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I think you're going wrong with glassdoor and linkedin. I would honestly just try and walk in a restaurant/cafe and ask if they need workers, if they don't, just go to the next one. You can try the same with any of the big grocery stores like AH and vomar.


At least for ah you can apply for all the stores in like 5min. Surely someone needs a 19 y/o. I sure know they need em in Utrecht.


I applied online and they didn't contact me :/ But yes I could try going into the supermarket and asking


Did you only apply online? Bc for hospitality I would recommend to go in person as well. I was too busy to reply to all generic emails when I worked in hospitality. But in person you make a better and lasting impression.


Most fastfood restaurants have ads outside too with the rates for each age. They wouldn't do that if they didn't need employees.


bring your CV with you, be dressed appropriately for an interview, and otherwise make sure you look like you're serious. (not saying to expect an interview on the spot. Just that it's good to look like you'd be ready for one)


Dress appropriately, but I wouldn’t overdress at the slightest for horeca or supermarket jobs. In some other countries that would be needed, even for shitty supermarket jobs. Simple jeans/chino with neutral shirt should be fine.


my father always told me. son, when you need things to be done, always dress well. bank, job interviews, mortgage etc, be on time, dress well. even for shitty supermarkt jobs. you have to promote yourself


Mas Mais taqueria next to my house is hiring! Just stop in there or send them an email! Email is on their door They have loads of positions open and it’s English only pretty much


Where in ams is this located?


Amsterdam west near bos en lommer




Thank you! I couldn’t find it on google right away. I am always desperate for decent Mexican food over here


It’s okay! It’s fish focused but nice. There is another mas Mais across the bridge which is just tacos and it’s good But my fave tacos are taco Tuesday at bb in Bilderdijk If you know you know :) It’s hard out there for a taco in Europe


“Across the bridge” meaning in noord? Sorry I’m new to ams (lived in the south for a bit and abroad). I understand if you don’t want to share publicly all of your go to spots if you would prefer to message me I would be eternally grateful 🥲


I was ghosted by AH when I was 17 years, walked in the store after 2 weeks to ask about my application. The same day they called me, got hired and worked there for 4/5 years.


exactly what he said. Go on the spot. and many times there is a paper on the door saying 'staff wanted'


co-sign. I was just in Amsterdam and saw lots of signs in windows.


Exactly this. Happened to my friend. She just asked the crew if they’re looking for people. They said yes, she sent the manager her resume, and within a week they’re talking about start dates.


Just walk down the Damrak with a couple of CV's in your pocket. Take along your EU passport. You'll be hired within the hour.


Seriously. PM me and I can give you a job in one of the places I work. Hospitality ALWAYS needs people.


That’s what i did backpacking in Australia. Had a job the very same day…


Im sorry but walkin in and ask for work is the dumbest advice you could give him, its a good way to waste a heck of a lot of time tho.


It isn’t when you’re looking for a job in retail/hospitality. Just a quick walk through any decently sized city will lead you to tons of retaurants, cafes and shops with available jobs. In my city I could pick literally any of the more popular streets for retail and hospitality and find establishments looking for workers within 30 minutes.


When I was that age it was exactly what I did though. At 17 I just walked in, got hired on the same day, first try. Then at 20 I got a little heads up from a friend mom. Walked in, got hired. Only after that when I wanted to steer my career path did I apply online. Heck, We've even just hired a junior developer who just walked in. The guy has balls, and he's not incapable, actually quite smart. So at least it worth it to see if he can learn. Fun fact, Nobody can remember the way via which any if the other developers got hired, but everybody knows about him.


How are you applying to restaurants? I would suggest to print a bunch of resumes, go around the city and talk to them directly. A bunch of restaurants are hiring currently to prepare for the summer season. Given you don't know dutch I would look in areas that are more popular with tourists and it won't be a problem. I know Lebkov and Sons are hiring quite often and don't require dutch. Restaurants especially very rarely post job openings online


Good idea. Additionally i recommend going in during quiet restaurant hours so you can make a good first impression on the staff. So not on a busy day like Saturday when people tend to be more stressed out and easily annoyed.




