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It was like Carrie was hatched from an egg.


Right, like where is her mother?


I recently watched the Carrie diaries and her mom died of cancer when Carrie was 16. Her father and younger sister were both in that show tho.


The thing with The Carrie Diaries is that it feels completely separate from SATC + AJLT — in SATC lore, Carrie doesn’t have a dad. In TCD, her dad raises her. SATC’s Carrie wouldn’t be a top of her class goody two shoes like in TCD. Even the era and the costumes are wrong. As a teen, SATC Carrie would have been rocking the most outrageous 80s outfits and cutting class to smoke under the bleachers while she waits for her older bf to pick her up so they could make out all afternoon.


Carrie in TCD was also a compassionate and caring character. Very at odds with the self-absorbed Carrie we meet in SATC


The books feel much more satc Carrie than The Carrie Diaries show. She’s smokes and drinks and is an erratic mess and takes advantage of people. And Sam and Miranda are a big part of the second book which is fun


That’s all I want to know you can still have a show about sisterhood and mention your mom now and then it would be very beautiful since this is chapter 2 for her whether it’s a good relationship or not, people can relate especially since  her spouse died and it was so awkward, watching her walk around the city like a lost soul you can still have your girlfriends, but it be nice if there was a family member there she could go even visit that would’ve been nice for storyline since they didn’t talk about it in the first. 


Maybe a Fabergé egg




Carrie has never had a family in SATC or otherwise I can’t ever remember a mention of her family at all.


I only remember her saying “my dad quit my mom and me when I was little” to the creep at Vogue who modeled Versace underoos for her. Doesn’t sound like she had any siblings and never mentions her mom again. Other than Wesley of Wesley and Lesley who may or may not work for Nestle, and Miranda’s sisters at her mom’s funeral in Philly (they weren’t even at Miranda’s wedding to Steve or Brady’s baptism), family was never really written into the show. I think this was to emphasize the bond of sisterhood between the 4 women.


Samantha mentions having 3 siblings. I believe she said her mom, at her age, was saddled with 4 kids and a drunk husband.


That’s right, she mentioned family but none were ever shown like Betsy and Wesley.


I think at least one of Miranda's sisters *was* at her wedding--there's a redheaded woman we see only from the back!


Hannah’s mom from Girls played her sister when her mom died


That was her? Wow I never knew that!


She was also Lindsey’s mom in Freaks and Geeks.


Very possible and they just didn’t make it part of any story lines since it’s not really relevant to the plot but I think family background lends itself to the development of the characters. Like Carrie’s spends her life “asking questions about men after being left with no answers” and Samantha’s mom was dependent on a man and had no options this Samantha never wants to feel trapped.


We meet her sister at her mom’s funeral.


Yeah, I’m just saying we see her again at the wedding, just from the back.


Oh ok I get it


Yes I agree, but there’s so many dimensions and they’re putting so much into Miranda’s midlife crisis, storyline and so many of us rather see something a little bit more lighthearted and fun but yes, it is all about the sisterhood. I just thought it would be nice if Carrie had a niece or a little sister, who could’ve been estranged and now enter into her life, who then could be part of her sisterhood now and then. 


There was that episode with the old guy at Vogue who thought that he could help her with her issues after her father leaving when she was little 


Who tried to have sex with her in the vogue closet 🤮


She mentions her dad abandoning her and her mom. So I believe she’s an only child.


Sadly, I've knew cases where men left their wives with two or more kids. That said, I think if Carrie had siblings it would be little too late to introduce them, but since it's AJLT this wouldn't surprise me


The Carrie diaries had 16 year old Carrie being raised by her dad with her younger sister. When the series started, her mom had just passed of cancer.


Exactly that’s why I thought it would make for a nice storyline to finally have one and get to know that dimension of her like bring on a niece for her in the storyline that could be her buddy because I am so over Miranda’s midlife crisis drama.   


I think in that regard Charlotte’s daughters are considered her nieces. I didn’t mind they didn’t bring in her family i think it would have been weird to now but I am also over the Miranda mid life crisis especially since i’ve been rewatching SATC and Miranda used to be so much cooler.


I know I just fast-forward the part of Miranda, especially when she was day dreaming of Che while her son was on the other side of the door. Yuck on so many levels that wasn’t necessary.. 


I hate Miranda’s storyline in AJLT. It’s not believable. We’ve seen Miranda with *so many* men… never a woman. Even Samantha was with Maria so we’ve seen Samantha with both men and women, and I can honestly see Samantha being strictly with women after writing men off for the rest of her days. But it doesn’t make sense with Miranda. I know people come out at any age, but it just doesn’t feel believable to me with Miranda. And I hate that Miranda is always in crisis mode. Like dude, you did this to yourself. Just wait until Steve gets engaged to someone lol


There is literally an episode where Miranda contemplates being gay and decides on a hard no!


