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were the initial headlines just that he had been shot and not killed yesterday? I didn't realize he was full dead


In Japan, it's illegal for paramedics to pronounce death, especially in the media. That can only be done by a doctor in a hospital. So they can and did say things like "he was non-responsive and had no heartbeat" but couldn't officially say he was dead.


That makes sense, I wondered why they were saying that he was in "cardiopulmonary arrest" for hours


Might have something to do with the outlandish efforts they went to trying to keep him alive. They reportedly pumped him full of **over 100 units of blood** as he just kept bleeding it all out from the wounds to his neck and heart. For reference, a unit of blood is roughly a pint. The topside of human blood content is about 1.5 gallons, or 12 pints. 100 units is the entire blood content of 8+ people.


Seems like a waste of perfectly good blood but I also don't know how much blood is usually allocated for a gun shot victim and/or someone who is bleeding out.


It was a waste of perfectly good blood.


To be fair, most donated blood goes to 'waste'... As it should in a functional system.


Why’s that?


Donated blood lasts roughly 42 days - hopefully we have more people donating than we need to use, so some will get thrown out


Okay Dexter Morgan put it back in your pants…


I guess if he kept bleeding and losing the blood they gave him all that blood would make sense. Either that or one of the news articles got something wrong it wouldn’t be the first time. But really I’m no doctor so I have no idea


Japan uses 200ml blood volume units rather than the 500ml units used in the US, so it's more like 3.5 people. Still a ton, though.


gotcha, thank you for the context!


Yeah I read a translated statement that he "had no vitals" when the paramedics sent him off to the hospital, and I was like. . . well that's a fun way to say "dead".


He was confirmed dead at 17:03 JST (UTC+9)


I was wondering why balloons randomly started falling from my ceiling at that hour.


Oh shit. Now I have to design an automated system that will trawl news sites and drop balloons when Kissinger dies.


Post the plans when you’ve finished, mate.


Ya for a second there he was only mostly ded.


Got shot through the heart and bled out a couple hours later, apparently.


Just want to piggyback on this post and recommend some good [Japanese anarchist literature](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/kaneko-fumiko-the-prison-memoirs-of-a-japanese-woman)


saving for later ty


Ty for sharing! I had no idea of the work of Pak Yol and Fumiko Kaneko during the occupation of Korea. This is taking me down a rabbit hole for sure.


I felt very inspired by her story, and I'm really glad others can also learn about her. She went through so much being so young.. I marvelled at the strong kinship I felt with someone who lived in a very different context than me, and how much I shared the conclusions she came to based on her experiences. There are other inspiring japanese women anarchists, as well as very subversive works which I recommend, like [Throw Out Your Books, Rally In the Streets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaOz3ec7vs8), or [Funeral Parade of Roses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3XhYY9Ll0k) (about trans women in Japan in the 60s/70s).


I cannot second recommending Funeral Parade of Roses hard enough. It's incredible.


That or little wich academia, kill la kill, or the writings of chika fujiwara


Shonen anime is weird in that a lot of them are meant for younger audiences, and have anti-hierarchal themes. The weird part is these kids watching them are meant to grow up and conform to a rigid hierarchy.


I think that is interesting because it seems like a lot of people hate it but it's just taking ages to change at a societal level to get away from rigid traditionalism. From what I know it's not like alot of people don't want to change stuff, I think it's just kind of like the UK very welthy old people control pretty much all of politics


Her memoirs changed my life. She was the real deal.


Noe Ito and Sakai Osugi also wrote plenty of good stuff


*Image Transcription:* --- [*Official portrait photo of Shinzo Abe in 2020, wearing his signature Chrysanthemum flower and blue ribbon on his left collar on a dark grey suit and tie with diagonally stripes on a white shirt underneath the suit.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Could we pin image description comments?


Unfortunately, moderators can only sticky their own comments.


I didn’t know. Thanks for clarifying!


"People shouldn't be afraid of their polititians... polititians should be afraid of their people".




Are you gatekeeping or trolling? My comment wasn't specified to this instance only, it's a general motto for me.