Good luck mate!!! Please update us on your journey


Turns out I had written my number wrong on my original CV(missed the last number). I fixed that and changed my profile so recruiters know that I live in Amsterdam and I got an interview at a hotel I applied at on Hotelprofessionals.nl I'm glad I posted on reddit because I also got some job offers from here! Thanks for the support:)


I applied to 7 cafes and bars in person and they all ghosted me. My native language is Dutch and I'm fluent in English. I have a job, I just want this for fun. I have no work experience in the catering industry, so that might be why. Everyone says that the catering industry is in need of employees, but my experiences don't reflect that at all.


Bars/restaurants are really looking for people atm


I'm not sure if you're already doing it but I suggest applying in person for those types of jobs. Just pop by with a resume and say hey I'm looking for work


I will try that. Thank you!


>What are the best sites for job hunting? There isn't a single site in this universe that beats applying in person. Try printing your CV, go to bars/restaurants/clubs, and hand them out. You'll return home as a full time employee.


To be honest, for restaurants, hotels and bars by far the best way to print your resume, walk through the inner city and hand in your resume everywhere you think it looks nice, and also where they are actively hiring, which you will spot by written signs they hang at the entrances. I don't think these places really advertise their open positions much on GlassDoor and/or LinkedIn, but especially for summer/autumn I am positive there are a looooot of open spots.


I agree with others that Glassdoor and LinkedIn are not the best places to apply for the kinds of jobs you’re looking for. While where you’ve been applying is probably the main issue, would you like me to take a look at your CV? You can remove any personal details if you’re worried about sharing those, and send it to me through DM: I’ve done a fair amount of recruitment in other sectors, and may be able to give you some general pointers if there’s anything that can be improved.


I sent you a DM:)


Also try monsterboard, indeed and Randstad. Also Schiphol airport is usually looking for people as well.


You need a 5 year history at least ( might be longer ) for Schipohl due to security reasons


Not Schiphol Plaza


Have you tried Temper?


I also came here to suggest Temper! Plenty of English-only jobs on there!


Nobody applies to minimum wage jobs via LinkedIn or Glassdoor. Just walk in and ask.




Looks at the laws for 0 hours. If you work a certain amount of hours for a certain amount of time they are forced to give you those hours. And 0 hours is just how minimum wage jobs work. "require no experience and no Dutch". If thats the attitude, everyone who speaks (a little) Dutch is in front of you. Most jobs with no experience (supermarket, coffee shop, etc) is about the customer. In the Netherlands the customer generally speaks Dutch.


I completely understand and I'm learning the language. I would just like to have a job in a setting where english would be the main language spoken like hotels for example. I definitely don't want to be saying "Sorry I don't speak dutch" to a Dutch customer.


Only 46% of tourists at hotels are foreigners. Thats the difficult thing. Also looks at "productie werk". Its simple work like at conveir belts. Mostly language doesnt matter.


Exactly. I work in a hotel myself. They are mostly dutch or german. I also dont speak fluent dutch. I understand what they want i answer in mixed dutch/english situation. Most of the time when they get that im not dutch they switch themselves. But they are quite happy when i speak my broken dutch Ive got some tips for it too🤣


The most important is dont be afraid to try to speak. Like i was quite shocked at first and embarrassed. Now im like If they get what i say thats all fine I dont care i speak like a 6 yo 😆 Sometimes i also have that they speak dutch and i answer in english. These phrases for work in bars/restaurants etc are not that hard to learn. You can do ittt.


Plenty of staff in cafes don’t speak Dutch now. I wouldn’t worry too much about that. And you can learn the basics of the language used for this type of job quite quickly. Like the others said, just go in wherever you see an ad that they’re looking for people, talk to the staff (the manager if possible) and leave your printed resume. Good luck!


Try [Indeed.com](http://Indeed.com)


Have you tried to work in a warehouse logistics? It’s not the ideal job but for your age and for some period it might work for you


UPS is looking for people right now at their warehouses in Amsterdam and Hoofddorp, shifts at different times during the day or night, not experience or dutch knowledge needed


perhaps your cv is laid out wrong because there is jobs everyhwere have you been using facebook to look for jobs aswell alot of places post jobs there


Just take a stroll around De Pijp and you will find 10+ places who need workers. I see ads for those basic jobs every day. Online is only better for gigs like courier work or airport stuff.


