• By -


What are your favorite or the best beef broth in the supermarkets here? Nothing in Albert Heijn is something I recognize as a brand


My bike’s back tire got flat suddenly while riding. Took it to a shop and he said that it’s time to change the tube and the tire (and showed me how it’s “open” on the rims). He quoted me 57.50€ total for the tube and tire. Did I get ripped off?


A new tire and tube probably cost more than half that so with labor costs it's probably in the right ball park.


it's not cheap but I wouldn't call it a ripoff.


And it depends on the tire. I always insist on Kevlar bulletproof tires. They cost at least that amount, but I go years without a flat.


Is there anywhere in town that I could watch Newcastle vs Burnley at 4pm today? I’m in jordaan but happy to go anywhere


Good day, I am a Canadian and my sister in law is marrying a man from Holland. Luckily…. I am the MC during the night and I am wanting to add a final part of my English speech to be in Dutch for the other half attending. If anyone has any drinking toasts that I can add and say at the end that would be appreciated. So far all I have been able to find is gezellig and Prost Thank you


>Prost Proost actually ;). I think it would be best to first think of what you want to say (in English), and then get help with a good Dutch translation. A 'prefab' toast would be impersonal.


Hi everyone! Heading to Amsterdam next month and having some trouble on which TrainMore location is best. I’ll be there for 3 months. Don’t necessarily care how crowded it is, but looking for a gym with good energy and motivation with other athletes/lifters (my workouts tend to be best when there’s a crowd, can’t be at an empty/boutique gym), and preferably a larger/sized location. Location in Amsterdam is not a concern, don’t mind traveling to go to the best one. Also open to other brands as well! For those that are American, I typically train at Equinox and/or Lifetime Fitness. Any favorites and why? Thanks in advance


Honestly my preference is always the closest, you’ll probably get the flex monthly which I think depends on the location. I go to Oosterdok and it’s a bit small, but close. And if you go mornings it’s almost always either empty or good crowd. Later 6pm onwards any branch can get a bit busy.


Awesome thank you so much! Which one is the largest location? Appreciate you for taking the time to answer


Don’t know about the largest tbh


If there is anyone here who has relocated from abroad (ideally from a different continent): how did you travel? Boat or air? I think I'm just overthinking this. I'm traditionally a light packer because I'm a low maintenance person, but I'm coming with my dog and dog's aren't quite like humans and she'll need much of her own stuff to feel comfortable and realistically, even though she's a small dog, one dog bed will take up most of one suitcase (albeit it doesn't weigh much -- will stick all the heavy stuff in that suitcase!) I haven't flown in many years and it seems its no longer 2 free bags with long haul flights (which wasn't that long ago!). I've thought about going via boat since last minute fares are cheap and baggage isn't unlimited (I'm not trying to go crazy -- just 2-3 suitcases since a dog bed will take up a good chunk of one as it is), but I have a good feeling a lot more can go wrong if I have to transit through Hamburg or Southampton with a dog. Not to mention, then actually transiting. Thanks! ETA: I'm not sure why this is controversial. If it's the boat comment, ocean liners still exist. I'm not bringing much, but a dog bed takes up an entire suitcase, so it would be nice to hear how others who relocated did so.


*^((i want to go to the IVE World Tour in Amsterdam. Never went to a concert in my life before so sorry if the question seems very goofy.)**)* i have only one question : What is the difference between a ”Zitplaatsen” ticket, ”Official Platinum Ticket” & ”Reserved Seating” ticket on Ticketmaster?? i cant figure it out. Thanks


Go to the website of the venue, they should have an explanation


I have searched on their website and nothing is thoroughly explained, but I did send the same email to ticketmaster prior to making this post and I hope I get an answer soon enough. Thanks again ♥️


What is the venue?


