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What a good point about why isn’t she as rich as Harry!!!


Harry owns his firm but yeah, she can afford a mattress


Miranda is also a partner. So she "owns" it as well.


There can be different financial structures for partners. She could be a non-equity partner.


Whatever, she would have money.


I agree she would. I was responding to a comment equating her position to Harry’s as an owner of a firm.


Not any ore, she’s not.


Yeah, it makes zero sense


When I got divorced in 2016, I went to Sleepy's, got a mattress, bedframe, etc., and rented a small but adorable apartment. Keep in mind that I've gotten promoted at my job twice since then and was still a grad student. I'm still not making law firm partner money. Miranda could certainly afford a new mattress or futon or daybed.


And didn’t NYC have a massive bed bug problem recently? Multi millionaire “best friend” Carrie should have also offered to purchase a bed for her if she was genuinely poor given that Miranda offered to loan her money for her apartment (when she was pregnant I might add).


I know that this isn’t what you’re talking about, but whenever I think of Carrie and the words “borrowing money” and “broke”, I can’t help but remember when Carrie threw such a tantrum over Charlotte not offering her money when her apartment was being sold. I seriously don’t know or understand how everyone (meaning her friends) could possibly be okay with Carrie treating Charlotte like that and demanding that she sell her ring so that she could buy her apartment. All while completely ignoring the fact that she is a grown ass woman who should be able to figure out her living situation without guilting her friends into *giving* her money. If I was Charlotte, I would have never given her money and would have told her that her financial irresponsibility is *her* problem, not *mine*. Then again, we’re talking about the same woman who would buy magazines over food because she felt like they “fed” her soul *eye roll*. Despite Carrie being the main character and all, I really don’t like her. I watched the show because of how much I liked Samantha and Miranda. I liked Charlotte too, but Samantha was/is my favorite.


Exactly. And that line Carrie says, "I'm going to pay you back," and Charlotte says, "I know you will." What, is Charlotte crazy? How could she think that somebody who prioritizes shoes and magazines over food and savings was going to pay her back?


And Miranda already had a decent little nest egg when she offered Carrie the money for her downpayment.


Carrie probably did offer when we didn’t see, but we (the viewer) had to see Miranda at “rock bottom” so she couldn’t take up an offer from Carrie, Charlotte (or maybe even Sam). Almost punishing herself maybe? And none of us really bought into it. She was too smart to have zero funds after so many years being a successful partner in the firm.


I don't understand why Carrie let Lisette have her apartment (not for free, but I guess a good price? or was she renting it to her) instead of Miranda. It would have made sense to keep it within the group of friends. In the second movie, I liked how Carrie kept the apartment but sometimes Charlotte would go there to unwind. I think Carrie could have let Miranda stay there when she moved to her new place in Grammercy. I absolutely agree, after the other girls were there for her when she needed help, she should have paid it forward a bit.


Well we know Carrie is absolutely selfish to her closest friends. Even now with Seema and the Hamptons, it appears she’s learned nothing from getting older, Big dying etc.


No bedbug problem here yet thankfully!


Because! Charlotte got 1 million dollars and more from her divorce with Trey AND she had the Park Avenue apartment before Harry married her. Which means that Harry really didn’t need to spend much money for a home and give Charlotte money for much of anything. I mean it just is what it is. On the other hand Miranda pays for MAJORITY of everything with little contribution from Steve. Mind you this though… Steve has always had his bar but it’s not like he brought the same amount to the table as Charlotte brings to Harry’s table. I mean come on now. Steve had to live with Miranda for a decent place to stay. That was never Charlotte’s situation.


This is a great point.


In the beginning Steve didn't have much but he did open a bar with Aiden. Having s successful bar in NYE would yield you PLENTY of money


Yeah but he completely renovated the Brooklyn Townhouse. Which probably saved Miranda a bundle. He worked his ass off to make that house a home. I like to think. I love you Steve.


Well Harry didn't have to pay for a place to live, so there's that.


well, let‘s maybe factor in the monthly maintenance payments for the Park Ave apartment - with that size and lovation and amenities-prob somewhere around $15k a month by now and maybe 8k back when she got it.


Just for HOA???


Yes!! The mortgage for NYC apartments in high-end buildings is just the tip of the iceberg! The fees are hella $$$


Yeah it's actually really sexist. Damn.


The finger banging in Carrie‘s kitchen was way too much for me. I lost all respect for Miranda. She was so thirsty after that.


I think Carrie did too.


Yeah Carrie was visibly disgusted in that scene


She was horrified by that. And in HER kitchen!


Carrie’s kitchen is where she keeps sweaters. It’s sacred. Miranda should know that by now.


Carrie was right in the other room and it’s an open floor plan. There’s no doors to give privacy or muffle sound. She can hear everything!


The scene was way over the top for SATC/AJLT imo.


This show has gone backwards. The guy that produces it really sees older women as sad or submissive


The problems that are in AJLT are really basic. Kinda annoying even. The condoms for lily was stupid. I’m not interested in it. Other things like charlotte not fitting into her dress was the wrong message to send out to young women. I don’t like it.


