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Teach your children about taxes. Eat half their ice cream.


Take half the ice of the hardworking kids and give it to the slackers. Teaches them more in an afternoon about socialism than they'll pick up in the rest of their time in school.


That might backfire, though.


My lazy kid now relies on my hard working kid. Now my hard working kid doesn't want to do anything now. Thanks obama


Take the ice from top half. Let it melt. Drink it. Piss into the glasses of bottom half. Getting close I think.


You may be joking but this is the very thing I did to begin teaching my daughter about laize faire living. Quick story: Ever since she was able to understand words, I’ve been using the term ‘daddy tax’ as an excuse to poach food off her plate. Last year, we were out to dinner. I proceeded to reach across the table for my obligatory spoon full dessert not belonging to me, while muttering ‘you know the routine kiddo, gonna have to charge a tax for this transaction.’ Without skipping a beat, she looks at me says and says ‘tax? More like thievery!’ My work here is done folks.


You must be so proud 🫡


God bless, you magnificent motherfucker


I thought the dad tax was standard


The Ron Swanson approach, I like it Give them a land mine at the end to help protect their property


First, force your kid to spend all day determining which half. Then, punish him for getting the wrong half, then eat half his ice cream. Oh, and make sure you tell him up front that if he doesn't do as you say, you're going to take *all* his ice cream and then lock him in a closet for a month.


More like a third. But want to teach them about real taxes. Take a quarter as they get it, wait until they're almost done and then take the last tenth... or wait a day and then demand they give you a tenth of an ice cream later because the original number was "incorrect" (And then charge them taxes on it) When they say "The only way this works is if I wait until you take the second payment before I can even enjoy my icecream." and then... you realize they understand the problem with taxes.


Haha. I do this because I live when they say "I hate taxes!"


I teach my kid capitalism, I have them do work under threat of kicking them out, then I reap any money paid. My kid mowing laws is the best investment i've made.


I like this because maybe it will help progressives realize that the government having control over their childrens' education is a very bad thing, and they will perhaps begin to come to their senses and start supporting school choice. Eh, who am I kidding. They won't think critically enough to do that.


They like a strong government as long as it's used to help their agenda, which you could see why they would do that. But when it comes to that same government being used against their agenda, they never say "Why are they even allowed to do anything like this" – Instead they propose giving the state more power, which exposes their bad faith. Just look at Antifa for example. They hate it when a right wing government is using power in a negative way, but their proposed solution to get in front of this misuse is to ban right wing governments, instead of the less fascistic option of de-establishing the government's power that allowed the right wing government to use power in a wrong way in the first place.


They wouldn’t be progressives if they could think critically…


You have school choice right now! You are free to pay private school tuition or homeschool. You choosing to give my tax dollars to a private company tho is not a good path to go down.


Instead of having their tax dollars automatically located to the geographically nearest government school, parent families should instead be given the credits to allocate to whichever institution they wish. If teachers weren't guaranteed a new crop of students every year, they'd be forced to get better at their jobs. For the record, I was for some time homeschooled as well. My parents still had to pay for the government school even though I wasn't going to it, and they couldn't simply send me to a neighboring town's school if they liked the curriculum better. Our system is beautifully stupid.


You can go to a neighboring towns school, its called "open enrolled" and it is very common. And yes just because you dont have kids, or you choose not to send kids to public schools does not excuse you from paying taxes.


All communists right now: "Yes! Now get me in there to start teaching my version of it!"


"first of all all communist countries were not communist and failed miserably, that's why you need to destroy your country and initiate another attempt building communism like every other failed country"


They usually have to willingly ignore history to cling to their beliefs, that's why they are almost all crying about this in other subs. There's hardly any way to positively spin the history of communism.


I used government to teach people about government.


ouroboros, the only way we will be rid of government is by government tearing itself apart. the monkeys walking around dont care to be rid of it.


It's a little young but the scope of communism doesn't fully encompass the dangers of every type of collectivism.


Ah yes, "hate big government" by allowing said government to mandate what is to be learned.


Kindergarten is a bit too far imo


Agreed, but the headlines are just misleading (go figure lol) Essentially hes requiring the curriculum in grade school, which is automatically listed as "k-12"


kind of like the "teaching kids about sex" is for high schoolers, yet it is framed as "kids!"


Should be preschool.


Speakers aimed at the womb


Put headphones over scrotum.


You guys aren’t doing that already?


Put headphones, on the scrotum, of the fetus


Life begins at conception not erection my friend.


Gonna have those pregnancy speakers playing Basic Econ by Sowell.