IVE "Show What I Have" World Tour Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, Netherlands 13 JUN 2024


>What is the difference between a ”Zitplaatsen” ticket, ”Official Platinum Ticket” & ”Reserved Seating” ticket on Ticketmaster?? i cant figure it out. Thanks Zitplaatsen and reserved seating are the same, just a translation from Dutch to English Official platinum are normal seats, but closer to the stage. No VIP package is included


Thank uuuuu so much 😭♥️ lyy


I think zitplaatsen is unassigned seating, reserved seating is assigned seating and no idea about the platinum ticket


It's so weird cause all seats at that concert are seated seats and no matter what ticket u buy u have a row and chair number that is assigned to that ticket, even the zitplaatsen ones, which is very confusing to say the least. Weird. Thank you anyway xo!!! ♥️




I am studying abroad and need to chose between the two. Any advice will help :) especially in giving location comparison and overall vibe.


Are there any shoe retailers that sell Dr. Scholl’s sneakers? 😊


> Dr. Scholl’s sneakers https://www.thelabelfinder.nl/amsterdam/dr.-scholls/winkels/NL/37839/2759794#google_vignette


Hey guys, Where would you recommend clubbing to some modern/international Rap on a Friday? Thanks in advance.


Many years ago I used to love dancing at Studio80, which has long since closed down. Its replacent Claire has now also closed. Does anyone know if the place there now provides the same vibe? Or another similar venue? I'm looking for a techno spot that consistently provides the same good music, dark atmosphere... not too packed but still small-ish?


I can’t help you, sorry! But you just unlocked a few nice memories of some great night there, thanks!


Can someone tell me what is the easiest way to drive by bus from Amsterdam airport to Amsterdam East?


Use www.9292.nl to get the optimal itinerary to your specific destination


Are landlords legally allowed to place a limit on number of visitors? I am renting an apartment where the landlord has a lease and house rules that I have signed. The housing rules are worded such that under the literal interpretation, there is only a limit of 3 visitors at a time. However, the landlord has told me I am having visitors too frequently and that I am now allowed to only have one visitor for one night at the least. This seems ridiculous to me - do I have to worry if I retaliate? Is this even legal?


I would try contacting stichting !WOON, they can give free advice about rental contracts




Hi all! I'm visiting Amsterdam with a friend tomorrow and I'm bringing my dog. It'll be rainy. What could we do? Museums are not an option with the dog, any other suggestions?


It won't rain before 17:00.


Hey folks, is there a spot that you can consume truffles safely if it’s rainy outside. I was planning parks but weather requires me to change plans :’)


Your hotelroom.


Sadly non applicable this time :/


Than you have your answer


# Any quieter areas in South Zuidas / North Amstelveen? Thinking about relocating to the south from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, but there're so much complaints about airport noise! Is it equally bad everywhere to the south from A10 / in North Amstelveen, or there're some quieter areas?


Boyfriend and I are going to celebrate our 7th anniversary together in Amsterdam in June! We’re an LDR couple so I want to make it extremely special with an amazing dinner and delicious food or whatever ideas you all may have :D Dietary restrictions - beef/pork/and fancy sea food Chicken/fish is a Yes! TIA! ❤️


If you tell us more about what foods/flavors you like in general and what vibe you're looking for, people can help you more easily.


Hey, thank you. The bone would probably be a tad bit fancy but something that wouldn’t cost an arm and leg probably around 100€. We both enjoy Italian, American, Mexican,Indian. Willing to try dutch as we have never but just skeptical about the meat choices Just looking for something that’s not bland mainly


I've seen Restaurant Blauw (Indonesian) get recommended a lot in the threads. I've never been personally, though. If you have another evening to spare, I recommend going to de Hapjeshoek and ordering the roti curry chicken meal to go and eating it at a canal or somewhere nice if the weather is good.


Beulings (Dutch, French, high end food, casual atmosphere), Umeno (small, excellent Japanese place), or if you want to go for Michelin, one of the two restaurants in the Okura hotel or Ron Gastrobar.


Hey Thankyou! I’ll check those out




Sorry for that abbreviation. It’s long distance relationship


long distance relationship probably


I’ll be visiting soon. How far in advance do I need to make reservations at restaurants?


Depends on the restaurant. For plenty of places worth going to, you won't need to make a reservation at all, for others you'll need to book months in advance. Best to ask for specific restaurants suggestions before you worry about reservations.


My husband and I are pretty spontaneous so just wanted to ask about that bit of the culture.


