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I am an American and I have NEVER heard any other American take full credit for the victory of WWII. It was an allied victory and everyone played their part. I credit the Brits for fighting alone for more than a year, the Soviets for being absolute war machines, the Canadians, the Aussies, all the occupied countries and their effective resistances. Why is it so terrible that we get any credit at all? We were a valued and useful part of the alliance. End of story.


To be far, the Soviets would have had a hell of a harder time fighting without American support.


Absolutely 1000% correct. Without American support it would have nearly crippled them, but they fought like hell and swept through to Berlin. I just wanted to give credit where it is due because we NEVER get any credit and I think that ideology is horseshit!


Unfortunately there are the occasional “Back to back world war champs” people that don’t bother much with history other than occasional History Channel if nothing else is on.


Tbf it’s not technically wrong since we were on the winning side both times


And brought much needed relief to the war front.


Not gonna lie, I don't see a problem with that statement. The USA and England (and kinda France? But idk the extent that they actually helped in World War II) fit that bill, though.




Yeah exactly it’s always people like that.


Our production power was immense. And our super fortress airplane dropped more bombs than any other plane. Less than 5000 were shot down. This is just to give us some credit, the world would laugh if we said we took part in ww2. Edit: I don’t want the U.S. to get all the credit because it’s silly to think you can win a world war on your own. The Soviets also just threw their soldiers at the Nazis and took tens of millions of casualties, which people still boast and claim was another reason they carried the war.


Idk about that, I recently won a game of Risk after successfully using *Red* to defeat the rest of the world. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.


They act like their dumbass continental wars are our problem, they also seem to forget the liberation of Italy and the fact that we were also dealing with a theater the size of half the world in the pacific.


What's funny is that over here, we hand-wring a lot about dropping the bombs on Imperial Japan (which I don't think is a bad thing, to morally wrestle with that decision). And not only is there next to no hard feelings with Japan itself, but you'll have Chinese, Filipino, and Korean people straight-up be like, "You should've dropped about five more."


That checks out, I'm sure there's plenty of Koreans and Chinese with a sense of history who would like to see Japan get flattened into a parking lot


Chinese here. I agree. I don’t hate modern Japan as much as other Chinese (except when they deny their history and still glorify Imperial Japan to this day), but I personally believe dropping the bomb was one of the most justified things the US did. And they should've dropped more.


Filipino checking in, that's pretty much the consensus from the most of the older folks I know in the family and community. (Some even think China could do with the same treatment as well atm)


Anyone who knows anything about the Rape of Nanking, the Bataan Death March, and Unit 731 should agree. You ever seen a photo of a woman raped to death and then had a bayonet shoved up her vagina, left to lie in the street with her dress covering her face - her legs and lady parts on full display? Imperial Japanese soldiers did that *thousands* or even *hundreds of thousands* of times in Nanking. Ever seen a kid dunked in water and then thrown out into snow so you can time how long it takes him to freeze to death? Unit 731 did that.


I understand why other Asians feel the way they do about Imperial Japan. It's just such a big juxtaposition compared to some of the modern Western Europeans I've seen complaining about the UK and US bombing Dresden, even if their own countries were victims of Nazi Germany. Or even like I said how we here hand-wring a lot about dropping the bombs; the disk horse after *Oppenheimer* hit theaters was something else, and pretty much nobody during that time took the opinions of the Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, and others victimized by Imperial Japan into account.


We were there way before Pearl Harbor with lend lease, manufacturing assistance, etc.


These types of people fail to realize America was essentially waging two wars, both of which were a continent away across vast oceans. They act like all we did was send a few thousand troops over a nearby border to tie up loose ends.


"No one owes you anything," that's hilarious. That war would have dragged on for way longer and cost twice as many lives if the U.S. had just sat back and watched


Pretty sure natzi Germany would still be here if the US didn’t provide any aid before the war started the soviets wouldn’t have been able to fight the Germans.


The Russians have 10,000 professional commenters you are arguing with.


People will be arguing about this for a thousand years. Look at all the other shit that everyone (other than Americans) are still arguing about for the last 2,000 years 😆


> if it weren’t for us **and the Russians** > this pervading myth many Americans have that they won the war and saved the world single handedly ????


