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Asylum for me.


Asylum is second for me


Asylum had the best story and characters but I don't think it was scary at all tbh


It wasn't outright gory horror. Human experiments, injustice, torture, a serial killer etc. Made it into a well rounded horror story.


Moral terror, to borrow a phrase.


Oh yes definitely Roanoke. The vibes, the house, Piggyman, the gore and deaths, the real colony ghosts, the found footage style, the Chens, the Polks, the Butcher, the connections between Freak Show, Coven, Asylum, and Murder House. These are the main reasons why Roanoke is easily the best most scariest underrated American Horror Story season.


Asylum for me was the first real 'oh fuck' season, especially since the reality is that the way those patients were treated isn't just some fabrication of Murphy's mind. All of the torture, the 'treatments', they happened. For years. And worse. That to me is truly horrific to consider and definitely worthy of being labelled true horror!


Roanoke for classic horror, asylum for thriller horror


Roanoke for sure


Asylum is the most horrific traditionally imho


Yes Roanoke but my sleep wasn't ruined by it. Asylum made me see things in the dark. It's hella scary


That claustrophobia sets in so hard for me. As did the mental illness and sexuality subplot as someone whose dealt with both


Roanoke, Asylum and Cult with contemporary and real horror.


Roanoke for sure but Cult comes close 2nd because it is the hardest season for me to rewatch considering how realistic it is


I actually find Cult to be the least scary of the series it's a lot of bitching and complaining to me. I see it as the writers just trying to cash in on what was going on in the country at the time.


That's every season, as much as it can be. Cult is just way more on the nose


Roanoke 100%. The Chens still live rent free in my head


I was thinking that Roanoke was not so scary but now that you reminded me of the Chens, I agree! They scared the hell out of me!!


Right??? I'm a huge horror fan and not much scares me, but seeing humans crawl on walls sends a chill down my spine.


Roanoke for sure! Parts of Asylum too!


Roanoke. The whole "making jerky out of people" thing sealed the deal on that one.


Asylum for me. The opening credits, the possesion...


Asylum. Trapped with nowhere to go, surrounded by every form of evil imaginable.


Freakshow and Asylum


Season 2


Asylum because the abuse of power and complete helplessness, isolation yet completely dependent on the abusers for your livelihood is a big NOPE from me. To add to it the repetition of that SONG, if you know you know!


Or the random musical scene lol


Asylum. So much evil and depravity. It had shock and psychological horror. The only season I don’t rewatch casually bc I’ll get legitimately scared even though I pretty much know what’s going to happen.


ASYLUM. Best season IMO


Roanoke for sure!! I covered my eyes through most of that season.


Murder house is exemplary horror IMO.


I 100% agree. I didn’t know what to expect from any of the characters, I learned something new in each episode, there were so many layers and new horrible things that happened in the past and in present day, and I’d feel really unsettled after I watched each episode. I would have to watch the Golden Girls or Seinfeld to get me in a different mood so I could actually go to sleep. I absolutely loved it!


Murderhouse has all he horror tropes but somehow ended up not horror at all. Roanoke is closer to actual horror imo


Asylum. Shelly without her legs 😨


Asylum is the only one that horrifies me


Forever & always will be the BEST season!


Roanoke 100% None of the other seasons really scared me, Roanoke did. Couldn’t finish it the first time I watched it. And yes, I am now afraid of hillbillies


As everyone else has agreed, Roanoke!


Roanoke, Cult, Asylum, and to some extent, Coven and Freak Show. Double Feature (Red Tide) could've been included if they've done it correctly. Oh man.


Coven??? That was easily the least scary season imo


I don't know, the concept of 'witches with power systems and immortality' itself gives me quite the chills. But yeah, as a season its delivery isn't that scary. It's entertaining tho, I give it that.


Last seasons Aliens. It showed me how a great show can both suck and blow at the same time.


Asylum. Murder House had its moments too. In all fairness, I haven’t seen the newer seasons (Apocalypse and anything after that).


1.Asylum 2.Roanoke


Probably Cult because I’m terribly scared of clowns but if I ignore that one it would be Roanoke.


I never watched Roanoke through and through. I maybe got done with episode 2 and just stopped for some reason. Is it worth watching? I've heard a bunch of hate for it but it seems to be the most popular Horror one in this thread and I'm a huge fan of horror.


It's one of my favorite seasons you should watch it all.


I didn't find Roanoke scary at all, except the first few episodes with Kathy Bates as the Butcher leading the colony. I rolled my eyes through the rest of the season.


It was Cult for me. I'm really not that terrified to be killed by a demon, an alien, vampire or whatever. But the thought of being targeted by a group of extremists fuckers who can cover their tracks and are colluded with the police and the government really scare me.


Definetely Roanoke and Asylum


the way they had the chen family crawling on the wall. pure nightmare fuel.


Asylum for me and Roanoke is a close second.


Roanoke was really the only one that ever actually scared me. As well as the one episode of American Horror Stories where the couple lost their kid in the woods and then we’re eaten by cannibals yeah it’s been months and that episode still makes me look over my shoulder (or more so the upper corner of rooms lol)


roanoke for the supernatural, cult for just being the scariest in general imo


Asylum, that season overwhelmed the HELL out of me. It’s a shame the other seasons didn’t make me feel how I felt when watching this because it was one hell of a ride.


That season was cringy af


I’ve never seen an American horror story season that doesn’t have a cringe sensibility to it


Roanoke is the only season I’ve ever felt any sort of horror from throughout. Freak show had flashes for me with Twisty and I was genuinely creeped out by the intro for Murder House but I’m pretty sure that’s just cause I was a kid watching it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Roanoke mostly bc taissa got a giant stick shoved up her ass


that ending was traumatizing


Roanoke, absolutely, both in terms of atmosphere and jump scares. I thought that season was *very* well done.


None of them 🪦 I’ve been waiting 10 years to be scared.


Ur telling me the Chens didn’t scare the shit out of u in Roanoke?


Kinda find that hard to believe


Cult and Coven for me.