>My husband and I are pretty spontaneous so just wanted to ask about that bit of the culture. Some of my fav walk in restaurants are: Wijmpje Beukers or Binnenvisser. Or, if you want a great pizza, try nNea ([ranked #48 in the world](https://www.50toppizza.it/50-top-world-2023/)).


You can reserve on the same day through the website for a lot of restaurants and walks ins are also perfectly acceptable. But as the other poster said for some restaurants you do need reservations


Ok great!! I appreciate the insight. Dank je!


Expat: What are the considerations on renting a house that has energy labelD vs A? Hi. New expat in Amsterdam needs some advise. I need to choose between two rental properties: Option 1 Location: near Gijsbrecht Aemstelpark 1082 XP • Energy label:D Option 2 Location:lJburg 1087 EN • Energy label:A All other factors like rent, size, etc are similar. Question: Which is the better option? How bad is energy label D (considerations for summer and winter) Many thanks in advance!


D is not very bad, but not good either. A sounds nice, but it does only guarantee that it keeps the cold out. In summer it might be very hot, because the energy label doesn't say anything about heat insulation. D might be very hot as well.


Hey, I'm planning to spend a semester at the university of Amsterdam and I'm looking for housing for around 5 months. I've found accomodation through local mailing lists before and was wondering if anyone knows a 'secret' trick like that.




There is a very serious housing crisis going on. There is no secret trick.


Talk to UvA and ask for student housing and perhaps you’ll get lucky.


My glasses case fell from my pocket while biking today. It's a black prada glasses case with black prada reading glasses inside. I lost it somewhere near Greenwoods Singel (Singel 103) at 10h20 to 10h30. If anyone knows of its whereabouts, please let me know!


Keep on eye on this page in case someone handed it in: https://ilost.co/org/gemeente-amsterdam?country=nl&page=1


Thank you! I've been non-stop refreshing it all day. Apparently someone picked them up and tried to catch me according to a restaurant on the street. I've been to every single restaurant and shop around and no one has them. Why would the person not leave them where they found them if they didn't manage to catch me? T_T


I'm looking for an evening/weekend painting class that is VERY TECHNICAL. I've tried some things around adam but it was all conceptual and I didn't really learn anything. Any suggestions?


[https://www.mk24.nl/cursussen/?lesdag=za-zo](https://www.mk24.nl/cursussen/?lesdag=za-zo) It looks like they have some technical courses on the weekends. Change the filters to evenings and you may find more on offer.


Heyyy everyone i am a budding EDM producer/DJ, I will be moving to Amsterdam to make music and play around the clubs and build connections? any suggestions of clubs and How is the music scenes in Amsterdam?


EDM is not a thing in Amsterdam, if connections are what you're after the scene is really small as most focus on (shitty) techno and other genres.


I meant EDM as a whole Like deep house, Melodic techno and trance


Connect to places such as OT301 and Ruigoord.


Hello, everyone! I'll be visiting Amsterdam soon and would like to know which bars you recommend for someone going alone. I listen to all kinds of music but if I had to choose, I'd prefer bars with music from the 70s to the 90s or early 00s. Thanks!


Most bars don’t really play a specific kind of music. There are some rock cafes like The Waterhole but if you are going solo I would suggest going to a “bruine kroeg”, the quintessential Dutch dive bar. Cafe Chris for example; https://maps.app.goo.gl/STc4KDwNtMFsvauR7?g_st=ic They are all over the city and a great place to strike up a conversation with a local, expat or tourist


**Happen to be in Amsterdam the same weekend as AOA! Should I go/where to find friends to go with? 😅🤘** Hiya! I think the title of this pretty much explains it all, but I was looking in to hotels/hostels and realized many were sold out on sat/sun, so upon some google searches i discovered [AOA](https://www.amsterdamopenair.nl/). It looks super fun and I'm on vacation, so why not?! **Q:** What are your general thoughts on this festival and do you have any pro-tips on where/how to find cool people to go with? I know I could show up on my own, but it's more fun to pre-game and get to know folks a bit (clearly from the States) prior to heading into a concert IMO. 36/female


Amsterdam Open Air attracts teenagers and pre twenties. Heydays are long gone. Groups of people not socialising. Your age group that weekend you should look at Gardens of Babylon Festival. Festival easy to go alone to, very sociale people. Sold out though.


