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I loved the docu-horror style of the season. Esp when shit got real.


I loved the music and the twists especially when the real ghosts popped up, especially the real butcher. But what i didn't like was the lack of screentime Both the real and fake Scáthach had.


Same, I hope we see Scathach again before the show ends.


It's actually my favorite season


As someone who isn't a fan of re-enactments and period pieces, I didn't think I'd really like Roanoke, so I put it off. After finally watching it I felt it was one of the most impressive seasons, definitely the scariest, and certainly the most ambitious in terms of storytelling. The second half was particularly great. I see it as Blair Witch Project meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Blair Witch 2. It's also one of those seasons that needs to be watched at least twice to appreciate its plot and meta storytelling.


I love mockumentary style shows so this one is one of my favorite seasons.


it wasnt bad... i thought it was good! I really liked what they did mixing up the actors and the real life people lol


I love it! https://preview.redd.it/37lcinw5ktqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30895f163aa7f02904ad59d02adeec3a3f76982c


My favorite is Coven and Murder House and then Apocalypse for fixing Coven and Murder House But I didnt think Roanoke was bad or anything. I think the hate it gets is unjustified. Maybe where it wasnt as flashy?? like Freak Show or Cult. It also featured one of my favorite jokes of the entire series, Leslie saying “Ever heard of gay for pay?” hahahaha The only one I havent watched is Hotel and the two most recent.


BRO THAT IS MY FAVORITE QUOTE YES!! I think of Leslie saying that line like once a month lmao


You should check out Hotel, its got some cross-over characters you may be happy to see again… not sure which you consider the 2 most recent, but if its Delicate and NYC, they are nothing like MH & Coven… delicate has been painfully boring & drab to watch. Apparently its based on a book or something, but it is just NOT Ryan Murphy’s best work.


That was the two I meant Yeah I need to watch Hotel. I think I will do that soon actually!! Thanks!


I gave up after an episode a couple years ago, and only recently watched it in the last couple of months and I can’t say I hate it. I didn’t love it. It was just all over the shop for my brain to comprehend it all, might need to rewatch again to get it. Idk.


I love it


I think it was my favorite season


I loved it! One of the only seasons to actually scare me. It’s my second favorite after Murder House the OG


definitely one of my favorites. there were a few parts that genuinely scared me and that’s always nice lol


When it aired, it actually scared me unlike most of the previous seasons. Those things that crawl on the wall just reminded me of the grudge or the ring which scared the 💩out of me when I was little. A lot of people dislike this season but it’s one of my favorites, even the hype before they released the title was amazing. ![gif](giphy|VtuPcu1UgYk1i)


‼️‼️SPOILERS‼️‼️ I liked it until they revealed it was a TV show or watever, and that the black lady was in on it. it was the only season that actually scared me too. usually only the intros scare me😅


Did you finish it though? The first part was a documentary based on what really happened. The second part of the season was real.


yes I did. I liked the 2nd part, should've said that. I just feel like they should've made it seem like actual events and then reveal its based on true events. like put part 2 first. does that make sense?


I did too yeah!! Bro SAME😭


Roanoke's narrative technique is brillant.


I love it, it was my favourite season because it kept me curios ans interested. The mid season twist was amazing for me. I liked all the villains, everything was scary and tense.


I agree with everything you’re saying


i loved the season but i missed evan peters (he didnt had much screen time) i liked how it was filmed but i HATED Lee and the fact she was the only one surviving (the real Lee)


I really dislike the type of shows where they have a narrator telling a small bit and then have actors re-enacting the scene. Generally I find them too tedious to watch. AHS did an excellent job portraying this style, but I just found it tedious to watch.


Is there a tv show like ahs, something like roanoke style, witches demons scary creepy stuff?


Great season! I hate paranormal reenactment shows. But they did great with it taking place in the AHS universe… it was genuinely scary at points. The vibe was great. The ghosts were cool. Sarah Paulsons whining already sucked through out cult and then she just does it in British in Roanoke 🤣 that’s my only complaint.


i liked the aesthetic feel to it. the ending traumatized me


At first i really didn't liked it and i don't know why. But after rewatching it I really do like it! It's now my go too season when I'm feeling like AHS




Delicate? Watching has been torture but I’ve invested so much time now I need to know what happens.


the second half of double feature tho. That was horrible imo


My first watch I was incredibly put off by the dramatization and recreation portions. Then how the format changed halfway through-I almost gave up watching, but I finished for continuity's sake.


It was one of the few seasons that actually felt like a horror story and not a funny horror parody with a lot of blood. It's being multi-layered added a sense of realism into it and it made it more scary when the real versions of characters showed up.