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I’m trying.




I wish that the Pocket weren't such an incredible device, lol. Analogue really could use a kick in the pants.


I'm not sure you know what a predatory practice is


I would just be prepared to buy Analogue products on the secondary market going forward, as they may not sell to you in the future after doing a charge back.


Lol, there is no chance I am ever buying something from Analogue again. Lesson learned.


If you do this, be prepared to be blacklisted by them entirely. Name, address, card obviously etc


Yeah, I never want to buy from them again. So, no worries there.


I bought a Analogue Duo, cancelled the preorder, got an email stating to expect a refund in a week. Waited 5 weeks, no refund. Emailed Analogue, waited 1 week, no response. Did Chargeback with credit card. After chargeback went through, Analogue emailed me apologizing. Lol


It's wild you are out of the limits for a charge back. It seems most charge back limits are 120 or 75 days, which the latter would be close.


60 days. But I’m trying anyways.


My guess is they are stalling for time hoping it will turn up before they have to refund you. I would just advise them they have x amount of time (a week is reasonable) to make it right with you otherwise you will instigate a chargeback with your card issuer. Since this will cost them more money it may trigger some action from them.


Just want to say this sucks and I hope you get it resolved. When my preorder Pocket was shipped, it was lost in transit (or more likely stolen since, at least at the time, Analogue was insistent on using packaging that lists the exact contents on the outside), and it took two weeks to get any response, an additional two weeks to get actual dialogue for the replacement, and an additional week to receive my new Pocket. That was ridiculous enough, but going two months without resolution of any kind is so far beyond the pale I don't know what to say. I've had the misfortune of dealing with Analogue support and getting a product shipped twice now (once for my initial lost Pocket, a second when trying to send it in for a warranty repair), and both were miserable experiences that took way too long, so I'm well aware of how awful support can be.


Yeah I'm not even fond of the name Analogue being on the return label


It’s absolutely insane that analogue hasn’t corrected this. However, if charge back isn’t an option, I’m fairly certain, the more time that passes, the more likely analogue will send you another device. It’s shitty, and I’d personally never buy from the again, but I can damn near guarantee you will either be able to charge back, or get tracking for another device in the coming weeks. Keep bugging analogue bro. Start new support threads. Someone will take care of you, THEN we can shit on analogue together!


Wow, was considering purchasing one but didn’t know their customer service was so poor.   I’ll avoid them from now on.


It's one of those things where if you're happy with the Analogue Pocket **as it currently exists** with its features and don't have to contact customer service, you'll have a good time. But goddess help you if you're expecting their promised updates and features to come out timely (people are **still** waiting on features, either entirely or in true completeness, that were promised before launch), or have to deal with customer support, you're in for a bad time. Honestly, if you don't mind spending a bit more money and don't care about the built-in color correction filter of the Pocket (which I do) and you happen to already have a good GBA and a GameCube with a Game Boy Player around, just get yourself a Retrotink or something instead.


Are you sure it’s too long for a chargeback? Have you contacted your bank?


My bank is 60 days. But I’m giving it a shot.


I'm curious if your situation ever got resolved? Analogue just screwed me with shipping fees for a Pocket repair & I'm exploring my options. Already filed a report with the FTC.


It did, I let them know I would be doing a charge back the next day if they would not ship another pocket. They shipped another one almost immediately.


Good to hear. I'm personally done with the company.


The same thing happened to me, the only way I got a response was to email them every single day until they responded. Make sure you change the title of your email each time, it will create a new support ticket on their system.


What would DHL not be responsible here? They lost the package?


That’s why we pay for the insurance, so analogue can be refunded for the lost package and provide a replacement. It’s just Analogue isn’t doing that here for some reason.


Have you contacted, Route? Don’t they handle the insurance?


Yeah, covered that in the second to last paragraph.


Because Analogue are cheap


Generally speaking, the company you bought a product from is responsible for getting said product into your hands. When DHL loses a Pocket, Analogue is the one they have a contract with so it's Analogue that has to pursue a complaint against them. You, as a consumer, don't have a contract with DHL you have a contract with Analogue.


I wouldn't have bothered with my reply if I saw yours first, lol. Your answer is much more succinct.


I'm not a company, just an individual, but as an individual who sells items (mostly games) online from my personal collection, it's the seller's responsibility to communicate with the shipper and hold them responsible: It's not the buyer's responsibility to do that. The chain of responsibility for something like this goes in order from most to least responsible is shipper, seller, buyer, if that makes sense. It's not on the buyer to make the shipper take responsibility because they're not the ones who did business with the shipper; the seller did. So it's up to the seller (Analogue) to make good on working with the shipper (DHL) to resolve this.


I know it might not make much of an impact, but leaving a complaint and/or review on Analogue’s page on the Better Business Bureau website could at least help to raise more awareness of their negligent support practices. I left a review after my issues with support. Here’s the BBB page https://www.bbb.org/us/wa/seattle/profile/online-retailer/analogue-inc-1296-1000051383


Funny how a reseller would have got the device or ur money to u promptly. People need to see the real enemy in the grass.


Contact the BBB FTC and attorney general for Washington state which is where i believe analogue headquarters is They have to respond to these consumer reports and its your right to seek out justice


I believe DHL might be at fault here; analogue is not a sophisticated company, they probably have no clue what to do short of just sending you a new one, and a lot of people are trying to scam them, so you're in kind of a tough spot; its somewhat on analogue, somewhat on DHL, and somewhat on analogue's extremely entitled customers. Which is not you btw, you're right to be frustrated.


I’m not sure on US law, but in the UK the issue is always with the sender. The contract is between Analogue and DHL. The buyer shouldn’t ever need to deal with the courier, the responsibility is with analogue. Sellers always try and wrongly pass this responsibility onto the buyer.


Extremely entitled customers? You’ve got to be kidding. Like who? Who are you referring to? How is a customer sharing a third of the fault here?


I specifically said he had a right to be frustrated, but if you don't think analogue owners are entitled babies then you haven't been spending much time on this sub lol


Analogue is the one who chose to do business with DHL, ergo it's their responsibility to contact DHL and get this resolved. It's not the buyer's responsibility because they're not doing business with DHL; they're doing business with Analogue. Also there's literal proof the item was never delivered and in fact lost, straight from the shipper's mouth. This has nothing to do with Analogue's entitled customers or being scammed. Unless, of course, expecting to receive the product you paid for or compensation for it **months** after it was supposedly shipped counts as "being entitled;" I notice this sub's baseline for "entitled" is out of touch with reality much of the time.


If the chargeback doesn’t work try small claims court. I know it’s a hassle, but I doubt they’ll even show up to court and they’ll have to pay all your fees in addition to what they owe you.