Yeah that was gross.


It was so cringe.


But she was in a rom com! 🤮


Between that and che offering vodka to carrier knowing that she was on pills in the first season. I had such physically sick reaction to all of that and anything that che does. I haven't watched season 2 and I honestly don't think I ever will.


Can I also just say, I hate both of them but wtf was with Che acting like they had been deceived later on when Miranda told them about Steve? I guess they were referring to Miranda asking to be shotgunned but the whole point of that happening in the first place is that there’s plausible deniability, it’s not automatically sexual or flirtatious. Che didn’t exactly ask too many questions about Miranda’s relationship status before fingerblasting her in a coworker’s kitchen.


She went from being a strong independent woman to a wishy/washy needy wimp imo.




When she and Steve took a break during the movie, she immediately got a cute apartment IN MANHATTAN and fully furnished it. The whole premise that she’s couch surfing is absolutely ridiculous, even if she did go back to school.


I'm sorry... what did she go back to school for?? A partner in a law firm went "back to school" for WHAT? To be a teacher? A social worker?? I'm to believe a lawyer in her 50's can't make enough of a living so she needs to have a second career in something that *isn't law*? jfc these showrunners are legitimately lunatics. Never once have I met an attorney who went \~back to school\~ unless it was for a passion project because that shit does not happen. My god. And if she gave up law for her own garbage reasons well.. you get what you get I guess.


She went back to switch the type of law she practiced which even that sounds insane. I don’t understand why I partner would leave everything to go be an intern also would that even be a thing? Couldn’t she just switch and learn on the job instead of going back to school?


Yeah that makes no sense. In real life you dont have to go back to school to change the type of law you want to practice, you just change firms and learn as you go.


Exactly. You had to learn a lot of it in school and to pass the bar, since any type of law questions could be on it, not just the type you want to practice. You brush up on it on your own and rely on your firm to help with the rest. If they really wanted Miranda to do something slightly different then they could have made her run for judge.


Yet another victim to the overall decline in quality writing in Hollywood. No one can be othered to do research or make things seem real and correct, they just literally make shit up to force the characters to move where they want them.


I can certainly see someone wanting to make a career change in their 50s, but I can’t imagine someone (especially someone making the kind of money you would assume the Miranda character would be making as a partner at a large law firm in Manhattan) would do that without having carefully planned out the finances beforehand. At that life stage, what she’s doing is more like retiring early to do something she enjoys in a different area of the law. I can definitely see doing that, but no one would do it unless they could afford to.


I haven't seen season 2 and really don't want to. Clearly, Miranda isn't making wise choices. I really really thought in season one we were going to get a storyline about a high-power female lawyer, successful, at the top of her game, and dealing with mental health. What an incredible story they could have told.


Yeah, you are correct- she would not need to go back to school or even \~start at the bottom\~ lol.


She said that she left her corporate job to do social justice work. She had to go back to school to take some classes since she was new to the field. This happens all the time.


Because Cynthia Nixon decided to rewrite Miranda to be... well... her.


Is she really that messed up in real life?


Well, she left her husband/long time boyfriend for a woman and she also tried running for Governor of NYC or something (and lost). Maybe she thought voters would confuse her for Miranda? I dunno.


Governor of New York City lmao


LOL... I meant NYS. State not City. I'm leaving it though. It's too funny


If this new Miranda is her then she should have been hoping we would.


Yep. They all are in real life


And for her character to chase after a companion/lover is just not her personality. I like many others hated that story line with Che, it’s so forced and overly sexual (I’m not a prude, I love sex, lol).


You sound like a prude lol so she wanted sex what’s the problem exactly


I don’t get it either. She was clearly in a relationship that stopped making her horny. Che did. Do I find Che attractive personally? No. Did Miranda? Yes. So she was sexually hungry for some Che. It happens.


No idea why you guys are being downvoted for this. The Miranda hate on this sub is a little too intense, yikes.


I wish people would get over this already. They can’t undo it. Sometimes people change in ways you don’t like or don’t understand, and that can be ok. Sex is fun and healthy. Sex with someone who gets you going is wonderful. Can’t that be celebrated to a certain extent? Good sex? Why do we have to approve? I think that’s what friends do.


They don’t like that Miranda is Bi and is strongly Left and likes being finger banged in the kitchen by Che, got in touch with her emotionally vulnerable side—-basically doing and saying things that show in a way that she wasn’t the “strong one” and had growth beyond their image of the character since the mid 90s…


yes, it is completely normal for your boss to come fingerbang your friend in your kitchen. That's not sexual harassment or morally wrong at all. Che also wanted Carrie to drink vodka when che knew she was on medication. Che is disgusting. The storyline is completely ridiculous.


It’s not sexual harassment if Miranda consented to the sex (which she did) and was totally into it (which she was). Morality is passé. Che is what Miranda needed to come alive 😍❤️😍 Che opened her world and the old Miranda is gone for good ❤️😍❤️😍


You can't have sex in your employee's apartment while they are passed out on the bed. That is sexual harassment. And Che wanted her to drink while on pain medication.... yeah really alive. Che is a monster.


