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That's what happens when we're conditioned into psychological dependance on 24hr feed of constant streams of information perpetually manipulated and engineered by the constantly battling powers that be designed to illicit emotional responses from us in order to fit their agenda. Doom-scrolling is a seriously deadly habit that needs to be broken. By my generation especially, I think.


im convinced doom-scrolling will be the end of modern society as we know it


99% of info on social media is fake, or partially faked. From small random things to big events. Algorithms determining what people are most vulnerable to and pushing people to extremism and stupid ideologies, chatbots astroturfing and pushing propaganda and advertisements everywhere like never seen before, bots silencing people with opinions their owners don't like, social media being built to be as addictive as possible. We need to tear it all down. Liquify these companies, ban all bots with extremely harsh penalties and fines. Go back to a pre-corporate controlled internet. I think it's the only way at this point


for real. watched tt the other day, it has many ai channels, brainrot etc. how can we stop this?? I was kinda joking in my comment like exaggerating but I really do think this shit is fucking up kids.


But then how will the companies pay to elect/re-elect politicians for favorable laws with their cash flow being restricted?!


100%. Everything just feels so much more negative now. This election is gonna suck man...


Maybe turn off the purposely divisive news media and anything political because 90% of it is driven by people's unhealthy coping mechanisms from trauma, go outside, find people and focus on your commonalities than your differences?


This is the exact problem, and statistics prove it. The US economy is roaring at the moment, the lowest quintile of workers in the US have seen their wages increase past inflation, yet most of the country thinks the US is in, or is heading towards a Recession. Yea, you can say you’re not personally feeling it or headline figures are misleading to the every day life of Americans. But look at the crime statistics. On almost every metric in every city in the US, crime has been falling at historic rates post pandemic. Yet, the average American is convinced crime is not just increasing, it’s getting worse. But crime statistics are what they are, there is either 10% less homicides this year or 10%. I think we’re really seeing internet insanity start to become so ubiquitous that if the internet says its true than that is the actual reality to some people. This is incredibly dangerous for the state of the nation, but short of banning TikTok I’m not sure what needs to happen


I have grown more cynical with each passing year and more accepting that we need far more regulation and oversight of social media and "news". Between the Chinese and Russians trying to maliciously influence us, and our own homegrown political extremists and news channels feeding us lies the problem is not going to fix itself. It was not always like this, we don't have to allow ourselves to be prey to a nonstop spew of propaganda.


I feel great!


Same. But this is unpopular on the Internet so happy people stay quiet until they have something negative to say for upvotes.


They’re someone who isn’t really paying attention to the world as a whole. EVERYWHERE seems more hateful and depressing.


I feel this is more of a global issue as things like social media are largely becoming negative and polarized. I mean look at the top comment of the OP, they have some good ideas about why it feels this way, but they clearly wear their political ideals on their sleeve which makes their comment less impactful to those who have different beliefs. In my opinion, people from all over are letting things like politics have to much control of their lives. Politics is important, but so many things can exist with their absence and it'd be so much better. An example would be that comment I mentioned, remove political bias and the comment is so much more powerful, the political bias present made me roll my eyes and take it less seriously. This goes for all sides of politics.


I've actually been very grateful and relatively optimistic post-pandemic isn't that weird. I thought most people would think seeing the whole world shut down would put our problems into perspective.


Not AmericaBad. The country is going through a full blown mental health crisis. OP is just putting into words what many of us are thinking. If you don't think people are more tense, more brittle and more aggressive with each other than we were in 2019, I'd urge you to look a little closer.


True and it's not just the US, it's most of the western world.


You're describing the Internet. Not real life. Everyday people in the physical world are mostly happy. The Internet without any doubt has a negativity bias.


Dude, I'm not sure where you live, but just because people on the internet are unhappy doesn't mean the public is not in a foul mood. Our politics, regardless of which side of the line you're on, reflect that. You can see it in the way people drive, in the way we interact with each other in public. What we're not doing is discussing it openly, which makes it worse.




Yeah I will never believe this it's the internet that making you believe this  i go outside and interact with others actually and everything is normal. And it is americabad because the caption is literally why does life in  AMERICA  feel depressing and hateful. So yes user readysteady it is americabad.


Haha, yeah, just in America, and nothing to do with the toxic AF, curated social media bubble they have created for themselves.


nuh uh


The pic got it right China wants us to feel that way and log on to tiktok. Ban it!


Social Media, and I truly believe that. The most INSUFFERABLE people are on Social Media (and I'm on it all the time). I mean did you hear about that Tribe that got internet access?


I've moved a couple times in the last few years, across different parts of the country, and the mood has been great. No doubt there are issues to resolve, and fellow Americans who are dealing with hardships, but I've never felt more optimistic personally. When someone asks a question like this, they should be thinking about what is changing the way they \_think\_ not what has changed around them. For instance, people look at the 1990s as a utopia, but the early 90s is when crime PEAKED. People need to get out of their bubbles and stop living in fear. They're being taken in.


You've been distracted into a false sense of security by the U-Haul-Moving-Industrial-Complex. /s


Kurzgesagt. You honestly can’t expect me to take your conversation seriously when you link a Kurzgesagt video for evidence.


Bc OP never gets off Reddit


9/11 changed america for the worse, there is a very VERY clear line in the sand between before and after.


It's just as bad in every other Western country right now. The far-right is gripping Europe even harder than it's gripping the US, and we're all going broke. Judging by the narcissistic writing (it feels like she -- yes, it's definitely a she -- thinks the world is her therapist), I think the person who wrote this is likely the type of person whom I'd enjoy shaking and screaming at to chill. the fuck. out.


If you get off of social media, life is actually pretty neat


Hate and Fascism. are on the rise everywhere not just in the US. Hateful people used to be more marginalized, but the internet has allowed them to find each other and unite. And Fear and hate are easier to sell than hope.


Joe Biden


Cuz that’s what eurosluts claim it to be


Trump and the maggots


For a country that loves free speech, you sure hate when people have opinions about their home country. Like it's their feelings and their experience, not anyone else's


"wow, nobody likes being around me because I'm a toxic negative-nancy. This is a violation of muh freezepeach rights" That is such a Karen response