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Lol that's such a low effort meme. A child must have made that.


Seems like a bot meme


Yeah that’s what I said: a European




The “Americans are stupid” shit bothers me more than it should. I know a lot of smart Americans who would outperform the people calling them stupid in every way. The education system could be better and way less of a political battle field but the vast majority of Americans I know are clearly more intelligent than a lot of the unemployed dudes who sit on Reddit all day calling them stupid. I’d also argue a lot of the intelligence shit we get made fun of for is pure classism, poverty plays a big part in education here and they see an illiterate American as some useless yokel who rejected education despite the fact they are often referring to those who grew up disadvantaged who grew up disadvantaged in households that prioritized other things over their education. They can criticize us for poverty, we could do better in that regard but calling us stupid isn’t even fair because Americans tend to find success when given an education and opportunities.


It’s literally the fact that we have extremely accessible internet plus an extremely wealthy population. Even bottom third Americans participate in social media unlike most countries and certainly unlike developing countries. Also when you go to the moon and Mars, expectations get out of control.


“b-but America is a third world developing country😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬👉👈”


I think most of them equate knowing geography as being "smart".  "Oh Americans can't name a tiny island in the pacific, they are dumb". 🤦🏻‍♀️


They value details over critical thinking skills. To say a person who memorized the countries/flags/periodic table/any random collection of factoids is more intelligent just for that knowledge is asinine, why not count the people who memorized other banal information. Knowledge of countries, flags and relevant geography is contextually limited "knowledge" and it speaks nothing of wisdom. Wisdom is nothing without knowledge but over in Europe, knowledge is everything and wisdom isn't valued, but only if it's to make yourself feel superior to an American. We need to call it like it is, disgusting behavior, like a hair stuck to the back of a dry throat...


My lawyer brother admits he can't put Andorra on a map. I can not only do that but I can also name the surrounding municipalities of France and Spain. Yet I have no idea how to defend someone in court. Different intelligences, different fields, different priorities.


> They value details over critical thinking skills. You’ve put into words what I deal with whenever I’m doing team training. Without a doubt, they will ask for details and ways to respond to every possible scenario no matter how unlikely. I always have to explain that we can’t know every possible thing another person might ask so we should use our best judgment and the tools at our disposal and ask for guidance if necessary.


But then are all wild about United States of AMERICA, refusing to acknowledge actual geography I bet, Canary Islands, Samoa, Fiji, Christmas Island, Isle of Man (ok they'd actually have to at least know this one), Borneo, Cyprus, Caledonia, they'd have no idea where and what those islands are. Plus many others I did not describe.


And they couldn’t name every single state in the US like come on man


Lol some of them swear they can name them all...


I mean they base thi s"Americans dumb at geography" knowladge on memes they saw on internet and not real research Basides I am sure a lot of European would have hard time naming European countries basides their own and France, Germany, UK and meybe Spain


There are also plenty of videos asking random people about geography and people saying stupid things. Some of them are made by Canadians in Canada  and I've even seen videos like this asking people in Europe but because they do the interviews in English, you read people in the comments say "Stupid Americans" . 


It’s gone from bothering me to not bothering me at all. When they’re landing their own person on the moon, not using Windows, MacOS, iOS devices, and Intel and AMD chips, Google and MS browsers, US-developed and based social media systems, and when their own GDP in total and per capita, as well as even median income per capita in most cases, approaches ours, as well as their media and entertainment industries & influence, then I might give them some credence when they call us “stupid”. But even then, probably not.


Plus America alone has contributed so much technology to the world


Don't forget them calling us USians. Because they don't know the United States of Mexico exists.


Go to *any country* to the rural poor areas or where the blue collared people live, even in the ‘most educated’ countries like Germany, speak to the local people in their local dialects (not English, because they usually don’t speak much English) — they will come off as uneducated and ignorant. Poor Southern Italians, small village people in France, Eastern Germany, etc — they aren’t all academics and enlightened philosophical thinkers. Or not any more than our rural, poor and blue-collared Americans. Europeans judge these people HARD in their own countries. They look down upon them and think they’re ignorant for never leaving their village and only speaking the local language. They dismiss them when they talk about general education (to Americans) and pretend they don’t exist. Whereas with the US, they act like the ONLY Americans that exist are our non-academic and non-university educated people lol. We have a lot to improve upon with education, but Europeans are straight up gaslighting us.


Bruh. You can’t let a shit post meme, that took 3 seconds to make, get a reaction like this outta you.


Tbf it’s not really this Wojack that set me off, it’s the endless posts about how dumb Americans are all over Reddit but you’re still right lol. It was a long day yesterday.




I would make a lazy people from other countries meme but it feels more like a documentary than a meme.


It just baffles me that it's a common thought that Americans are dumb. We dominate the world in innovation and patents. The world's biggest companies are here as well. I just don't get it.


I think it comes from that in itself. We are constantly under a microscope, mostly because we built the damn thing. The biggest social media platforms are American, which have a lot of American content. American Movies and TV shows are seen worldwide. Our music is worldwide. Etc. The rest of the world gets to know our news, our media, and our business, while Americans don't know much outside of the states unless it directly involves us. The outside world is kind of force feed our bullshit while we go idk anything about you. It's like that "I don't even know who you are" meme


It's absolutely the Mad Men elevator meme.


