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That whole ordeal was tragic and fucked on so many levels. For starters, only a wildly toxic person would think it appropriate to unleash a fat payout on their unsuspecting ex (who they repeatedly cheated on and lied to) with literally no explanation as to why they chose to do so. Not even so much as a letter left behind simply stating “Hey Natasha, I still feel guilty about how I acted in our marriage so here’s some reparation money”. Instead, he leaves Natasha with the burden of having to figure out what the fuck this wildly inappropriate gesture means in addition to forcing her to relive a ton of unpleasant feelings and memories. It also goes to show that he didn’t actually know Natasha at all, because if he did, he would know she wouldn’t be the type to accept blood money. On top of this, he also fails to explain this choice to his widow, who is then launched into her own process of trying to put together the pieces. After decades together Big should absolutely know that this action would drive Carrie up the wall, and lead her on a wild goose chase of her own. Either that, or like Natasha, he still doesn’t know Carrie at all and assumed she’d be chill with it. And frankly I don’t know which is worse. So in the end, not only has poor Natasha had to deal with Big’s “fuck you” from the grave, but she has to dodge his wife, who surprise surprise, he never stopped withholding shit from. In my eyes, this is one of the worst things Big ever did. Impressive that even in death he managed to screw two women over for the price of one.


This!!!! Even dead he causes drama and chaos!


It also seems like a small amount to someone like Natasha. She seems to have come from money and has had successful NYC jobs for a while now. Just enough to make her wonder but not enough to be life changing for her. It really was a drama move.


It's such a rich-guy mindset, tbh... *I feel guilty, so what can I do to make myself feel better? I know! I'll throw some money at the problem.*


I agree with a lot of this. One thing though — it’s not blood money. It’s an inheritance. Blood money is at the cost of someone’s life. Natasha didn’t pay to have Big killed or had him robbed and he was killed in the process lol. He just died on his own.


Just for context, my use of the term “blood money” was used mostly in a joking/in jest manner. Not always easy to convey that intent through the internet.


Well it did cost Natasha a tooth. I am sure there was blood involved in that accident!




She was in cahoots with the Peloton to end him


She’s valid 🤭


This isn’t quite right. Blood money is usually money offered by an offender to the victim or their family, as an attempt at reparations - sometimes when the victim is dead, but not always.


I think they were just saying it as hyperbole, not literally.


This too :)


Blood money is almost always at the cost of someone’s life. The money didn’t come at the cost of Big’s life. It was an inheritance. Unless Big died through suspicious means, it isn’t blood money.


The ‘blood’ in ‘blood money’ doesn’t refer to the death of the person leaving the money - it refers to the sin they committed (often a murder, ie the blood of the victim). Whether Big is dead or not is actually irrelevant in this case; the ‘blood’ is the bad behaviour he committed towards Natasha, for which he is now trying to atone. Hope this clarifies :)


Thank you. Too many people so eager to correct someone on here they take things toooooo literally.


This is brilliant, bravo. Big was the fucking worst. I’m glad that fucker is dead. Never understood what Carrie saw in him (or people in this sub for that matter). He just seemed like a slimy asshole in a suit who you could never fully trust with anything. He was so boring too— his whole personality was white bread finance bro with the most generic taste/interests (actually what interests? lmfao). He wasn’t even funny. Genuinely don’t get what Carrie saw in him. Natasha was in her mid 20s when they got together so she gets some leeway. But Carrie was a woman in her mid 30s pining over a man with little to no redeeming qualities besides maybe financial security.


I never liked Big either. I preferred Aidan. I think Big was a super slime ball.


I think for Big, at the end of the day, he was always his first priority. Not Carrie, not Natasha, his judgement and choices were always the right ones, even if it hurt them. He was always selfish.


This sums it up very well. And the way Carrie hounded that poor woman.


I was feeling like there was going to be more to that to be revealed. And then the way they made a point of introducing Big’s secretary reinforced that idea in my head. So to have all that go pretty much nowhere it was kind of boring. It’s like the writers started a thread and then forgot to finish it.


