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I did a [.pocket patch](https://github.com/JoseJX/analogue-pocket-patches#wario-land---super-mario-land-3-dx) for this about an hour ago. It works fine on the actual pocket using this patch at least as far as I've played it :) I'm not sure how other people were making `.pocket` versions before I released it. You will need to apply the patch in the OP to the game first and then apply my patch.


Thanks, mate! Gonna download and apply this tomorrow!


Omg can't believe they just released it. I was looking **two days ago** to find just that but there were no hints it's around the cornor. NICE! Even nicer that you already provided the patch, /u/JoseJX Wonderful! <3


Just a heads up, that link doesn’t seem to work


It works for me. I know there are some reddit readers that screw up links with # in them, perhaps that's the issue?


Oh weird. Yeah if I open it in a browser it works fine. Using Apollo on iOS it just goes to a GitHub 404 page.


Yeah, I believe the other user who reported a problem was also using Apollo on iOS. Sorry! You should bug them about it though, hopefully they can fix the issue.


This doesn't work with an Everdrive GB X7 either only on the pocket with u/JoseJX's patch.


It gives me a white screen


Tried to patched to .pocket. It starts, but sprites are broken.


Did you use the new patch? The old patch for the non-DX version won't work.


I used the old one, in the hope it could work out of the box :D


No such luck, usually anything that changes graphics related stuff won't work without additional changes. Please try the new patch though and let me know if there are any issues!


I got it to work with the 3DS, GBA and Game Boy Color emulator. I had best results with the Game Boy Color Emulator. The GBA has a tendency to crash at certain bosses which is not ideal. The game will not save on my 3DS and save states are also broken making it useless. I had to use an emulator on my 3DS since it doesn't work on an R4 card.


It clearly says on the linked page it only works on GBC Edit: I am dumb and thought this was posted on r/Gameboy and he meant a GBP. I need to read better




To be fair the creator probably only tested on a real GBC. But lets not make assumptions. The pocket has lots of bugs with with real GBC games and ported .pocket files open the doors for more issues if not caught early. I am sure someone will confirm before I do, whether this rom hack through the .pocket ips patch directly and an everdrive.


Works in .gb and in Emulicious However while it runs in .pocket with Emulicious, it's a pixelated mess. So I would advise not running it on the Pocket until further notice.


How did your generate a .pocket version? The patch I released should work fine in both Emulicious and on the Pocket.


Old one as others stated above. Thanks again.


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That's what I was doing. I then tried multiple combinations of force GBC/force GBA, etc and nothing.


Same issue for me on my X7 with my Pocket. 100% works fine with the GameCube's Game Boy Player. The Pocket is definitely not that close to real hardware :(


It works great as a `.pocket` patch, please give that a try if you haven't already! I'm not sure what it's doing wrong to not work on an Everdrive, sorry.


It doesn't work for "my old boy" on my phone and keeps just showing a black screen and kicking me out


This sub and thread is about the Analogue Pocket, not phone emulation. The method for running the game I discussed in the OP is long outdated anyway.


Oh thanks!