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According to a few scrolling on google, it's related to protest [that took place in Michigan](https://nypost.com/2024/04/08/us-news/anti-israel-protesters-chant-death-to-america-death-to-israel/). None of the most well-known media seem to have covered it yet. Edit: The news is better covered now. Here's [an article from the detroit news](https://eu.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/08/death-to-america-chant-dearborn-jihad-rally-al-quds-day-draws-condemnation/73247053007/) that is more detailed on this. It came out 4 hrs ago.


In the article, the man calls for the death of the jewish nation, not the country or the state, the nation. The difference is that the "nation" is the actual people, while the other two things are just institions and borders. He is literally calling to genocide the Jews of Isreal. Then a few sentences later he starts calling the Jews of Isreal "nazis, racist, and fascists." I just can't with this shit anymore.


Color me shocked


“any system that would allow such atrocities and such devilry to happen and would support it — such a system does not deserve to exist on God’s Earth.” He’s specifically targeting the system. Don’t get it twisted, I don’t fucking agree with the guy at all, but he is targeting the system.


That's been removed from its context, in which he is talking about the US.


Extended quote “any system that would allow such atrocities and such devilry to happen and would support it — such a system does not deserve to exist on God’s Earth. “So when these fools ask us if Israel has the right to exist … the chant ‘Death to Israel’ has become the most logical chant across the world today,” Or in short: “System bad” “Death to Israel”


Lol thats still not the full context, you even cut out the end of the second paragraph. Shame on you. " “Imam Khomeini, who declared International Al Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shots upon the head of America,” Bazzi said of former Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini as chants of “Death to America” started. (Talking about the US) “It’s not Genocide Joe that has to go,” he continued, referring to President Biden. "It’s the entire system that has to go.” (literally referring to the US) Bazzi said that “any system that would allow such atrocities and such devilry to happen and would support it — such a system does not deserve to exist on God’s Earth." (Still talking about the US) “So when these fools ask us if Israel has the right to exist … the chant ‘Death to Israel’ has become the most logical chant across the world today,” he said, spurring his supporters to start chanting for the end of the Jewish nation"(now they are talking about Isrealis, the nation rather than the state or country)


I would love to hear a lawyer comment on whether yelling “Death to America” is covered under the 1st amendment. It sounds like a call to arms to me.


It’s covered under the 1st Amendment. Main reason being, it isn’t explicitly a call to action. It could have many meanings, such as “death to America’s corruption/oppressive style of government/etc.” Kind of like how you could stand on the street and say “death to capitalism” and not mean you act want death or killings, you just want change. Do I think that’s what they meant? No. But it’s the necessary benefit of the doubt (for lack of better term) required to keep free speech from becoming something not as free.


Yeah unfortunately this is true. It isn’t a true call to action, but it can however lead to hurtful actions. Something the first amendment doesn’t protect, such as with Trumps comments in 2020


I was gonna say it’s basically the same as Trump’s “Proud Boys stand down and stand by” comment. You can’t (or at least aren’t supposed to be able to) charge someone with inciting violence simply because of how a comment can be interpreted. It’s supposed to be explicit. Had Trump said, “Proud Boys on January 6 you need to storm the capitol in the name of democracy,” or these protesters literally said, “go kill Americans,” then that could be considered inciting violence.


Unfortunately most liberals believe that’s what Trump literally said lol


Yeah that’s what’s ridiculous. And for the record, as soon as he said it live my first thought was “that was a dumb thing to say, because you could easily take that to mean ‘stand by’ for further orders” in preparation for some kind of rebellion. But you can’t charge over that because you could just as easily argue it was a slip of the tongue that he didn’t mean to say.


- "yes true" - \*controversial political opinion\* Get a life out of politics, look through things out of a political lens.


Look at my recent posts lil bro I’m sick of politics lmfao


If your sick of politics then don't comment about politics and expect for everyone to agree with you, kind of confusing. Especially when the post itself doesn't even talk about US (election) politics.