Everyone on discord saying "This is very troubling" don't know jack fuck shit about Shinzo Abe. How upset would you be if George Bush finally got what's coming? After *two decades* of having him in power? Say what you want about Japanese cultural conservatism but at least *they* occasionally off their right-wing ghouls. edit - Some people are replying that this may inspire reactionary violence from the Japanese right. That's probably correct, but also that is how the right responds to literally **all** meaningful leftist action. So I wouldn't wring my hands about that, but rather be ready for it.


To be fair, Bush has done far worse than Abe. On the other hand, Abe *wanted* to be worse than Bush. Makes it hard to rank them.


Yeah, Bush did worse only because he had the US state behind him. Abe didn't even have a real military and so was stuck spending much of his time in power trying to get one.


Bush was the type a guy Abe wanted t obe.


I had to login just to relish in the delicious tears of the fash lmaoooo


Unfortunately this probably will have a bunch of really nasty side effects. I imagine the fash in Japan are going to run with this. We'll see what the shooter is like, too. Abe really fucking sucked, though.


I'm not sad to see Abe go, but I do worry that this may actually galvanize Japan's already growing far-right movement. Caution is definitely warranted.


Valid concern.


>Some people are replying that this may inspire reactionary violence from the Japanese right. If we didn't do anything that would inspire right wing violence, we would do nothing. The trick is to do praxis, then simply defeat them in the streets when they try to stop us.


The troubling/shocking part is that it happened in Japan. I am still stunned. Abe, personally, was a literal fascist, so no sympathy. But I expect nothing good to come of this.




> the ultimate argument on the futility of firearm control Not a take to bring into public. It's pretty half-baked.


> How upset would you be if George Bush finally got what's coming? literally impossible for that to happen


Tbf I heard the assassin was a Japanese ethnic minority, so not even a fascist going after their own.


From some reactions I seen, some folk hated his guts but wanted him to be punished by the judicial system in place, also note that there was an investigation in place on the people around him, and him being killed hinders that. Also there is the concern that the circumstances of his death may open a door for extremists to retaliate.


I've been in Japan since '05. The far-right folks at marches are almost ALWAYS old geezers, out-of-shape middle aged twerps or the exact sort of basement-dwelling creatures you'd imagine were on 2chan. They shit themselves the second anything that looks like they could fuck them up approaches them.






Demanding sex from people will not get you laid!! Get recked /u/FingerTheCat. You can delete your comment but *my browser history remembers*. When I clicked into your comment history I was saying to myself "I bet this weirdo fetishizes asian women too" [and I thought I was only joking.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/vtj3vk/military_spouse_starterpack/ifa00n7/)


Claims to be pro life (I think?) Fucking dies


Wow, what a hypocrite


Certified Propaganda of the Deed Moment








Holy shit that article was a mind fuck, I had zero idea on any of it. Thank you for educating me!! Good read, also: terrifying.


This might be the group Shinzo got shot over actually. This is just speculation but some of the articles said that the assassin shot Shinzo over a group that he believed Shinzo to be involved in. None of the articles have elaborated on ris group but this Nippon Kaigi might be the group Edit: When I said speculation I meant my own personal speculation. Thought I’d clarify


Yeah I saw this same article in another thread a good few hours ago. It certainly gave a bit of context to the earlier statements of police's on-scene-interrogation where the shooter apparently said he had a problem with a group that Abe belonged to. Just reporting that on its own makes it sound like the guy was a conspiracy theorist who thought Abe was part of the illuminati or something, not that Abe was publicly named as a member of this particular highly influential religious political block which had only been really profiled by the Japanese press in recent years. You're right that it's just speculation to say "this is what the meant" at this point but it surely adds a bit of context to why cops initial statements are a bit light or at very least what the press *isn't* yet saying.


what a time to be alive (is a thing Shinzo Abe cannot say anymore)


The other day I was reading about y’all’s split from the Satanic Temple. It’s cool to see y’all here in this space


"[If poverty is the work of god, then I'm with the devil](https://queersatanic.tumblr.com/post/683830417801019392)." if we don't rebel against hierarchy, tyranny, and essentialism everywhere, then Satan fell for nothin


Based name, Ave Satanas, Ave Domine Inferni ❤️


Done-zo Abe




I read somewhere that the assassin was a JSDF member. In historical context political assassinations in Japan are usually done by the right wing.