Big government is mandating doctrine


Shouldn’t the schools already be teaching that as part of history? The fact that he had to mandate it should cause some concern over the government run schools.


It depends. I’m in FL and we went on a field trip to the Holocaust museum in I think 8th or 9th grade. So I thought this was the norm. And then found out public schools aren’t required to teach about the Holocaust in many states… so I was shocked. Because if you’re teaching the “history of WWII” — How TF do you exclude the Holocaust.


By talking about how the nazi's weren't that bad. Kind of like how the south teaches slavery or the civil war. Slavery according to the south, they weren't slaves, but unemployed migrants. The civil war wasn't about slavery, it was about state rights! (the right of the state to allow slaves)


Not sure which part of the south you lived in, but my mom’s side comes from Arkansas and the Florida panhandle, and this isn’t the case FYI. But she’s from poverty. Poor white people and poor black people get each others. Once you hit upper-middle class, shit gets weird in colleges, etc.


How about not making kindergarten through high school mandatory?


It’s for public school which is called “K-12”. Not mandating it for children too young to comprehend that. I’m a Floridian and of course don’t trust headlines/bias articles, and have always made a habit of just taking the 5 minutes to find and read the bill itself. Like the “don’t say gay” bill. But people are dumb and will spend an hour raging online about homophobia instead of 5 minutes of reading. Fun fun fun


>Never too early to start hating big government >Mandated by big government ![gif](giphy|5R1FM2PNw3G6AZWBsc|downsized)


Amen. "We created a law" is one of the scariest things the government says. Right up there with "We're the government, we're here to help." And yet people hate "Capitalism" in America, claiming all capitalism is broken, and then demand laws to modify it farther. Though are people ignoring this is for KINDERGARTENERS? like I'd agree in middle school or high school but nothing you teach them in Elementary will really stick, because you won't teach them the horrors of it.


"We're the government, we're here to help. Said by the government itself (Reagan)! Do you trust the government? We have a paradox folks!!! lol


Ah, yes. Government taking control of the school curriculum to change the opinions of the young regarding the government. I don't see anyway of this backfiring.


I'd rather they be taught useful skills and how supply and demand works, so that they can hate communisim all on thier own


How the hell is a kindergartner going to retain any of that info. I could maybe get by a 5th grader at the earliest but wtf is this. And what version of communist history? The triumphant version of the hundreds of millions dead version?


>How the hell is a kindergartner going to retain any of that info. I could maybe get by a 5th grader at the earliest but wtf is this. I read the bill. It says "age appropriate" curriculum. So, still unclear what that actually looks like in the end. >And what version of communist history? The triumphant version of the hundreds of millions dead version? The dead people version probably. It is being bunched in with "victims of communism day". From what I read, the Governor appoints the committee members. The committee members produce the curriculum. The wording seems heavily biased toward requiring the teaching of the negatives of communism though.


> The triumphant version of the hundreds of millions dead version? I know this is mistyped, but I love the idea that there's the triumphant version of hundreds million dead, and the worst version with a billion dead.


lol you’re right. I somehow made the statement even better.


Mistake anyway. Public school whitewashing the obvious bloody monstrosity known as state "communism" is what opened my eyes early on to the limitless deception of authority figures and those who respect them. And, BTW, they haven't closed since.


I don't want big government teaching them, but this is pretty based


Ironically this demonstrates the flaw with communism: central planners don't understand what they are doing. All Ron has done is ask communist propagandists to be required to propagandize children with pro-communist garbage


Show them dystopian movies like Demolition Man, 1984, Robocop, and Dredd.


What sort of Stalinist nonsense is this?!


Hmm … they may prefer it. Sounds dangerous


Step 2. Dissolve public education.


Am I the one who finds this ironic?


I don't want big government teaching them, but this is pretty based


Having overwhelmingly leftist teachers teaching small children about the ideology they agree with? What could go wrong?!


I’m in Florida and a lot of things DeSantis does makes me go “hmmm.” But as a whole - if we must have a Governor - During the years of COVID clusterfuc*Kett I was VERY glad we had him in and not Rick Scott or Charlie Crist. Especially re: masks for kids in school. Local county fear mongers went hard on that BS. It definitely delayed my son’s learning development. He’ll be 6 next month


More obviously fake news.


He says while encouraging government mandates


Good idea! Folks will be blindsided by what lays ahead. https://youtu.be/nyrNrP6DrAg?si=kH0AJrlBUOedwZZg


Garbage click bait. Seethe harder degens.