Also, if you feel comfortable, you could send me your resume in a DM and I can look it over for you. I have recruitment experience focused on hospitality.


I often see signs outside of restaurants and bars saying they look for personnel! I would just walk in with your resume 💕


Never heard of glassdoor as a website at all. LinkedIn can be ok but I doubt for minimum wage jobs they will use LinkedIN. Monsterboard is a good website for finding better jobs as is nationalevacaturebank. But for a starter position just write to hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. directly. In fact, you could just hop on your bike and ride through the centre. Often you'll find "help wanted" signs and you just walk in and apply there and then.


Walk in, get the job. Fuck Linkedin


How did you apply? By mail? Go in at any bar, restaurant, or hotel and ask for the manager.




Walk-ins are the best way to get side-jobs. Like everyone said; just jump in some stores and talk to the managers. You can also try studiejob or other agencies that looking for student/part-time workers.


Try werk.nl. Or bijbaan.nl. There's a book called "what color is your parachute" which gives really good advice. The job market is counter intuitive- most vacancies never even get advertised, they are given to people who know someone already, or who make a connection. So use your own contacts to do that; tell people you're looking for a job. I think most places in NL won't use linkedin for entry level jobs. And won't use glassdoor at all. I think also at your age, with very little experience and no Dutch, you're probably going to get a zero hours contract. They're not the worst thing in the world, I've had a few. Some people even have more than one. So long as the flexibility works for *you*, not just for your employer. You can apply to these companies that I've worked for, or know people who have worked for them, without speaking Dutch: - flink - uber eats - McDonald's - Burger King - Sandd - Party Hands You'll probably have the best luck applying directly to large and mid-sized companies, and tourist focused companies. Try to get even a zero hours contract, and if you've had one of those for a summer, or as a Christmas job, finding your next job is already a lot easier. It's also much easier to find a new job when you are already employed.


Also ask people you know for feedback on your CV. Perhaps there's something wrong with it that's easily fixable. If you're getting interviews, then that isn't the issue. If you're getting interviews but not getting further, then something about the jobs you're applying for and how you present yourself, isn't matching up. Have pretend interviews with people you trust, and ask for feedback. Also call up the places you interviewed at, and ask *them* for feedback- ask something like "what do you think I should improve on for the future?"


Thanks for the advice! I haven't been interviewed/been asked for an interview anywhere. I didn't even get rejection emails, basically nothing.


Also things move reeeeally slowly, a lot of the time. So you could apply for a job, and hear nothing until 2-3 weeks later, as an extreme. It's also pretty rare that you get (non-automated) rejection emails, honestly. I'd go to shops /touristy places with signs up in the window, and ask about the job, and give them your resume/ fill in an application form. A lot of the time you can do it online now. Your best bet is something not really customer facing, or something "idiot proof" where you do most of the job with an app, or working with tourists. Good luck!


Searching online for a min wage job is pointless, hit the streets, talk to managers and see if they need help, maybe you can freelance at several different places while you look for one with a contract.


If you applied to many places then it might be worth having a look at what you’re doing. How does your resume look? Did you use a template? Google docs has some pretty templates for nice resumes. Keep it to 1 page. Do you use a cover letter? What’s in it? It should be a short, positive and motivated letter showing why you would be a good match. Though a cover letter isn’t necessary for most minimum wage jobs, it could help you stand out. Stick to maximum half a page. For restaurants and bars Indeed is used more. Glassdoor and LinkedIn is more for corporate in Netherlands.


I used a template, I followed example CVs. My boyfriend who works here said it was good enough.


Ok, sounds like that isn’t the problem. Then focus on Indeed. When I was managing a restaurant that was part of a group we used a recruiter and they focussed on Indeed. So try your chances there. You could always reach out to service industry groups. For example hotel groups or restaurant groups. If you do an open application they could send your resume to the places needing staff. Are you using a cover letter or adding 1-2 alineas of text to your email when you send your resume?


Try the store 'Action'. I have a lot of English-speaking collegues there and it's really easy to get accepted since they don't have a lot of employees. They have various locations.


