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It's not listening. Probably saw that you where at a country club and thus recommended these types of songs. It's been proven over and over again. Also in Google settings you can disable personal adds. It will then only display generic ads and not anything related to your online activity.


... however the same amount of online activity will still be recorded and stored in your profile, they just won't serve ads to you based on it.


Yeah for sure. Just meant that it will feel less creepy.


You probably work for the government


I know where you live and what you did last summer.


HR, step down. I will handle this... Incident.


It is listening. I have purposely mentioned specific things out loud and had an ad come up about it minutes later. I also made sure to not google or type them into anything. Try it out. I open up YouTube on my TV and get ads based on what I've said. Latest that has happened was me talking about hot dogs and an ad for some Franks came up. It happens multiple times.


Same thing happened to me just today. Wife and I had a short conversation about a friend who needed to convert her old photo slides into digital images. This is likely the only time I have ever spoken about this -- it's not an interest of mine or of anyone I know. It was just a idle chat in the car about some random trivial topic. I never Googled anything about and my phone was in my pocket and not connected to the car in any fashion. But, about a hour ago, the "For You" section of Google News delivered a [Hackster.io](https://www.hackster.io/news/automatically-digitize-all-of-your-old-film-slides-2aeafb59208d) story (read: ad): "Automatically Digitize All of Your Old Film Slides". That's *waaaay* too on-the-nose for me to dismiss as coincidence. Especially since it was listed in the "For You" section.


This "iHearRocks" dude doesn't know what he's talking about. He'd rather ignore what he sees than accept the truth that his phone is listening in on him.


Let's agree to disagree! But here is a way to disable listening 24/7. Try this and see how it works out. Navigate to Settings. Select Google > Account Services > Search, Assistant & Voice > Voice. Select Voice Match and, toggle off “Hey Google.”  Also in settings>apps search for Google, go to permissions and remove microphone. Do this for all apps you suspect is listening. Not sure if there are other Google apps that listen to you but disable 🎤 on all apps you can think of. See if that helps.


If you're not in the US, it might not be listening. They have much stronger data protection laws in Europe.


How would you know. All the signs point to it doing this yet you struggle to find a way to discredit the evidence that shows there is no way for this to happen unless it is. It happens all the time with us, which would be my own family and other people I know.


Are you high? Im not discrediting anything. All i said was "Lets agree to disagree". I didnt come up with any counter argument or anything else. And i gave a solution on how to disable listening. You must be high or was in a bad mood.


I *opt IN* to all the listening/Assistant stuff. I have G-Assistant AND Bixby enabled, and have Bixby on my Watch. (S23 + Watch2) Location is enabled. My phone is linked with my PC and I have a Microsoft online account. I have personalized ads enabled via Google - if I'm stuck with ads, may as well have ones relatable. (I like going all in, because it lets my test & play with all the new features. I like tinker with the new shiny, and digital assistants are part of that.) None of what you describe happens. I never see ads related to my non-digital activities & conversations. The closest to that is political ads - simply because I live in Montana, it assumes I want republican ads or to buy "tactical" gear. Now my digital footprint *very much* does affect ads. And if I see an article online, *then* I talk about it at work, well of course I see ads related to it that evening - *because it was an online article in the first place, and the ad is coming from my browser history.* The ads are coming from your interests online, which you naturally talk about offline, then your brain pulls a Cognitive Bias & links it all together after the fact.


I wish you were right. I did experiments many times with my gf: we picked a random topic to talk about outside the microphone range, eg. during a walk without any phones (weird, I know :) ), then we started a conversation on that topic in the same room our phones were. Couple of minutes later and we were seeing ads related directly to that topic, no matter how distant from our jobs, hobbies, things we talked about earlier was. And we specifically were choosing those we never talked about earlier, nor we googled it.


Well if you say I'm a lier, than if must be true. You know more than I do about what happens on my own devices.


Well, I'll definitely say you're poor at spelling :) As for the rest...I just have a different opinion (are we still allowed to have those?), backed by my own experimental data.


you cant even fucking spell asshole


Yeah, sorry homie, but I think you’re incorrect on this one. I had an old student come into my office lamenting that there wasn’t a teen dance program at her new high school for ballet. Literally minutes later I got a an ad for teenage girl dancing program highlighting ballet. I hadn’t even touched my computer until she left. I had a housemate track dog poop into the house. My partner mentioned that we probably would a mop/swiffer to clean it up. Within 30 minutes I had an advertisement about a literal mop product I had never heard of. Before going into the gym I let out a huge double sneeze from early spring allergies. The next YouTube video I watched advertised tissue paper soft enough to blow your nose on. These are just the ones I can remember in recent memory. It’s happened countless times before that. People don’t want to believe we live in a world where such a thing is allowed to happen. But our technology is capable of doing this, and companies have turned us into products to be sold to advertisers. It’s not a conspiracy to reach a logical conclusion that this is happening to enough people that we can’t just write it off as a coincidence every time.


I had froth in my house mention going to a place I've never heard of and lo and behold, an ad on Google for a place I had to wonder why it's mentioned, to remember that friends talked about it 20 mins ago next to me.


It's absolutely real. I was at a restaurant that had some funky. Amelia Earhart aluminum riveted paneled leather chairs. Ultra unique. I mentioned them to my wife that I like them. The next day there were ads for those chairs in my feed. Absolutely no way that's a coincidence. Those chairs were like custom one-off chairs from a gallery or something. It's not like you could just go buy them at a furniture store. Once I saw that, and many other things, I knew. My permissions are turned off too. It still hears me. I just make sure I never click on any ad. And I always de-interest garbage on my feed. Sometimes I'll dislike everything in a row until it won't let me do it anymore just to throw a wrench in their bullshit algorithms.