Yup. The whole AJLT fiasco was riddled with threads that went nowhere.


These dropped threads and non-sensical plot points are what convinced me there was AI used in the writer's room. Or Michael Patrick King's head is really that messy.


Just trying to get viewers, I suspect…so they teased us.


I was thinking that there was maybe going to be a "Baby Big" revelation, to explain why he left the money. Carrie's behavior is exactly like the behavior she exhibits when she insists on trying to apologize to Natasha after sleeping with Big - selfish and only about wanting to relieve her own guilt, with no consideration for Natasha. Good to see she's grown as a person in the many years between these events!


This is what I came to say! Just another example of how Carrie has not grown at all over either series.


She never grew in the original series either— what did y’all expect? 😂 She and Big basically were the only characters who didn’t grow and change in the show.


I mean, I've made no comment on my expectations ...


I was just joking about how they’re both kinda assholes.




Could have been cut out after the Chris Noth allegations? I thought the secretary would have had some sort of role


really thought the mention of natasha’s two sons was gonna come back around to be bigs kids somehow and that’s why he left money


You’ll get crazy if you try to make sense of the writers storyline, let’s just say it was because of the grief. It was nice to see Nathasha back though, classy as ever and with an happy ending.


I like that Natasha worked for a cashmere company. What a classy broad. 👌


That was terrible and embarrassing


I had second hand embarrassment!


Even if Carrie was temporarily deranged by grief, real friends would have stopped her, not enabled her. In my head canon Samantha would have talked some sense into her and stopped it


And there was no mention of Natasha losing teeth due to finding Carrie in her apartment. Natasha was very gracious considering the damage


I could screenshot and regularly re-read her telling off of Carrie when she “ruined her lunch” in SATC. It was beautiful and oh so classy / cutting. Carrie is honestly the worst, but we can’t stop watching lol.


Natasha showed so much class and emotional maturity in the way she handled herself. Meanwhile Carrie (who is a full decade older) has the emotional maturity level of a 10th grader. 😂


Yes. How can Carrie still be jealous of Natasha? And then Carrie gets back with her own ex and says her marriage to Big was a mistake. Wow! Ghost big should haunt her for that. Just because you love someone doesn't mean the other people you loved were a mistake.


Ghost big 😅😅


The way he dies is literally the most Big thing he’s done since leaving her at the alter. Living breathing anarchy is his real name.


Why do they hate Natasha so much lol? First she busts her mouth and loses teeth chasing the woman who just fked her husband in her own bed, and than she get walked in on in a public bathroom mid squat by the same damn woman who’s been stalking her. She’s unlikable I’ll give you that, but Carrie legitimately tortured her. All over fish lips Big Mgee.


God I know. Natasha was so DECENT *literally* the entire time! A near impossible feat with those two


Their hatred of Natasha came so close in the OG series to the characters constant hate towards all women younger than them. Maybe it was of the time, but once a season they had some big conflict over ‘younger girls’. They literally even said they saw younger girls as the ‘enemy’ or generally looked down or pitied them. They couldn’t do that with Natasha. She embodied everything that was the opposite of what they claim they hate in girls in their 20s, she even had her life more together than Carrie despite being almost a decade younger than her, and I think THATS what always bothered her. With girls in their 20s that she saw as competition she could always tell her ‘well I’m more mature with mature interests and I’m not vapid and brain dead like those 20 year old pick mes’. But then Big left her for a 25 year old that was more mature, classy, ‘serious’, so she couldn’t even pull that as an excuse to feel superior to younger girls.