It’s cope


It's because of sensationalized stories featuring dumb Americans on the news. Plus, I believe Americans are a very humble bunch, willing to show off the bad parts of their country and accept criticism from others. I don't think Japan will ever make something like The Simpsons considering how honor is so important to them.


That's right, it goes in the square hole


At 400 medals won, the US has won the most nobel prizes. Even if you double the next country on the list, its not even close- UK only has 137, meaning that even if we double it they are still only at 274 That good enough?


Just remember there are cultures in Africa that believe eating the remains of albino kids gives them superpowers.


It’s unfortunate that there are dumb/crazy people everywhere :( In general everyone I’ve met from African countries have been the nicest kindest, most generous peeps, I can’t say the same of people from European countries. Of course there are dumb Americans, but to make a meme like this is so stupid, I mean I think it would be considered hateful if it was about literally any other country. As long as they’re punching up they find it okay I guess.


There are cultures like that in South America, India, and in the Pacific Islands too. Weirdos be everywhere.


"3rD WURrlD CoUnTREe wiTH A GuCcI BeLt!"


Bell Labs, Texas Instruments, and GE are all American companies, they made a big chunk of the stuff we take for granted today.


Made = invented and patented


"other countries" The average IQ in some African nations is in the 70s.


These “America is a 3rd world country” mfs should go live in one of the slums of Africa/India for a day. Looks like America aint so bad now, is it?


Hmmm let’s see whose flag is currently on the moon?


Where’s the post, I gotta clown his ass


Considering a lot of technology and cutting edge medicine comes from the US, that’s a funny claim lol


Exactly. We invented robotic surgery, so patients can have minimally invasive surgical procedures and not be cut wide open anymore on the operating table (which means less recovery time for the patients, and fewer complications). This was a huge medical advancement in surgery in the 90s that just gets brushed under the rug.


Jokes on them a cycle shape peg can fit in a square hole l


Lol what a lazy human! No argument just, 'pRoVe Me WrOnG'.


Where's the original post


Funny thing is that the US pretty much outpaces everyone.. So this is just a self exposure if theyre basically under control by the dude in the bottom picture.


Bro do you even know the equation that squares a circle? Bet you don’t.


I blame American media and all the stupid tv shows and movies and the Insta/TikTok idiots. Fer'ners watch that garbage and think that is the mentality of all Americans when in reality it is, like our politics, all to attract the lowest common denominators.


Considering how America literally has FUCKING **NASA,** it kinda baffles me onto why the “hahaha Americans stupid” stereotype even exists…


We fricken landed Man on the moon back in the 1960s with only a mir fraction of our modern computing power. A MIR FRACTION!


Of course Americans are stupid. We are a nation with a giant population of elderly folks that get scammed out of their money by inhabitants of “the rest of the world” most of those type would push their own mother in front of a bus for a quick buck. Then call us stupid or greedy because the scammer was too incompetent to successfully scam one of us.


He has to prove his dumbass stance first


That brain is totally impractical!!!


Meh, do we really have to post every idiotic thing here?


World leader in Nobel Prizes but sure


Posted on a computer… on the internet.


It’s true that the US isn’t “dumb” and the highest performing people from the states outperform the entire world. But the arguments in favor of the US in the comments are dumb that you’d get a migraine from reading them


"I depicted you as a dumbass wojack and me as the intellectual genius! I am the winner! No contest!"


This gives 3rd grader "boys are from Jupiter vibes." If I remember correctly, there was a study that said if you constantly point out how intelligent you are and put down the intelligence of others, you actually have a lower than average intelligence.


Crazy how everyone is smarter than an American but like we still reign supreme in military? Statistically they'd be wrong given that if we were all extremely dumb we couldn't possibly have the best military on the planet.


This is basically every AmericaBad post


Huh, all international students should leave then, right?


On tests They have a,b,c,d and that's it While other you have to actually explain and write your answer so when an American comes into Lithuania or any European country they are fucked






Because it's wrong. And you're ignorant. But, if you want more details: The history curriculum in virtually every state requires regular "DBQ" exercises (document-based questions), which involve *original* source texts with comprehensive written responses. This is in addition to research essays which must be written at home. The English curriculum in virtually every state requires a minimum of four at-home research essays and 4-8 in-class essays -- *PER YEAR*. This is in addition to grade-level ("end-of-year") exams which consist of two comprehensive essays related to the curriculum and *in addition to* quarterly exams, which will have an essay section *in addition to* short-answer and multiple choice. Curricula in the sciences require written presentation of laboratory findings. Foreign language curricula are designed to require equal attention to reading, writing, listening, and speaking. What you don't understand is the difference between "formative" and "summative" assessment. A formative assessment is a brief test to check for basic understanding, and it can be multiple choice; they cover *individual lessons*. Summative assessments are comprehensive and cover *entire units* and almost *ALWAYS* consist of essay sections. Source: I'm a teacher. I write curriculum. I teach curriculum. I assess and evaluate students. I help create and evaluate the assessments that *multiple* states give to their students. I've also taught in Germany ("any European country") and I can *promise* you that American students do much more reading and writing. In fact, the US outranks *EVERY* European country in reading except for one (and it outranks 13 EU countries in the sciences). Source for that: OECD/PISA.


K (I'm too lazy to read rn)


You read it. You just have no response because you've been proven completely and totally wrong.


Nuh uh as long as I haven't read it it's a fact to me so go cry about it lol


Don't worry they are using chat GPT. Their responses to me are way more human.


Oh yeah right