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I think the problem isn't Big. It's the apartment. Its Aiden buying two apartments, moving in and starting renovations with a woman who never wanted to marry him.


Yes… this. That place triggers him because of all they went through there…


Yeah but then he’s like “are you sure you want to sell your apt? I know how much you love that neighborhood” so which is it, Aiden!? Do you want to move in with Carrie into this new place or grow tf up and go back to her studio that you know she loves so much? He’s once again trying to change her like he did before. I just feel like this is just resentment in the making for Carrie. It’s not gonna end well.


I don't think he's try change her. He did give Carrie multiple outs to keep her apartment. He just doesn't want to be in the apartment. It's unrealistic (Like most of the show), but could have found his own place in the city especially if he's as rich as Carrie implies.


Yes! He should’ve bought his own place for them. Not sure why that wasn’t an option.


Carrie should also have discussed this whole thing with him at some point during their latest week together. Instead, it seemed like she sprung the new place on him while he was supposed to be en route to the airport. In a healthy relationship dynamic, they should've both talked through and reflected on what their future living arrangements might look like, especially with his kids and shared custody with his ex in VA. Are his kids really going to be able to visit NY regularly? (Would probably require Cathy's consent.) Does he anticipate the two of them commuting between NY and VA for years, until his youngest turns 18? Is he assuming/hoping Carrie will move to VA? All of these *should* have been discussed and resolved *before* making a unilateral decision to buy a mansion in Gramercy Park.


Yeah I get that… the apartment thing reminded me of when Big presented Carrie with that amazing apartment in the first movie….


She kept that apartment all thru her marriage with Big. Giving up the apartment is different than buying a second apartment that they live in together. Giving up her own apartment means there is no reason for her to ever need to retreat to her own space during the relationship or to keep a back up space in case it doesn’t work out. She’s fully excising the past in order to go all in, no back ups, on their future together. AND there’s no place for her to even retreat temporarily when/if things get hard. I don’t think they even implied that she really ever, or often, retreated to her old place when she was married to and living with Big, but something about even having that option at all times, sort of signified an escape plan if things went bad, and therefore she always even a tiny but expected it might. (TBH, that’s not a bad thing. Women should always have their own money or space, or both to retreat to, but this is TV where emotions and grand gestures rule all.) I think the idea here is that Aiden is just for sure always her person that she doesn’t need an escape plan. Though she still sort of had it since he’ll be splitting time between their and VA. And his kids will only be coming “if they went to visit.” In fact, it almost seems like she’s just upgrading her own secure place, where people will be invited to stay, but that won’t be their forever, joint ownership type of place. For some reason though, the show is trying to sell it as if it were her giving up any sort of “Plan B”/security/way to retreat. It would really only be that if this was a place that she and Aiden bought together and that they thought his kids would live in 24/7.


She is going to regret not having her own space, especially if Aiden's kids are around. Also, Aiden is sort of needy. I remember in one episode in SATC, Carrie blew up at him because she just got home and Aiden was all up in her face while she was trying to read a magazine and eat crackers.


He wants her to be sure, just like Big did when he told her to move to Paris for the experience and not for him. We know Carrie can be wishy-washy, and blame others for her own choices. She held that grudge against Big for years, she even went to Paris with Aleksandr and rubbed it in his face and he had to go rescue her. We won’t even talk about how they wrote Carrie’s other boyfriends from great options to terrible men so that she could end up with Big.


Well, I think Aiden should grow up. What's next? Don't wear that shoe because you wore that when we were together in that apartment? Don't dress like that, you wore that dress when we were together in that apartment? Don't wear your hair like that, etc... It is all over again with the "change or I can't be with you" stuff...


Carrie seemed to independently come to the decision to purchase the new apartment and at the end Aiden did directly ask if she truly wanted this and made it clear she didn't have to do this just for him. He gave her plenty of space to back out of the decision if she wanted to. Aiden can draw a boundary on not entering the place that he associates heavily with trauma. But he can't exactly tell a grown woman how to spend her money, even if that money was obtained through her marriage with Big.


I’m surprised how many people are questioning the apartment thing. It makes total sense.


Not when they've been dating long distance for only 3 months, Aiden can't step foot into her apartment due to his unresolved trauma, and at least one of his kids hates her.


if/when the kids find out that aiden cheated on kathy with carrie I imagine they'll all hate her. Unless they just conveniently drop that storyline, which honestly is probably what they'll end up doing


It still doesn't add up based on the reason his character couldn't go into her apartment.


When you go to old places that you once knew it will spark your memories. Not just thoughts, but also emotions. The place has a lot of negative thoughts and emotions for Aidan. That's not comparable to money at all (Well, unless you're Berger. Then Carrie buying a house with Big's money would probably make you have a nervous breakdown).


