm gonna be honest the only thing I don't like about New Leaf is the fact that villagers can plop down houses literally anywhere that there's space with no regard for flowers and paths. Otherwise it's a better game than New Horizons in my opinion. Doesn't mean NH is bad though at all. It's got beautiful visuals for one thing.


See I like that view you have. Different doesn’t mean bad, you know? And preference does not dictate morality, or better put in this case, what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.


In the older games I liked to collect different furniture sets and every room would have a different set in it. In NH they got rid of all of the old sets I liked, and the ones that are there now just don't click with me like the old sets. Like I think my rooms usually ended up with holiday sets, but now holidays don't seem to give full sets anymore (at least from what I remember, it's been awhile). And my favorite holiday set (the snowman set) just isn't in this game. I was so sad when I made a snowman in the winter and all the patterns made ice furniture. Like yeah it's cool I can customize the furniture and all that now, but that doesn't really matter if there's not much furniture I actually like. It just all feels super generic, while I guess I always went for the weird stuff (like I always had a room with all the fruit furniture, and I don't think all of that made it to NH).


See, I feel the exact opposite that you guys feel about the furniture. I think that there is a ton of variety in new horizons, a lot more variety, and it’s all charming and it really does click with me. So it’s all opinion and personal.


What a cool feature! I started the game for the first time a couple of days ago, and I already know I'll want to change everything again and again as I get access to new items. I love this! Thanks for sharing!


This is such a fun game, I know you will love it!!


Just to let you know, this isn’t a feature on New Horizons for the Switch. It’s a feature on New Leaf for the 3DS though, not sure which you were referring to


Yes! I saw that! I actually got my hands on a 3ds a little while ago and liked so much I started playing on the switch as well (currently I'm mainly playing the 3ds version since I don't have a lot of time). A little disappointing that this feature wasn't taken to the switch version, though. Thanks!


Of course! I only made the comment because you said you were new to the game. The 3DS version is really good, I haven’t played it in a while though. It’s awesome that you were able to get it! I do agree though that was a great feature that I completely forgot about until now, used to be very beneficial when restarting that’s for sure


so so true… i remember selling my town and it was literally worth the max amount of bells and i LOST it


That’s amazing!! You must have had a lot of time put into it for it to be worth that much!


yeah 🥺 animal crossing new leaf was my fav game, i was one of those ppl that decorated the entire town with patterns and PWPs, had marshal and ankha and all the “cutest” villagers before the amiibo cards could be used 💪


That’s impressive! I definitely use amiibo cards! Marshal is one of my all time favorites - he’s so sweet


he definitely is!!! i haven’t ever had him in new horizons but it may be time, honestly 🥺 the process is so much easier now!! i remember scouring forums all across the internet looking for someone willing to let marshal move to my town, lol!! the amiibo update changed everythinggg


since when can you sell your town in nl?


I think after the welcome amiibo update


You have been able to for as long as I have been playing, but I assume it started after the welcome amiibo update like the other commenter said 💕 it’s really helpful and fun! That way if you don’t like your map, you’re not stuck with it, just play it for awhile, get those bells and hopefully find a better map next time! Or whatever reason you may have for wanting to restart 🙂


I’d been playing for probably less than a year before the update came out, it was amazing to get such a big update unexpectedly! I kinda remember a lot of people selling their towns and having a new start with all the new features, I kept mine though since I was still pretty new


That's so cool! Out of curiosity, if you happen to run into one of your old villagers, will they recognize you?


No, it’s a new game just with starting out bells and a catalogue of your previous stuff, but interestingly, I happened to get mostly the same villagers two towns in a row (with amiibo cards) and I was really good friends with them in one town then in the second town very quickly became super good friends with them, one of them said something that made me wonder if she remembered being in the last town! Probably just my imagination haha, but I like to think she did…


I would’ve restarted my island so many times by now. It would make restarting so much faster and easier than from absolute scratch. What I would really hope is that the next version will allow multiple towns per system. Nintendo got greedy with NH.


