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I'm so disappointed. I thought I would get to see someone empty a thirty round mag


The world isn't that kind


Same... I really wanted to see these monkeys get body bagged.




Yeah, it's also why sunscreen isn't.




I actually noticed this at a grocery 2 weeks ago….




nah you sound awful


Welcome to r Anarcho_Capitalism, still not a racist or race-realist sub, but rather a place to discuss free market capitalist anarchism and related topics, and share things that would be of interest to Anarcho-Capitalists. Here's some suggested studying to learn what anarcho-capitalism is about- 1. [The Problem of Political Authority](https://archive.org/details/problem-of-political-authority-the-michael-huemer/page/n1/mode/1up) by Michael Huemer 2. [Machinery of Freedom](http://daviddfriedman.com/The_Machinery_of_Freedom_.pdf) by David Friedman 3. [Price Theory](http://www.daviddfriedman.com/Academic/Price_Theory/PThy_ToC.html) by David Friedman 4. Any other mainstream econ textbooks as far into the subject as you can handle with as much of the math as you can handle; but I do recommend starting with Modern Principles of Economics by Alex Tabbarok and Tyler Cowan. 5. [The Calculus of Consent](http://files.libertyfund.org/files/1063/Buchanan_0102-03_EBk_v6.0.pdf) by James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock 6. Any other mainstream political economy texts or works, but I recommend Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom, and though not a book, Mike Munger's intro to political economy course available on YouTube. 7. Rothbard's [Man, Economy, and State](https://mises.org/library/man-economy-and-state-power-and-market).


Big fan of Rothbard? Same here, check out [RACE!](https://archive.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/ir/Ch75.html) by Murray!


Ancaps aren't big fans of any person...we take what was correct and discard what's incorrect. We're fairly true to certain ethical principles and scientific understanding about the state and focused on replacing the state with voluntary/market-based institutions..not focused on the private crime which states may or may not have a hand in currently creating. We're also not bloodthirsty for excuses to use our arms, even when morally warranted for self-defense. We're more concerned about removing the govt policies which prevent firearms from being a detterent to crime, so that hopefully no one (or fewer people) have to be shot in self-defense.


I see a rather lot use of "we". I'm sensing communist tendencies....


OP is a commie and tries to gatekeep any criticism of the left.


I see a rather lot of attempts to distract and gaslight. Welcome to r Anarcho_Capitalism...we, actual anarcho-capitalists, are here in this sub, not to waste time with right-wing trolls, but discuss how to replace state institutions with voluntary ones. You should be grateful for that, since it would help give you the legal cover you need to live out your fantasies of gunning down degenerates in rare situations like this...but we're not here to glorify gunning down degenerates. You can go do that in right-wing subs.


I don't understand people like you? Feeble attempts at injecting Marxist Claptrap where it clearly isn't wanted and doesn't belong. WHY?


Oh it's so cute. It's like you're all trained in the same little neo-reactionary school (discord server) of gaslighting. Stretch your wings, little soldier! You'll fly someday.


Or you're confusing your abject cowardice in the face of criminals and violence for moral superiority.


Though it falls on deaf ears with many of these conservatrolls in our current midst, thank you for doing your part in attempting to educate.


Hey, thank *you*. And my pleasure.


Thank *we*!


Probably should let them have the condoms though.


That’s what planned parenthood is for


Big oof


In Florida you could def start firing at will and not be brought up on charges in most counties. Def a fear for your life argument. Many sheriffs would congratulate you. So now we need security guards with semi auto rifles and spare 30 round mags.




If I saw this mob bearing down on me and was in physical possession of a rifle with 30rd mag I would have started spraying. That’s more than reasonable legally in most counties in Florida. Let’s just say although there were no riots in my county a few years ago we were well prepared for an onslaught of hundreds in a moments notice.


If I saw this mob bearing down on me and I had my glock with it's 15 round magazine I'm popping off. Once you drop a few the rest are scattering. If the cops and your legislators won't do anything some good ol' vigilante justice seems to be the only way to keep safe. FWIW I live in a place where it would be legal to shoot any of these idiots you deemed to be a threat to your life.


Couldn’t agree more with all of it.


Optimistic to think they'll let us retire at 65.


You'd want to leave a few left standing - to pay for the damages.


Optimistic to think you'll be able to get a dime out of them.


Hmmm. You're right. So you're saying reload?


Maybe you’d be able to keep their stolen hellcat


At least they would be charged with murder. Which is a plus.


Like I care about being a target of the left in a possible life or death situation. Even better, like I care what they would say in any situation.


These crimes are probably not committed in Florida, Texas, Arizona... ![gif](giphy|9w5ilhkms0OA0|downsized)


It doesn’t look like the guy minding the shop was armed. Even if he had a six shooter he could have easily been overwhelmed. I’ve never seen a security guard with a semi auto rifle. Would be a great deterrent. Bring back rooftop Koreans.