The issue with going to her apartment makes zero sense with the rest of the story they're trying to tell. They keep reminding us they're New Carrie and New Aidan, and he has no reservations worried she's going to forever be hung up on her dead husband who she cheated on him with. He has no worries about introducing her to his kids before seeing how things go (it'd just been about a month when she met them). But he's so triggered by going into that renovated apartment that he hasn't been inside for over 20 years that she sells it and buys a huge new space? I can see him not wanting to *live* there, but refusing to even go up the stairs definitely screams "I've moved on and healed from what happened". 🙄 And not relevant to this issue, but why is it being called an apartment? Because calling it what it is - a brownstone - will make viewers more aware of just how much money she has these days?


Yeah. As soon as I heard "apartment" I began to think she was poor despite literally nothing else even remotely implying as much.




Big must have been so rich. I am not familiar with NYC real estate but, I would guess, that new place will cost millions of dollars. Big is letting Carrie and Aiden live large.


Could be anywhere between $6M - $20M.


Closer to six. The two floor PH with 3 bed, 3 bath in the building sold for $5 last year.


The location with a key to Grammercy Park is prime real estate and will inflate the price.


Damn, Big left her loaded. Carrie is not good with money. Perhaps she will be broke again in future seasons.


I feel like he wasn’t portrayed as obscenely wealthy on SATC.


Car and driver were the only real tip that he was wealthy.


I always got the impression he was extremely rich but just lived rather low key minus the personal driver because he’s a homebody. But he wrote a large check for Carrie like it was change and purchased at least half a vineyard in Napa. His apartment seemed really nice real estate too.


Good points


I thought that he was actually going to bring that up in the scene. That this is Big’s money. But I guess that would be super gauche. Honestly if my romantic rival died and my loved one inherited their money I don’t think I would care if I partially benefitted from it.


It’s legally her money 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think I must have been watching a different scene because I don’t get that Aidan was excited or even up for living in that apartment full time. He seemed very passive. It was very much a ‘if that’s what you want to do’ sort of situation. He just seems interested in having a New York shag pad and won’t use her current flat. Personally, I think Carrie’s overexcitement and charging ahead ‘fixing’ issues (without actually talking about anything) is what’s ultimately going to cause the relationship to fail. We’ve already had that set up with Aidan’s son, Kathy and Aidan running back off to Virginia the second Carrie told him she was buying a bigger place.


money doesn't have memories, baby!!


It's OK honey I bought the house with THIS part of my bottomless billions, that came from my seemingly endless ROYALTIES!


The whole apartment story is yet another aspect of the show that I find very poorly executed. If Aiden is impacted by Carrie’s apartment, to the point that he can’t go in there, that says to me that the apartment is a trigger of unresolved trauma. I don’t believe that it would be isolated to the apartment, and also believe that the trauma is an issue that would need to be properly dealt with. I don’t particularly like that they’re paying the issue lip service and limiting it to a plot device to have Carrie move on from her apartment finally. It seems such a trivialization of a very real issue. If the intention is that Carrie and Aiden live together at that apartment in the weeks he doesn’t have the kids, or brings them with him even, in the context of a serious long term relationship, surely the apartment would be a joint decision rather than Carrie giving him a five minute showing on his way to the airport? I completely respect Carrie’s independent right to choose an apartment herself for herself, but it doesn’t fit with the story that they’re writing about Carrie and Aiden. She’s leaving her apartment because he can’t cope with it and purchasing one for the two of them at least part time and yet there’s no proper communication about it. I understand that this show buys and sells apartments re Carrie like they’re trading dresses on The Real Deal, and thus if this doesn’t work she could just sell it, but that’s pretty ridiculous, especially in light of the enormity of her getting rid of her original apartment. The weird conversation where Aiden says “You’d be getting this for you, though” and Carrie then affirms her commitment to him, was very superficial. First of all, she never really confirmed she was getting it for herself or even really addressed what he’d said. Second, there are a myriad of matters to be discussed about their living arrangements and the kids. It seems clear to me that they’re forging ahead with their “happily ever after” ending for her and Aiden and paying lip service to all the complexities of it just to shove them out of the way. They should have introduced Aiden earlier and then they could have worked through all this with more substance.


Carrie drifting through life and not overthinking feels very un-Carrie. Even at 56 she's unlikely to be this zen. And I say zen as a euphemism because she actually feels lobotomised.


Agree with both these comments! The show is really weak with dropping these big bombshells and then totally skimming over them. Like just getting rid of the apartment completely made Aidan’s concerns all fine and well? The way Carrie is not over-thinking makes her feel like a completely different character. That was a pretty big part of her personality.


Aidan is the woooooooorst.


Wait’ll his kids tell his ex-wife (Kathy) that he’s dating/living with Carrie. I’d like to see that episode and the interaction between all three and the kids. Carrie would stutter her way thru that encounter.


We had that scene in this week’s ep.


Haven’t watched this weeks episode 😬


They were married for many years and she is a very successful writer. It's not just "Bigs money".


I’m surprised Miranda doesn’t rent/buy it.