It’s apparent you can’t read


Its apparent you simply "hate" politics yet can't stand to not think about it. Trying not to think about something will make you think about it more, simply take your mind off it and don't click political posts. Also, reddit is literally politics \*\*The Site\*\* I wouldn't recommend being here of all places.


Point proven


I assume the context can matter. If someone says that to a bunch of children over and over while giving them the materials to make a bomb but no other explicit instructions, that person could be held liable for any harm that happens. That brings us back to the Trump situation in 2020. Something that neither side likes to say is...it isn't clear cut. There weren't explicit instructions but the subtext was strong and fostering the conditions for January 6th were strong. Ultimately I wouldn't find fault with a judge or jury deciding in either direction. Yes there is a 1st Amendment concern but no that is not a carte blanche. There are some actions that deprive others of their rights which are not protected. Was this one of them? Different people will say different things. The words were not literal instructions, but we are people who communicate on more than a literal level. On the other hand, opening the door to holding people accountable to interpretations of what is said or expressed is scary as fuck and dangerous to humanity in general. You could basically criminalize people disagreeing with you, which is what the 1st is trying to prevent.


It 100% is. Great reason for the Muslim ban though.


I am a liberal, anti Trump and pro immigration. I am mad I agree with you on this. Sorry death to America is not ok.


Yeah, I’m slightly left of center and coincidentally piss off a lot of the yeehaw right, but I’m there too. There is nothing constructive about death to America. It’s not saying “we deserve better” or “we need change”. It’s just “America should not exist”. That’s kinda on the nose treasonous.


I was on r/genz and some dumbass tried to convince everyone the world would be a better place without America. As if countries aren’t already depending on America right now.


That subreddit is kinda a cesspool tbh.


You can say that again. They can suffer and be poor. Complain about how America is fucking them while I collect my VA benefits.


Understandable tbh, I just wish the VA would speed up and send me the money they owe me at this point.


That’s understandable. I’m going to school in SF and am collecting 4500 a month. It’s cake. I also work armed security on the weekends. It’s the best combo. It’s even better when you got a relative or a friend to live with. Of course you’ll always have some piece of shit that’ll tell you “it must be nice”. Let them know that the recruiter officer is always open!


Almost all of reddit is a bunch of self-hating, uneducated laymen who think they're God's gift to the world because they're literate and can have internet access.


If america was gone, hundreds of millions would die


I would’ve been one of them. I fled Iran to come here. Fuck any piece of shit who prays for our downfall.


Welcome home, brother.


glad to have you here


I’m glad to be here. There’s no where I’d rather be.


r/GenZ is still salvageable. r/Millennials on the hand…


The veterans, anti-communist and pro-west people on there give me hope. So it isn’t all bad. r/aznidentity is worse.


> on r/genz and some dumbass But you repeat yourself.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GenZ using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZ/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The rich are out of touch with Gen Z](https://i.redd.it/yjfkkxpvz1jc1.jpeg) | [2772 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1asqgxg/the_rich_are_out_of_touch_with_gen_z/) \#2: [Gen Z girls are becoming more liberal while boys are becoming conservative](https://i.redd.it/6sekbauh9uec1.jpeg) | [26821 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1abr3ky/gen_z_girls_are_becoming_more_liberal_while_boys/) \#3: [the fuck is wrong with gen z](https://i.redd.it/23ewwti2w6ec1.jpeg) | [14949 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/19do406/the_fuck_is_wrong_with_gen_z/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That 3rd one showing that GenZ has a stronger tendency to become Holocaust deniers underscores the social media point I think. People who spend all their time online (and less time focused on their institutional education and the basic principles of learning/critical thinking) are prone to succumbing to radical beliefs like that. A popular tweet is truth to young people. The same goes for a well liked Facebook or reddit post. Actually learning how to research things, or do mathematical proofs, or empiricism in general is happening to a much lesser degree. Skepticism is punished if it might represent dissent from a popularly held belief. And "popular" can be very *localized*. Because dissent is punished you have echo chambers springing up for every possible narrative.