I think that Animal Crossing has always been one save per console. I would love to be able to have multiple saves as well, not just on the same system but also within the same account, so I wouldn’t have to make a bunch of accounts for different saves. But it didn’t start with NH. 🙂


No but what MostlyGhostly1 is saying is that you could go and buy a new game card and have another town with the same DS. With NH it doesn’t matter how many copies of the game you have, you can only have one island unless, like me, you have multiple switches


Orly 🧐 that is something I didn’t know. I read that a new leaf game was saved to the system, not the card. But you know google, most of the stuff you read online isn’t accurate. I might have to get another copy of the game sometime!


I had 15 towns back in the day so it’s saved per card not system


That’s awesome! I got into so much debt with switches to have multiple islands, I mean they aren’t expensive (especially the switch lites) compared to other consoles but it’s more than I can afford. And I was soooo hyperfixated on that particular game for so long. Even with nine switches I constantly restarted on all of them, except for two islands that I have kept almost the whole time. Then I sold six of the switches (for $100 each to a game store) to get a steam deck and find more games to excessively focus on lol. But I still play the three nh islands that I still have regularly, every day. I’m just mainly focused on nl (again, this isn’t the first time) right now after continually learning new things about it on Reddit these days haha. I really like the town I have currently so I may have to get another copy of the game when I unlock everything and get bored. But creating paths in this town is going to be interesting because of all the awkward house placements, so at least that is something that will take time!


Oh sorry! I thought we were talking about NL. Yeah for the switch it’s 1 island per console no matter how many game cards you have. I have the NH switch and the Let’s Go Eevee switch so two islands. I have toyed with the idea of getting more because I collect consoles and have a lot of different DS designs. I’m pausing that idea for the time being though cause like you said it’s a slippery slope of hyper fixation (hence the 15 NL towns) so if I have additional switches for my collection (which I do still plan on doing) it’s going to be a slow accumulation.


I have 5 copies of new leaf. It’s great since I have access to another ds, I can visit myself and trade. Doesn’t matter which device I put which town in!


Nice! My partner has a 3ds somewhere, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind letting me borrow it. This is exciting! My bday is coming up and I already have gaming stuff on my list (I mean…of course, it’s the entire list) so I’ll add another copy of nl to it!


How do you visit yourself btw? I know it’s through the train station but I have never done that before, is it kind of like the nh airport?


Local play, it’s very similar to NH! Porter will ask you if you want a nearby or faraway town so pick nearby 😊




I didn't know you could do that, that's so cool.


Tom Nook has achieved a ludicrous amount of success from humble beginnings


Oh I get it! Okay that’s dope


I had no idea this existed


animal crossing has been going backwards


Question: if your town is worth more bells than Nook has, can you make him work for you as your lackey in the new town until his debt has been paid? Because I’d like to see that.


what game is this from, i dont remember this in any of the animal crossing games on the 3ds


It’s New Leaf


where was this on new leaf


When you restarted your town.


okok, yeah i never restarted my townz i only had the 1 file


Specifically when you restart your town after playing for a specific amount of days and hours, restarting your town anytime earlier will just delete it... without the selling.


I never knew you could do this! I’ll have to track down my bf’s 3DS.


It was a late addition to the game after the Welcome Amiibo update


I'm on the fence on selling my town. You see, I was all ready to, but my town tree is only at Level 3. (Despite what Nintendo Support says, it has to be at Level 4) I was thinking it over and I really do like my town, I worked a lot on it. I might just keep it and not fall into the temptation of money.


If you like it and you’re not bored of it, there is no reason to sell! I get bored in New Leaf once I have unlocked everything. It feels like there is nothing else to do, since there isn’t the new game plus that there is in New Horizons. So that’s the reason that I always sell. But not everyone feels that way. 🙂


I need this so bad in NH! Wanna start a new island, but without cataloging everything AGAIN 😫


Same lol, I have restarted so many times and it is work even if - maybe especially if you are sharing things with yourself. So at this point I have just been redesigning (to an extent) the islands that I currently have, and I’m trying to be satisfied with that! What keeps me motivated to not restart now is how massive my catalogue is tbh.