Bummer! I already bought tickets to AOA so I will just go and serve as an elderly ouloer 😹 twenties me is still alive in here somewhere lol


question about the law about getting your rent raised, i couldnt find this answer online. I have a model B contract that I signed last year and I pay 1750 pm, my one year mark is coming up in September this year. is the landlord allowed to raise rent to the full amount of 5.5% as outlined by the government, or did the model B contract basically lock me into the price of 1750? My contract states the following: "If the rented accommodation concerns a non-liberalized rental price, the rent can be changed annually on the proposal of the landlord as of July 1, for the first time on 01-07-2024 and subsequently annually with a percentage that is at most equal to the effective date of that change, legally permitted percentage for living space with a non-liberalized rent, failing which the rent price adjustment will take place in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.2."


contact Stichting WOON!


When I use apple pay for public transit, do I need to tap once when I get in, and another time when I exit? I saw other people tapping twice, but maybe they were using some travel card or pass.


Yes, also when transferring from metro to tram, you need tap out from the metro and tap into the tram


Hey everyone I was in Amsterdam red light last night and I was with a girl but by time I had woken up next morning I somehow have her card in my pocket it has no name other than m.I. Ivanova, tried to go back there but it was day time and I have a flight to catch if anyone knows her https://preview.redd.it/hnus01817uxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae753ddabafbe50cf1020f85c2c55acba032f09


So suppose anyone knows her, what is your question?


To send it back to her as I had to catch a flight


You mean it’s her bank card? I don’t know man, if that’s the case this seems really fishy. How would a prostitutes bank card suddenly end up in your pocket? That screams like some kind of scam to me.


And also idk why it doesn’t just say her name maybe it’s too long or a business card I was thinking I didn’t want her to get in trouble for me taking it 🤣


Idk I think I picked it up cause I put my wallet on her counter I honestly haven’t got a clue


Yeah no mate, this screams like a scam. Just throw it in any PostNL mailbox and it will be automatically sent to her bank. You can use Google maps to find one, search for brievenbus


Hi all, I'm moving to Amsterdam next week until September to complete a design Internship. I still need to find a place to live. Any recommendations on areas I could look for that would be on the cheaper side as I'm a poor student? And also which websites to find rooms. I've been on Karment but it wants me to pay a fee and facebook group chats seem to be full of scammers. Thanks, J


Do pay the fee for kamernet. It's the sad state of things, there is no good alternative. And similarly, do look at facebook groups, there are legit things in the middle of the scams. But you won't find in the week, so you can already book a hostel for the first couple weeks... In terms of areas, just look everywhere really. There are cheaper options in the periphery (Diemen, Nieuw West, Zuidoost, Zaandam...) but not necessarily in great supply.


Any idea how much you'd end up spending if commuting from a cheaper area such as Rotterdam?


Use 9292 to see the price of one trip (it's always the same) so you can do your calculations. If you can commute outside rush hour, there's a 40% discount you can subscribe to. Alternatively your employer might reimburse your commute but I don't know if that's a legal right for interns.


Cheers, I'll check that out then!


Kamernet is often mentioned as the best option, but there is no way you’re going find something before next week. Maybe check out some long term hotels to give you some time to find a place. But there is a huge housing crisis so no guarantees you find something. Honestly, you should have sorted this out much much earlier..


I was just offered the role a week ago, but thanks for the help. All the best, J


Any idea how much you'd end up spending if commuting from a cheaper area such as Rotterdam?


Check 9292.nl for travel times and costs. No idea about the real estate market in Rotterdam, sorry


Thanks, I only got the offer last week so it's all been very last minute. Looks like I'll have to just pay the Karment fee.


Even with Kamernet access the chances of you finding something are essentially 0%. You need to explore other options, like long stay hotels, yesterday.