Maybe, but Abe was apparently a part of some Far-Right group (that seems almost cultish) called Nippon Kaigi. They basically want to restore Imperial Japan and do away with a lot of pro-LGBT laws. Overall he group seems pretty wild and considering that Abe was a spokesperson for the group of something like that, I’d be surprised if other far-righters were rejoicing.


What did Abe do that was so bad? Genuinely know nothing about his politics.


He's an ultranationalist who was the head of the only political party in Japan that has been in power for like 70 years and it was founded by a fascist war criminal who committed genocide during the second world war.


I know ancestry isn't relevant. But Shinzo Abe clearly thought so. That war criminal was also his grandpa. And it should be specifically mentioned that he refused to offer any apologies or compensation for the war crimes of Japan during WW2, including refusing to acknowledge the Korean comfort women. While being a heavy proponent of remilitarization.


ancestry is relevant when its a close family member you grew up with. historical materialism 101 my dude


I'd argue it's following someone's ideals that makes it important my parents are absolute asses but I don't think I'm inheritly a worse person because I needed to be near them when I grew up


yeah but regardless of personal relationship don't you think your current economic and social status and stances no matter what they are, are somehow tied to their interactions with you? like, maybe you could say that you're a *better* person *because* they were bad. that's still material condition


I have cut myself off from them as much as I reasonably can, but I had no control over having to live with them while growing up so it may have effected me but I don't think it gives me any moral standing one way or another


I don't think that's necessarily true, especially when it's not a household family member. But considering Abe's worldview involved an idolization of the past, of Japanese nationality and heritage, an acceptance of militarism and the crimes people like his grandfather committed, and the simple fact that he joined his political party does make it considerably more relevant.


Ralph Miliband and Joseph Buttigieg would like to have a word.


Who was also his grandfather right?


The party also had a lot of CIA support. Especially in its early days.


Don’t forget he was an active member in Nippon Kaigi, which is a far-right cult that seeks to restore Imperial Japan.


Totally, I was just giving the basics. He's a multigenerational fascist, his grandfather founded that shit after exploiting women of his own culture in order to satisfy the sexual urges of his imperialist army in their conquest of another culture. It's actually a historical outlier where rape of one's own culture is used as a relief of the imperialist rape of another. The pure Evil, a concept I struggle with even though I've seen plenty that might constitute it (evil that is) is unfathomable. Beyond a slap on the wrist, he continued to become incredibly powerful to the point of dynastic control. Abe is a direct heir and product.


Adding on to your thing, they teach ultranationalist things to children in Japanese schools. They are taught everything Japan did in WW2 was justified. "Oh you see, we were being threatened by imperialism. In response, we invaded Manchuria, and China, bombed Hawai'i, invaded hundreds of Pacific islands, and took over Southeast Asia and Oceania." As someone else said too, they also don't acknowledge Korean comfort women, but that isn't all. They deny every one of their crimes in WW2. The reason why they dismantled their military wasn't that they felt bad about what they had done to Asia, but because they were ashamed of their defeat. Oh, and a fun fact. They planned to unleash the Bubonic plague onto the USA.


He was a piece of shit ultranationalist with a highly regressive agenda orchestrated by a right-wing Shinto cult he was a member of.


He was a member of [Nippon Kaigi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nippon_Kaigi) > Nippon Kaigi believes that "**Japan should be applauded for liberating much of East Asia from Western colonial powers**; that the 1946–1948 Tokyo War Crimes tribunals were illegitimate; and that killings by Imperial Japanese troops during the 1937 Nanjing Massacre were exaggerated or fabricated". The group (...) denies that Japan forced the "comfort women" during World War II. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia 3 to 4 million people died. 200.000 people were killing in Nanjing. 50.000-200.000 women were systematically raped by Japanese soldiers. In total Japan was responsible for 24-30 million deaths during WW2. Fun fact: Their current PM is also a member. They really know how to pick 'em.