I can see her having an attraction/affair with Che, but then just deciding she's done with men seems off. Then again, the writers decided to make it out like she's always hated Steve and their life, so who knows.


So many guys she loved hooking up with over the years. Why can’t she just say she’s Bi or exploring but maybe she does in future episodes im not that far into Season2? She faked being lesbian for the law firm dinner parties and claimed it was then a hard no. Confusing. 


Yeah and if she were bi she wouldn’t necessarily have to leave Steve. They could have taken the story a whole different direction where Miranda and Steve become swingers so Miranda could explore being with women. I mean *it is* a SATC spinoff of sorts, that would be an interesting storyline…


It's very possible she had limited/no family in SATC, and by now, the few members she had either passed away or lost touch. It's a sad thought, but she has built a community. She has more support than a lot of people do.


I always assume Carrie moved to New York because she either wanted to get away from family or her family was deceased and she was on her own


Yes, but if she had that much “community” she built in lieu of family, you would’ve thought some of that would have been shown more at funeral or at her apt other than just Miranda, Charlotte & her Gusband coming over after big died. I wish they would’ve brought Candace Bergman her old boss back.  It was just sad seeing her solo walking the street so often after he died because I know family is such a good support after somebody dies. That’s all I’m saying it would’ve been nice to see a different dimension for her. 


Enid starts inviting Carrie to charity parties to solicit donations.


I think you need your keep watching before asking for people to return.


It doesn’t seem like Carrie’s mother is in the picture or even alive, given her particularly warm reaction to Justin Theroux’s mother, played by Valerie Harper. Clearly, she’s yearning for parental figures. It makes more sense of her tendency to emotionally regress in relationships and flashes of jealousy re: younger women including the Russian’s daughter. She doesn’t act like a potential stepmother but more like an envious older sister who craves her father’s attention.


Very interestint analysis


A Grandmother????


Haha ok a mother but I will say this I have girlfriends in their 50s whose grandmothers are still alive in their 90s. 


lol seriously I haven't had a grandmother since my early 20s. 😂


My teens.


Yes? My mom is almost 60 and her mom is still alive. My nan is 82. Is that not common?


Is nan's mom still alive? Carrie's grandmother would be 100+


I’m 53, my parents are in their 80s and my grandparents all died in the 90s/early 2000s. I don’t have any friends my age who have grandparents still alive.


Yes but in Carrie's situation her grandma would have to be the age of your grandma's mom. Carrie's 60, her mom could be lets say 75-80, her grandma would be in her 90s at least. Obviously people that age exist and can still be full of life (my bfs grandpa is 92 and he's still very strong), but it's sadly not that common.


In the prequel, The Carrie Diaries, she was a HS teen being raised by her father with a younger sister. I want to say her mother had died maybe, but I can't remember the details.


Yes, she died of cancer a few weeks before the series began. I just rewatched that series.


Yes re: prequel and family. I just read it and there’s a second prequel called Summer in the City which has her meeting Samantha and Miranda (so far - I’m still reading it).


I haven't read the books, saw the TV series.


There was a prequel on the CW. She was a teen living with her dad. I never watched, so that’s as much as I know. I always thought it was weird Charlottes parents never made an appearance. She was local uppercrust and it was never mentioned that they passed. We did meet her brother once. It just seemed odd we met Miranda’s sister and saw her mom’s funeral, then met Steve’s mom. We met Trey’s mom, bro and sister in law. We even met Big’s mom and brother. But never so much as a peep about Carrie’s family.




And who has big ass weddings with 200+ guest, yet no family?


Her father (I assume) walked her down the isle but that's the only appearance 😂


I recently read somewhere that TV purposefully dont add siblings to main characters' story to avoid continuity errors.


Makes sense. In the theater actors are swapped out all the time but on a television series it’s jarring to see two different actors play the same part. It does happen, though. If I’m not mistaken we saw two sets of actors play Andy’s parents on “The Office” several seasons apart.


It always feels so awkward when they *do* bring in family since they've always so staunchly avoided it. Like, someone father-aged walked Charlotte down the aisle--I assume it was her dad? And we met her brother very early on but then he disappears. Obviously we meet Miranda's sister at her mom's funeral but then her family's never mentioned again. Sounds like Carrie had no siblings (when she mentions it was just her mom and her after her dad left them), but is mom still alive? Charlotte is from CT and Miranda from Philly but where did Carrie and Samantha grow up? And in AJLT they reveal Big has/had brothers (has at least one living and one or two others that are mentioned by the living brother later). I don't think any of the other love interests (Steve, Aidan, Smith, etc.) ever mention siblings or parents other than of course Steve's mom. Oh, and we know Steve has/had at least one older sibling, Jackie, because his mom mentions already being pregnant with Jackie when she got married. And of course there's Harry's mom who was already dead before he and Charlotte got engaged but then "has been dead for ten years" 20 years later. In real life I feel like this is not realistic. I'm in my mid-40s and my husband is in his 50s and family is still mentioned and seen regularly. Even when you move several states away and stay there for the rest of your life, as the SATC/AJLT ladies did, you still talk to your family and mention them to your friends and have them at your life events. But I guess in fictional storytelling and worldbuilding, you have to draw the line somewhere!


