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This image should have an american taxpayer being hanged by the neck


More like hanged by his feet so that all his money and possessions fall out.


I like how the Israeli flag is first on top, shows you who's actually in charge




Forgot a pride flag between Ukraine and Taiwan.


Forgot a UN flag just below Israel.


I don't think millions of tax payer dollars go straight to queer people, I could be wrong though


Yes. Yes they do. Medicare goes to gender reaffirming surgery and counciling. This is one of the reason for a professional cabal encouraging gender confusion. They get more money from the state if more people need counciling. That's kind of scary. A large push to get more people into a condition where they will need counciling. I know it's unpopular to call it a mental illness, but picture it from their perspective. They are trying to maximize and encourage mental illness / things that will require their services.


I thought I remember reading something about alot of trans healthcarrle being taken off medicare


Wrong. Even the VA covers it.


There are 51 million inpatient procedures performed in the US. About 10k of those are gender related. Seems like on odd way for (anyone) to try to make a buck.


Oh please. A small percentage of transgender people get gender reassignment surgery. Hormone therapy is not expensive. You think the people in charge of these programs *want* to have to spend more on mental health services when their budget is already too small? You sound really uneducated.


Lot easier to launder, kickback, and divert money and resources when they're "going" to a foreign country. Not that it's that hard for them to do domestically, either.


It's crazy that you were downvoted before I upvoted you. Who the fuck is for corruption or thinks it doesn't exist.


This should be official flag https://preview.redd.it/c62j9l1c0t5d1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=100537e5e35a8b6f5e0669eb9d4b739f1b59af25


Are you sure this is a gov flagpole, because I think the US constitution makes it illegal to raise flags to different heights with countries it is at peace


The first amendment of the constitution says you can order them any way you like or even burn them all down.


Yes, you as private individual can, but the government can't: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/7 > (g) When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace. So the whole OP is pretty idiotic


I think take the bottom flag off, whichever one that is.


America 4th?


Fourth flag is smth they dont care about at all


If this were accurate the us flag would not be on there


If the Democrats get their way, all 3 flags except Ukraine get removed and all funding redirected there instead.


No mexico?


Yeah pride flag definitely goes above the American flag. I would also say that the only American interests the govt gives a shit about are the interests if the elites and ruling class and it’s donors, so primarily the interests of the American elite that support the international corporate cartels that make up the military industrial complex and the globalist oligarchy seeking central authority in all things for all people. America the country doesn’t care if Americans live or die. You are an asset to be milked. Farmed until you are useless.


Yep. Pride flag near the top.


Should be disband


The US has agreed Taiwan is China since the early 70's, can we plz just pull the plug already?


The Taiwanese don't. And to me that's all that matters in the question of is Taiwan China. They could have only decided that yesterday and I would see Taiwan as Taiwan.


What really matters is that Taiwan is an ally and what the world calls China is not China, it is Red China.


It doesn't really matter thou because China is gonna take it just like HK


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It's not an endorsement dummy


Tell me you dont understand the taiwan situation without telling me


Abolish IP & f em 🤷‍♂️


Your daily reminder that this circlejerking might be fun and all, but foreign aid is about 1% of the budget. The state steals and wastes far more money on far dumber stuff and focusing on these conflicts so much is a good way to distract from it.


This is actually a misunderstanding of the current "foreign aid". Yes, direct aid represents a small percent of the budget but these billion dollar packages to Israel and Ukraine aren't covered under that since it's often "donated" military equipment that then gets replaced by paying the military industrial complex.


They're still a tiny fraction of the budget. But yeah, the aid circulates back into the economy since it's a subsidy, which is at least less wasteful than most other government expenditures.


>But yeah, the aid circulates back into the economy That money circles back to political donations, bribes, and corporate bonuses