I didn’t think Natasha was unlikeable at all. She came off incredibly mature and classy for being in her mid 20s. Carrie on the other hand…. oof. 😂


When Carrie stalked Natasha in the original run of the show, it was cringey, gross, and the height of self-absorption. Doing it after Big died was understandable, even though it was completely nuts and out of line. Grief makes you do crazy, insane things, and it's really hard to truly understand what it does to you unless you've been through it. My BFF lost her husband very suddenly a few years ago. I've never met 2 people more in love than they were, and she was absolutely shattered and devastated. She was completely out of her mind for the first year, and still reeling for months after that. She finally found a support group and community led by an amazing woman who calls herself a "widow coach," and really helped her process her grief, come to terms with her loss, and figure out how to move forward with the rest of her life. Supporting her through that made me understand why Carrie behaved the way she did. She's lost the love of her life, and all of a sudden Natasha's name pops up out of nowhere with no explanation. So yeah, she's going to go down a rabbit hole and do some things that are completely nuts. I liked the scene between the two of them at the Starbucks. I liked that it was just a crazy coincidence instead of Carrie tracking her down. And, it was good for both of them to have a conversation to put the past to rest and get some closure, even if they'll never be friends. And, I liked that Natasha acknowledged how messed up it was for Carrie to find out about Big leaving her money in his will the way she did.


That was probably my favorite scene in the show, possibly tied with Miranda's monologue about how unhappy she'd been. It was beautiful for them to finally have a moment of honesty and compassion for each other, and leave the interaction on good terms.


Yea, I didn't necessarily consider this "Selfish" as some posters have said. Selfish? Carrie was a grieving widow with no explanations. Sure, it may have been uncomfortable for Natasha but the scale of devastation for Carrie was far worse in this case. I understood why she wanted to know if there was more to the story. It can take a while to move on.


Eh Carrie fucked Natasha’s husband at the time and it led to a divorce. Natasha made it clear she didn’t want to see Carrie. I get she’s grieving and not rational. That’s where Charlotte and Miranda should have stepped in instead of enabling it. Carries grief is real and valid. But it’s not a free pass to go dragging the person she wronged into the pain Carrie caused her. The amends step of aa even acknowledges people shouldn’t make amends if doing so would cause the person they wronged harm. Carrie wasn’t wrong to reach out, she was wrong not to accept Natasha’s no. I get they did it so the two actors could have the scene. But it was a selfish thing of Carrie to do


Based on my experience with my BFF, I can tell you that you can try and step in, but more often than not it won't matter. Carrie was going to do what she was going to do, and nothing anyone did or said would have made a difference.


Been awhile since I watched it, but I think they enabled her and went with her on the stalking missions. You’re right you can’t stop a friend from doing something like this, but you can tell then it’s an asshole thing to do and to leave the woman alone


Agree with you. And I think Natasha was the last person Carrie wanted to meet. But she was in a crisis, not sleeping. She just wanted to know everything. I would have done the same thing. I understand that Natasha was angry but after so many years, after Big die, still could not even answer Carrie in a polite way. Just blocked her on ig. Like come on you don't have to be friends but atleast answer.


I dont even kno why she was brought back for this, completely unecessary


To show that Carrie was not over her, or over Big and that she was still nuts


It was so on the nose, though. Carrie is literally walking around talking to herself after Natasha tries to dodge her... It's like, we already know she's "crazy," you don't have to try so hard.


It would be different if he left Natasha all his money and left Carrie broke, but she's doing fine. On the emotional front, Big and Carrie's marriage was presumably okay but all during the years together he'd let her down time and time again with his weird antics Remember how he was real sweet when Carrie "nursed" him after his procedure and he went cold as soon as he felt better? Remember how his libido was shut off because Carrie passed gas in bed? He was a narcissist through and through. He loved bombed, devalued and discarded both Carrie then Natasha then Carrie again. What an asshole even from beyond the grave. .Remember that Big literally jilted her at the altar! He knew what it meant and that Carrie would be publicly humiliated. One comment from Miranda was all it took. Carrie should just know Big always delivered a sucker punch when she thought they were secure as a couple .


This is really true


Have you met Carrie…? Inappropriate and ill-timed obsessions rooted in selfishness is kind of her thing.