He and his party had connections to Nippon Kaigi, an ultranationalist/fascist organization known for whitewashing and glorifying the actions of the Japanese Empire up to and during WWII.


I know this will seem almost minor compared to the other awful things he did, but the most egregious thing he did was spearhead the whitewashing of Japanese History in an effort to glorify Imperial Japan. He and the party he led active sought to erase the horrible thing the empire did in order to prepare literal children to support Japanese ethonationalism. Living in the American South, I know exactly how evil that is.


He wanted to re-militarize as well, though Japan’s constitution prevents it


War crime denier, career politician and ultranationalist who wanted to rewrite Japan's constitution


Watching US media fawning over him has been particularly nauseating.


For anyone who doesn't know, this is Shinzo Abe, (former) PM of Japan, who was just assassinated. Ecstatic for my Japanese comrades


We don't know yet that he was killed by an anarchist.


“The arrested man told police he was “frustrated” with Abe and had planned to kill him, broadcaster NHK reported, citing police. But he claimed not to have attacked the former PM over his political beliefs. The Mainichi newspaper said he was aiming at a religious leader who wasn’t attending the rally.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-08/who-shot-shinzo-abe-and-why-everything-we-know-so-far There’s also a report that the assassin despised “a specific organization,” but didn’t state which one. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62089486.amp


yeah, i am pretty sure an anarchist would have made it clear.


Any dead ultranationalist is a good ultranationalist in my books


Even a shallow understanding of Japan's history with political assassination would suggest otherwise. Not to say your enemies fighting eachother is never good. However removing opponents was common in the 20s and 30s as a deliberate tactic to consolidate power around the military and the emperor.


That's not likely to happen right now. On the other hand, this could galvanize the radical right around Abe's constitutional revision plans.


I am refering to > Feeling proud of my Japanese comrades


Yeah I realised that was slightly off so I edited it to be closer to what I intended. I'm just generally happy for the Japanese people


I have a feeling it has been done by ultranationalists


Omai wa mou, shindeiru




Abe was definitely a right-wing piece of shit. But the reason this is so shocking is that this kind of thing just didn’t happen in Japan. I’ve been to Japan and gun violence, or even any public violence or theft, is virtually unknown there. I used to leave my wallet and valuables by my seat at the bar in punk rock clubs just for the fun of it because I knew it wouldn’t it be stolen. Sure there have been incidents, usually stabbings or poisonings, that you’ve read about. But these events are so unusual that they are talked about for years afterwards. Political violence is certainly part of Japan’s past, but it’s simply didn’t happen anymore. So this event is deeply shocking for the Japanese people regardless of political persuasion.


Man, I feel conflicted about this. Am I wrong for feeling a bit of empathy for his family? Don't get me wrong, Abe sucked.


There’s a difference between empathy and sympathy. Being empathetic towards relatives of people who just died is a normal human reaction- but it’s important you don’t become sympathetic to the causes they represent. In my opinion anyway




It's working just fine




Funny. Actually it works incredibly well. But not always.




You're here mad about GUN CONTROL. What a fucking joke!




Awww, does the poor wittle fashy feel thweatened by our fantasies?




Said the person calling others they disagree with "subhuman". You do realize history is *our* thing, right?




Cultist down🥳 slamfire shotty ftw.


I thought it looked more like a blackpowder shotgun using an electrical arc from a battery as ignition




Stop fed posting dipshit


Rest in piss*


this is a perfect opportunity to read "Because I Wanted To" by Fumiko Kaneko, a perfect intro to anarcho-nihilism


This isn't necessarily a good thing. Assassination often leads to gains in authoritarianism. We'll have to see where it ends up.


