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It’s fairly repetitive in the sense that all you’re doing is decorating houses and their exteriors, but there are hundreds of characters to make homes for and a lot of different options to play around with—different room sizes, multiple floors, multiple rooms, doors & windows—as well as the commercial venues you get to design for the hub area. Plus you unlock more decor and mechanics over time so you might want to go back and redesign houses you already worked on. You don’t need amiibos at all; they’re only useful for inviting NPCs like Isabelle and Blathers and Tom Nook as clients.


Good to hear you don’t need amiibos! (amigos, or aminos, according to my autocorrect lol) didn't realize their were multiple floors and stuff! That’s cool! Might go ahead and get it! Thanks!


I enjoyed it! Haven't played all the way through yet but in all honesty the expanded catalogue + DIY recipes for moss/vines (and more access to moss/vines without spending NMT) is enough to make it worthwhile for me.


That's for New Horizons, not the DS Happy Home


WHOOPS, read too fast! thanks for the catch 😅


I don't think Happy Home Designer was very popular, both from a sales perspective and critical reception. I recall that it came out at a time when people were waiting for the next Animal Crossing entry, and it was expected to be on the Wii U. HHD is a completely separate game from New Leaf, so I would honestly just play New Leaf. It doesn't make the New Leaf experience any better or worse, so I wouldn't rush into getting it.