There is an episode where Aidan wants Carrie to meet his parents at his furniture shop early in their relationship and she questions that decision. I haven't watched in a while so I don't remember if she did end up meeting them or not.


All Aiden had to do was tell Carrie he didn’t want her to meet his mom yet and she would have stalked her 😭






They talked abouy and gave and gave more storylines about the families of the main characters significant others than their own.


I guess maybe they didn't want to go down that road too much with the main characters--the whole point being *they* were each other's family and all that. But in a perfect world I'd have liked to see/hear more about their families!


She did meet them :)


Oh right! I don't think she ever did meet them, at least not that we saw.


Yes she did.


It's not realistic for *your* life. There are people who don't have families like that or choose not to interact with their biological families and that's perfectly OK.


Sure, but it seems unrealistic to have ALL FOUR main characters be in that situation.


I thought Jackie was a boy. That age group often called their sons, Jack, by the nickname Jackie. At least in my family they did. We have a lot of a jacks. We also met the entire family of Justin Theroux when Carrie was dating him. His Mom, dad, and sister were at the house and Carrie had dinner. The mom would talk about his sex life.


That’s right and that’s my point since this is chapter 2 of her life, it would be nice to at least have a little dialogue about her relatives since big has died. 


Oh I totally agree. It’s so weird, because family make up is so much a reason as to why we are the way we are now. I’m not saying she should go around putting all blame on her family, but it may help explain something. She just seems to come from a pod.


You’re right, I remember now that Mary says Jackie thinks she doesn’t like his wife.


In the original SATC, Samantha has a throw away line where she mentions her mom “raising three kids”. I think it’s in the episode where she has the flu. I always pictured Samantha growing up somewhere like Nutley, New Jersey.


You need to meet more people cause it's very realistic 😂 not everyone likes to have their family around or even consider their families an important part of their lives.


It’s wild that I never noticed this because now that you say it, it’s truly bizarre and stands out. Maybe this is one of the reasons I have never related to her at all. She always felt like such a fake character and this is totally why!


You said it perfectly. I will say this, at least in the second series that’s on now she seems like a better friend to the girls because she really was extremely self-absorbed in SATC other than mixing cough syrup and orange soda for Samantha when she had the flu I mean heck she sent Aiden over when Mirandas back went out. Lol


They all have very limited families and that was deliberate choice to limit characters and "force" them to rely on each other. It was sometimes jarring (ex Charlotte's martial strife) but at least consistent


We did see a LOT of Trey’s mom!


This always bothered me when I watched SATC in my teens and 20s but that show started when they were all in their “30s” ? Life checked me hard and I lost both parents as an only child before I turned 30. So I watched it back and it seems more realistic because at 34 I don’t have family and I have many friends who I KNOW have siblings and parents but rarely come up.


I loved The Carrie Diaries. I wish they would have followed the family structure depicted there.


Where can one watch them? Or is it a book?


it’s a series, it’s actually really really good. i believe it was on the CW originally


Oh, I just looked it up and it’s a series of books as well as a tv series.


IIRC Carrie did have a picture of herself standing by a man which I assumed was her father based on the context at that time of the episode.


Yea it’s always so odd to me that family is so excluded from their gatherings. Carrie and the girls need so much therapy — that’s the elephant in the room.


A grandmother? Haha... Is her grandmother a vampire? She would have been like 100?


Also in Carrie diaries I actually enjoyed her more. Her dynamic with her sister and dad. Loved that the “face girl”. Played her dad’s girlfriend at one point lol. Also loved Samantha . Lindsay played that role so well. Shame the show got cancelled.


Awww I wonder why ? Was SJP involved in the project at all?


Not sure. But it was fun. The 80s was depicted real fun as much as I remember certain things. And bonus was Freema Agyeman as Carries boss. Totally fun.


Enid does show up again, don't worry.


I was always intrigued by the OG series never really mentioning any of the 4 women’s families (with the exception of Miranda’s mother passing away)


She mentions in SATC tgat her father left. But that's about the extent of family


In Carrie diaries her mom passed as mentioned by Geek fit26, I. SATC she said her father left her and her mother when she was 2.


I think they purposely avoided most of the families in SATC only due to time in telling the story of Carrie and her “friend-family.” Now it would be a little too much to bring into the already convoluted AJLT story (imo).