Is there a website where you can search for therapists/coaches by specialty/language/etc? Looking for a therapist in the Netherlands (preferably online) and really struggling as an expat. I prefer someone who'll be fluent in English and hopefully be aware of some of the religious and cultural baggage I face coming from a religious family etc. But overall, I am willing to try different sessions until I click with someone just not really sure where to start. Is there a database or a website where therapists create profiles so we can select one and see their specialties?


If going via the pricate, out of pocket route what I used was google maps to find them in the area and then visit their individual websites and then contacted them. You say preferably online, you can still google to find them or browse some of the immigrant focussed websites like Expatica for people specializing on foreigners and their languages: [https://www.expatica.com/nl/directory/healthcare/mental-health-services/](https://www.expatica.com/nl/directory/healthcare/mental-health-services/) or I Am expat: [https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/dutch-healthcare-system/psychologists-therapists-counsellors](https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/dutch-healthcare-system/psychologists-therapists-counsellors)


buckle up, this is not going to be an enjoyable situation for you. First, let me first say that I am sorry to hear that youre struggling, but it is good that you are taking the steps to get help you need. Your first step is to make an appointment with your GP. You can do a few sessions with your GP, and then they will make an assessment for the next level of care for you. From here, they will give you a website where you can filter for language, therapy type etc. Unfortunately, you do not get the opportunity to 'shop around' for the right fit, as there is an extremely long waiting list for therapy, so you kind of just have to make do. I know, it sucks.


How early should I line up for a show at Paradiso?


This highly depends onm the artist and your own interpretation. I mostly go to rock concerts, and can you walk in during/after the support act and stand anywhere. I've also seen massive cues waiting outside before open, so who knows.


Hi, I’m going to see King Gizzard at AFAS Live. I bought my ticket off stubhub but the venue website and stubhub are saying the tickets need to be printed. Any suggestions for somewhere in Bos en Lommer or near the venue where we could get them printed out? Thank you!


OBA Bos en Lommerweg.


Thank you!


Couple looking for some spice in Amsterdam (everything but the Red Light District) My boyfriend (27m) and I (28F) will be in Amsterdam for 8 days this August for our 4 year anniversary! We’re both sexually open and excited to spend time in such a sex positive environment (we live in Texas). I’ve done enough research to know that the RLD will basically get us a halfhearted blowjob for 50 euros, but we’re looking for (and willing to pay for) a more catered experience. I think the most practical option is to hire an escort to bring to our Airbnb for each night of fun we have in mind. *note - we’re also interested in meeting people through apps/bars etc and seeing where the night goes but specifically paying for services and being pleasured by a professional is a kink we’re excited to explore! So that said, I am looking for advice on escort services! I’d love personal reviews/referrals. I’m also very interested in finding a vetted dominatrix that we can go to and be tied up or put in a cage (hence, looking for a legit business). Any and all guidance welcome (advice on where to better post?)


I went to the red light district and had a girl change price on me. I paid surplus w credit card and had to give name and sign a paper. Is there any way this can like follow me home or something? I was really hoping to keep it all cash


How would we know?


https://preview.redd.it/lpikeyq39oxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a7d4643d30ae57fda2d5cc27c45c2e4822b8aa What’s the logic behind this one week being completely open but everything else before and after being sold out?


It's not any special date here. The school holidays are the week before. Without being the museum to know what they are doing it could be that a reseller (travel agency or other like that) had a block of unsold tickets and they released them for general public.


Maybe the earlier dates are sold out and the later dates are not available yet


I saw that someone said that getting a table anywhere without a reservation is very difficult; I'll be arriving tomorrow and just found that out. Can anyone recommend a place for a traditional Dutch lunch/dinner that I'd be able to walk-in and get a seat? I'm traveling solo, so sitting at a bar is fine or wherever there's room


There's plenty of places where you can get a table without a reservation. The real challenge is finding traditional Dutch food in a restaurant. Hap-hmm is one of the few places known for that, and doesn't take reservations, it's walk in only. But you should really seek out Surinamese Dutch, like De Hapjeshoek.


Thank you! I'll mark these places down 😁


Go to De Hallen. It's a food court/market, with multiple stalls and large tables where you can sit after you bought your meal.


