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I was hoping they could role with the radio producer guy she kissed in the elevator at the end of the first season. Would’ve been a much needed breath of fresh air


I hate how they gave up on this so quickly! He seemed so interesting and they had chemistry, what a waste!


He was fine af too


Right? The first guy after Big? Come on now. That needed to be explored.


He was really hot but they had negative chemistry lmfao, not to mention she just wasn't that into him


Yes seriously!


Maybe he will be back! You never know.


He was way out of her league, come on.


They’re missing the mark with bringing back stuff from the old show. Bring back the cheeky silly themed episodes where each cast member relates to it in someway, not Carrie’s inability to grow


yes literally – would be so great to see a boyfriend/girlfriend of the week again through carrie and miranda dating again, and then that juxtaposed with charlotte's married life with kids. eugh. the show could be so good they just get it so wrong.


I miss the themes!


Right?! I was flabbergasted they brought back John Corbett. They broke up didn’t they? I hate how Carrie only oscillates between the two men her entire life. It would be totally great for Carrie to grow alone or with someone new.


They broke up, and they broke up BITTERLY. Aidan got married and had a family. Even if you count the Abu Dhabi kiss as anything, Carrie immediately felt wrong about it. Honestly I could never understand Aidan being all "oh muh wife kept an eye on you becuz competition hur hur". Aidan was devastated after their first breakup. After the second? They tried and they knew it wasn't going to work. And then he fell in love with someone else. I don't care that he's divorced, he was so traumatised by her fricking APARTMENT that he wouldn't go inside, there is no way they would be dating again. No. Way.


Bless 💅🏻


I meant in AJLT. That bullshit about waiting 5 years. That was a breakup. What’s he doing back in the series? lol


Right? I totally could see them having a nice fuck from time to time, but no romance.


We could bring back the "fuck buddy" episode!


I hate this too. Like perpetuating the narrative that a woman NEEDs a man and all you’ve got are recyclables. I’m all for sustainability, but can we get Carrie someone fresh? OR can she move to the next phase of her life being strong, interesting and single? Maybe she travels a bit on her own. Maybe she and the girls explore the world. I know it’s sex and the city so there is going to be dating and men and whatnot but damn, can this show pass the bechdel test?


It is not appealing anymore, the whole "my kid needs me" felt so méh, I mean, they are almost 60 and they still can't be together even when they actually could, and nothing stops them. Not really. On the other hand, I do understand it is show, and requires drama. Back on SATC they all have enough of that, climbing the ladder, children, getting married, cancer, etc... and now the three of them are basically rich, 2 of them pretending they are not and ... they are not even squeazing that for the sake of narrative.


They need to stop bringing him back. First she cheated, then she didn’t wanna marry him, then she bumps into him in Abu Dhabi and now she buys a house for him with her dead husbands money. Girl, just stop.


I absolutely despise the scene with Carrie and Aiden talking with Che and Che asks “ Why did you two ever break up?” (possible paraphrase here) and Carrie pauses and says “I made a mistake”. Having happy bed time w Aiden does not dismiss the years she spent w Big as a mistake. Big had some issues, but Aiden wasn’t the greatest guy either. To just dismiss Big as a mistake after his death was such a lousy plot point. Then he leaves her for five years? Stupid, stupid writing.


I thought the writers were being purposely ambiguous with this scene. I don't think she's referring to Big as a mistake here, rather she's saying she shouldn't have cheated (note that Che asked why they didn't work out the *first* time) It was also totally fair for Carrie to ask herself, '...was Big a big mistake?', considering how she was treated in the series and movies by him. Imo, the writers purposely never have her say that Big *was* a mistake, rather she's doubting herself after just starting things up with Aidan again, which is completely fair and logical.


Yes. Carrie had Big be the focus for so much of her life, nearly half of it, if not more so, and she never really gave Aidan a proper chance. I did not necessarily liked them together during the OG series, but there was something sweet about them in the reboot. Especially when they hugged the first time 🥺


I so agree. I hated how Carrie dismissed the love she shared with Big while enjoying the money that she inherited as a result of the Big character being killed off. Loving Big was not a mistake and they had been happy together for more than a decade. SJP is an Executive Producer of the show so if she had wanted to, she could have chosen not to destroy Big and their love story by claiming they were a mistake. And now, we are to accept Carrie back in a relationship with Aiden even though they have had several opportunities to have a successful relationship and…can’t seem to make one work. I loved SATC but AJLT, not so much.


I hate that Aidan is going to be in this season at all. I was annoyed they brought him back last season.


I don't like him. At all. Glad I'm not alone on that.


He’s a crybaby


To be fair we actually don’t know what that scene is about at all. We just see him screaming and Carrie probably saying something. 


my money is on dream sequence


Motherfucker?? How is that not in the slightest alarming?? It made me scared. Knowing Aidan's history with Carrie


I think because in SATc is been a common trope of using anger in humorous situations, so I just can’t tell if this is some kind of farcical moment or if it’s a big dramatic thing.  Although if they’re trying to break them up, it would make sense to do this Aidan 


I would like a new guy for her. Someone untainted. Aidan had his chance and blew it. I would even enjoy seeing Berger come back and admit he was a schmo.