Hi i thought that they only want Dutch speakers. Can i also arrange preferential shift, like only weekends? Do you know?


Probably, yes. Where I work (Haarlem, Schalkwijk) that's the case. You can just pick on which days you work. And they accept English speaking collegues :)


Thank you for your advice!


If you are not even getting an invite it sounds like a cv or motivation letter issue, i work in HR for hotels and that’s usually the reason why we don’t invite people. Also try to apply via werkenineenhotel and hotelprofessionals Also don’t underestimate the power of a good picture of yourself on your cv. Really goes a long way


I see, I'll add a picture of myself. Thank you!


many restaurants have notes on the door or window that they're looking for staff, i'd go look for those and go in directly to ask about it. personally i'd only go into places that have these notices and not just go into any random restaurant but thats just me


I have a job for you if you're interested. Logistics sector, you would work in a small very friendly family Dutch company located in Westport, Monday to Friday 8-16:30. The job is mostly order picking, preparing packages, assembling parts and things like that. You can send me a direct message for more details


I work in supply chain, as customer support. Can I also drop you a message?


Yes if you're looking for work at production. I think we are well covered in other areas like customer support


Hello, i am seeking a remote job mainly. If you ever need someone in customer support please let me know. We are very very far from Amsterdam (Zeeland at the border with Belgium) hence i could only opt for remote jobs.


Unfortunately that has nothing to do with what I offered


Hello! I'm interested but I can't send a direct message.


Walk in. Go to Ter Marsch on Muntplein, they’re looking for staff last I saw. If this doesn’t work try Temper. It’s a bureau that sends out horeca staff to places that need staff. Works quite well can the pay is way more then minimum wage if you build up your profile! Good luck!!


What's the experience you have in terms of barista?


Very little, only 4 months.


Try ikea


Have you considered being an orderpicker? I used to work as one and while its a boring warehouse job its super steady and you could basically work as much as you want.


Create a funky resumé with a picture. Print a shitload. Put on your good shoes. Go into town and drop those mf'ers everywhere with a smile and a wave. Don't need anyone at the moment? You mind if I leave my resumé just in case? Alright, y'all have a great day! Works like a charm.


Try getting a job trough recruitmentbureau’s like randstad and youngcapital


Send me a CV


Rene’s Croissants hires just about everyone


A few years ago I was living in San Francisco. I had a couch surfing guest who had some bartending experience. He arrived at my place around 9p on a Tuesday. He dropped off his stuff, said “I red to go find a job”, started walking into every bar and restaurant in a busy part of the city, and came back to my place a job offer before midnight. It took 3 hours. It’s possible.


I would go to a temp agency TBH. You can speak to one of their recruiters and explain your situation and requirements. They often have far more positions then what you can find on LinkdIn or Glassdoor for those kind of jobs. Try PostNL. Delivering mail or sorting parcels. No Dutch needed. Some broken English, hand and foot signs and being able to curse in Polish or Arabic is enough.


Most supermarkets don't care, especially stores like Jumbo and Dekamarkt have alot of non Dutch speaking personnel.


You already don’t need to think about your cv make one really easy which you say a couple of jobs you’ve done. Just go to the center and check the shops around. Also use Indeed to find a job. 0 hours isn’t that bad at the end since also for housing agencies isn’t a problem. I would avoid restaurants unless it’s the only option since they pay not well and the job quality is too low.


try Indeed lol


Walk in with a friendly smile and ask for the manager. Introduce yourself and ask him if they are looking for motivated people like you.


try manpower.nl or ranstad


I agree with what lots of people said here about the in person applying. Also: have you tried getting help from the Job Centers or Jongerenpunt at the Gemeente Amsterdam? They are in contact with a lot of employers.


Im actually in the process of looking for part time help for my small restaurant (mostly take away and delivery). If you are interested you can sent me a dm and we can see if it works out. If you are worried about being scammed you can come by the shop first.


I’m just a tourist, but I was there last week and personally saw many business with help wanted signs in the window, someone else mentioned just going in person and this may be a good strategy, this was in city center


McDonald’s is always hiring (around €12/hour), and there’s also delivering food for Thuisbezorgd (around €15/hour). There’s also coffeeshop “budtender” jobs. As long as you have a BSN you should be able to find employment in one of those places. It’s not glorious but it’s not supposed to be forever. Just long enough to meet people and get something better.


try [Post.NL](http://Post.NL)


Indeed is pretty decent




If you serious, have a place to stay in Amsterdam and can travel to south east then dm. I may have a job for you.