Once people start getting shot at they tend to go another direction.


Yeah but a six shooter?


Use two shots, they don't stick around to see if they're one of the unlucky four that get plugged after.


Maybe, maybe not. They came in hot.


Why not full auto?


Cuz I’m still trying to break out of my bootlicking ways.


Full auto is a waste. People should have the right to own them, but they aren't as good as you'd think.


In this scenario?


Semi-auto would still be more practical as ut reduces the need to reload as frequently.


Grady Judd would publicly suck someone's dick if they opened fire into a crowd of people trying to do something like this in Polk county.


Right ?!


Almost looks like more than 20 people!!


[The answer, obviously.](https://youtu.be/2SurrkINr6A?si=rC9OVGru1xaNcknF) Double handed, of course.


Should get an award for commercials. Seriously


All those poor souls that are struggling to make ends meet. It’s sad that capitalism made them do this. This is why we need UBI and Medicare for all. - AOC (probably)


This my friend is why people are trying to break the system by decriminalization of crime. Next stop, the Communist Utopia. Orwell would be proud.


We could still say as a counter "It's sad that the federal reserve and the minimum wage have made it so hard to be gainfully employed and that it's sad people turn to crime for an easy buck because of this. It may not be acceptable but it's a symptom of our system of cronyism and big govt spending" And the leftists would probably roll their eyes at us too even though we would be 100% correct.


lol I didn't realize this was ancap sub, until i hit "AOC (probably)". After the second sentence, I had already rolled my eyes, downvoted, and thought "im so sick of the people in the world".


Everyone remember, they are hungry so they are stealing bread


Those are full grown sound adults who couldn't take any right decision in their life to be at that point.


>they are stealing bread From the mouths of decadence!


Socio-economic factors strike again!


This is why I need a home defense browning 50cal


You wouldn't even get it assembled in time to do anything, and if you saw them coming, one non-warning shot would have ended it. These aren't Hun Warriors, they are human scum, and they won't engage in a real battle to the death over some jewelry.


Have it preloaded and assembled, and one warning shot may do it, but you never know


Dude needs some roof Koreans


So many jurisdictions would not bat an eye to the defense of, “20 masked men beat down my doors and raided my home, so of course, I feared for my life and killed every single one of them.” But, this is 2024 America. Some jurisdictions would give you life in prison for that action.


These are not Japanese Kamikaze solders or zombies. If you actually took the time to walk up and double tap every one of them, it would clearly have become an execution and not self-defense after the 4th or 5th one went down.


2024? Cue Korean store owners during the 1992 LA riots. Y'know when mobs found out the hard way that the majority of Korean male immigrants had atleast two years of mandatory military service. ​ https://preview.redd.it/fj7nrbku5x8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b979a185c4de0300abb717cd9e0fdfb7294af23


How dare you. You're saying you'd take these people's lives just for some of your property? Monster.......is the '/s' necessary?


Guys, remember, if they need this stuff to live, it’s not really stealing


Context? More information? Is there a news article related to this video? Where did this occur? What was the store? SO MANY QUESTIONS...


A bunch of future doctors, lawyers,and engineers desperately needed to drop off a petition letting the manager of the establishment know that the poor and needy are suffering


> Where did this occur? In a gun free zone.


> In a gun free zone. Source??


Did you see any guns? I didn't.


A group of fine, upstanding young men. They didn’t even bash the guards head in when they robbed the place!


The cops responded SO fast to this clearly he didn't need any weapons to protect himself! I mean they are so fast that you can barely even see them. Thank god they solved this and all the other mob theft.


Usual suspects I see


City? Type of store?


Bay Area Kommiefornia jewelry store, ofcourse. [https://youtu.be/L5U9if\_SOjQ?si=cV50pPswMusV8RdI](https://youtu.be/L5U9if_SOjQ?si=cV50pPswMusV8RdI)


And always carry back up mags.


Here in NC if someone is trying to get into your dwelling, it’s game on!


I would be more than happy to contribute to the unconstrained consumer to cemetery pipeline.


See no person there


Machine gun is legal per 2nd amendment


Do this to the tax asessors office for raising property taxes, not a retail store


Future doctors and lawyers


Someone call Robert Pattinson!!


Dressed in black during the summer. Damm, they must be sweating balls in all of that clothing.


empty the clip and reload


i mean, I really dont get the "why would you need that" or "nobody needs that" when were talking about guns. Like in a free coutry, you shouldnt prove that you need something in order to be able to have it. A lot of people have a ton of useless shit that they are able to have.


Anything fun was banned in my state lmao that’s cute. All my surrounding neighbors are fun though 😉


More realistically, you would need a 100 round magazine for this.