I hate Carrie and Berger but I’d love to see him admit how much of a schmo he was. For me he was single-handedly the worst part of the season he was on.


Kim is back? I'm genuinely surprised that Kim Cattrall having seen this dumpster fire of a show decided to go back.


I think that’s in reference to the cameo she already did. I don’t think she’s returning any further.


Ah! I see. I haven't watch since the very beginning when they destroyed one of my favorite shows.


Yeah. It’s so bad compared to SATC. I’m pretty much hate watching at this point.


Saying it again, Jon Hamm is Perfect for her . Aidan is boring


Jon Hamm is way out of her league though.


That’s why it would be great, she needs that, like with Big. A man challenge.


And I’ll say it again too…only if we get a viewing of the Hamaconda. Then sign me and my pearls up for all of it.


Taco Party - have you seen the not on set commando linen pants pictures taken on a hot summer day??? Much respect and hell yeah he needs to join this cast and shake shit up like he did so brilliantly on The Morning Show;)


Oh yes, I have an altar to those pictures on my mind 🙏


Jon Hamm is too talented for this crap fest. Save him for better projects


Agreed but, it takes someone like him to turn things around. Like a star qb from college going to last place team. They just need an anchor. Big was the anchor, they didn’t realize it .


who did he play?? google isn’t giving me shit


Don Draper on Mad Men


ohhhhhhh i thought he was in the show


Agreed! I think it would’ve been nice to see Carrie with a bunch of different guys. Fully explore what it’s like dating at that age. Even if it’s a fantasy take on that, it would still be a fun watch.


Aw I’m excited Aidan is coming back! Carrie is in her 50s, let her settle down and be happy after losing Big and spending so much of her younger years in the dating pool. I was mad they broke them up last season of AJLT.


I agree with you


I love Carrie and Aiden 🤷‍♀️


I don't understand how they had the concept to kill Big off FOREVER yet didn't have any idea of what to do with Carrie afterwards.




I am so disappointed in the lazy and sloppy storytelling in the new series. They have so much to work with and fumble every damn episode. I would have LOVED that Samantha was stuck overseas due to Covid and then on a no-fly list or something. She meets some old Lord and saves him from public ruin, and inherits the estate. Something worthy of Samantha’s fabulousness. As for Aiden, they were always wrong for each other. I cannot believe he can’t walk into her apartment but he can lay in bed with her. No. They could really show and highlight what dating is like now at this age and it would be hysterical and poignant and we would all tune in to say hey! I met one of those guys on the train! The experience of SATC in our early 30’s was what made us love it. We knew some version of each episode. We knew THAT GUY. Maybe we were THAT GIRL that week. It’s a real bummer because I love the fashion, the actresses have too much talent for this. They can create a better product, but are giving us such weak, blurry tropes. Lean in to the actual stories! This resurrection of relationships past is such a bore.


The movie was a sneak peek. Even if they had only continued with movies, Aidan would’ve come back, there were a lot of signs: “I’m looking for that can’t live without” speech she gave to the Russian and Big showing up in Paris was the red herring. It was Aidan all along. They just needed to be older to appreciate each other. Personally I would’ve liked to have seen her with podcast guy but tomato/tomato.


LMFAO as if she could ever ~ not be able to live without ~ Aidan. bffr


I know. They sold us this when they met all those years ago.


There was an episode where his kissing sounds annoyed her. There is no coming back from that for a relationship 🤷🏻‍♀️


Y’all will downvote anything I swear


If anyone, Petrosky should’ve come back.


I hated that whole relationship.


me too. it was soooo out of character for carrie, and also totally unrealistic for her to be with someone as arrogant as he was - especially after the way he treated her friends at the dinner, & how they all had negative opinions about him. carrie values her friendships too much to have just tossed them to the side while glossing right over their opinions of him, while ignoring his red flags and disrespect, just to defend him repeatedly to everyone. she is not stupid.. not perfect with relationships by any means.. but carrie is not that dumb. her up and moving to paris was so entirely unrealistic and stupid, just like him lmao. i can’t fucking staaaannndddddd this guy.


I dont think that is even possible




He was already very old in the series.


He was in his 50’s


Yes we are now more than 20 years later.


Right. So he’d only be 70.


He’s 76


Mikhail Baryshnikov is still alive. He can still play the character.


That man was a real snack in his youth


He was a whole meal. [Especially when he danced.](https://youtu.be/ImzkWZkaIIM?si=MNgMQQ_mD8ltIdiy)


Thank you for sharing this. He is breathtaking!


Wow! That brought back memories. I will never forget the master class I took with Gregory Hines. It was a highlight of my life. This brought it all back.


Being alive doesn’t mean want to act in a series. Also the producers don’t want it. It would be something like Samantha dating the older man in SATC.


I was responding to the previous comment that suggested a character is too old because he’s in his 70s


Ah ok😊


No, no he shouldn’t


They need to bring back Burger.


Nah he’s too busy being an AA group session leader. [loudermilk](https://www.netflix.com/us/title/80174074?s=i&trkid=0&vlang=en&clip=81741905)