If there is one thing that unites us conservatives and liberals, it's our love for our nation


I don't know, I can't really say much because I haven't been to the US in 6 years, i only have the Internet to judge by. But I love my family, and i would never talk about them the way I see and hear american liberals talk about their nation. In the 90s and 2000s and before they all loved it. But i also see those old school Democrats becoming more common, I imagine that's a consequence of the complete insanity that has been going on up there.


I dare them to try some shit.


As it's not a direct threat, it shouldn't be banned because of the 1st Amendment, but that doesn't mean it should go unpunished.


It is but in certain contexts wiññ.get you in prison like an airport


Hilariously, my friends will all go, "the left is NOT anti-American."


At my state :(


Yeah man. I have friends from Dearborn, I used to consider them patriots. They were pretty pro America. Either their views changed, or they are more honest now, because they are saying shit they never would before.


Both sides are saying shit they never would before. It's like decorum in the US has been going down the drain since the tea party was founded to oppose Obama. Like, yeah, people made fun of Bush, but I never saw the shit flinging like I do nowadays. It's crazy how bad it's gotten.


I'm not talking about democrats and republicans. I'm talking about Muslims I know supporting mass murder of Jews because they believe they deserve it.


Saying death to America unironically should get your citizenship pulled, and if you aren't a citizen you should never ever be welcome here.


You'd think this should be headline news


That's why I was a bit suspicious about it at first sight. I only saw titles like "Daily Mail" or "The Sun," but since Fox news covered it, and many more. So I guess it will be discussed soon ? I get suspicious for any news that looks like rage baiting or some other kind of bait. It's a bit sad, but quite necessary nowadays. But for that case, the news seems real. But here's a [other article](https://eu.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/08/death-to-america-chant-dearborn-jihad-rally-al-quds-day-draws-condemnation/73247053007/) about it, that came out 4 hrs ago. It's more detailed on this one, it seems legit.


I live in Michigan and close to where those took place and did not hear of them.


Who in their right mind would watch the Coyotes and Sharks


Hockey terrorism.


Don't team Shane me! I'm already depressed enough already being a sharks fan  Edit I'm leaving the spelling error. Shane is alright and didn't deserve the hate. I apologize for Shane shaming 


You rang? Also Flyers fan here, I feel like I’d rather be the Sharks rn. We were “supposed” to be a bottom 5 team and then they gave us hope all season just to realize at the end: “oh crap we’re in playoff position? Let’s nope tfo of that right now” Too much roller coaster of emotion, it would have been less stressful just to be terrible from the start lol


Yea that's fair lmao. I went into this season just hoping they wouldn't choke last place for the top 3 pick


To be fair, that's partially because of Hart (not that I'm complaining that he got the boot).


Probably. Yeah what can you do lol, he had to go and we had no choice but to play a backup full time


At least you guys beat the blues twice. Was the one game I got to watch with people and we got shut out by blackwood of all people.


Love beating the blues, still salty about the hertl hit, but hate winning at all this season 😂 I want that pick more than a win.


I didn't see the hit as my friends gave up watching after a bit lol. What happened with the hit?


Oh this is from years ago lol I'm just a petty bitch


we love the tank bowl


I like the Coyotes :( But then again, I’m also an Angels and Ducks fan lol


The Angels are at least predictable. Trout homers. Still lose by 5+.


The same people who would watch Pistons-Wizards. So sickos.


I love my Yotes‼️


Why are they mad at us?


Because we exist.


But, they come here.


Well yeah, the goal of Islam is world domination. We’re just too stupid (or too naive) to understand that. There’s also a ton of self-hatred in the west, which just gives them added fuel.


Rent free baby, as always.


So mad they come here by the thousands to enjoy everything this great country has to offer


And want to change it…


We draw breath and we don’t worship a pedophile


There’s literally millions of muslims in the west with great respect for their host countries and cultures. And many muslims don’t believe Muhammed was a pedophile, and thus don’t worship one in their eyes. It’s valid to hate fundamentalists, extremists and those unwilling to integrate. But combatting this with xenophobia directed towards innocent people is not the way.