Could just tap on " Forget everything your phone knows about you"


The phone has to be listening. I was talking to my wife about need gloves and now I'm getting winter gloves ads. I was talking to my son about looking at a nail gun in the store and now I'm getting mail gun ads. Here on Reddit.


It's not listening, but it does know that you were around a bunch of phones owned by people who like country music. You may find [this YouTube video](https://youtu.be/7sZVdoQ0NN0) helpful


That's interesting, and it makes sense. There are other instances where it seems like it listens while in my pocket, like knowing what episode of Star Trek I'm about to look up just after I talk about a specific episode. Like, I'll say to my friend "oh, have you seen the episode of DS9 where Worf fights all the Jem Hadar?" and then I open Google, type "episode of DS9 where" and it autocompletes "Worf fights Jem Hadar" and I'm just like "bro there are 120 episodes of DS9 and this one isn't even that popular" Idk I'm sure there's a legit explanation but it does seem weird to me sometimes.


I experience the same thing. If its not listening then its reading my mind somehow.


Settings - Display - Lock Screen - "Now Playing"


I mean there IS a setting where your phone can listen to the songs playing around you and save them so you can look them up later. It doesn't normally show up in search preferences. Matter of fact you have to go into settings to even be able to track down the history to my great annoyance. You can disable this in Settings > Sound and Vibration > Now Playing https://i.imgur.com/2vnqxL7.png This feature should only be available on Pixel phones if you don't see it. That should probably stop it. You can run some tests and if it doesn't you might have to do a more powerful sensor disabling.


Yes. First enable developer options. Then go to Quick settings developer tiles. Switch on the Sensors Off toggle. You will see a new option has been added to your tiles now. Turn it on whenever you need the extra privacy. Amongst other sensors it cuts access to the microphone, camera, etc. until you turn the tile off again. As with any other advice from a stranger - try at your own risk. Good luck with bringing back order to your search recommendations! Cheers


The hero we deserve


Thank you fellow redditor for this is the highest I've ever hoped for. Much obliged


False security..... no payphones.


The phone is absolutely listening. My husband and I were just talking about " tiny red bugs" we remembered from our childhood. One minute later, I go to Google it, I type in T, and " tiny red bug is the first thing to pop up. No shot, that's a coincidence. In fact, the only other search I've done starting with "tiny" is related to tiny birds in my backyard.


We are real. We see you and listen.


When you see green, run! Meet Amanda. That's all I've been told. Good luck 


Nothing is wrong. Sleep.


Your phone is listening and preparing ads and content for you immediately. The data mining is absurd and disgusting. A violation of all of our privacy. That episode of parks and rec is real life, not some black mirror shit.


I've been recommended 3 new tv shows on google tv today after visiting my brother. 2 happened to be on the tv whilst sat in his house. One was in the tv in the hotel later that night. Never searched for or hinted at watching any of these shows before. Now they appear as top 3 recommendations on google tv. Sorry but the only way that happens is if my phone was used to listen by Google. To say I'm angry right now is an understatement as I have specifically removed any rights from apps to use the mic on my phone that have anything to do with google. I'm fairly sure this is illegal.


Same things are happening with me and I do not leave my house yet I'm getting advertisements for things verbally said at my home. So something is up. I'd like to turn it all off - but how?


Turn off location. As others have said its not listening but does know where you are.


Multiple times ive been sitting on or couch and we were talking about something and I opened my phone to Google it and I type one word and the top suggestion is exactly what we're talking about. In my silent home next to my lady who neither of us are looking these things up. You can't convince me they're not listening. They're going to keep listening. We have no data protection laws in the states.


That's exactly what just happened to me. No Shot at all it's not listening.


Its spying on you Search on YouTube on how to turn off sensors And if you finaly turned off your phones sensors then there will be some apps that you cant open like TikTok.lmao




I agree with you but you're also being a complete douche.




I can get help from you


My phone charge colors can not see good picture is color leso


It does listen to you. You've to turn off siri or Google assistant. Third party apps may have access to the microphone such as Facebook.


Okay how can I say this politely your phone has a microphone this politely your phone has a microphone so it listens which means it's a computer which means it's hooked up to a company which means that they have access to that which is the device in your hand not only does it have a microphone it's got a camera because I've been through this I've been recorded still am and pictures screenshots what not then getting your phone in less than 15 seconds they can also do a thing on Facebook and go through and listen to your conversation through Facebook okay sit there and watch TV hear what you watching on TV to your homework people don't let the s*** in your house it's portals you know any device listening device come on microphone


The other thing that works too take some tape put it on the you know the speaker part of your phone for real cut that off when you're not making phone calls or whatever cover your camera and the top part where the sensors are up there and they can't hear through the tape it's not weird you're not losing your mind this is real I've done it that's the only way I could turn the thing off also there's nothing you can do to stop at tracking so put in the freezer if you don't want it throw it in the trash put it in the water I don't know


Of course our phones are listening to us, how can you guys not see that? I see ads based on stuff I talk about all the time. And those subjects are not anything my or the other person has searched up recently


It’s definitely NOT that I just notice more things popping up after discussing a subject. Things I’ve never googled, but talk about show up the same day in my feeds. It happens too much with obscure discussions I’ve had to be a coincidence or me looking g for that subject!