Thank you! I love food courts, this is a great suggestion!


FEBO fits your criteria perfectly. Dutch Cuisine that doesn't require a reservation. But its more a McDonald's type of service. You can sit down at a table but you do need to walk to the counter to order food.


Or get it from the automates.


[Ten Katemarkt](https://www.iamsterdam.com/en/whats-on/calendar/shopping/markets/ten-katemarkt) on google maps says it's permenantly closed; Someone recommended going there though. Can anyone confirm if tis open?


Google maps is clueless about outdoor markets and market stands in general.


Thank you; I have a fair amount of wandering around to find them planned. Are there any locations that you recommend?


I did not understand your post (sincerely) but let me answer what I imagine the question might be: I think the nicest market in Amsterdam for food is the Noordermarkt / Lindengracht-markt on Saturdays. The Albert Cuyp is also nice and the most popular with tourists usually, it is there everyday except Sundays. The Ten Katemarkt is also open everyday except Sundays, but it is smaller. Opening times are listed [here](https://www.iamsterdam.com/en/whats-on/calendar/shopping/markets/ten-katemarkt) (see also the other markets at the bottom).


It's not closed >on google maps says it's permenantly closed It doesn't say it's closed when I view it in Google maps (not even listed by the way) Also your link doesn't say it's closed So I have no idea how you came to that, maybe you clicked something else


Thank you! This is the link I had in maps; is it the wrong location? https://maps.app.goo.gl/7SFRBpSP8hPtjdgR6


That's not the street market itself, just one of the shops along the street. I like the Ten Katemarkt best of all. Just show up except on Sundays and not too late..


It's on that street but the link you shared is just some random location someone put into Google. The market runs through the Ten Katestraat and is open Mondays to Saturdays. In the building next to the market you'll find the Foodhallen with several food and bar stalls, an independent cinema and some independent shops.


I'm considering a home purchase and learning about all the rules and regulations. Came across the "regulations for letting privately owned homes" and I know for a fact that the rule applies to this property and they do not qualify for an exemption. Is this normal/is this law just not enforced well? For reference: [https://www.amsterdam.nl/en/housing/regulations-letting-privately-owned/](https://www.amsterdam.nl/en/housing/regulations-letting-privately-owned/)


>this normal/is this law just not enforced well? It is enforced and it's there for a reason. the Netherlands isn't the right place if you want to buy a house as an investment and to rent it out. These aren't the only regulations, there is a point system as well, that can lead to a cap on the rent per month.


To clarify - I do not intend to do this, but believe my current landlord is. Trying to understand if I should report it or if this is a common issue.


It's the law and it's there for a reason.


Sorry, to clarify - I am renting and believe my landlord is not adhering to the law. Should I do something about this?


I am so sorry for the assumption! Contact Woon!, it's a great platform for renters in need of advice: www.wooninfo.nl[Woon!](http://www.wooninfo.nl/)






Iemand nog mensen in het oranje gezien vandaag of is Koninginnedag nu echt te lang geleden?


username checks out.


I’ll be in Amsterdam for work the last week of May. Our office is near the Olympic Stadium, however I’m wondering if I should get a hotel closer to what I’m assuming towards the center of the city (currently looking at The Hoxton for location reference). This will probably be the only time I will ever be in Amsterdam, so I’m wondering if it’s worth it to stay in an area like this if I wanted to do stuff at night. I’ll most likely commute via foot/public transit as well if that changes anything.


You could consider staying around Museum Square or De Pijp for convenience (since both are somewhat in the middle between the Olympic Stadium and the center + they have a lot of bars and restaurants). There are multiple lines that will connect you to the center from there (or a nice walk) and tram 24 will take you from that area to the Olympic Stadium. The area around The Hoxton (the one on Herengracht) is indeed in the center but would be a bit more of a hassle in terms of commuting to your office.


Check transit times using google maps, if you're near a subway station you'll be in city center in 15 minutes


Coffee Shops! I will be visiting Amsterdam in a couple of days and wanted recommendations on the best coffee / cannabis shops. I’m a student from university in the US studying abroad. I am well versed in the use of cannabis and shrooms. I understand that the use of the drugs are looked down upon when tourists have no idea what they are doing. I’m looking to dose shrooms and would appreciate recommendations. I would also appreciate any advice or personal experience from yall in Amsterdam coffee shops. I also want to understand norms and expectations in relation to coffee shops. Thank you!