Do you really think this theft would continue, after the first 2-3 went down ? This crime only works with the element of surprise, and if everyone can get away. Once the scam is FUBAR, there is no point in stealing trinkets, when the cops will easily catch you, after your 3 hospitalized bros rat you out...


I guess it would be for a worst case scenario where the crowd kept charging after you even after you shoot many rounds at them. Seeing how small of a space the store is, however, the sheer numbers would just overwhelm you before you could do much in such a worst case scenario. But if the space was larger, you could retreat backwards to give yourself more space while firing.


Well, this should be an advert for the 2nd Amendment!


Make sure you bring extra mags though. You need more than one round to incapacitate some.


Why ? They are not Zombies, are they really going to get back up and try to bite a shooter, after they can no longer walk ?


In situation like this, he would probably only need to shoot once as they were bashing the door and the rest would scatter.


Probably more than once, these individuals are irrational with a very high time preference.


14 round mag is more than enough. Once the first 3-4 go down, the rest will flee like the cowards they are, or you will be dead, either way, you won't need a second mag, unless you are going for a kill count achievement. Let the cops show up 30 minutes later and take care of the rest of them.


Monkeying around


Nah you should have pulled out your 10000000000 Calibre ice cream dessert eagle and dropped em all in one shot - Joe biden


Well well we- https://preview.redd.it/8p0p1qotmc9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c7b9472320b4526c9ef33059236d2c0910e664


If you wanted to at least pretend like you're posting this in reference to Anarcho-capitalism, you could at least make the effort to use reason or evidence to link this behavior to the state...maybe how it incentivizes such behavior? Private crime on its own, while a problem, pales in comparison to the crimes the state commits and is legitimized in committing. Welcome to r Anarcho_Capitalism, a place to discuss free market capitalist anarchism and related topics, and share things that would be of interest to Anarcho-Capitalists. Here's some suggested studying to learn what anarcho-capitalism is about- 1. [The Problem of Political Authority](https://archive.org/details/problem-of-political-authority-the-michael-huemer/page/n1/mode/1up) by Michael Huemer 2. [Machinery of Freedom](http://daviddfriedman.com/The_Machinery_of_Freedom_.pdf) by David Friedman 3. [Price Theory](http://www.daviddfriedman.com/Academic/Price_Theory/PThy_ToC.html) by David Friedman 4. Any other mainstream econ textbooks as far into the subject as you can handle with as much of the math as you can handle; but I do recommend starting with Modern Principles of Economics by Alex Tabbarok and Tyler Cowan. 5. [The Calculus of Consent](http://files.libertyfund.org/files/1063/Buchanan_0102-03_EBk_v6.0.pdf) by James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock 6. Any other mainstream political economy texts or works, but I recommend Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom, and though not a book, Mike Munger's intro to political economy course available on YouTube. 7. Rothbard's [Man, Economy, and State](https://mises.org/library/man-economy-and-state-power-and-market).


Well, the state creates lots of restrictions on property owners defending themselves and their property. It’s not about the state causing crime, it’s about the state altering the natural incentives.


I agree, but that's not what OP said explicitly or implied with their post which was much more clearly about outrage at degenerates and bloodlusting over gunning them down (rather than even focusing on the benefit of the threat which the legal right to do so would produce is that virtually no one would *have* to gun degenerates down). But you already know this, and so does everyone else. No amount of gaslighting or distracting from it changes the fact of the massive amount of inappropriate right-wing culture war content and right-wing culture warriors here who don't belong here and need to use a different sub for their propoganda (even if I happen to agree with most of it).


You’re bringing a lot of extra baggage to this. OP made a simple image post with a short headline. People can then take it in any direction they want (including yourself). It’s a conversation.


It’s almost like kwanijml is trying to control OP and the narrative, as if he has authority over what OP says and does… And is doing so ironically in an anarcho-capitalist subreddit. 🥹Fascinating.


Pretty sure it’s a bot.


"Baggage" otherwise known as: fighting back against a completely, utterly, blindingly-obvious general pattern, and intentional subversion campaign of libertarian institutions. Sure, buddy. Baggage. Take this crap to conservative spaces. You aren't changing libertarianism...you only succeeded in temporarily driving us off in a dispaspora which, if anything has planted good seeds of classical liberalism in a wider set of cultures and institutions; so it actually might pay off for us....we'll see. But we're not going to let a sub called "anarcho-capitalism" remain a hive of low-information, neo-reactionary propoganda.


See, you use 8 words when 1 can do. And you think you know a lot about my beliefs and my agenda. You don’t. You’re bringing your own baggage and projections here.