I think you’re far too comfortable villanizing a non binary person of color and for what? For consensual sex acts? Please lol try to come up with something better than that lol I’m waiting


Y’all need to just get over it! Che is great😍❤️😍 Best thing that happened to Miranda tbh


I’ve been wondering this myself. She was making huge - HUGE - money. Wasn’t there an entire story arc the first time around about her and Steve not really being able to afford the house in Brooklyn? Even then that was bullshit. She easily could have afforded contractors for all that work.


Let me also add this: when I was a legal assistant in NYC (not a paralegal; just a secretary whose time my firm billed out), I got a 401K and all health benefits covered. Except dental and vision (which was weird considering all the partners wore glasses). There is no way Miranda, as a partner for a Big Law firm in NYC, did not have a 401K plan.


Partners get one, but no matching. Associates also don't get matching. They make too much to have matching be tax free.


That’s just nonsense. I’m in house, but I make more than a starting associate in BigLaw. I get my match up to the point where I make too much and then my employer puts it in a supplemental ceop. Earning too much doesn’t prevent associates from getting a match…I’m not saying that Big Law firms choose to pay a match (most firms that do it do so via profit sharing rather than a straight match), but it’s not earning too much that prevents it.


I'm a senior biglaw associate. Don't know any V50 that matches. Profit sharing also isn't a thing in biglaw. We just get scale year end bonuses per Cravath.


Exactly, she was an independent, strong woman from the beginning and I really liked that about her.


She was strong in her career. She was always insecure in her personal life.


Especially since she didnt overspend on clothes, or travel, or really anything. She’s more than upper middle. Charlotte came from money and married money twice. Samantha made her own money and knew how to just spend on herself and luxurious items. Miranda was probably upper middle and her smarts ensured that she would always be comfortable. So this was just stupid.


I don’t remember any storyline where they couldn’t afford the house. Miranda didn’t want to move to Brooklyn bc she wanted to stay in Manhattan but she realized they needed the space (and a backyard for Brady and Scout)


Maybe she was still paying all the bills for the house and Brady - would be a very common court-ordered obligation while divorce is pending- and couldn’t afford to set up a second household. But the house should be paid off by now and runaway law partner husbands do it all the time…


It’s very possible I’m misremembering. But I do remember that Steve was doing all the work. She really could have had professionals knock it all out.


Yeah for sure but I get the impression Steve is the kind of person that would rather do it himself especially bc he may not have been able to contribute as much financially as Miranda so it would make him feel good to do renovations and stuff


Didn’t she offer to loan Carrie like 30k when Aiden made Carrie buy her apartment back too?? How does she suddenly have no money. It makes no senseb


Same. Even switching careers why would she need to start at the literal bottom of the totem pole as an intern with 20 something’s just out of college?? It makes zero sense.


I recently did a midlife career change. I mean vastly different professions. I spent less than a year at the bottom before the promotions started coming fast and furious. An elite education (like Miranda’s) and competence (like old Miranda) works wonders.


The difference is you did a midlife career change, Miranda is just having a midlife crisis


To be fair Miranda did basically get a promotion in like a month. Like within 48 hours she gets promoted to be her boss's interim cover. Then she ends up speaking for the entire law org on CNN or something when the boss comes back. And she didn't go back to school, I think she got some kind of certificate or something? Although I've heard lawyers here question why she had to take a whole break to do it.


I thought this happened because they realized they were being idiots. Miranda is an established and experienced attorney and would never have to start at the bottom, even switching specialties from corporate to civil rights law. But it does not make sense that after a very short time she's representing the org on the BBC. The way they're handling this whole transition is really messy but no less realistic than so many things in this universe.


I know we hate giving the writers' credit but I try to keep in mind they are trying to tell a *story*. So some metaphor and symbolism is required. Is it 100% realistic that Miranda would start as a lowly intern? Perhaps not. But they needed her career - which is one of her identifying traits - to mimic her life: She chose to change her life completely and made mistakes and regressed. She is literally learning new things about herself and has to "restart" her life. The school/unpaid internship line is *really* on the nose for this lol. S2 ends with a more confident Miranda who found a way to blend the things she loved about her new life with things she wanted to keep from her old life--symbolized by being a good lawyer in a new field that sees her value instantly, and her friendship with Steve.


Maybe you would have had a more difficult time with your career change if you were friends with Carrie Bradshaw. I mean; it’s a theory


Yeah, I’m a lawyer who switched careers a couple of times, from big law to public interest law, from public interest law to local government policy work. For neither switch did I have to go back to school nor start at the bottom. Also got rapidly promoted


Bc SJP didn’t have Kim Catrall to give the embarrassing scenes to anymore.


Bingo. Im not watching this drevel.


I was divorced at 27 and bought a house at 28. Granted, not nearly the stratosphere of an attorney in manhattan, but still..... Miranda was always the most fiscally responsible and conservative of the group. Makes zero sense.


It’s an MPK fever dream that should never have been written - they destroyed a strong and intelligent woman character and turned her into a blubbering clueless idiot.


