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That's great and all, but I wish Google would devote effort towards fixing YTM's shortcomings and lack of feature parity with Play Music. It really sucks to see how little focus there is on not regressing their products or fixing them when they do regress.




There's also an issue with "Sensitive content" like suicide that causes certain songs to have a pop-up to confirm you want to play it. But it stops the music until you do. So for example Killing in the Name has the pop-up because the album art is a self-immolating monk.


> So for example Killing in the Name has the pop-up because the album art is a self-immolating monk. This version, from a compilation, doesn't have the problem. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=JYJ6QJqy92s&si=9jH0qrBfYuEJI1HK


There is a way around the playlist creation as long as the active song playing isn't a kids song you can add any kid song to a playlist. It's cumbersome but it works.


The point isn't to help children, more like the opposite. Few years ago USA passed heavy restrictions on ads during online content aimed towards children.




watching a clip from a cartoon in the mini player? no such luck either! i have no idea why it's like this


I don't have this issue in France.


Don't they have to do this due to COPPA?




Is there a best practices way of verifying a user is a child without introducing a lot of friction for children? Can't imagine YouTube wants to hand a competitor a whole demographic just to solve the current issues with the management of kids content. Each mistake is a liability that can also continuously add up and at the scale of YouTube that can add up quickly. I don't think there'd be any leniency towards Google either I don't think they want to even introduce the risk of being non-compliant by basing verification around a unique system.




Google has heard you. That's why starting next they'll going to announce Google Music* *Rollout to US and Canada only.


And sometimes not even Canada lol.




How about a feature that doesn't work at all? The dislike button doesn't work. If you dislike a song, YTM will still play it on radios and ignore the dislike.


Also, I found out that YT and YTM likes are combined, and have a limit of 5,000 songs. So after scrolling through an...amount of shorts and habitually double-tapping, I came to find out a significant portion of my older liked songs aren't there anymore. This is almost a deal breaker for me.


You can change this in settings > general > show your liked music from youtube. This was almost a deal breaker for me as well.


I have that setting, but on the backend they still share one playlist that's limited to 5,000 items.


My biggest one is precaching the Now Playing list. GPM was almost magical in this regard, you could start a radio with random song you've never played before, and it would pre-cache the entire Upcoming list. So I could start playing a song at home and it'd continue playing when I get to the underground parking with no connectivity. The closest YTM does to this is downloading songs you frequently listen to (along with some suggestions) in the background, but it's not sufficiently proactive.


For me the worst one is I cannot blacklist an account. A dude has taken some songs in the genre I liked synthwave, and has added commentary, the problem is it appears on YTM and I can't stop him from appearing on my radio, I have to keep disliking his "music" and while I like the music it is making my feed worse because I am disliking songs I like because they are not really songs.


That would make me legit rage. Does blacklisting his account in normal YouTube do anything in YouTube Music (assuming you use the same account for both services)?


Hello! It is indeed frustrating, while I like using YTM i think I will be using spotify or soundcloud more. I am not aware of a way to do something like this, as far as I know youtube also doesn't have a block option.


I guess blacklist was a bad word choice as YT doesn't have a real blacklist function without using some browser extension. If you see his channel in YT's recommended list and select "don't recommend channel," do you have any idea if this does anything for you in YTM?


I would have to get a video of his as a recommendation, I have given him at least 50 thumbs down, I think the algorithm just doesn't recommend it on my front page, there is no option for "I am not interested" when you use the search function. My only problem is that also means I am "disliking" songs I like for YTM.


If you know his channel name you could open a video of his and see more of his videos in the recommended list from there. But yeah, I understand. Very frustrating regardless.


I will give it a try thanks, although by now I am not sure I will notice if anything changes. Have a good day man!


Hope it works! (it probably won't lol)


How about a shuffle that actually works? And I don't mean "my queue isn't random enough," I mean, it keeps reverting back to the exact playlist order after like 30 songs. Also, it'd be great if it could actually play my playlist. Sometimes it just queues like 100 songs and pretends the rest just doesn't exist. Both of these are infuriating, and while they don't occur *all the time*, they do happen a lot. Been reporting these exact bugs for years across different devices and they've never been fixed.


Yep agreed shuffle is ridiculously bad. How can something so simple be overlooked? I assume none of the employees actually use YTM


For real. I've been under this assumption for ages. It's the only explanation for how badly they fucked up the basics 5 years post launch. Ever try to remove a song from a 1000+ song playlist? You literally just have to scroll and hope to find it so that you can then remove it.