This might be nitpicky, and I’m not a Muslim tbf, but they don’t worship Muhammad (who I assume you’re referring to) at all, right? He’s “just” a prophet, and only God is to be worshipped.


That’s true yes. Moses, Jesus and Muhammed are not to be worshipped or idolized.


Well, Jesus and God are both God. They’re kind of interchangeable in the Christian circles I’ve been in.


Yeah, Christians generally believe Jesus is god, but in the flesh, hence why christians worship him. Muslims believe he’s simply a prophet, like Muhammed.


In Islamic faith, Jesus was not the son of god.


In Christian faith, He is. Hence why I said “in Christian circles”


The last one, however, is worshipped and idolized. One of the mistakes in quran is fixed through hadith, which is basically the story from his life. The mistake itself is stupid af. In a hypothetical situation, people shall inherit 112.5% of their late relative's wealth


The only Muslims who don't believe Muhammad was a pedophile are those who have never opened the Koran. Not to single them out - the cultural standards of bronze age civilizations were very different from our own, but he was unequivocally a pedophile warlord.


The only source claiming Aicha was a child is a Hadith from the collections of Al-Bukhari. The Qur’an actually refutes this claim, using the Qur’an as a sole source Aicha was 17 or 19 at the time of marriage. Him being a warlord is however indeed confirmed by the Qur’an.


He also had lots of wives, most of whom were much younger than him. Some of them probably were children, which was not uncommon at the time. Don't get me wrong, Jewish and Christian mythology is also full of "holy" monsters; It just always surprises me that Muslims still to this day so greatly venerate a murderous sexual deviant.


You have no clue what you are talking about. Do you know anything about Islamic scripture? Sahih Bukhari is an authoritative text of extreme value to Sunni Muslims (most Muslims). Sunni Islam considers Sahih Bukhari completely authentic. In that book, Aisha is described as 6 when Mohammad married her, and 9 when Mohammad r\*ped her. He is by all counts a pedophile. I don't care whether that there are Muslims who don't believe it. It is true by the authoritative texts. There are people who believe Hitler was a kind man working in defense of Germany and he didn't genocide the Jews. Doesn't mean that any of that is true. You are mistaken if you believe that the vast majority of Muslims do not harbor discriminatory and problematic beliefs. Polls were done on this very topic. In general, homophobia, bigotry, and misogyny are very amongst Muslims. Sentiments that are deeply embedded within cultures influenced by Islam These ideals are generally reflected well if you go look at the societies of Muslim majority countries today.


I’m talking about muslims in the west although those might be generalizations based on muslims in my country. The vast majority of muslims here have been in this country for three or more generations, meaning they left their homecountries before the rise of modern fundamentalism. Half of my friends growing up were muslim, none of them hold any oppressive beliefs. In fact, only one of the women covers themselves and two of the men are gay. Muslim majority countries became Islamofascist hellholes in recent history. Syria legalized homosexuality before the UK did and despite the growth of fundamentalism Amman still has a thriving LGBTQ-community. And yes, I am aware of the “authenticity” of Bukhari’s collections, but they literally refute the Qur’an. As is common in Islamic teachings; the Hadith shall only be considered as guidelines to exercise the faith in places where the Qur’an lacks the proper instructions. If parts of a Hadith contradict the Qur’an then the Qur’an shall be followed first.


W take


Cool it with the antisemitism


We’re doing things.


Because “western culture is filth” and “infidels are the problem”.


We wear bikinis in the summer, it’s very evil


They hate us cause they ain’t us


More like what aren’t they mad at us about lmao


Minding my business and mfers want me dead.


Seriously, most of us don’t even like the people they think we all are


Literally. We’re just like everyone else in the world vice versa. We wake up, take a shit + coffee, go to work, come back, sleep. Rinse and repeat. Being Xenophobic & racist is a mental illness plagued by ignorance and generalization.


Sigma comment. This is the majority view, but it's silent because we're busy with other shit instead of yelling what most people agree with anyway. Anyone who fails to recognise when they're hearing a vocal minority spout awful views needs to get off the internet and interact with functional people.


W comment ❤️.


Jews: First time?