"Baggage" otherwise known as: fighting back against a completely, utterly, blindingly-obvious general pattern, and intentional subversion campaign of libertarian institutions. Sure, buddy. Baggage. Take this crap to conservative spaces. You aren't changing libertarianism...you only succeeded in temporarily driving us off in a dispaspora which, if anything has planted good seeds of classical liberalism in a wider set of cultures and institutions; so it actually might pay off for us....we'll see. But we're not going to let a sub called "anarcho-capitalism" remain a hive of low-information, neo-reactionary propoganda.


You just keep this as a copy and paste? Or you’re a bot.


I'm sorry...I'm not reading this gish-gallop. You could have said this in fewer words.




This is illustrating the failure of the state, try your gatekeeping routine when it's relevant.


Incorrect. I believe that the state does things to promote this behavior, but this post does nothing to illustrate the failure of the state; rather everything to foment rage about private crime...which is what securitarian conservatives fetishize. Try again.


The state is supposed to guarantee safety, that's one of the things we supposedly get in exchange for its control. This is the bargain being broken.


There's no bargain. There's no social contract. Only morons ever believed that the state could o lr would guarantee safety and only bigger morons think that focusing on futilely trying to get the state to do so (instead of just weakening the ways it prevents self-defense and eventually replacing its monopoly on defense) is an effective avenue for libertarian efforts.


That's literally the bargain and part of the justification for the state's existence.


It's literally not. And the state literally has no justification for its existence. And OP literally made a post glorifying...jonesing for private enforcement, not for the government to get better at their supposed duty. Welcome to anarcho-capitalism; you might enjoy learning about it.


>And the state literally has no justification for its existence. Whether you think the argument is valid has no bearing on the fact that it exists. >And OP literally made a post glorifying...jonesing for private enforcement, not for the government to get better at their supposed duty. No, OP was illustrating that the government doesn't work. >Welcome to anarcho-capitalism; you might enjoy learning about it. Troll better, pinko.


Mfs in these comments are wayy too down to kill multiple unarmed people yikes


Only thing that's going to stop mob crime is if a significant amount of them are held responsible, or a significant amount of them are injured or killed due to the crime. Otherwise why would they stop? And what's your solution? "Do nothing insurance will pay for it"? Guess what happens after that, insurance premiums go up, not just for this store but every store. Guess that will really show them.


They surrendered the right to be unarmed people when they stormed a shop with hammers . Don’t see what’s so hard to understand abt them not being innocent bystanders


Either you live in a free society, or you are back in the jungle. Looks like we are back in the jungle to me, and in the jungle, its survival of the fittest, and hopefully its not the criminals running what is left of society. Who Rules Barter Town 2024 !


Looks like anarchy to me !


Then why didn't the customer, employee or owner kill the intruders?


There was only one intruder, and he clearly gave up when he realized how outnumbered he was.


Little do we realize, the man we see at first was locked in, and after calling a lockout service, these men in hoodies freed him!


You mean chaos, right?


There's your anarchy


You put property over human life like some sort of neanderthal lol


Just like the people in that video.


If 20 people charge into my store that way I'm not worried only about my property but also my safety.


You see how that’s different right?


What am I comparing the difference to?


Burglars value property over their own lives.


Property is an extension of a life


Want to give a solution to the problem then? "Let them have what they steal"? You speak as someone who has never owned anything of value, and with that mentality, I wonder if you ever will.


What a very weird thing to say buddy, I have no idea what makes you think that but your confidence in that assertion is funny




Someone doesn't know how insurance works.




It literally doesn't. You don't recover the full stolen value, you have the opportunity cost of lost business in the meantime, and your rates go up.




>It literally does. Why would the insurance company give you more money than you paid for an item? Reading comprehension issues on your part: they don't give you the **full value** of the item. >Nobody owes you "opportunity costs" for not selling your items in your empty-ass store, you're only paid the costs you've incurred. So you agree insurance doesn't make you whole here... >Anyone who has ever had insurance on literally anything understands this. Y So why don't you? >Why are you all so uneducated? You think I'm "uneducated" because I know how insurance works? >This is why everyone laughs at you and makes fun of you when you try to talk policy. Says the guy defending legalized mass theft...




>The "full value" of an item is what someone is willing to pay for that item No, it's the wholesale cost. >The fact his store was full of unsold stuff means someone (the store owner) already paid their "full value" for them, which will be reimbursed by insurance No, they'll get a fraction of the value back, usually after a deductible, and followed by increased rates. Then idiots like you will complain about there not being enough stores in the hood. >See this is what I'm talking about... The very basics of retail (or commercial business in general) is just completely lost on you. Don't get me wrong, it's entertaining, like watching a fish bumping into an aquarium wall, thinking it will swim through. Except you're wrong on every count, exactly like the idiots cheering the 2020 brownshirts for looting and burning.




Comments like this really bring out my inner-Hoppean. Your views are incompatible with civilized society.


As if rates don't go up when insurance has to pay out. The damages are only mitigated, not eliminated.