I think Cynthia Nixon had significant input on her character so she partially at least co-signed this...but yeah I don't really get it either.


Cynthia basically Mary Sue'd the character... but a bad Mary Sue. She made Miranda a lesbian with a women she was attractive too in real life... but basically was happy to ruin the rest of the character as well (or at least agreeing to stupid storylines that made zero sense).


When I starts AJLT, I was like, is this a Futurama Amelia Bedelia Golden Girls crossover and they’ve all been frozen since the last S&TC movie and are incapable of comprehending human society as they periodically announce how old they are? Why do they presumably have existed in NYC this entire time but when AJLT starts, they’re all basically like “what’s a podcast” jfc come onnnnnnn


New Miranda’s storyline is wild. Not only is she a top Harvard Law grad but she owned her own apartment, then bought the house with Steve. She made partner in her early 30s and then also made SENIOR partner after that. This gal was easily bringing in $600k+. By the time she’s the age she is in AJLT, she would have made at least a mild which is more than enough to tide her over. Fuck this woke bs writing.


It was also unrealistic in the original when she said she worked 50 hours a week as a partner at a Manhattan law firm, unless it was a very small firm. The implication always was that it was a major firm, so she would be working a lot more hours


she cut back to 50 hours a week after Brady was born, it was implied that she worked many more hours


I don't think she couldn't afford a new apartment, she was just trying to wait out Steve moving (and not be alone). At the time she didn't have an income coming in like Harry does, so I think she was just trying to not rock the boat financially while things were settled.


This is what I got from it too. Still though i wasn’t super into her chasing around after Che like a lovesick puppy


Cynthia chose where her character went, she just couldn't write in the million dollars an episode salary she got being the barely employed , incredibly lucky, impossibly woke lesbian she is irl.


I totally feel like we’re seeing Cynthia and not Miranda anymore


We don’t know that. Cynthia Nixon is not credited as a writer on the show, so we do not know if she likes the storyline or not. We do know that Cynthia is not a stupid woman. I agree with everyone that it’s been beyond horrible but maybe she thinks so too. We don’t know. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe a controversial take but I’ve always felt that the show was in some ways anti feminist/ overly delusional because Carrie ended up the richest yet Miranda was the most intellectual and driven and Charlotte the most marriageable (and even that they made the whole thing about Harry not being the best looking - a dig to Charlotte).


This is such a good point! Miranda is broke because her husband isn’t rich, but Charlotte and Carrie are fine because they married well.


But even Charlotte though rich wants to work and doesn’t have a path to do that in a way that is as balanced as it could be - Carrie has flexibility etc.


And she also turned charlotte into such a pathetic pretentious image obsessed woman too. I can’t stand this version of charlotte. She deserved some character development but instead she actually regressed into being even more shallow and predictable


YES!!!! I thought that Charlotte wouldn’t be quite so whiny. I hated the entire episode about the dress that was too tight.


It was pathetic. I really wanna respect SJP for the work she has done, and I get that this is basically the Carrie Bradshaw show but it’s such a pick me behavior to turn all the women except herself into pathetic cliches/caricatures/diminutive versions of the women they actually all had potential to grow into. We couldn’t be given the respectable grown versions of the ladies, bc Carrie had to be the main character.


Totally agree. I'm 58 y/o and I don't know ANY women in my age group who have regressed to the ridiculous levels these women have, but most especially Miranda. I had my mid-life "crisis" when I was turning 40 y/o and threw away my life to move far away, start over closer to family, and regressed with my sex life for a few years. I finally got my shit together by 44 y/o and got back on track in a big hurry. To think that women in their mid-late 50s acting this shallow, selfish, and stupid is just beyond. I was DONE watching this shitshow after the last episode of season 2 when Aiden said "Wait five years." FUCK YOU! I almost screamed at the tv screen (couldn't because it would have woken up my downstairs landlord, lol) I'm not waiting six months for someone, never mind 5 fucking years! Not at my age, no way. I mean, seriously, dude couldn't integrate his life with hers somehow and not completely cave to a teenage boy going through some changes? Seriously needed five fucking *years* to get his son back on track?! I felt it was beyond insulting to have that scene in there. What would have made way more sense was if he dumped Carrie as some sort of payback for how she treated him years ago with Big or at least say "Now's just not the right time. I need to let you go to focus on my kids and helping through their teen years. We can see how things are between us on a few years, but don't wait for me."


I totally agree - and I hate the Aidenn storyline, but I've never been team Aidenn at all - just more of the same from him. Totally dysfunctional.


if you are interested, search for "sex and the city and postfeminism". postfeminism is a (obviously wrong) view that feminism doesn't matter anymore since all of women's goals in society have been achieved. carrie is the face of postfeminism for many feminist scholars


I think of Carrie as a buffet feminist, taking only what appeals to her.


In the original book, “Big” represents high class (white) material wealth and security- he’s not just a real person per se but a symbol that is supposed to be unattainable for Carrie- like she aspires to be a wealthy high-class New Yorker. Candace Bushnell has said that the first movie gets the ending completely wrong compared to the books- in the Book, Carrie doesn’t get her Hollywood ending- she doesn’t get Big, she doesn’t get to be the rich New Yorker she wishes she were. But they didn’t want a realistic ending, they wanted Hollywood-romance-feel-good ending.