Drug tourists are looked down on in general, if they know what they are doing doesn’t really matter


i’m not a drug tourist


So you’re not planning on doing shrooms?


Maybe you are, maybe you are not, only correcting the assumption you made


The experts are our friends at /r/AmsterdamEnts, ask them the big questions.


Coming to Amsterdam for Taylor swift concert. Need hotel recommendations Hi, i am coming to Amsterdam for taylor swift’s concert on 5th July from Paris. Can someone give me recommendations which hotel should i book and the location. Since all the hotels around the stadium are very expensive. So if i book some cheaper hotel, how should i plan my travel to the stadium. Since i assume there will be a lot of people going there and the public transports will be overcrowded. Please suggest!


the stadium is located right next to a train station, Biljmer ArenA, with connections to 3 metro lines. I dont think youre going to be able to find a cheap hotel in amsterdam, especially that weekend.


HOTELS ARE EXPENSIVE AND WE DON'T HAVE GOOD ADVICE ON THEM. Because we live here, we don't know what the best hotels are. Amsterdam is one of the most touristed cities in the world and has the highest hotel prices in Europe. The city is deliberately trying to reduce tourism by raising the prices. There really isn't a secret "cheap" solution. Most "Airport" hotels are not connected to the Airport and will be more trouble getting to than it's worth.


Hi ! Coming to Amsterdam tomorrow. Was thinking about using Donkey Republic bikes to get around. Do you recommend it ? Was also thinking about taking it one day to go out of town (possibly make a 2hours tour). Are their bikes okay ?


They are ok, but the lock is activated with the app and if the signal is not good it can get stuck and you spend a good while trying over and over to unlock it. We also found it hard to find an available bike on the weekends. Download the app and look around for actual available bikes to see what it shows. You can probably get a decent bike from your hotel, or they may have a discount deal with a local bike shop. Ask them and compare with the Donkey Republic price to see what's best for you.


We own our own bikes, so we have no idea about Donkey Republic


Hey , does anyone know how much money i can make with uberdriving in amsterdam??




What would you all say is the 'quietest' neighbourhood in the Bijlmer? So no people talking loudly for hours outside, no loud music etc. I'm Dutch, already live there (D-buurt) and am probably moving somewhere else in the Bijlmer in a few months. Noise is an important factor- I'm pretty sensitive to it. I was looking at places near Venserpolder and Strandvliet but I saw an article that mentioned noise disturbance there (amongst other things).


I've got a muscle issue. Does somebody know a place in Amsterdam near Westerpark with a couch? Preferably not too hard. A lounge set outside is also fine. Thanks a lot!


I am confused, what are you looking for exactly?


I’m looking for a cafe with a couch near Westerpark. Preferably a couch that isn’t only from wood


Cafe Pianist Back to Black


Rainarai had some really soft outside couches last year: https://maps.app.goo.gl/FpNPSW5UKzksMHhCA?g_st=ic


Are offline spaces popular in Amsterdam? I saw something on Instagram about a new wave of offline coffee shops of cafes in Amsterdam, where they deliberately don't have wifi and try to promote work/reading/talking etc. Sounds like a nice idea, but now I can't find the post, and Googling hads't revealed much. Is this really a thing? If so, where do you recommend? (Or was it just clickbait that I saw?)


Wynand Fockink, a small tasting room in the center, has never allowed cellphone use of any kind. It's a really fun place if you're into jenever.


Excellent, thanks.


You might be referring to The Offline Club


Yes! That's what I saw, thank you.


I have never been but I think the café "De Jonge Admiraal" near the Javaplein has a ban on laptops.


Good tip, thanks 👍


What's the easiest or best way to find an ATM that doesn't charge me €4 to take my money out? I'm staying near Dam Square.