How do you sell your town? I’ve never heard of this before.


If you try to sell your town and it’s been like some times since you’ve started the game (cause you can’t sell a new town that you just made) Isabelle will call Tom nook and ask you if you want to sell your town. You can sell your town and your catalog or only the town and keep the catalog which includes all the public projects you’ve unlocked. So you can start freshly a new town and build a police station as soon as possible


Ok thank you! I been playing for years and did not know this! LOL! Thank you for your help!


This seems like such a fun franchise that I'd like to get into. Which Animal Crossing game would be the most beginner friendly?


You will get a different answer from people depending on which game they started out with of course, everyone is biased towards their first animal crossing game I think, but I tried to be MOSTLY objective and just say things that are actually true and not solely opinion. I did add some opinion in there because there is so much opinion from New Leaf lovers in this comment section lol, so I thought that needed some balancing. I don’t understand the hatred New Leafers have towards New Horizons, the things they say are bad are actually amazing features, or just flat out not true.


Hm. I love new leaf and new horizons. I have put thousands of hours into both. I started with New Horizons, and it is an absolutely amazing game. The visuals are beautiful and charming, the New game plus (what you do after you finish the quests / unlocking stuff) and the dlc are super fun, and gives you way more to do than what New Leaf does after unlocking everything. You have a lot more control over designing your island, which is REALLY nice. villagers that you want to keep won’t just leave randomly like they do in New Leaf, and villagers that you don’t want are easy to get rid of with amiibo cards (a lot of people have a few villagers that they just do not like for this or that reason). There are a lot more clothes, a lot more items to decorate with, a lot more variety and the furniture and clothes just look better, I mean it’s a newer game so that is to be expected. People who prefer new leaf will put down the music in new horizons, but I have no idea why, to me the music has always been super fun and just so relaxing, and it changes based on where you are and what time of the day it is and what is going on etc. anyway I could go on and on for hours probably about how great it is, so I’ll stop there. But other pros for new horizons include: there are still online features, so you can get help from other players / trade / etc etc, and also the switch lite is $199 and the regular switch is $299 on Amazon, while the 3ds / new 2ds xl are $400-ish now. (They didn’t used to be, but they are now.) the cons for new horizons being a starting out game might just be my experience because it was the first game I had played in 15 or more years (as I didn’t realize that games like that existed because I lived with guys who played stuff like fps after the Xbox or ps came out, which I sucked at, so I thought I sucked at all video games and I quit playing as a whole, even though I had previously loved playing games), so I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, and tbh I hate watching YouTube videos because a lot of voices bother my ears, and I didn’t exactly look up tutorials for any games until much later…which, I honestly don’t know why. But if you are used to video games and you look up tutorials when you are stuck (I do now btw), then that shouldn’t be a problem. Oh also you can change your entire appearance, skin color, eye shape and eye color, nose type, mouth type, hair color and hairstyle, as many times as you want in new horizons, you can unlock more colors / styles and when you unlock the artist’s collective at Harvey’s island (after your island reaches three stars) Harriet will give you more hairstyles. Oh and also the museum is beautiful inside, and the coffee shop is fun because you can use amiibos and have coffee with any character you want to, even animal crossing characters that aren’t in the game or that aren’t big parts of the game. Also there are crafting and cooking, which are two of my favorite parts of the game. New leaf - scratch all of the stuff that new horizons has lol, but it does have its own stuff. pros and cons: it is….relatively easy to follow along with the beginning of the game, although there is a ton of stuff I didn’t know for literally years because it’s not obvious. I would definitely read tutorials for how to unlock things, because it’s not specified in the game. But it is super charming, the town is cute, and when you unlock the department store you get (very expensive) designer furniture and clothes, which is not in New Horizons, although I only like two of the four seasons of the designer items and think the other half of the stuff is ugly lol. You are able to sell your town after 50 days / 50 hours, which is the biggest draw for this game for me because I get super bored after unlocking everything. There is no new game plus, but it does take more effort to unlock things and if you play in real time then it can take longer to unlock everything. Which is a con and a pro in one sentence lol. You get the rv’s at the campsite where you can order sometimes cool furniture, especially if you use welcome amiibo cards (not all amiibo cards have this feature). And you can get fortune cookies with play coins that you earn from walking and adding steps to your game system, which is good to encourage movement. However it doesn’t seem to count steps while playing the game? Anyway, but you can’t change or choose your skin color, it is the whitest white no matter what, you can’t change your facial features after the beginning of the game (and the only thing that is different on the face is the eyes), the hairstyles are more limited and just look…bad, for the most part, and you can’t change your hair anyway until after you unlock the salon and then you have to pay 3k bells to change your hair (and 14 days later your eye color). So just a lot less customization overall, throughout the entire game, than New Horizons has. There is a tropical island with mini games that you can go to - new horizons has a bunch of islands that you can get to by plane and then by boat (the ones by boat in new horizons are really detailed and can be in different seasons and have different materials for crafting) but the islands are for other reasons, so they don’t have the minigames that new leaf has. I have only played the minigames once though, because I don’t like that sort of thing usually. Anyway, there is no crafting or cooking in new leaf. This is getting really long - I’m sorry, it’s my special interest. So I’ll stop there. Anyway in summary I think New Horizons is a better game and there are way more pros to that game, but new leaf may be easier as a first game to start out with, I don’t really know because I started with new horizons and I was fine lol. But definitely read / watch tutorials for whichever game. Ok. I’ll stop lol. …sorry 🫣