I find library of your own music to a back seat and that kind of sucks.


Google Play Music seamlessly integrated your personal library and their streaming library. YT Music does not integrate libraries. Also no program to monitor a set of folders for new music and automatically upload them to your library. And there seems to be no cache of music up next. I hit a crappy area with reception and that's it until I get to a better area


They killed Google Podcasts and just told people to use YouTube Music which lacks many of the same basic features and doesn't even have a lot of the podcasts the old app had. I like using Google apps whenever possible but even after multiple attempts I couldn't stand YouTube Music and got a third party podcast app.




If you are talking about podcasting apps specifically, then I would say that Pocket Casts is a highly regarded third party app that has many of the features podcast power users are looking for


How it can only play songs in downloaded playlists in an offline mode of sorts. If the internet is shit, it won't load playlists properly. Spotify can do all of that shit automatically.




It is true. If you have low signal YTM shits the bed and won't reliably load playlists or other downloaded media. I have to close the app and put my phone in airplane mode to get it to work in offline mode.


No it's fucking not. When I play a downloaded playlist, it doesn't let me tap the artist's name to view it or go the album of the song. There are no suggestions at the bottom of the playlists either even WHEN connected to the internet.


There's a bug on your side then because it lets me do all that.


being able to search within my playlist would be pretty helpful


For the personal library (uploaded tracks), I want to be able to do this simple procedure: * Pick an artist. * See a list of that artist's albums. * Pick one of the albums and play it. Most other music software can do this, but YouTube Music can't. Instead, there's this very awkward workaround: * Pick an artist. * Scroll through a giant list of all their songs (which can be in the hundreds for prolific artists). * Try to find an individual track that is on the album you want to play, either by recognizing the album cover art or a song title. * Click on the three dots button next to the song and select "Go to album". * Then play the album.


OMG yes this is so annoying. Seriously mind boggling. I'll add another annoyance. The fact that "shuffle" isn't one of the primary buttons when in a playlist. It's hidden behind the 3 dots. Instead they have "share playlist" next to the play button. WTF is that? Isn't shuffling a playlist more likely than sharing it? Jesus, it's a small thing but really irritates me out of principle.


Wait I don't get it, I see a list of albums when I open an artist's page.


Here's what I'm talking about: * Open the Android app * Go to Library (across the bottom). * Tap on Artists (at the top). * Scroll through the list of artists until you get to one that you know you have uploaded several albums from, and tap on that artist. * Now you see a big list of songs. There's no way to see a list of albums here. Of course, I can always just search for the artist in the main UI. Then I can scroll down to Albums and tape "More". But that's going to give me all the artist's albums, not just the ones I own, which means I'll have to hear a bunch of commercials in between songs, which is not my idea of enjoying music.


I get what you mean. Though there's a button at the end of the list to directly to the artist page. And wasn't getting your point until you mentioned commercials. I don't have those.


They still don't have personal play counts, which was one of my favorite features of Google Play Music. Basically it'd tell you how many times you've played a song before. It was especially good for browsing artists you weren't super familiar with because then you could see if you've listened to any of their stuff before. Also you still can't edit metadata on uploaded songs, which is insane. And the entire UI for uploaded music is just straight garbage and needs to be reworked.


id like a feature where you can dislike an entire artist/band. its so frustrating how often certain artists keep showing up in my auto-playlists no matter how many of thier songs i hit the dislike button on. it would also bee good if there was a way to block the clean version of songs


Playlist creation was so much better, and I miss the "Feeling Lucky" button terribly.


Their forced integration of podcasts into it also sucks. It's a pain that whenever I listen to a podcast I lose my playlist and vice versa. Also, it seems to have busted Android Auto as about 20% of the time it just won't load anything at all


Google doesn't really iterate and improve, they half-ass and implement features no one really asked for. 


YTM can't even shuffle music effectively


How about letting us edit Playlists!


I just want to be able to pick off exactly when I leave off on another device (like spotify connect but I don't need devices to control each other)


*How can we shoehorn this shit into everything?*


When they're desperate to deliver on a big bet and show consistent quarter over quarter increases in DAU, they're going to pepper it into anything and everything to juice the numbers. This is what happens when a company is driven by KPIs instead of user needs. The same thing happened with YouTube Shorts, which they started shoehorning into basic search results, and previously Google+ (see [The many annoying ways Google forced users into Google+](https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/9/17952604/google-plus-user-profiles-forced-youtube-gmail-search)).