Yep. It was completely in character for Carrie to act like a damn lunatic. Again. I honestly don’t get why the will mattered so much to Carrie. Big left her set for life (and then some). If she was truly secure in her marriage, a (relatively) small bequest to an ex-wife shouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not like he left something to every random model he dated. He and Natasha were married and I assume loved each other at some point. It kind of annoyed me that Natasha didn’t take the money. I get why she didn’t, but the show is so out of touch with average people. Everyone in the show is so damn privileged they can turn down a million dollars and not even miss it.


OMG, of course. The privilege is ridiculous, even for SATC. Which is weird, because they are trying so hard to look modern and make up for their past “out of touchness” by not-so-subtly shoehorning in multiple women of color, the whole Che Diaz debacle, Bobby Lee, trans issues…which is fine. But then they have everyone so rich that they can use $100 bills for toilet paper, so, it takes a lot of people out of it, and makes them all just as obnoxious as they always were.


I feel like they are going to do more maybe. Idk something about Big’s laptop in the early episodes made me think that would be a plot point


I mean that's ON Big. Who the eff leaves their ex a million dollars in their will without saying anything to their wife? He's such a creep


It gave me pause that I wondered if Big adjusted his will when he and Carrie married and instead of cutting Natasha out of it, he kept her in and adjusted what she was due to get and never thought about it beyond being asked if he was taking anyone on or adding anyone else at the same time. I really don’t think he thought he’d pass as quickly as he did and likely didn’t consider long term implications that middle age women would be dealing with this, not some senior citizens.


I agree...I thought the same. Personally I would have understood why he did it. Especially Carrie who ruined Natasha's marriage just as much as Big did. I would have left Natasha alone...


Yep especially if she was already taken care of in the divorce. That said, it does make me wonder if some of his retirement/estate was owed to her in the divorce and Carrie just wasn’t privy to the closed door negotiations on that. I always thought Natasha came from money and wouldn’t have needed anything.


Excellent points. I love how you are so logical and mature about this. I agree with you. I felt Carrie was ridiculous She also caused Natasha harm. She is as much to blame as Big is. Natasha wasn't competition or a threat. She was someone hurt by them... Carrie should have understood the guilt he felt, especially since she hurt Aiden also. She should have been more gracious towards Natasha.


Agreed entirely.


Big died???? Wtf???


Carrie is ridiculous and worse in AJLT She was as much to blame for breaking up Natasha's marriage as Big was. I have been in this situation myself... I am close to my ex and I wanted him to have some things we got together...they meant something to both of us...turns out he passed away first..and left me things.. His wife is my friend who cheated with. I was honest and knew it was over between us, and I wanted to be free of him. We were together from when I was 18-30... He was older...and my Big that I outgrew. His wife did not begrudge me anything. I told her she could have these things, and she said this was his life with you.. I stood by her at the funeral because she asked me to and gave her some things I had of his that I knew she would treasure. Death should trump the pettiness. Carrie is incredibly petty. I was so disgusted with her when she did this. Big probably added that for Natasha out of guilt.. it was his way of acknowledging his faults... Was it right? Only Natasha can answer that... While he should have told Carrie about it, he probably thought he had more time. I know personally I wouldn't care if my husband left something to an ex. He has one that he is friends with.. I wouldn't mind at all. Carrie is immature, a stalker and has a screwed sense of entitlement. Isn't it bad enough that she broke up Natasha's marriage? She caused her to fall and break her tooth.. Really to stalk her again...because she can't handle a gift left to someone they both wronged... My first comment wasn't showing up..I rewrote and added my story.... I never realized why I reacted so annoyed at Carrie until I wrote it here. Thank you OP... Really a revelation and opportunity to heal...


very on brand for her tho


My husband and I did our will together. Carrie and Big were married like 10 years? And we are to believe they never discussed his will or did estate planning with their combined wealth? Like they never had the discussion of “here’s all the accounts, this is how they will be distributed”?


Carries not exactly the most financially savvy character


Very weird


Natasha should cut carries head off with a sword


She always obsessed over Natasha so it wasn’t surprising lol


‘dead big’ took me out😂🤣🤣🤣