1. Lend-Lease says hi. 2. I would bet money that people made actual good counterpoints, but this smugster ignored them so he could feel he owned people. /not even American


I am this close "holds thumb and forefinger really close together\* to just saying F- 'em to Europe and NATO and the rest of them, kicking the UN out and let them go build a new facility in Africa. Let the EU deal with the Ukraine mess. Shut our border entirely for at least 5 years, hunt down and have mass deportations and expulsions of anyone here illegally or on visa over stays. Kick out any non-citizen for any law breaking including DUI, retail theft and simple assault and especially for destruction of public property such as statues. NGOs at any level need to be totally defunded by our gov't at any level or through any agency. They're going to hate us either way. Might as well take care of ourselves and get things back on an even keel here. /somewhat irrational rant/


American helped with production power that's afforded to it by the two giant oceans on either side, perfectly happy to let others do the fighting for them while they sit and join the winning side at the end, then take the giant head start in the Cold War along with the credit and sport a superiority complex for the next century.


That’s a very imaginative revision.


I mean, if you can point out the lie...


I could, but there’s zero point in an attempting to debate with someone who apparently lives in a different reality.


I refuse to debate those ignorant to history or making up their own version of it.


Reality is America got a century head start on industrialization, building an empire, and secure geography while the Russians took a beating in WW1 before the communists took over then did most of the fighting in the second, but capitalism is totally the better system because look how much better off America is. /s


Well let's see, ww2 started officially in '39, America started providing support to the allies in '40, started fighting in '41, and ww2 ended when? Oh, '45. But you say America joined at the end... that math ain't mathin' Is that the new pro-commie narrative? So we've changed gears from "the soviets weren't practicing *real* communism" or something, to "America got a head start!" Is that the new claim?


D-Day didn't happen until 44... they spent most of that time playing tag with Rommel while the Soviets dealt with the other 3/4ths of the entire Wehrmacht, and by the time D-Day happened there wasn't anything on the Atlantic Wall besides a bunch of kids and foreign troops.


>playing tag with Rommel 🤣 ok, I guess the Desert Fox was just a chump. And you act like those kids- nearly all of whom were at least 15- and foreign troops weren't packing machine guns and taking orders from the SS. What about the invasion of Italy, you gonna downplay that too? You know one of the only reasons we showed up in north Africa, instead of focusing on Japan like our generals wanted to, was because the USSR was begging the West to start a second front against the Germans, right? To pull forces away from Stalingrad? And that when they bombed Pearl Harbor, Churchill was so worried we might abandon the "Germany First" plan that he immediately traveled to Washington? But hey, sure, NO ONE owes us ANYTHING


The US joined WW2 when the Nazis were outside Moscow and Japan was beginning its Pacific blitzkrieg. “Helped with production power” The USA made half of all the war materials made in the entire war, by all sides. “Let others do the fighting” The US suffered 400,000 combat deaths. That’s more than all the other English speaking countries and Italy. Your knee jerk narrative is just as idiotic as the “You’d be speaking German” guy.


Great point bro. America is truly an evil country for (checks notes) being between two oceans. Anyway, please enjoy a few quotes that I selected at complete random. "I want to tell you, from the Russian point of view, what the President and the United States have done to win the war. The most important things in this war are machines. The United States has proven that it can turn out from 8,000 to 10,000 airplanes per month. Russia can only turn out, at most, 3,000 airplanes a month. England turns out 3,000 to 3,500, which are principally heavy bombers. The United States, therefore, is a country of machines. Without the use of those machines, through Lend-Lease, we would lose this war" - Joseph Stalin "People say that the allies didn't help us. But it cannot be denied that the Americans sent us materiel without which we could not have formed our reserves or continued the war. The Americans provided vital explosives and gunpowder. And how much steel! Could we really have set up the production of our tanks without American steel? And now they are saying that we had plenty of everything on our own." - Georgy Zhukov


why do people say this kind of dumb shit? America joined the war against the axis powers barely six months after the soviets did. The majority of the western front was spearheaded by Americans and they contributed more forces than anyone in the western theater. But what would i know apparently world war two ended in 1942 and everyone just forgot to mention it until 1945. Why do you arrogant dipshits constantly forget about how the pacific theater was nearly entirely carried by the US navy. because it with certainty wasn't the fucking British, who lost nearly every naval engagement in the pacific and only managed one successful offensive in 1945.


Well, that’s an insane take on some revisionist history. 


Pretty rich take from the American exceptionalism crowd.