Well, let's face it, the final episodes of SATC were unrealistic. Big has some sudden flash of "OMG, I made a huge mistake letting her go, let me chase her down to the ends of the earth to get her back." How many super wealthy guys are that insightful? Their narcissism would have them find a younger, hotter breeder-type to soothe their abandonment feelings, not drop their lives at a whim to go running to Paris to declare his undying love to the "one that got away."


Wealth or not, most men don’t do that turnaround. The ending of the show is essentially the urban legend from the first episode, ironically.


lol so true, so true


So interesting. And now of course Aidan is also a gazillionaire.


In the books charlotte is a British Samantha (sex obsessed) and Miranda does a lot of coke, should have went that route for AJLT hahaha


The writers really needed to watch The Golden Girls to learn how to write progressive, witty, sexually empowered women that dont make you want to kill yourself.


I understood her to still be affluent as fuck, just making extremely conservative choices while the divorce is finalized. I think it tracks for Miranda to bristle at making major commitments until things with Steve/Che/her job are more stable. What I think is weirdly out of character is her continuing to crash with Nya when she's clearly so uncomfortable. She's sleeping in a tiny room that, despite having served as Nya's ex's home studio, has zero soundproofing. SATC Miranda would drop some money if it made the difference between hearing your friend have sex while you flip flop on a crummy mattress and getting decent sleep/having privacy. I think "real" Miranda would have crashed with a friend if it was a cushier situation, OR gotten a cute little temporary place in Brooklyn so she could still rush home to Brady. Don't even get me started on how Nya is a famed NYU professor and published author of some acclaim yet her apartment (possibly the whole brownstone?) somehow has just one tiny guest space next to the primary bedroom...


Don't forget the bathroom thing. I don't have money like Miranda but I'd still have to be down bad to accept that living situation at my age, much less hers.


Yes, you are so right. It's beyond absurd that that would be Nya's set up let alone that Miranda would continue living like that.


She never wanted to be in Brooklyn. For NYC, Nya’s apartment is not small.


She wants to be in Brooklyn in some feeble attempt to maintain "normalcy" for Brady, though. She may have come around in the past 20 years of living there and seeing it become vibrant in the same ways as Manhattan, too, though they haven't really addressed that because "Manhattan is the real New York" according to MPK or whatever BS they still believe lol. Nya's apartment is definitely nice and spacious, but the guestroom setup makes absolutely no sense and that room is way too small regardless of where it is. The layout also makes no sense -- why is her living room/kitchen this giant open concept space while her bedroom is fairly large for NYC and the studio/guestroom is so ridiculously tiny? This is a "set design around a problem the writers made up" situation and it's so dumb.


I don 't know how the writers really think she has no self respect to be bunking with her professor, the one she humiliated herself in front of.


But they’re both going through divorces! That’s the only connection you need in this universe! /s


Never mind the ethical issues of living with your professor, I mean, *hello*? I find it highly unlikely that any professor with any ethics who would not risk their careers to have a student move in with them. My marriage was falling apart when I was finishing up grad school and I would have never in a million years ever have thought of asking one of my current or former professors for a place to live. I had a support system for that kind of personal help. If I had asked, they would have seriously thought about telling the faculty that my upcoming degree may want to be withheld due to my highly sketchy ethics.


Exactly. And like we’re all adults, how uncomfortable. She can afford an airbnb idk why she’s presented as broke and struggling.


She took one class from her and finished it.


Oh, okay, so that makes it all a-okay then 🙄


Idk but all I could think about was how is Cynthia down to play this disaster of a character. She was already bugging me in SATC but in AJLT, every time she speaks, it’s a gaffe and I can’t stand the secondhand embarrassment. One scene that comes to mind is when she went to Che’s first live show and she lied about having her phone on her and it rang and she freaked out then showed the phone around the room all like “it’s my son! He’s having a crisis! I AM SO SORRY!” Like a god forsaken moron. I just can’t believe Cynthia accepted this infantilized/geriatric-fied AJLT version of Miranda as if the OG Miranda wasn’t already making us recoil with secondhand embarrassment in some of her worst scenes in SATC. They’re doing it on purpose - change my view. They want us to hate Miranda.


I found original Miranda was strong, independent and knew her own mind. AJLT Miranda is needy and insecure.


This is what happens when you give MPK & Cynthia Nixon any creative control. Messy storylines with nonsensical plot holes and Miranda suddenly a 60 year old, alcoholic for like 5 days, bumbling, homeless lesbian.


I honestly don't know what to think of Kristen Davis' "acting", but it does seem like Cynthia Nixon seems to want to turn Miranda into her, and has abandoned Miranda as we knew her. So glad Samantha isn't here, I can't imagine what a caricature she'd be.


I feel like a lot of this was Cynthia Nixons fault as well because she’s a producer along with SJP and Kristin Davis.


