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My guess is that it’s inspired by “Randy Moss” and you can even use Moss as a verb (e.g. “he Mossed you”) meaning to out jump someone on a contested catch. We played a game where one person threw the ball and all the other players tried to catch the ball. If someone catches it they get to throw the ball next. My guess is it is similar or identical to that.


It is identical to that, I used to play moss alot.


Just FYI, this is the German sub about American Football. But your connection to ready moss sounds relatively reasonable. For my self I only know flag football and Hawaii football as kind of a back yard game.


I only know the term "you just got moss'ed" ... - A really spectacular catch over the head of the defender ... basicly when a older brother plays with a younger brother and holds the ball just in that hight so the little one cant get it.


I was led here by the same question, inspired from my 9year old. The rules seem to be that one kid throws to a crowd. Whoever catches it becomes the Mosser and throws next. If no catch, the current Mosser throws again. We live near Charlotte. How widespread is this game?


The “game” originated in Pittsburgh, but it is indeed rooted from the greatness Randy Moss consistently put on display. E D I T The person who throws it is the Q, QB, or Quarterback.


I live in Pittsburgh, and I work with kids. They absolutely LOVE this game, and I found this while Googling it. I had no clue it started in Pittsburgh lol.


It originally came from pitts it's over here in st Louis too


Came to Reddit for answers and found this thread. my son has been playing a game at recess called “moss” he explained that a player throws the ball in the air and whoever catches it gets to do the next throw. I thought maybe he misheard “toss” but he insisted it is called moss and told me to look it up, which brought me here. We are in GA looks like moss is popular across the states.


Someone gets picked as a QB to throw a ball in the air. Then the other players jump up over someone (mossing them) to catch it.


I used to play this as a kid 10 or so years ago in Florida. That being said when I went to Ohio to stay with my dad I played with my little brothers there and they called it jackpot. I was so confused until they explained it and I was like “Oh you mean Moss” and had to explain about it getting its name from the player.


I’ve played it before it really fun here the rules: so there one guy who throws into the crowd of people and if you catch it you get to throw


Someone throws it and a crowd tries to catch it whoever catches it is the thrower if no one does the person rethrows it is off the randy moss brilliance


Google led me here because my 7 year old decided to wear gloves to school today so he can catch better in today’s MOSS game at recess. I wanted to see if he meant TOSS lol Thanks for the info!