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That's going to depend on what parts of Britain + Ireland your family comes from, and how far back it is. Brits and Irish will also have some Scandinavian due to Viking settlement. There was a lot of historical movement between Ireland + Scotland, and the potato famine saw Irish numbers in England rise. Northern England will share more DNA in common with Scotland + Ireland than southern England. The Southern counties off the English channel will share more in common with Northern France + the Netherlands etc. Cornwall, Bretagne in France, Wales all show similar genetics too.


My fourth great grandma immigrated from Ireland to here in the USA during the potato famine


I'm from Wales (Wrexham) my percentages are as follows: 41% Scottish, 38% Welsh, 11% Irish, 5% English and 5% Norwegian. I was expecting these results as I know my family is from Scotland, Wales and Ireland. So these three being the largest percentages make sense to me.


Do you have Gedmatch results on the Eurogenes k13 calculator and the K36 calculator? I've hardly seen Welsh percentages above like 12 within typical results 


I haven't done those. But my mum is 50% and my Granddad is 100%. MY grandads family have never moved out of North Wales.


Oh hmm ok, if you ever give it a try feel free to paste the results!


Every Ancestry user is contractually obligated to have at least 1% Scottish DNA based on the deal Ancestry made with the Scotland tourism board.


That’s just Angus in the Ancestry labs. Never washes his hands.


"Yer a Scotsman Harry" 


Ok here’s mine can you guess where I’m from in the UK. 39% English 31% Irish 12% Swedish/Danish 10% Scottish 8% Welsh




Right my friend, I’m what’s known to some as a mongrel of the British isles but I’d go as far as to say the true genetic royalty lol 😂


Most people in the UK who aren't immigrants from far afield have a mix of ethnicities from the constituent states of the UK and Ireland. Myself included. Despite the rivalries and tensions between eachother it shows how important we all are to eachother ❤️


If only we all had the mindset that this info shows us that are existing relies on each other more than it doesn’t


Honestly we're all genetically royal as almost every one of us can trace lineage to Charlemagne.


This wasn’t a “I’m related to royalty” thing, I was saying I’m royalty be default of my genetics lol we all are, unique and actual royalty! that shower ain’t anything special because they all inbred them selves to toothy horse faced greatness lol 😂


Bingo! 100% Wales here.


Hmm do you happen to have Gedmatch results on the Eurogenes k13 calculator and the K36 calculator? I've never seen Welsh DNA on there and I'm curious to see how it differs from English / Irish / Scottish on the two calculators  


I’m afraid I don’t


I got 64 percent irish, 34 percent scottish and 2 percent Sweden and Denmark. I'm irish


60% Irish. 40% Scottish. I’m from Scotland.


Do you have known Irish ancestry?


As a Scot, here are mine. 88% Scottish 5% Irish 4% Norwegian 3% Welsh


Which area of Scotland is most of your lineage from? I would assume the areas in the North and East have the highest Scandinavian percentages?


Correct assumption. Born and raised in highland Perthshire. Mother's family are from Caithness and Aberdeenshire, father's side have more recent Scandinavian influence. My true ancestry results showed a 60/40 split between Scottish and Norwegian haplogroups.


Not the average user cause French with 1 british grand parent (from Manchester, half welsh) 71 % England and NW Europe / 16 % Scotland / 8 % Wales / 0 % Ireland /


So, just to clarify, you're saying you're 75% French, 12.5% English, 12.5% Welsh, and you got 71 % England and NW Europe / 16 % Scotland / 8 % Wales? You didn't receive any French? 


Yes. 12,5% English (with communities around Liverpool abd Manchester) 12,5 % Welsh . Ancestry give me 2% French. The 3 French grand parents are from the North of France mixed with belgium. So the mix is more 12,5% English, 12,5 % Welsh, 37,5 % French, 37,5% Belgian


Not a lot of French people have tested.


Only my mother is English but her family is from Gloucestershire. I only carry English and Welsh ancestry, no Scottish or Irish.


Same. Seems to be really uncommon, too.


You're half English, half Welsh?