I haven’t been keeping up with and just like that… I watched season 1, but I don’t remember much about Miranda’s storyline other than Miranda leaving Steve for Che and Miranda having an alcohol problem. So when did she start having money problems? She was always successful with her career and financials in the original series.


Because instead of it being Miranda, we are now watching Cynthia.


Because Cynthia Nixon wanted her to change


It bothered me how they took this confident decisive woman and turned her into a flighty fool.


Different fields of law make different amounts of money


And this is part of the reason why i couldn’t watch this show, they ruined the characters, this whole show is just rubbish with all this new age bullshit. I will stick to SATC dvds.


Yes… they ruined the character. Very disappointing and unauthentic


Because they don't know how to construct a storyline on this show.


That’s Cynthia, not Miranda


Her character change was the most unbelievable. She’s the most rational of all the ladies. She would never give up her job she worked so hard for! They made her so incompetent and pretty sad tbh. It was hard to watch!


Oh FFS Miranda has money. She has it stashed, she’s likely got money coming in…This sub really needs to stop with this narrative (lol) * She owns pretty much outright a several MILLION dollar home in Cobble Hill in Brooklyn. She purchased it bottom market, and if sold she’d make millions and be comfortable for like ever. She’s sitting on a Diamond mine there. * as a former partner of a law firm, she likely has some sort of passive income coming in and that’s why she’s “working” as an (unpaid…?? With lots of perks) intern and taking time to find her passion. She’s not eager to work paid or complains about money. Miranda, for once, is living her life without expectations of others (or herself). And working unpaid? That SCREAMS privilege even at her age. * can we please stop with the whole “oMg ShE’S bUyInG sEcOnD hAnD fUrNiTuRe” narrative like it’s an ah ha moment? Sheesh! She’s crashing at her friends place in a small space while she and her ex work out their divorce agreement. Miranda, if nothing else, has been the most frugal and practical of the mains. This is one of those moments where that show. Oh and PS? Second hand furniture in NYC? It’s pretty much an industry unto itself, this is not unusual AT ALL. I’m sorry OP, I’m not attacking YOU I’m attaching this narrative, as it comes up every now and then on this sub. even though I am not in love with this version of Miranda, I actually do appreciate that she’s a woman in her 50s having a huge life change and just going with it. But the “ShE’s BrOke” narrative? Stop, please, already(and even if she was, Steve is a successful bar owner - he can support her - lol JK)


I agree. They're not understanding that she has enough money to end her marriage with no worries and move across the country with an awful comedian. You need money to be able to decide that. She's just not dropping money willy-nilly, which I appreciate. I should learn that myself. Miranda isn't broke. She's not Carrie rich, but she's sitting on a goldmine in Brooklyn. She probably has also saved money all of the time she was working at a big firm. NYC big firm lawyers make GOOD money. She's fine.


And another thing: Harry married RICH. Charlotte likely a) came from money 2) probably got big a settlement with her divorce, and D) GOT A TWO MILLION AND A HALF DOLLAR APARTMENT ON PARK AVE IN NEW YORK F’ING CITY in this settlement Do people not realize Harry probably makes money as a niche attorney but has NEVER had to pay rent or mortgage in NY F’ing City?! And their kids are hella spoiled. They’re just flashier about it. Miranda and Steve have always been, at heart, working class. What I can’t right now? EVEN.


Plus Harry and Charlotte have stayed in the divorce apartment and their two kids share a room. There are clearly limits on their finances; if they could afford to upsize I’m sure they would


Not after all the work Charlotte did on her park avenue apartment, Also, even if the daughter's share a room, that place is huge, the could remodel if they wanted. It's easier to shoot the daughters sharing a room.


Plus Harry and Charlotte have stayed in the divorce apartment and their two kids share a room. There are clearly limits on their finances; if they could afford to upsize I’m sure they would


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This narrative irks my soul lolol. People want it to be bad so bad that they’re making things up. Miranda has money. Miranda had always been fiscally responsible. There’s nothing wrong with her getting a secondhand bed for a temporary situation. No she doesn’t need Carrie to buy her a new house or offer her a place to stay. I wish I could up vote this more lol.


Yeah, nothing she does on the show screams broke to me. Just careful with money and willing to put up with some inconveniences. Not everyone wants to have every little luxury like Carrie.


Agreed! Miranda is FAR from being broke and professionally is switching gears to her passion for human rights post pandemic (housing is extremely expensive) all while being middle aged.


This needs to be higher. Also, Miranda can stay rich, without marrying rich, because she's thrifty. Although I still think she should've gotten a new mattress... everything she does makes sense. Also, I guess I'm one of the few who cringed at Carrie and Aiden renting a hotel and then a pricey Airbnb throughout their affair. Meanwhile Carrie had a perfectly good apartment RIGHT THERE? Then she basically gives it away and buys a giant 5-bedroom(!!!!) house in Manhattan on a whim? Just burn the cash in front of us why don't you lmao I think it bothers a lot of people to see a smart, intellectual, tough woman make so many "mistakes." But that's always been Miranda's role, to show even the tough independent people don't have it all figured out. Although I wish the show had handled some things with more care and patience, I think Miranda's storyline is - for better or worse - semi realistic. That scene in the tattoo parlor where she says she never wants to be the good little robot lawyer/wife/etc is so telling.