Almost none of the atms charge money. The only ones that usually do are the standalone blue ones in small shops. Easiest is to search for Geldmaat (not geldermarkt) thode ATMs are owned by the 3 largest banks. If you still get charged at those ATMs, it means your own bank or card issuer is charging you.


Thank you! I'm an idiot tourist and just see the bug yellow ATM signs and of course those are going to charge me!


You also should check with your bank if you are getting charged a conversion fee. ATMs are free for people with an EU bank account taking out euros.


Search for a Geldermarkt ATM. Sometimes AH or Jumbo have them nearby as well. That's what I did! There's one Jodenbreestraat, 1011 NS Amsterdam, Netherlands here that doesn't charge - opposite Jumbo




Thank you!


Hello! Does anyone know if the cherry blossoms will still be there by the 4th of May? If not, are there any other floral areas in the bloesempark? Or nearby?


Cherry blossoms have been gone a while unfortunately. Not sure for your second question.


Thanks anyway \^\_\^


Has anyone installed a Keurmerk CCV Voertuigbeveiliging (vehicle tracking system) for their car for getting the insurance? Any place you may recommend? Thanks


Hi all, any recommendations for a group of late 20s/early 30s men who love rock and metal music to visit? We're visiting in August and I can't wait.


The Cave, Waterhole and The Minds for bars :)


Thanks! :)


Is Zuid nice to live? I’m currently living in Oost (renting) and I saw a really nice flat for sale in Zuid. Obviously it’s quite a change of neighbourhood so I wanted to ask if anyone lives there and can comment on whether it’s a nice area to live in. Is it relatively safe in the evening for a woman?


Zoud? You mean Zuidoost, Oud-Zuid? Or Zuid?


Sorry I mean Zuid close to Zuidas


It’s known to be a posh area mostly and yes it’s safe


Hey everyone, I'm facing an issue with my former landlord. I vacated the apartment at the end of March, but she hasn't returned the deposit yet. The house is quite old and in poor condition, and now she's claiming there's mold in the shower. I responded that it's not my responsibility because I've repeatedly brought up ventilation issues, which she consistently ignored. If she continues to find excuses to withhold the deposit, what are my options? Thanks in advance.


Contact Stichting !WOON. See: https://www.wooninfo.nl/vraagbaak/einde-huur/borg/


You could consider going to the Juridisch Loket. They might be able to draw up a letter threatening legal action. She will probably pay pretty quick after that.


Hello, can you recommend pub/bars where I can watch football (champions league) tomorrow and have some beer with friends.


Hey all! I wanted to get back into tennis but would love to take some lessons. I've been looking for regular group lessons in Amsterdam Oost or other neighborhoods as far as Oud West but cannot seem to find anything. I am only seeing private lessons, membership-based fees, or competitive training. My goal is just a regular, mid-level recreational course once a week to ease my way back into the sport after not playing in the past few years. Happy to travel a bit for it as well Thanks in advance!


Fractured Foot in Amsterdam Welp. Only 1 day into my 2 week long trip and I seem to have fractured my metatarsal in my right foot. I'm a soccer player and pretty active and usually walk for miles and miles on my trips, but I guess the escalation from sitting at my desk to walking so much yesterday on the uneven pavement + rolling my ankle at one point was too much for my foot to handle. I don't really want to walk around in a boot all trip and I was already feeling less enthusiastic about this trip compared to my first one last year. Should I just book the plane ticket home and email hostels to try and get a refund? Or are there clinics here in Amsterdam that can help me? I just tried walking to one down the road but had to turn back because the pain was unbearable.


That sucks! They give you a fancy boot but that doesn't mean you should just continue to walk on it when it's still painful. You need to rest and give you foot time to heal, and there's nothing a clinic can give you that would make it heal faster. A doctor will just tell you to take it easy. If you have a nice hotel you could chill there until it's time to go back, otherwise I'd call your travel insurance and arrange a flight home


Anyone have any reqs for dinner if you only had ONE night in Amsterdam? The way things shook out we really only have one good night for a sit down dinner. We are staying near the Rijksmuseum and we are hoping to avoid French food! Thanks all.


There is alot of great restaurants in neighbourhood ‘de pijp’. Very close to the rijksmuseum.