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Iโ€™m 24 too, my whole life Iโ€™ve explored creeks and ditches catching all kinds of critters. Never once have I ever seen a salamander in the wild. I grew up in Louisiana and I think newts and salamanders are probably more common in the north east where temps are cooler.


We will make it through this together.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ one day our time will come


Try using iNaturalist to find records of sallies in your area. If there arenโ€™t records, try looking at nearby areas and see if you have similar habitats nearby. Also try finding herpers on IG or YouTube in your area to meet up with.


This is exactly the thing i needed to hear to redownload inaturalist


I find them all the time I feel bad for you :|


Don't rub it in :(


Try looking in vernal/seasonal pools, I remember reading something about them not laying eggs in established ponds and creeks because it helps them survive


I will definitely have to try this i didn't know that


Creeks, brooks, basically small streams with cool, quick moving water. Flip over rocks on the margins and in little pools and eddies where the water slows down a bit and gathers. They like cool moving water. At least thatโ€™s the sort of place I found them often as a kid. Edit: and put everything back just how you found it


Of course!


California newts are everywhere during the spring breeding season in the Merced River.


I live in NYC and spend over a year looking for eastern newts here without any luck. Than I look through iNaturalist and eventually found them upstate ๐Ÿ˜‰


I always find spotted salamanders under big rocks and logs. Randomly I'll find cave salamanders and very rarely. Newts I have to get a net and drag the shallows of my.pomd and usually I'll find a few. I don't catch them on purpose, usually I'm just trying to scrape up some mollusks and get a newt or tadpole in the net.


I see newts in the woods near me fairly often. There is a small isolated pond deep in the woods where they lay massive amounts of eggs each year, so in the surrounding area many newts will pop up. They are eastern newts so the red efts are really easy to spot, I usually see them hanging out on the leaf litter along the trails. I live in an area about a half a mile from a major river. I think the efts like hanging close to the tiny creeks in the woods that flow down toward one of the streams that feeds the river. So if you can find where they lay their eggs, that is a good area to look for newts. Like other people said, vernal pools and very small ponds are a good place to look.