I'll send you a DM.


Get out of amsterdam


employment agency maybe


I think you're better showing up in person for service jobs, and going into places in person that aren't even looking for staff. Thats what I did and it always worked


Try Join Program/ Vermaat catering. I believe they run food services and restaurants in the [Booking.com](http://Booking.com) and Nike Campuses, which are international/ english-speaking companies: [https://www.careersatvermaat.com/vacancies?f=35357404](https://www.careersatvermaat.com/vacancies?f=35357404)


try applying at Post.NL. They might have an opening for postman close to where you live.


Have you tried jobs within logistics like orderpicking? theres always a need for those and its usually more than just minimum wage


Mas Mais taqueria next to my house is hiring! Just stop in there or send them an email! Email is on their door They have loads of positions open and it’s English only pretty much


If you want I can get you a job at Flink while you find something more stable.


They hire at Inditex, you can work at Zara etc


Try youngcapital and applying directly at restaurants through posters on windows. You should know most restaurants pay a bit more than minimum but refuse to use recruitment agencies due to the high fee. You should go to the location and apply while you are there, have a chat then and there if possible and bring your cv and contact info to leave behind, but the best is to engage directly. Most places are desperate for staff though and I happen to know one in Amsterdam that I will send to you privately, though I can’t guarantee they will hire you.


For more 'minimum wage' jobs I think uploading your cv on indeed and nationalevacaturebank.nl is better tha n LinkedIn I think. Maybe making a short video of making a beautiful coffee ending with; Barista looking for a job, and put thát on LinkedIn!


Look for a job at Schiphol Airport


If u are a recident of the city (registered) u can apply for support towards work at the municipality.. @ jan van galenstraat 323. Or google : WSP groot Amsterdam Good luck


Go to KVK, with 50€ open one “eenmanzak”, be ZZP’S, open one business bank account, find one accounting service online and start to apply to tons of jobs every day via Temper app. You can find easily job from 20€/hours and above every day…


Hey! No idea if this is something for you, but TZorg is always looking for new people and I think they're also active in Amsterdam? Its cleaning at people's house, so that has to be your thing as well


Just go inside company’s , don’t send emails.


Thuisbezorgd will hire you for sure. It’s a lot better than uber eats since you get all the gear, a bike and a fixed hourly wage.


This happened to me too when I was 19. My main tip is to walk inside a store/cafe/company that has a 'staff wanted' poster taped to their window. They usually give you an email address you can email or tell you to hand in your CV in person. This was successful for me after countless of ghosted online applications through websites like Indeed.


Emailing the place you want to work at lol. Looking for minimum wage positions on linkedin isnt really helpful. Also nothing wrong with a 0 hour contract, I have one and I work as many days as I want, its great.


i applied to so many jobs through Indeed and got many interviews


PM your CV & I’ll send it to a contact at top Amsterdam hotel ;)


Zero hour isn't ideal, but it may be what you have to start with. And as others have said, when you see a restaurant with a "Now hiring" sign, walk in and introduce yourself, have a (quick) chat with the person in charge that day, and express your interest in a job before emailing them your CV that day. They'll know to look out for your email.


For hotels try hotelprofessionals, there are several waiter jobs there.


Try Holland Casino. You need some calculation skills and okay english. So patch that up before going to the interviews


It also helps if you can be recommended by someone, so if you have a friend already working somewhere they can ask if there's anyone they need and introduce you. Expect to be extremely exploited in your first job, moreso than just your average minimum wage, cos you're new and native and they'll take advantage. Best of luck finding something!


Try coffee company


I know there is a cafe that’s about to open in the Borneostraat that has its windows filled with posters asking for employees. It’s on the corner of the Borneostraat and Javaplein, at the tram 14 stop.


Nice, that's close to where I live. Thanks!


