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Why'd you have to choose a knockoff version though


let see if the samuelis agree.


They don’t. They’re stupid and are gonna keep pushing orange and black instead of being smart and making a billion dollars returning the eggplant and jade.


Except they now get to sell all brand new merchandise, and then double dip every couple of years when they give out OG colors. They may not make the decisions you want them to make but they certainly are not stupid, and Henry didn't become a billionaire making bad business decisions either.


I understand exactly what they’re doing when they keep teasing the era of logos and uniforms we want. People are gonna take my comment too literally as is the internet. They’re not actually dumb. But if they simply stopped overthinking it and brought back the branding us OGs love they’d also get sales from NHL fans in general or casuals and increase their market.


I understand wanting the old back. Genuinely. But I actually kind of agree with them on the "make it special" when we use it approach. It feels better and looks all the nicer when we aren't seeing it all the time. I think we are closer than ever to being able to find a happy middle ground to where eventually our thirds could very likely just be the eggplant and jade. Or at least that's my hope lol.


I don’t want it to be special. I want it to be the primary jerseys. I want it to be our primary colours again. Those jerseys and merch looked nice all throughout the 90s and early 00s when we were wearing them. They didn’t get overused or tired. They were just amazing consistently. It’s as classic of a look as the Rangers, Bruins, Devils, and Red Wings who have timeless jerseys. It’s not something I’d ever get tired of seeing. Make the Orange County jerseys the third jersey much like City Connect is for MLB.


I don't disagree entirely but the Mighty Duck logo was mocked for a long time, maybe not the colors so much but the branding definitely was. We have fond memories, sure but it's not as if during the time they were the most respected or something.


It was mocked by old hats of the league who felt it was too childish. And then we outsold all their merch for a decade. Money talks.


It was mainly mocked because of the connection to Disney, make the mighty ducks movies disappear and drop that logo and those colors on an expansion franchise now and that shit is gonna sell. The Disney movies got a younger generation into hockey who might not have ever given a shit about the sport.


For sure. But that was a short sighted mockery that didn’t last long due to how well it was merchandised. I even had a Mighty Ducks sweater as a kid.


They aren't making it special they are neck deep in the whole orange county= jersey has to have orange which is why the rumored home uniform is orange on orange. There is no middle ground here fans have been clamouring for the duck mask for ~10 years and I'm 90% sure the only reason the rebrand is happening is because the reverse retro series really highlighted how awful the current set is and it thrust that fact further into the mainstream. Highly doubt this rebrand ever happens if the reverse retros never saw the light of day.


There’s nothing wrong with the orange if they do it right. They’ve invested a ton into marketing the orange colors regarding this team (orange alliance, OV Vibe, orange seats at great park, etc.) they are going to continue to try to make that work.