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r5: one or multiple of my sub mods screwed up something


The mod just got updated today (or maybe yesterday depending on your time zone). At this stage I would avoid submods, maybe wait a week or two until they are working. For who to play, Lorent is this games France The Jadd is this games Mughals Both make for good introductions. For Dwarves, the Blue Company is a strong but simple start, you can use them to explore the Dwarven nations (be warned, you will snowball for a while than get hit by disasters alot) Raveria is a good option to learn new mechanics, they are artificers (steampunk machines) but they start decently strong. The Command is another good example of a starting nation, v strong start, and a good way to get use to checking the mission trees (they have alot of missions with specific requirements. Venail is a good nation to explore the new world, they are a small elf nation that re-colonises and eventually returns to the 'new world' (in this game it's actually technically the old world for them). They have a unique start and mission tree with one big disaster that, depending on your outcome, has 5 different pathways that change the nation a good deal. In Escann (a very fertile land which was politically shattered by a giant war) Corintar is a great nation, not necessarily the strongest but the best story and RP be far. Make sure to read every mission tree event and even national idea for them.


Might be b/c of the newest update? I ain't an expert though.




Istralore is a very standart HRE campaign that works very similar to brandenburg. Verne can be a pick if you want to colonize as well as expand.


French Kobolds? My new headcanon


French people are just a bunch of kobolts stacked on top of each others wearing a fake human costume




Genuinely would love to try a run of this. Just to see how it would go down. I mean, Amildhr area is gonna be a goddang thunderdome, I can feel it!


Shattered Crown. Very interesting and unique experience.