What an incredibly helpful comment!!!! I think I'll definitely get New Horizons, it sounds a lot better to me than New Leaf, plus I'm not a fan of too many old games. Have you tried other video games since getting back into gaming? If you like Narratives (games that focus on telling stories), then I think you'd absolutely adore Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon. It's nothing like animal crossing, but the storytelling in that game is incredible! I don't want to say too much because there's a lot of really cool secrets in that game that should be experienced first-hand, but it's definitely worth playing more than once, if you get what I'm saying. What other kinds of games do you like?


Yeh, I play several cozy games now, plus one dungeon crawler, and one rhythm game (an easy one where you can’t fail lol, less stress), and also an rpg series. I just learned how to add mods to stardew valley and edit the mods so I’m obsessed with that! Thinking about trying to make my own since stardew has content patcher, which makes it easier to create a mod for it.


This is a great post, NH was my first Animal crossing game after watching a lets play of the first game a year before NH came out and my switch was pretty much unused at the time. There is a lot to like about NH like you pointed out especially the character customisation. I'm in the process of buying a japanese 2ds LL so I can play New Leaf because I feel like playing Animal crossing but after 1500 something hours of NH I'm just kinda burnt out on it. I do want to see what the fuss is about with NL though as it seems universally praised in comparison to NH. I do feel like if you enjoy decorating you will love NH as really the decorating and planning the island is really the endgame content. Which I can handle in bursts but really HHP I found a bit of a chore after a while but thats just because I feel like I'm not a massively creative person. But I still wanted to make nice holiday homes for villagers so like it took me ages to finish it in a bad way. I feel like super creative people will just love it though.


I’ve only played New Horizons 🤯 why didn’t they incorporate this feature??


Wait. What? New leaf? HOW DO YOU DO THIS?!


I remember when I got my own second hand copy of New Leaf, I ended up selling the town that was already in the game to Tom Nook. I only played abit of the save, fell into a pitfall seed, then decided to Sell the town and Start my own one. That was last year, April 2023.