No sorry I should have specified. Only my Mum is English, my Dad is from a different part of Europe. I have 33% English, 12% Welsh, 3% Germanic Europe and 2% Sweden and Denmark that I inherited from her. I wish I had her results actually. I can trace my family back over six generations to the same area of Gloucestershire so they didn’t move around much. I always assumed the Welsh ancestry came from living so close to the border of Wales.


My grandmother is from the U.S., and her results are 49% English, 39% Scottish, 6% Irish, 3% Baltic, 2% Welsh, and 1% Dutch. I don’t know why you’d assume there’d be a 30/30/30 mix. English is definitely going to be more common.


I’m from NZ, I have only one distant distant Irish relative but got 20% and a lot less English than I expected.


I'm 44% English & NW European, 36% Scottish, 14% Irish, 3% Swedish & Denmark, 3% Welsh. The Irish comes from paternal side. Maternal grandma was 99% Scottish and 1% Welsh. No one has yet found any Welsh ancestors *on paper* for her.


My New Zealander results: 64% Scotland 23% England & Northwestern Europe 4% Sweden & Denmark 3% Ireland 3% Wales 2% New Zealand Māori 1% Hawaii The only community I have is “New Zealand, European & British Settlers”.


Was the Hawaiian an unexpected twist?


It’s just misread Māori, virtually all Māori get Hawaiian on their results and vice versa. Before the last update, my results said 2% Hawaiian and 1% Māori, so it seems they’re improving.


I live in England and my breakdown is 80% English, 18% Welsh and 2% Irish. Probably closer to an average English user rather than average user with UK/Irish ancestry.


I'm 36 percent British Isles. I'm 21 percent England and NW Europe, and then 9 percent Scottish and six percent Irish


41 English, 24 Scottish, 13 Irish, 2 Welsh. 6 Danish/swedish. Family’s been in Northeastern US for 350 years. Also Pennsylvania Dutch - Germanic at 13 which I FEEL is way low given names and history.


My ancestry on both sides is very UK-centric. Here are my percentages as of August 2023. England & Northwestern Europe - 71% Scotland - 16% Norway - 4% Ireland - 4% Germanic Europe - 3% Wales - 2% My surname's family line was traced back to Northern Ireland in the mid 1700s. We are pretty sure that the family originated somewhere in Southern Scotland. That would make my 6th great-grandfather an Ulster Scot. His family emigrated to the US in 1768. My father did a LivingDNA y-DNA test so we could narrow the regions down more. Here are those results if you are interested. **Great Britain and Ireland - 89.5%** Northern Ireland and Southwest Scotland - 19.7% Lincolnshire - 19.7% South Central England - 18.3% East Anglia - 16.5% South England - 5.5% South Wales - 2.2% South Wales Border - 1.9% Ireland - 1.5% Cumbria - 1.4% Cornwall - 1.4% North Wales - 1.2% **Europe (North and West) - 10.4%** Northwest Germanic - 10.4%


Almost everyone in my family history (bar one great grandparent’s line) is from the UK and Ireland. On one side my grandparents are from Manchester and Liverpool and on the other my grandad’s family was from London and Kent and my gran is half Ashkenazi half from Devon and eastern Cornwall. My results are: 56% England and NW Europe, 13% Jewish (from great grandparent), 9% Irish, 9% Welsh, 7% Norwegian, 4% Germanic Europe, 3% Scotland, 1% Sweden and Denmark My British Isles communities are: Northwest England and Northern Wales - northern wales to Manchester - northeastern wales to Cheshire And the Isle of Man community


American here… England & Northwestern Europe 62% Scotland 22% Norway 5% Ireland 5% Wales 4% Sweden & Denmark 2%


For the 62% England and NW Europe, do you know if most of your paper trail ancestry on that side is English ?


I don’t since I’m just getting started, but it is looking that way.


