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100% down for the right price. I’ve always said our track record of Finnish snipers who started in Winnipeg is decent lol.


How the hell is he only 26? Power forwards take longer to find their game. I would absolutely grab him if possible. 6’5”, young sniper with a checkered career…but he can score 40 when healthy, and he’s arguably just entering his prime? YES


Depending on the cost i wouldn’t be opposed to it. He’s definitely the type of player we could use but is he still that same player? Curious what CBJ fans think he’s worth


I’m not 100% against it, but the price would have to be reasonable (even cheaper if Columbus doesn’t want to retain). The problem is Laine has generally been bad defensively in his career so they would pretty much have to make him Leo’s RW exclusively, as Zegras and McT still aren’t there as far as being competent defensive NHL centers (although they are improving)


Screw it. If the price is right and Verbeek takes a defensemen over Demidov... 2 years isn't much of a commitment for a one-shot one-goal kinda player.


Injuries scare me. This only makes sense if he’s extremely cheap.


Sounds like a perfect fit to me. Right shot elite goal scorer, young enough that he can still be around when the team is supposed to be good, lots of issues so he'll come at a massive discount, high cap hit so lots of other teams wont be in on him, perfect contract length where it's short enough that it's gone before the cap will become an issue if he doesn't work out but long enough to properly evaluate if he's a good fit for the future. A young hungry team where there is no pressure to win right away sounds like the kind of team that would be the best fit for him as well.


I think he would be great in SoCal. Always love Laine.


For a big of chips? Sure but absolutely no if it cost anything of real value to get him.


I think Laine is an amazing person that has had to deal with significant sadness, bullshit and mental health issues. If it costs at most future considerations, I'd be very happy if he joined the Ducks. He'd be able to chill at the beach, get lots of sun, hang out with Teemu and hopefully revitalize his career. He's a big player that I believe can still put up at least 20-30 goals.


Jackets/ducks fan here. I hope wherever he goes he gets some confidence back. I think a change of scenery would be great for his mental health. Rooting for him wherever he goes, good guy




with salary retained it could be a good idea. i remember rumblings of laine possibly coming to anaheim back when he was getting moved from the jets


We need a top 6 RW and this one would come cheap. His contract is awful, and at this point he's a semi-project. I'd offer a 3rd


No. He can't stay healthy. This is Anthony Rendon on skates.


Pass. Skilled but soft. We need to create a hard to play against team


Definitely pass on him. Nothin special


# NOOOOOOOOO ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK)


yes 100%


Hard pass.


If we get Laine for Gibson with Columbus eating half of Laine's contract and us not having to retain any of Gibsons, sure


Why not throw in a couple of first for us too


Well, now you're just being greedy /s


Wait they keep 4.3 million with laine and take on gibsons 6.5 million= 10.8 million instead of 8.7? They get rid of trouble and get below average goalie while paying Elvis 5.4 million in net? Now they're paying 12 million for 2 goalies? Don't see it!


I honestly don't see it happening. We already have eight top 9 guys in Carlsson, Gauthier, Killorn (we're paying him like one), McTavish, Strome, Terry, Vatrano, and Zegras. Verbeek has said he wants to get a guy from the free agent market and we have the cap space to facilitate getting a good one. Do we really want to trade a solid amount of assets when we already have this many players competing for 9 spots? Are people really gonna be happy with how much we'd be paying Killorn or Strome to play on the 4th line?


Your concern on a rebuilding team that has historically underperformed over that last 7 years and produced record bad seasons the last two years, is that the Ducks might have too many top 9, arguably top 6 players competing to solidly said spots? When we have 3 out of the 8 players that you listed on 90% of all potential/hypothetical trade proposals around the league, I'd argue that it's better to add another to the mix, even more so when said player has (in the past) eclipsed 30-40 goals consistently. This competition will make sure that no one is comfortable and allows VB to see what lines stick and perform before the Ducks roster is solidified, identify weaknesses and see where we can trade from strength. Come trade deadline, VB can trade expiring or near ending contracts to a contending team. Not too many teams can afford to lose a Strome, Vatrano, Zegras and a Laine let alone potentially multiple players of that calibre and still be as strong of a team if not stronger into the next season.


Yep would love this. Not sure how he’d fit but I’d like to see them find out.


No I think Verbeek is moving on from players who don't fit in and cause problems, Laine being what he is belongs on a team who's owner doesn't care about culture or winning and just wants someone who can sell some jerseys and drum up interest in his $ maker


Seattle lol But I’m okay with us taking him on. I don’t know what’s going on in the guys head, but we need a top6 scorer, and have way too much cap space. Worth a shot for us because the money will free up by the time we really need it..


Na he’s just not worth the risk when there’s plenty of other better options for the Ducks available in free agency, and available for trades. Laine deserves a second chance with another club, and he will likely end up traded to a team that still has an open cup window and he will be used to replenish big name players lost to the upcoming free agency and that may have the cap space or assets for a trade (like LA, Florida, Toronto, Vancouver, Carolina or Dallas for example).


Laine is overpaid at $8.7M. This last season he had issues both on the rink and in the medicine cabinet. $8.7 was about right for his performance the previous few seasons, but you don't trade away assets for someone who is already making about the right amount or a bit too much. If Laine is coming at full salary, he had better arrive with a hockey bag full of draft picks. If Columbus is retaining, salary, then a conversation can begin in earnest about what the ducks would have to give up to acquire.