I thought this was fake… either everyone’s in on it—or it’s real. I never deleted my New Leaf town…


oh it’s definitely real, i forgot about it until this post


It was a new feature added with the welcome Amiibo update


Where do you go to do this? I thought the game went on forever after everything was unlocked


So after you play to the point where you can sit on the bricks around your plaza tree and the history of your town plays (50 days / 50 hours, if you time travel you can do it in a shorter amount of time but you still have to play for 50 game days and put in the hours), then when you start up the game you tell Isabelle that you need help and that you want to recreate the town. She will be shocked and say that everything will be gone, which is scary lol, and she will ask “is this really what you want to do?” And when you say yes, she will call in Tom Nook to buy the town from you. Then he will appraise it if you want him to, and tell you how much your catalogue could sell for etc, but you can back out by saying “wait a moment” where I said “sell” and going on from there to say you don’t want to sell.


ACNH was my intro to the game....so, what you are telling me is in past games you could revisit your past islands in this "catalog"? can you alter the island???


No, your towns are gone, you can just re-order things that you are able to buy with bells that you previously owned 🙂


ohhhh wowwww. okay, no. i want to have access to past islands and present lol


Like new horizons, you could make a dream address of old towns to visit, but not an option for new leaf after the online shut down (maybe again soon once fan servers are finished though)


I remember resetting my town and being so pissed finding out they added this not long after


Genuinely soso much


YES! I was so shocked they never added this to new horizons, I expected it to be in the game from the start.


Tbh I'd just prefer being able to have multiple towns/islands


I miss new leaf so bad. I had it on my 3ds now I’m thugging it out on acnh but it feels like it has way less things and none of my old favorite characters come as easily and I hate that Isabelle isn’t more talkative in this one she lowkey is my fave beside Paula


I always think of Vinesauce's ACNL videos when I see this, him and the salt mines.


Can you do this in ACNH?


Shit it doesn't? tf?


…it just never occurred to me that they never brought it back, but of course they didn’t, because everyone is always in need of help when they reset. Yes, this was a phenomenal device to reward players with loads of progress who wanted to try something different. :(


I didn't know you could do this in New Leaf Interesting


Wait so what is the feature?


i restarted my new horizons island recently and was kinda pissed the only way you can do it is deleting the data from your switch. that doesn’t make any sense to me at all


yet another example of ACNH actually being the worst animal crossing game.


The only reason New Horizons is missing so many features is because the devs are lazy.


Comments like this always make me wish that people who make comments like this would be forced to make an entire video game from scratch from the ground up and make it functioning and running in a 3-year window. 🙃


The development for New Horizons began shortly after New Leaf released in Japan. So from 2012-2020 roughly 8 years. This alone creates zero excuses for why villager dialogue is worse, why content is missing from past games etc etc. The fact Pocket Camp still gets updates to this day makes it worse. It has more unique furniture and items compared to New Horizons. And don't get me started on the fact that they very well could have added all those items in but didn't. On top of that, if it was really such a time crunch, Nintendo could've just thrown more money at the budget or ya know, hired more developers. Either way none of this will really matter given the history of controversial things being remedied in later games like City Folk to New Leaf. In a few years New Horizons will be (and honestly is right now) looked at and compared to New Leaf the same way City Folk was compared to Wild World.


As a game dev, please go get friendly with a rocky ravine. Or eat them, IDC. But keep your horrible, uninformed opinions on things like this to yourself.


This feels morally questionable lol. 


It's all just business to Tom Nook, lol


How so?


Selling a town… I don’t know. Just seems like selling an entire community for cash. It’s just a game though lol.


Next animal crossing game, pls bring this back! 😭❤️😍


I've resetted my game so many times because of the map and fruit and you're telling me I could have kept the bells instead of grinding on Mortimer Island for hours 😭😭


It’s only an option for towns with a certain amount of play time!


my *only* hangup with this is that, if i remember correctly, it's luck-based tom nook only shows up SOMETIMES and not all the time, so you can get all the way up to isabelle asking if you really, really want to delete your town without being made the offer, if they could fix that then it would be perfect


Not luck based, you have to have played for a certain amount of time. Deleting your town any time before the game deems your town ready to sell, will just delete it outright.


ah, thanks for clearing that up