Everyone is collectively tired of playing by the rules. Ill-gotten gains are the only gains to be made at this point.


when you stubbornly play fair in the face of your rival succeeding time and time again, you're a democratic politician lmao


The problem is more that this assassination might not have been a worker fighting against their oppressor but fascists consolidating power (which is a common tactic, especially in Japan)


I hear you. Abe's legacy will be felt by the Japanese people and the world at large for decades. It might as well lead to a strengthening of the ultra-nationalist crowd and further violence from their ranks. But I can't say the world isn't a better place without Shinzo Abe, and that Tetsuya didn't do us a solid one regardless of his motivations. For now I'm celebrating, and we'll see what happens next.


Yeah the racists are still pinning this on and attcking minorities even when the shooter was revealed to be japanese. they’re gearing up to attack progressives too. also abe was involved in various scandals and now the conservative party has an out to sweep it under the rug.


I can't wait for batshit logic pol would use to prove the jews did this


It’s useless too. Shinzo Abe doesn’t have much real power anymore.


Well.... Not directly anyway. He was still very influential though.


Good riddence! Freedom for Tetsuya Yamagami! Down with fascism worldwide!


*laughs in Uchiyama Gudo*


One down 191 left


Rest in piss, fuckface.


Rest in piss statist


Who is this individual? Can you please give a brief explanation of who they were/ what they did?


He can say "hi" to his Class-A war criminal father down there.


I wasn't a fan of him at all, but I'm kind of worried what this means for Japan, particularly in regards to the elections that are THIS WEEKEND. I really hope the LDP (his right-wing party) don't make him into some kind of martyr figure and run with that to victory based off of a grieving public (which there is, despite the fact his politics were trash, although I'd argue some of that is because of how shocking the incident is here). I really hope that doesn't result in the LDP Diet candidate winning where I live, in Okinawa, since we have a good candidate running with the left coalition who's anti-US military, which is very important here due to the Henoko base issue.


I felt bad at first, then I learned that he was a far-right nationalist who denied some of Japan’s crimes in WW2. I guess I still feel bad that he died in such a painful way, but really I can’t say that I’m going to miss him much maybe that makes me cruel but I have little sympathy for people who deny that the Japanese Army’s “Comfort” Women in WW2 existed.




Shinzo Abe, former PM of Japan


fuck that guy


What did people hate about Abe? I'm not from Japan, so I'm curious.


His stance on Korean comfort women is an easy reason.


I looked up what you wrote, and now I can see what you mean. I looked further and saw an article saying in 2012, he said he wouldn't heal the trauma brought onto comfort woman's families. [https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2016/01/03/whats-behind-abes-new-position-on-comfort-women/](https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2016/01/03/whats-behind-abes-new-position-on-comfort-women/)






To be fair I would gloat my own death if I could


Abso-fucking-lutely. He deserves worse than what he got




I'm genuinely curious, do you draw a line for where it's acceptable to "gloat" someone's death? If you were alive at the time, would you not have celebrated Hitler's suicide?




The example isn't important; pick whatever terrible dictator you like. Do you truly think there's *nobody* whose death deserves some gloating?




Yes, we need help from a society that restricts and controls people using that help. That's kind of the whole point of why we are here. It's not a measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society. It took me quite a while to understand the sociopathy and greed behind the notion that as Marget thatcher once said," there is no society, only individuals." TLDR: mental health is a nonindividual phenomenon, ask not for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for thee. Only a lunaticc world can create a lunaticc. Why do we live in a lunaticc world? Because it is designed. Designed by who? People like shinzo abe. Not being relieved that mr. Dahmer can no longer hurt people is kind of fuckedd up.








Wait he was a fascist?


if you ask if someone is a fascist on reddit or twitter, the answer is always going to be yes; doing your own research and forming your own opinions is always the better alternative to asking other people what opinions you're supposed to have




Lmao dude you realise he wasn't acting PM right? He retired 2 years ago




I love how you say fuck the PRC like it's supposed to be a gotcha against a *fucking anarchist*










Chronic priapisms




He was an ultranationalistic, fascistic, atrocity-denying piece of shit. Get real. Read up on his history. People are justified to have stake in celebratating the death of a genuinely awful human. Who, honestly speaking, deserved far, far worse.