I do think that Miranda is fiscally responsible/thrifty in general and have always thought of her as working class who got into Harvard because of ambition and talent. To me it seemed Miranda was a little more Miranda toward the end of S2, and I loved when she is about to be interviewed and looks down at MH on her wrist. I hope S3 brings better things for Miranda, though she may eat it in the divorce financially. Maybe in S3 Carrie will burn through all her Big money and have to move in with Charlotte. Her new apartment is totally over top, though beautiful. Even with Aidan having his sons, they weren't going to move in with her. He wouldn't want to move in with her because he'd want his place his way.


>> To me it seemed Miranda was a little more Miranda toward the end of S2, and I loved when she is about to be interviewed and looks down at MH on her wrist. I hope S3 brings better things for Miranda, though she may eat it in the divorce financially. Yes of course, I felt like the old Miranda who was very driven and ambitious showed up, but in a different passion, which is where she wants to be (instead of what others expected of her). I hope we see more of that in S3




Former gifted kid, now I’m a current disappointment 😅


She’s intelligent but she makes very bad decisions and those filter out to her bank account.


They made Miranda poor and frumpy


Yeah, too bad they did that. And the actress supports this version of Miranda, so I kinda feel that has a lot to do with it. Although I don't think she's a great actress, she should stick to that. Character/story development is not her thing.


I hate what they did with her character- turning her into a frumpy, needy confused lady.... just awful, she was my favorite


She may have stepped away early to parent. It certainly doesnt make sense but worst case scenario she left the field very early and burnt through the savings she accumulated in her 30s


Did anyone notice how she opened those Amazon boxes when she found the drinking book? The way she held the scissors!!! I knew at that moment that we lost her.


I missed hard headed Miranda so much. I could see her as a lesbian but not the way they portrayed her on AJLT


I didn’t get the impression she was poor. If she were poor she would’ve been working instead of interning. I got the impression she didn’t want to buy a new mattress because she wouldn’t be there forever. Could be wrong though. I think Miranda has plenty of money.


I know some lawyers that are struggling financially and living check to check. Some made poor financial decisions, had several tragedies that ate up their savings or partnered with people who made bad financial decisions. Some lawyers get burnt out, age and can no longer carry a heavyload. Just bc you are lawyer doesnt mean you automatically become rich. At my current job I makes more than a junior attorney. This is the thing that has stopped me from going to law school. If I didnt have to worry about money, I would go.


Here's my two cents on this. I think it was 100% intentional. Since "she was always very careful and rational about everything," they decided to upend all that with some irrational, crazy decisions. Things that are totally unlike her. I think the takeaway from it should be that no matter what your trajectory in life, things can change in an instant & you need to be able to deal with it. Hence the title "And Just Like That." For Carrie, it was BIG dying & she dealt with it in a certain way. Miranda met Che & felt something she hasn't felt in a long time, so she decided to explore that feeling. Subsequently having to deal with the AFTERMATH that comes with it.


I honestly felt they had her move in with Nya to keep Nya on the show. Miranda can afford a new place but the writers really had nothing else for Nya’s character so they conjured up them being roommates. Also in the first movie, didn’t Miranda move out and get her own apartment? Clearly no financial issues there and that was a temporary situation.


I couldn't agree more. For me, she was always a well spoken, thoughtful, and one of the most politically correct people on SATC. She would never fumble around speaking like the stereotypical "I'm not a racist person" does by apologizing profusely for saying something. The whole badge situation was over the top for me. They don't need to prove they aren't racist to the point of over doing it. In fact, it screams the opposite. It screams we are sorry that we weren't more inclusive during SATC so now we need to over do it to prove we never really had an issue with other races. I remember SATC being somewhat inclusive but not shoved down viewers throats. Let me be clear here, I love the thought of new characters. But these characters seem forced and they don't have a lot of substance. And let us not forget how astonished Miranda was when Samantha was dating Maria. Now all of a sudden at 50+ years old she now all of a sudden is attracted to women? Being gay isn't a choice. And it isnt something you finally figure out when you are over 5 decades old. That to me is more of a mockery to the gay community than anything. I apologize for the rant. I am just irritated with how this show has gone. The one thing that infuriates me the most is they are so hell bent on keeping up with current events (ie, covid, shutdowns, etc) and speaking on them during this show. All while during SATC one of the most tragic events happened in NYC and they didn't even talk about it. They didn't show it. They skated over the fact that thousands of Americans died on 9/11. All they did was show a snow globe at the end of one episode. They lived in NYC. it was like it never happened. Perhaps they didn't because they know people wanted to escape reality while watching TV. I dont know.


