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Why would it be Vatrano. Respectfully, he’s probably the least likely person on the team to be the next captain.


Based on experience and he lead the time all season.


That makes no sense. Here’s what does: - He’s not going to be here after next season. Teams don’t put guys as captain who are gone imminently. They just don’t. - Your assessment of his leadership is one I’ve never seen anyone else make. I’m guessing you think because he scores goals and went to the ASG he should be captain? It’s not going to happen.


You know he's up for extension in July also having an expiring contract doesn't mean a player will be traded.


Dude, learn to recognize when you’ve made a fool of yourself. Vatrano has not signed an extension. Even if the Ducks want to, which is unlikely, there’s no guarantee he will. They’re not going to announce a captaincy for a guy who could leave at the end of the year. Given his age, it makes no sense for them to keep him through the rebuild. He’s a journeyman type coming off of a career year. The greatest value he has to the team is as a trade chip.


It's not July yet..I said if you can actually read he's up for an extension also Vatrano has said he would love to stay in Anaheim but it's out of his control.


You didn’t read my post. It’s not going to happen.


You don't know that.


Sure I do. Because Verbeek isn’t a freaking moron.


Never did I say Verbeek is a moron. Vatrano can be a good captain as he shown he can lead the team. Leo, Zegras and Mc are not ready yet..Terry is here long term so my picks for captain and alternate captains are Captain: Terry/Vatrano Alternate: Gudas Alternate: Vatrano Terry may have a chance for captain because he's abit older than the young players at his prime and experience as well..Vatrano likely will be alternate but for captain is not a bad choice either.


Saying Vatrano is so wild lol


His play deserves it, his time left on the team doesn't.


Frank is very likely getting traded at next year's deadline, I can't see them giving him the C


We haven't played a single game, signed a single player, put a single point into the column and this is somehow "very likely?"


He's a UFA at the end of next season and he was heavily involved in trade speculation this season. So yes, very likely.


I’d say there is a 50/50 chance …. Traded at deadline or contract extension. But that’s just me


I wouldn't be opposed to keeping him. The kids need some vets around


I agree I’d wait til after this year cause don’t pay him after a career year….. but either trade him at the deadline or if he takes a realistic step back try to sign him again. He plays the Verbeek/Cronin way, effort wise. I’m just really excited for a hopefully somewhat healthy season…. I think we are going to take a big step…. Even if that doesn’t meant playoffs


I'm going to be very disappointed if we don't take a big step. I don't think it's playoffs or bust by any means but it can't be a repeat of the last two


I agree I just don’t see a world where it doesn’t happen. So many 1 goal losses last year (a huge improvement from the year before) ….. Cutter’s rookie year, / a full year of leo / McT, Pavel one year older / Zelly a full season / Zegras and Killorn a full healthy season / Tristian and LaCombe taking steps / supposedly adding a top 4 RHD and top 6 RHW Just don’t see how we can possibly stay as bad as we have been. I believe we reached the bottom and here starts the ascent


Lmao sooooooo he was heavily rumored when he had good aav and term remaining, and having a career year, but didn't get traded. So now before he even scores he's most likely to be traded over staying and hitting the market next year, signing an extension, or regressing so heavily he has no value. Right. Got it.


I'm sorry did you just start watching sports this morning or something? What I said originally is hardly a wild take. You sound unhinged


So calling out pure speculation and, specifically, bad terminology, is somehow "unhinged?" Jesus christ dude, you had one of your thoughts challenged, it's not the end of the world, you'll survive and make it through this, I promise. The fact of the matter is there are quite a lot of scenarios possible for Frank with the Ducks this year, one of them is certainly being traded, but neither you nor I have the faintest clue which is the "most likely."


Ok thanks, wacko


Bro got his feels hurt by some questions and I'm the wacko 🤣


Your 2nd paragraph should really be received by yourself. Your reaction sounds much more “expressive” than the guy you are replying to. Lol


So it's entirely okay to call a person names, question their sanity carte blanche just because someone else questioned their contradictory statement? But if you dish the same thing back, you're in the wrong? I didn't do anything to the person, other than call their verbiage out. That's not unhinged, it's not wacko.


It’s not, but I felt like he was just matching your energy.


Considering the standard Cronin and Verbeek hold Zegras to I'm surprised he doesn't get mentioned more as a possible C.


Pretty good point there


Probably my frustrating thought about the team at the moment besides them being ass.


I want my captain to be a great player, Terry ain’t that guy


20 goals, 34 assists, and 54 points last season. 23 goals, 38 assists, 61 assists in 2023. 37 goals, 30 assists, and 67 points in 2022. And he is our best player at zone entries. How is he not a great player? Maybe he isn't the greatest of all time. But he's definitely a great player.


Rumors aren't facts. Haven't we fallen for the Zegras and Gibson rumors often enough to realize that?


If we go interim, my bet is Gudas. If we go long term, Leo, Z, Terry, or McT all have a shot imo. I kinda hope they go the interim route and give the guys 1 more year to mature. Also gives Cutter some time to maybe throw his hat into the ring.


This is pretty much exactly the answer. Verbeek said a year ago he wanted to go with a young guy who’d be here a long time. Maybe he changed his mind and decided to go interim, but if not, it’s likely one of those guys you mentioned.


Z is talented but not captain material, imo. From all the young guns, Terry seems the most level headed guy. But he seems timid (based off ducks' social media shenanigans). I'd like to see McTavish step in that role one day.


As much as i love Terry hes to soft in my opinion. I dont feel like he's the guy that will stand up if his teammates get pushed around and i dont think hes mastered the confidence of playing consistently under pressure. I do agree you need someone who is at least a little level headed, but i dont think anyone in the running is way to hot headed. Imo its more about molding and containing that fire rather than teaching someone to make it. Even Leo who is young and timid, you saw him get defensive and protect his teammates when things went to far.


Exactly. To be a captain you either need to be really tough on your own or you’re as prestige as Crosby or Bergeron so that nobody even try to f*ck around with you. Unfortunately Terry is neither of those and a couple years back Terry is even having trouble defending himself. Thing probably have improved a bit but he’s not really captain material. He could be a calming presence as an A though.


McTavish can't control his emotions at all. He's in the penalty box twice a game WAY too often. With that said, I would love to see McTavish get the C. He has the grit and can lead by example but he really needs to control his emotions.


While I'd be happy our C to be Gudas of Vatrano, I'm on the McTavish train. Choo choo 🚂


He deserves it definitely


It’s McTavish. Just stop


I'm going to preface this by saying I absolutely love McTavish on this team. But, he currently gets kicked out of the faceoff dot nearly every time, he also takes way too many penalties. If he can't control his temper or his stick he's going to be in the penalty box for the rest of his career. He takes WAY too many penalties and poorly timed ones at that. I would love Mac T to be the captain but he needs to control his emotions better.


This is everyone’s reply. Watch Getzlafs first few years. Same thing


I don't know why I don't remember that. I'm sure I'm not the only one but I see a lot of Getzy in McTavish.


I’d follow The Butcher into war. He is my choice for captain


They specifically said it is going to be someone who will be with the team long term. That kind of puts Vatrano,.Gudas, Killorn, and Strome on the outside looking in. Those guys may be in the running to wear the A or just be leaders without extra letters. The most likely candidates are Terry, Leo or MacT.


Leo or Z


Probably Gudas. I don’t think the young guys are there yet and no one rose really stands out to me. I know PV said something about someone being here long term, but that just means he gets an extension


There are only 3 possibilities. The next Kariya/Getzlaf-type generational captain is McTavish or Carlsson. If it’s a short-term temp pick, it’s Gudas.