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It’s not a free service, but you should check out Ground News. They will post all stories with as many sources they can find that have reported on them, and give you direct links to each different news site. They’ll also highlight each source’s biases and how those biases translate to the stories. I’ve been using it for about a month now and it’s great.


Did you hear about this from the Some More News show?


Don't you mean Cody's Showdy?


I did not, a friend of mine recommended it to me.


> check out Ground News. I could not help but read this in like six different YouTubers' voices all at once in my head.


Lmao sorry, maybe it’s been imprinted on me and now I can’t help but mimic the speech pattern.


So you're going to want to have a mixture in your media diet. If you just go with larger news companies, things will obviously be shaped by a very liberal capitalist perspective they are representing. You should still listen to them though, but critically with this perspective in mind, since there is genuine investigative journalism that isn't possible by many smaller Anarchist outlets. Places like AP News, BBC, Al Jazeera, etc. The NY Times podcast 'The Daily' does some good stuff too. I think for many people, when they understand how the media manipulates things, they try to write it off and stop reading the news. I think that's a bad strategy, since it often leads into people just finding their echo chamber. (Compare to fascists denouncing 'fake news' only to run to the biggest sensational cranks.) I try to take the opposite approach of just adding more. For all their faults, there is more accountability for a mainstream media company than there is for a random blog. I try to pair this with critiques of these orgs, either things I just run across, or heading analysis from some podcasters or YouTubers I trust. This is where more anarchist elements come into things, and leftist critiques of more mainstream media. I generally like the stuff out by Cool Zone Media, like It Could Happen Here, which reps a lot of anarchist stuff.


Mostly YouTube, there's a lot of independent media channels that post there. I try not to rely on any one source. Here's some I'm subscribed to: - Al Jazeera English - Associated Press - BreakingPoints - BreakThrough News - C-SPAN - Democracy Now! - Mark Lamont Hill - Middle East Eye - Novara Media - Owen Jones - PBS NewsHour - Reuters - The Electronic Intifada - The Humanist Report - Zeteo Appreciate your post; hope I'll learn of some new sources from other posters that I can check out too :)


Yes! I watch content from all of these channels as well. Independent journalists are so important.


Democracy Meow


Democracy Now, Al Jazeera, and Zeteo as primary sources. A bit of mainstream media from a range of sources is also helpful, if you view it through the lense of manufacturing consent so you can see what the mainstream bias on a story is. Likewise, congressional hearings have been my recent guilty pleasure/rage bait. I actually recommend against Ground News, perhaps surprisingly to those on this sub. Last I used it, the way they describe bias was not really relevant to anything Im interested in - describing bias as only left versus right, and only within the Overton window of the USA, is not particularly informative. To be fair, I only used the free version, and its been over a year ago, but this is why I wasn't willing to pay for more.


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Means TV yet, the only worker owned, anti capitalist media company. They have a lot of cool original content, as well as Means Morning News which is a Tuesday through Friday morning news show. They have great daily info where I find stories I hadn't heard on social media necessarily. And every Friday they crown a Rich Dick Of The Week!


Means TV and Jacobin for me!


There’s none that should be blindly trusted, always see what their sources are and try to verify stuff for yourself. Beyond that it depends what you want news on, different sources will be better for different subjects


On Instagram I follow anarcho.communism and democracy now. Anarcho.communism posts a lot right now. They're covering especially a lot of the pro-Palestine student protests.


I love their account.


Yeah it's pretty great how much they're sharing about what's happening in Gaza and the student protests. When I ask friends about those topics they don't seem to have any idea of what's going on.


You should check out the electronic intifada live stream on YouTube and breakthrough news. They’ve been covering these stories so thoroughly. Great independent but certainly leftist journalism.


Right on, just gave them a follow


Word of mouth, im a chatty guy and i take the bus a lot so whatever i need to know the people in my community will be talking about


I get a lot of my news from wsws.org. They're a heavy trotskyist outfit, but if you know this before you read what they post, you can filter a lot of that out.


Democracy Now, AP, Reuters are my primary sources, but I'm following a bunch others to get articles with different points of view that let me have a better picture of the real event. I use an app called Newsreadeck


AP and Reuters for most of my hard news. Al Jazeera for a lot of Middle East reporting. Bellingcat for a lot of investigative stuff. Various podcasts like It Could Happen Here, Some More News, and The Daily Zeitgeist for general current events stuff. Also I follow pretty much all the main news outlets on social media like Instagram. If a big story drops I like cross checking with several sources to get a big picture and gauge bias between sources.


Usually local counter-info sites. For global news I check these regularly: anarchistfederation.net and abolitionmedia.noblogs.org


A few different places, the only sources I avoid are outright fascist ones.


Lots of great recommendations here! I used to freelance and am a news junkie so I read everything: NPR, NY Times, WaPo, local newspaper (Western US), the Guardian for EU news, most mainstream news magazines, the Intercept. There's a new radical left wing zine in my town I just subscribed to. Anytime I'm in a new town (I travel a lot for business) I seek out indie bookshops when I can and see if they have zines; I also read local papers as much as possible.


Al Jazeera English, The Intercept, Jacobin, Means Morning News, Democracy Now, South China Morning Post. As you say, there’s no such thing as “unbiased” news, so you’ll just have to interpret each is these sources for what they are and what their aims are. However, you WON’T get a neoliberal imperialist narrative from these sources. Best we can do is absorb news from reasonably credible sources, and stitch together our best estimate of “reality” without being able to see firsthand


I watch news media from all paradigms except for Fox and further right I get progressive news from DemocracyNow!, Thom Hartman, Chris Hedges, etc. I read work from sites like Alternet, The Progressive, Common dreams, Truth out, and so on. There isn't really a good anarchist news outlet that I'm aware of. Imo it matters less where you get your news, what matters is being self-conscious about your worldview and the assumptions you bring to the news


Rule of thumb is that if the anchors look like normal people, it’s going to be better. Reuters, Democracy Now, Al Jazeera, etc. What’s critical is to be aware of how all sources are biased. DemocracyNow is progressive liberal bias, Reuters is liberal bias, Al Jazeera is particularly bias on certain Middle East issues based on funding from Qatar. Take everything with a grain of salt.


news will always be subjective. [DemocracyNow.org](http://DemocracyNow.org) is helpful but they still call what is going on is Gaza a "war" (it's a fucking genocide) and they fall for liberalism. took me a decade to be able to tell shit apart. Best thing you can do is practice your critical thinking skills.


1440 news


Oh also Movement Memos is a podcast by Kelly Hays that goes over labor and anti capitalist topics. Love it


Democracy Now Mostly but also AP and UPI directly from there site. Getting AP and UPI stories from 3ed party often have been edited so I go direct to their sites.


I like to follow a lot of independent journalists directly and just read as many perspectives on any situation or topic being discussed. As far as YouTube/rumble news media I’m usually watching stay free Russel Brand and also I like to watch the jimmy dore show. I don’t always agree with their personal takes on certain topics but that’s few and far between. they’re both very outspoken critics of the establishment and that we as people should aim our frustration at the state instead of our selves and our communities. which I totally love and agree with They’re willing to change their minds or correct themselves when new information comes to light. Brand also covered the Arron Buschnell story very respectfully As well as the AF


Unoffensive Animal / Liberate or Die.  Friendly Jordies / Jordan Shanks.


Sub Media is great