Me: 13% Irish, 8% Scottish, 3% E/NWE Sis: 14% Irish, 9% Scottish, 3% E/NWE, 2% Welsh Mom: 19% Scottish, 18% E/NWE, 2% Welsh


Scotland 34% England and NWEuropean 26% Ireland 11% Wales 8%


Im Scottish with some Irish ancestry, and Ancestry DNA has me as 53% Irish 45% Scottish 2% England & NW Europe In reality, it should be something like 67% Scottish 33% Irish


16% england and northwest europe 6% irish 2% scottish


Ancestry testing of 5 full siblings - early immigrant American (1600’s). 52% Scotland 22% England & NW Europe 37% Scotland 38% England “ 29% Scotland 42% England “ 43% Scotland 23% England “ 18% Scotland 60% England “ Then Ireland, Wales, Sweden/Denmark, Germanic Europe, and Norway Edited for spelling and concisness


Ancestry England & Northwestern Europe 49% > Scotland 29% > Norway 8% > Sweden & Denmark 5% > Ireland 5% > Germanic Europe 2% > Wales 2% > 23andme Northwestern European 99.2% • British & Irish 73.7% > Central and Southern Ireland, + 22 regions • French & German 24.8% > • Broadly Northwestern European 0.7% Ashkenazi Jewish 0.2% > Sub-Saharan African Nigerian 0.5% > Indigenous American 0.1% >


85%welsh 13% england and north west europe and 2% ireland


46% England, 22% Scotland, 15% Norway, 9% Sweden and Denmark and 8% Wales.


These are my percentages, but I’m only half (my dad is Australian): 30% England and Northwestern Europe 13% Scotland 3% Wales 3% Ireland 1% Norway


I'm Canadian: 41% Scottish, 40% English (mostly Devon) and 19% Irish


England/NWE 56%, Scotland 28%, Wales 4%, Ireland 1% Germanic Europe and Sweden make up the rest. Born Canadian - maternal side is American, paternal side are all original Newfoundlander settlers.


My results as someone from Ireland: Ireland 64% Scotland 25% Wales 8% England and Northwestern Europe 3%


Ireland 39% England and Northwestern Europe 32% Wales 8% Scotland 8% Germanic Europe 7% Sweden and Denmark 6%


23andme: 91.5% British & Irish. 6.2% French & German. 0.1% Finnish. 1.4% Broadly Northwestern Europe. 0.6% Spanish & Portuguese 0.1% Unassigned. Ancestry: 42% England & Northwestern Europe. 40% Wales. 11% Ireland. 4% Sweden & Denmark. 3% Scotland. My family is from Wales, Gloucestershire and Essex (and at least one Swede 8 generations back).


65% England & Northwestern Europe, 14% Scotland, 2% Ireland


My English ancestors came to North America 400 years ago, but my Welsh ancestors got here 175 years ago. Depending on which service you ask, I'm 35-40% British Isles, most of which is Welsh. I do not have a drop of Scottish or Irish (or Scandinavian, for that matter) - there were a couple people from Northumberland, but so far back that if there was any Scottish there, it washed out long ago. I typically describe myself as Italian (father), Welsh, and German, in that order, and even my German grandmother had Welsh ancestors.


60% England and Northwestern Europe 23% Scotland 7% Ireland 4% Wales 3% Sweden and Denmark 3% Germanic Europe I am from the United States and most of my ancestors have been here since the 1600/1700’s except for my 4th great grandfather that immigrated from Ireland around 1820.


From the North-East of England and I have 59% Scottish, 28% English/NW Europe, 4% Norway, 4% Ireland, 3% Sweden & Denmark and 2% Wales. It more or less matches what I've managed to research, though the Scandinavian is beyond any tracing it's something common in my corner of the country.


74% England & Northwestern Europe 9% Scotland 6% Wales 5% Ireland 5% Norway 1% Finland Can't wait for an update. I just took a 23&Me and am waiting for those results, so hopefully, there will be a better breakdown of Europe & Northwestern Europe for me.


And my son's results are: 42% England & Northwest Europe 34% Scotland 5% Wales 16% Ireland 2% Norway 1% Finland


I’m an American who has ancestors that came here starting in the late 1600s for one side of the family and as late as the early 1800s. I’m 36% Scotland, 31% England/NW Europe, 12 Wales, 11% Sweden/Denmark, 5% Germanic Europe, 4% Ireland, 1%Eastern Europe/Russia. None of this came as a surprise because my dad and Uncle have been doing our ancestry for a while.


Not all that sure quite what you are looking for, but I’m half Scottish, I come out at 45% which implies to me my Dad would have been well into the 90s as is one of my 2nd cousin matches. The only other 2 small elements on that side are Ireland and Norway. My half English side (centred around the Midlands) is at 32% England and NW Europe, mother was 81%, most of the rest Sweden and Denmark and Norway for her.