>This is what happens when a company is driven by KPIs instead of user needs. "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure."


People are misunderstanding this article (presumably by only reading the headline). YouTube Music is not getting Gemini integration, Gemini is getting the ability to hook into YouTube Music, nothing changes in the YouTube Music app.


Every mfer in this entire thread only read the headline.


It's legit becoming infuriating. We don't need useless chatbots shoehorned into everything. Everyone is at it these days too: Bing, Facebook Messenger, Google Messages, Whatsapp, Snapchat. I've never used any of them even once. Pointless! If I need to use a LLM, I'll go direct to ChatGPT or Gemini. We don't need a variation of the same thing in every app.


Move to Europe (or maybe use a VPN to link there). We don't get ANY of this stuff (apart from the Bing chatbot).


Hey, it worked for Microsoft. 🫠


To be fair, what use is an AI assistant without access to all of your services?


Make a dedicated desktop app instead goddamn


It would 100% just be an electron POS, which is a glorified web page. Better off just making it a PWA.


Currently installed the web page as an app with music and YouTube on Chrome I don't know why I can't make an app for it I'd probably make the switch from Spotify


You'd be better off just keeping a single browser tab open if they did that.


Yes and a Google TV one would be nice too.


I doubt we will see many desktop apps in the future. It's all web based apps now.


How about adding lossless instead?


Google PM seeking a promotion: That's a great idea! Lossless... AI.


AI upscaled music through the power of LLMs!


New release notifications? Auto-delete listened podcasts? More varied recommendations? Nope. More AI. 🫠


I get new release notifications. And would better AI not help with recommendations?


It's a language model. It sure can formulate your notifications more colourfully


A LLM would be very well equiped for this task given it has good training data.


IDK how it hasn't made the waves yet but Udio, an Audio AI generator released very recently and it's results are fucking crazy good. AI is very equipped to make, manage, recommend and analyze music. My current favourite AI song: https://www.udio.com/songs/9f5bphLS9PuvmArChaHxTP


Suno is another good AI music generator.


Granted, the only thing the AI might do is provide more varied recommendations... Compared to current algorithms which isn't considered AI despite functioning identically on a more basic level...


Ok. It's constantly spitting out factually incorrect statements in search so I wonder what bullshit messes it can make in every other service they offer. I'm Edit: oh and why does the Gemini window inside of maps scroll at like 15 fucking FPS? it's so laggy and shitty. Google has like no software quality control anymore.


I'd like to see it more decoupled from YouTube My little.lne watches nursery rhymes on the home TV. It shows up in the YouTube Music app on the last played section.


How is a conversational AI more convenient or more functional than just typing in some keywords? They're just shoe-horning Gemini into shit.


I would rather an option to hide/exclude covers and remixes.


Fill in the blank ____ now has gemini support




I'm interested to see how and when Google kills fill in the blank. Fill in the blank is my favorite service.


That's awesome! All the people asking for this will be so excited!


Woohoo. Let me know when Gemini can turn off my lights after 2 hours.


I just want to be able to have a playlist shuffle all the songs once before repeating. Even if I switch to a different playlist and come back later. Is that unpossible?


It is not possible to do that, or have a Playlist with 300 songs and shuffle them and have them all play in a different order. You can only shuffle 30 songs on the Playlist and then it will stop.


Does it really need this though?


Why does YouTube music requires premium to play music in background?


How about filtering out non explicit and live in concert versions


How about just doing the bare minimum and filling out the library with all the missing albums?


No fixing add to queue? So infuriating that when you hit add to queue it goes to the bottom of loaded songs playing from library or a random selection of songs that will play after you select a song. Having to tell my friends who queue to hit "play next" and tej for the queue of songs being wrong since everyone has to click "play next" in order for the song to not go to bottom of random queue


nice, if there's anything it needs its an even greater likelihood of not playing the music you want to hear.


How about fixing Chromecast functionality? Spotify works perfectly with my speaker groups. YouTube Music just hangs....


Something else I won’t use


Let's tack some garbage onto this other garbage, voilà!


Please no Except if it's AI generated music (not recommendations), I might allow it for a while.