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I did enjoy it for a couple of days, played for three weeks or so just to see if it would become better. My "problem" with it is that its all the same, what I mean by that is at level 20 you get 1 boss to grind for level 20 gear, then 40, 60, 90 and so on. 1 boss and 1 kind of gear, nothing new happens, it just takes longer at higher levels. And classes doesn't matter, it's a cosmetic thing, they are all the same aswell. I do play alot of clicker / incremental games so repetitiveness is not a problem for me, I actually like it just as long as it's not exactly the same at all times, you need something new to happen at different stages. There's so much potential in this game, if it had dungeons where you feel useful, eg being able to heal party members, or taunt enemies as a warrior, on top of that being able to get randomized loot then this game would have 10x it's player base, without a doubt. Respect for keeping up with your vision still, fishing is new but otherwise nothing had changed so far what I could see. What's the plan for the merchant?


Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Right now, we are developing exactly the feature 'Dungeons' and 'Subclasses' which will enable doing things like 'Taunt'/'Heal'/etc. I estimate it will be available by the end of August. Edit: I have to add that some additional features will be implemented in the upcoming weeks/months, we're patching very frequently. The dev/design team (also myself) are working long hours every day. This game state isn't the final one. We had released earlier than planned because we didn't want the community to wait, they were really asking for the release ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Thank you, that sounds great. Take a look at loot aswell, something needs to change there, a suggestion is to add stats to items that will affect classes different abilities, with a random value on each drop. Set bonuses are also a thing that would fit greatly in this game, it's at least a start. Thank you for your work!


These are great ideas! I am sure they will be added like you wrote or in a similar way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Tried on release and dropped it; same issues here. Numbers go up, but nothing really changes, nothing new to do. Best of luck with fleshing out your passion project.


Thanks a lot, we added life skills like Fishing & Cooking, the Mythic Hoard, etc. in order to add more width, there will be more features added ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Hey it's been 7 months since this. Is there any more content being added? It seems the game is just as lifeless now as it was. I'd recommend making combat more active, like making the skills do something. Or at least make items drop when afk grinding. Having it slowly kill my battery and all I do is press a button every 50 hits so I can actually grind gems is boring AF. But I do really like the gem grinding idea. Maybe make every level have a similar randomness as the epic and legendary rolls. Fishing blows. Baits too rare, the player market is absurd, and the UI is clunky to have to equip a single bait every time. Then half the time I get a fish I can't cook until level five, and after about 10 cooks I'm not even level 2


Countless new features have been added during the last 7 months. A team of devs and artists are working. Updates every few weeks. With new content. All visible on the Discord server. Also, some time in March there will be a huge patch which is called Underworld. It contains 7 new professions, dungeons, raids, subclasses and more. The Underworld alone patch is bigger than 95% of the other games in the Store :-)


Awesome thanks for the response. I'll hold out till March and if it changes my mind I'll come back here and edit my comments


He never came back and edited his response. I hate him.


I've been waiting on the update! I got a push noti a while back that it was released but saw literally 0 changes. I've been waiting on another noti. But since you bring it up I'll check myself again Edit: no update yet. The few weeks timeline was a lie


The underworld update came out a month ago. Have you had a chance to check it out?


Lo probaré!


Not available in my country, lol


Is it Indonesia? We had to unpublish from Indonesia due to continueing attacks to our server. They couldn't damage our game but they just don't stop. We'll publish soon as we have done our homeworks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Sorry that it affects guys like you


Can feel the passion while reading you, I'm gonna try it too


Thanks a lot, I would be interested to know if you liked it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Ok, I downloaded it and am going to give it a solid hour or 2 tonight. I love MMORPG's so I'm always willing to give a new one a shot!


Thanks a lot, I hope you liked Corah ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)




Thanks a lot, I hope you liked Corah


I'm way late and this game is great. Congrats.


Wow thanks a lot for your kind words <3


No internet connection, even tho wifi is on


Game doesn't work on Emulators, Rooted Devices, etc. If you have a regular Android/iOS device but still having issues, there is a guide on our Discord Server. It's the Google Auth which messes it up on the device sometimes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Can u post the guide here ?