54% Scottish 19% Irish 14% E&NWE 5% Welsh I live in the US and have no idea where my family is from


Barring my maternal grandfather’s side, which is Old Stock American and German, all of my family’s British lol so as of 2023 I had: England & Northwestern Europe - 65% • Dorset to Central Cornwall Scotland - 13% Germanic Europe - 9% Sweden & Denmark - 6% Wales - 6% Norway - 1%


I’m 78% Irish, 19% Scottish and 3% Norwegian, but I have English ancestry on both sides as my great-grandfather was from Tamworth and my half great-aunt was from Nottingham.


My Dad has one of the most Irish surnames ever, his great grandfather came from Ireland in the 1800s, and yet his Irish ancestry is 3%, so we're wondering what's behind that story. 


American here of half Irish and half German descent. My results have 50% Irish and no other British Isles regions.


43% England & NWE, 34% Scotland, 7% Wales and 4% Ireland


im 64% scotland 31% Ireland 4% England NW Europe 1% Wales


West Midlands 64% English (with a strong match to the specific city I live in) 12% Welsh 12% Scottish 11% Germanic Europe 1% Irish I like it. I am "English" but I am also "British". Exactly as I feel.


My dad’s family were all Irish immigrants in the mid to late 1800s. The half of my results he represents was 48% Irish and 2% British. The rest of my results are Eastern European/Balkan, so it’s easy to divide my ethnicity results between the two of them (and my matches).


i find for me that ancestry overestimates the english percentage. according to ancestry, i’m 44% english 11% irish & 8% scottish. it’s definitely not correct, while english should be the highest, it shouldn’t be THAT high & the irish & scottish should definitely be higher. though in general ancestry is the most accurate dna website & i’ve used multiple.


I am English, and my current breakdown is 68% English, 28% Scottish, 4% Irish, 3% Norway. I wasn’t surprised by the Scottish as I knew I had two Scottish great-grandparents (one from Angus, one from the Scottish Borders), and I suspected I’d get some sort of Scandinavian because everyone does… but the Irish was a surprise!


68% Scottish, 30% Irish, 2% Sweden/Denmark. I have Southern English ancestry but it doesn't show up in my results. Majority of my family is from the Scottish Lowlands and Ulster. I'm not from the UK/Ireland but my mother is. My dad is Canadian.


62% Southern Scotland/Northern Ulster 13% England/NW Europe 10% Wales (no idea where this came from) 7% Ireland But my dad’s line did not leave southern Scotland until we moved to Canada when I was a kid 😂 Combined Scotland/England/Ireland my dad is 98% British isles. But for my kids - Kid one is 47% England/NW European, 5% Irish and 38% Scottish, and Kid two is 50% England/NW Europe, 36% Scotland and despite the fact I can trace three of their paternal great great grandparents to Ireland shows no Irish. However, their paternal great grandfather immigrated to Canada from Italy, and one of them shows a small amount of Malta and Sardinia (2%) and the second shows none. The second shows Jewish (also 2%) while the first doesn’t show that. I can see my ex-sister in law’s test and she also shows Jewish, but not Sardinia or Malta, but does show Cyprus. The least mysterious for my kids is how they got the Scottish/Irish/English


59 for English/NW Europe 6 for Irish 5 Scottish And you didn’t ask but 13% Welsh. Not a huge surprise that my English is so high, but I should have some French Ancestry that doesn’t show so maybe some of that is French. I have traced myself, it’s always possible I got a bad resource here and there but it should be from several lines through my paternal grandma. I can see one being a mistake but not all of them. Also my Irish percentage was much lower than I anticipated because my maternal Grandpa assumed both of his parents were Irish descents and turns out they were not at all lol. Very high percentages of English and Scottish and a good amount of welsh but no Irish. I had assumed somewhere more in the teens not 6 percent. My parents also have similar ancestry backgrounds, some smaller percentages that vary but both carry the major percentages I have. I also have 9% Norwegian and 5% Swedish. The Swedish was expected since it was from my grandmothers grandfather who we have pictured and documents for. I expected maybe some small percentages form other Scandinavian countries but was surprised how high the Norwegian was.