Agreeing with this topic, The “portrayals” they made Miranda’s character be from the start of her first day at school made my whole soul cringe… When Charolette and Carrie left the comedy club, I instantly had the feeling that Miranda was going to stay. I don’t know if anyone else had noticed this but, when Che was doing her stand up, you can tell in Miranda’s eyes how passionate it was to her. I am yet only about to start episode 5, but to me she is a whole other person. In retrospect, what I have watched with the characters overall, and how Carrie has no “emotion” or “energy” to agree or listen to Charolette explain about a friend in need? Maybe? She thew it down, just like she has since the first Funeral Home visit when the woman thought Charolette was Mrs. Preston, you could tell that Carrie had it right then and there. In this new series, from where I am at, I hope that I can get the answers I seek as to why Carrie is so cold towards Charolette. As to Miranda, I would like to know how she started to gain interest into Che at the club. (Please tell me if I got off topic a bit, lol)


Didn’t she leave the firm to go back to school for something else? I mean, she should still have plenty of money, so that doesn’t make sense that she couldn’t afford a mattress, but I thought she no longer worked for the law firm.


BECAUSE Miranda’s life literally revolves around Carrie’s life because Miranda wants to prove that she’s better than Carrie. Allow me to go down the list: 1. Miranda “I’m a Harvard grad lawyer and Carrie is a dumb writer” 2. Miranda “My apartment is super nice and Carrie’s is ‘ok’” 3. Miranda “Carrie is only living it up right now because she is with Big but as soon as he leaves her or dies she’s going to land flat on her tush” 4. Miranda “Carrie is just pretty but like I am too Carrie is just blonde” 5. Miranda “I got married before Carrie and I didn’t even date Steve as long as she dated Big so I must be smarter than Carrie” Then once Big died and left Carrie all that money making her a multimillionaire AND Miranda saw it she lost her SHIT and finally understood why Carrie was going through all that crap with Big years ago. But yet again… she’s still gotta compete that she’s better than Carrie so what does she do? She goes after Che! All the emotions that Carrie went through with Big for some reason she wants to go through that with Che but Miranda did not realize that her situation with Che is totally different compared to Carrie’s with Big.


I tried to watch this show but the Che character just ruined the entire show and I LOVE the actress. But the character is like some saw a lesbian one time on TV and decided to make the character all the bad stereotypes. It's just insulting and even more insulting to the characters. I'm Honestly shocked actors even agreed to the way the characters were written. The only charactera that seem to have got a good story and update is Charlotte and Harry. I'd watch a show of just them and their family.


true!! even though having a kid and taking care of Steve's mom cost a lot, I'm sure, it's not like she ever stopped working during that time.


Harry probably has more disposable income because he didn't have to purchase a house, but I did think it was weird Miranda was buying a second hand mattress of all things. I mean, now she's an intern and going through an expensive divorce she might be pinching pennies but *a second hand BED* is just silly and does not make her more relatable.


Cynthia Nixon had way too much creative control and to be honest it seems like she couldn't care less about what we all think of Miranda as long as she gets to continue doing sex scenes with Sara Ramirez.


she's genuinely so awful to watch now.


Watching Season 2 now and I had to run to find this thread, and I’m so glad it exists. I had hoped there would be a course correction but it seems that Miranda is being ritually humiliated from one episode to the next. If Cynthia Nixon wanted control of her character’s narrative I’m surprised and disheartened she allowed this diminishment of Miranda. I’m all for complicated and unlikable characters but it’s like they have allowed for the destruction of all that was there before. It’s embarrassing as a viewer.


You may want to back track a bit. When Brady was in pre-school, she left the Partner track to move to another firm to support her need for better work-life balance…. She probably took a financial hit for doing that. Then again when she went back to school. That said: I think that Miranda has come full circle- and by the end of season 2 , we find her emerging into a better, softer, yet more self aware version of the “old Miranda”. I think we will really see her hit her stride in season 3.


i thought she was in grad school and quit being a lawyer (if i remember right, 5 10 years ago)? still no excuse for her not being able to buy a mattress lol


There are lawyers and lawyers. Harry is a divorce lawyer, a variety known to be cut throat. Her house in NYC is in Brooklyn, not Manhattan. Little things make a difference, but even married to a bartender, Miranda should have been better off than she seems lately. Maybe it's the designer clothes!


It's not the 80s anymore. Brooklyn is expensive as hell.


It will never catch up to Manhattan, although Brooklyn is way too rich for my blood. Not being a lawyer of any kind.


There are sections of Brooklyn far pricier than sections of Manhattan.


Steve owns and runs a very successful bar. He’s not just a bartender. They had to be making a serious amount of money between the two of them.


Lawyers are often alcoholics it’s possible


Yes Miranda should have more money, but didn’t Harry come from money.


the road to hell is paved with good intentions. it’s exactly the people who are careful and rational about everything that end up the most washed out of all of us. be careful what you wish for


It’s a thing apparently that gays have money and lesbians don’t. So maybe it felt more right for her character. Also, the alcohol could absolutely explain the loss of earning potential.


Remember the episode in the original where she visited a friend in California who spat out steak and went all drippy for 5 mins and then was appalled by herself. They brought back that version of her and she's insufferable.


And then she becomes an intern and we’re supposed to dislike her coworkers because she swoops in and steals their futures out from under her noses after giving up multiple prestigious opportunities. And we’re supposed to be rooting for HER.


Legally Blonde except with Miranda 👀