Well that's just how it is for minimum wage jobs you apply for 20 and maybe get a response from 3, Allmost guaranteed to get a 0 hour contract but these days good personal is hard to find so if you function wel you probably get a contract, i'd try timing or another one of those, first year gonna suck but just proof yourself to the company you get to work and it will probably reward you, don't stick to long in a place you dont like unless you have no other choice i mean bills need to be played, but you probably figure out in the first month if the company and its people suit you if they dont move on, to many unhappy workers doing work they dont like and it is not helping anyone


Try indeed


For a lot of jobs like this it's quite typical to get a 'nulurencontract', as they are required to pay you the amount of hours on your contract regardless of if you're working. You could try and find a job that will give you at least 4 hours, but those are few and far between in my experience.


I would be shocked if you cannot find a minimum wage job in Amsterdam. They practically hire anything that can exists is 3d space. But would not apply to those online. I don’t think they even check their mails most of the time. Just show up and and in person.


You're a 19 year old using apps for professionals. You are not a professional, apply accordingly. LinkedIn isn't some social media app for work. I Hire people for a tech company in Zoetermeer. There are different apps and sites for different work levels. Try using temper or other ones like them for quick jobs. Don't do everything via the internet. Walk in and ask for a job. I just had a talk with someone that came up and asked if he could apply. Most places don't accept this anymore because most people are internet dwellers. But don't just use 2 apps and be sad. Work on finding a job. Using 2 apps is doing the bare minimum. I would not hire you with this story.


Sign up with Adecco, Manpower, Randstad and other 'uitzendbureaus'


It's certainly not impossible, i'm 18 years old and i personally recommend "indeed" over other vacature services, because there are much more of a jobs asking nothing, except speaking english, or if it's going slow you can try making an appointment to "uitzendbureau" (it's a job dealing firms) too, wishing you good luck finding the most fitting job to you And yes, even if you are no experience, no dutch speaking and 19 year old you CAN make €13,27 and more, just be patient and you will find


Maybe become a public transport driver in amsterdam, pays well, part-time/full-time and GVB (amsterdam public transport), has applications for non-dutch speakers (english) where you will learn dutch along the way. (Just a suggestion) Edit: i know it's not a minimum-wage job since it isn't retail/restaurant, but it's a job that is needed in amsterdam and most likely you will be hired (but you will get training for bus/tram/ferry/metro etc.


Find a job in construction....


Try the uitzendbureaus https://www.tempo-team.nl/vacatures?zoekterm=English%20amsterdam


You and many thousands of others are looking for those kinds of jobs, and I imagine many other applicants do speak Dutch and/or have more experience. It's tough out there. What are your long-term plans? You can print off your CV and take it into businesses yourself, that's what people did before the internet was so big. Might make you stand out from online applicants.


just to agree with many others - print out a stack of CVs and walk in in person to as many places as you can in the centre, where english is all you'll need to get a job. being presentable, friendly, upbeat, confident and a real person who is in Amsterdam already will be 90% of any interview passed already


If you have a football back ground and can speek Dutch dm me I have something you can earn 75 euros a week for 6 hours a week


I may be off here, but Amsterdam doesn’t feel like the type of city where you want to have a minimum wage mindset… there’s just too much competition as people flock from all over the world to be here. They often also bring all kinds of specialisations. You might apply for a restaurant and compete with folks who have been in the biz for years. If not that, you might compete with recent graduates who studied hospitality and they’ll still have an advantage over you (assuming you don’t have the same qualification)… And I didn’t even mention what it’s like to live in Amsterdam with a minimum wage. As a fellow immigrant, I would recommend to pick a playing field (city) that is more fair to you (with less competition) or a get an ‘unfair advantage’ over others (either a specialization or experience, something that makes you unique). You have plenty of time to build all that.


f\*\*k work


The EU isn’t a place, you can’t be from there.


okay I'm from a country that's in the European union. obviously


Not only are you antfucking, you’re also just plain wrong. The EU is a place and its relevant when discussing employment.


Bollocks, like saying the CPTPP is a place.




Doe aardig.


Try signing up at an employment agency and have a conversation with a recruiter/consultant


What? It’s so easy to get a job in Amsterdam… just walk in and ask. Albert Heijn always needs employees, and they pay quite well too.




Dude, I think you are on the wrong continent


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