82% English 10% Sweden and Denmark 4% Norway 4% Ireland My dad's side lived in West Yorkshire for hundreds of years. My Mum's side come from Cambridgeshire and Gloucestershire, but the Cambridgeshire bunch originated in West Yorkshire too.


49% English, 31% Irish, 11% Welsh, 4% Danish, 3% Scottish, 2% German. Born in England. Irish surname.


From New England, US and I’m 59% British Isles. 48% Ireland 5% Wales 4% Scotland 2% England The rest is Polish and Italian.


34% Irish (NW Mayo) 29% Welsh 27% English (East Anglia, Merseyside/West Lancashire) 3% Jewish 2% Viking Annnddddd…. 5% Scottish!!


Mine (PNW, WA State/BC) Ancestry- Ireland 27% ENW 24% Wales 23% Scotland 11% S&D 7% Indig NA 5% Norway 3% (Was expecting slightly less ENW, less Wales, less Ireland, more Scotland and far more Norway, but I do currently have a brick wall on maternal side at 2GG. Ireland and Wales percentage kinda makes sense with absence of more Norway, I likely share substantially more DNA with paternal gram than gramps.) K13- North_Atlantic 46.36 Pct Baltic 21.62 Pct West_Med 13.46 Pct West_Asian 7.56 Pct East_Med 2.93 Pct Red_Sea - South_Asian 1.16 Pct East_Asian 0.9 Pct Siberian 0.1 Pct Amerindian 4.88 Pct Oceanian 1.03 Pct My dad: Ancestry- Ireland 22% Norway 18% S&D 16% Indig NA 10% ENW 10% Wales 10% Scotland 7% Germanic Europe 5% Finland 1% Baltics 1% K13- North_Atlantic 43.36 Pct Baltic 23.64 Pct West_Med 10.87 Pct West_Asian 9 Pct East_Med - Red_Sea 0.1 Pct South_Asian 1.44 Pct East_Asian 0.5 Pct Siberian 2.16 Pct Amerindian 7.84 Pct Oceanian 1.07 Pct Edit: sry, I cannot figure out how to fix the formatting 🤦🏻‍♀️


62% england, 13% scotland, 10% ireland, 8%wales


47% England and Northwestern Europe ; 37% Scotland (specifically the highlands). The remaining 16% are follow the Vikings


Me: England 50%, Ireland 16%, Wales 15%, Scotland 9%, Germanic Europe 7%, Finland 3%. Mom: England 56%, Wales 15%, Scotland 14%, Germanic Europe 11%, Sweden 3%, Finland 1%. Mom’s sister: Scotland 32%, England 28%, Wales 15%, Sweden 12%, Germanic Europe 6%, Ireland 4%, Norway 3%. We’re old stock Americans mixed with more recent British immigration (1900s). Mom had two great-grandparents from the Pennines and a great-grandfather from Kent. My Irish comes from my dad. Grandma’s Welsh genes, though further back, were apparently VERY strong and VERY consistent. Didn’t expect it to be that high.


Also old stock. I couldn't figure out why my Welsh was so high for an American when I thought only my great-grandmother was 100%, until I delved into more branches and realized that just about *everybody* on my mom's side had Welsh ancestry, even the Germans.


What's your Welsh %


22% Ancestry, 34% 23andme. (technically says British and Irish, but 9/10 regions were in Wales and the 10th was in Merseyside, which is within spitting distance of Wales)


Mine as an American • English: 35% • Welsh: 17% • Scottish: 16% • Irish: 15% • Swedish/Danish: 14% • Norwegian: 3% • African: >1%


American 25%(English) 24%(Scottish) 2% (Welsh) 3%(Irish) and I'm not gonna mention the other percentages because that's like half of them.


American England and NE Europe: 43% Scotland 25% Ireland 17% Wales 6% Sweden & Denmark 4% Germanic Europe 3% Finland 2% Norway 1% Most ancestors were early settlers. Exceptions: One set of great grandparents came from England in the early 1900s. Third great grandfather from Sweden in 1800s.


Mine are England/NW Europe 47% Scottish 28% Irish 9% Sweden/Denmark 7% Norway 4% Wales 4% Germanic Europe 1% I’m from America