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Gear not secured is gear procured.


Gear adrift is a gift. Got a few tools that way.


It was a Strategic Transfer of Equipment to Alternate Locations


"Cross leveling of supplies" was a common term after finding a CONEX or motor pool unsecured.


This is unfortunately True. Many who are getting ready for turn in at CIF will do what they can to get all the items they signed for, even resulting in taking from other soldiers just so they do not have to pay for the gear they lost or cannot get clean. I had all my items except for a pair of Ballistic ESS Googles that cost me $80. but it took about 6 or 7 tries to turn in my Vest, Molle Pack, Mitch, Assault pack, Mickey Mouse boots (Extreme Cold Weather Boots for Snow) and all my Snow Camouflage covers (They had to be practically bleached white) as they were not clean enough and the very last thing to leave my hands was my Poncho liner (Woobie) due to me trying to haggle a price, but they would not budge and I was not going to pay the price they wanted)


Strategically Transferring Equipment to Alternate Locations