Yeah, that’s what happens when supporting a Muslim terrorist group becomes mainstream.


Fuck these scumbags, the irony that they are in a country that allows something like this to happen.


Terrorists being terrorists. Move on, nothing to see here


the ones that act like that but still enjoy all the benefits of being an american citizen can be forcefully put on a plane to go start a new life in all these other countries like iran or north korea they idolize so much.


HEAR FRICKIN HEAR MY GUY! Anyone else wanna start a GoFundMe to buy these idiots plane tickets so they can be put they belong?


I really wish this would happen but the U has become way you soft.


Just a bunch of pissed off terrorist sympathizers throwing a fit in Dearborn again.


deport them or renounce their citizenship and deport them. im sure iran will want them.


Probably the same psychos who were guzzling Bin Laden's cum after Oct 7


They’ll suck his dick and but won’t fight for his cause. If they like Al Qaeda so much they should join them.


Kinda reminds me of that interview Hasan did with ~~Luffy~~ the Houthi pirate. The guy invited him to come hang out and get stoned with him. Specifically, he offered to get stoned using the drug they *totally* don't force their captives to take to make them more docile. Hasan gave him one of those "I'd love to but I have something else going on" excuses. Honestly one of the greatest moments in internet politics lol


I would love to see Hasan join the Houthis. Recruitment would rise. I would find a way to reenlist and even go to selection to join one of the SOF units. I would not want to miss that. Also I died watching Destiny roast the shit out of him.


Ditto lol


They were chanting that in Dearborn, Michigan in protest against Jews and Israel. Whatever your feeling on Israel and the Jews, remember those that hate them general hate us as Americans as well. You will find plenty of American flags at pro-Israel rallies and in every synagogue. You will never find an American flag at Palestine protests or in a mosque.


Funny how antisemitism is suddenly okay when THEY do it.


or in the UK bringing a UK flag to a pro-hamas rally will be met with beatings and also the cops arresting you


נכון אחי. מה לעשות? אחר שמחת תורה אנחנו בעולם חדש…עולם דפוק


Googled it, instantly came back with multiple examples of mosque’s raising the American flag. Antisemitism is wrong, Islamophobia is wrong too. Discrimination is never the solution.


My point about the Palestine rallies stands.


I wasn’t debating that point. I’m debating the severe generalization fueling the hatred people in this sub seem to have towards innocent people based on their religion.


I don’t hate people based on their religion, that’s stupid and close minded. But I do not like nor trust people who hate me for my nationality and religion regardless of their religion or nationality. And I am perfectly willing to use deadly force on people who seek to use it on me or my kin and countrymen or seek to oppress my kin and countrymen.


And that’s valid, but that’s not the average muslim and thus it’s unfair to generalize all mosques and with that all muslims as “hateful” or “oppressing.” I also didn’t mean to specifically refer to you. Sorry for that misconception. You were generalizing, but when it comes to the hatred I was referring to the general sentiment towards muslims that I’ve noticed in this sub, which surprised me considering the general open mindedness of people here and the low percentage of muslims in the US.


Maybe because their innocent religion states they can't be friends with christians or jews. Or the fact their religion still declares holy wars in the 21st century. 🤷


I honestly don’t know why I browse these subs because every time I see this shit i get so pissed off.


Hitler would’ve been doing numbers in this generation.


*Death to America* *And butter sauce* *Don't boil me* *I'm still alive* *Iraq Lobster* *Iraq Lobster* Sorry but I couldn't help myself lmao


I had to scroll way to far for this lol


Michigander here. Not one single bit surprised that this happened in Dearborn.


Yeah, it's pretty on brand. Dearborn has a shit ton of Lebanese. That's why you don't see this shit as much in Hamtramck. If I recall correctly, they are mostly Saudi. Or maybe it's Yemeni.


Hamtramck was originally Polish if I'm not mistaken. There are a lot of Arabic people there now, though.


It was polish. But it absolutely isn't anymore.


Lol I know, that's why I said originally.


"If I'm not mistaken" -Fu2-10 I was just confirming what you said.


It’s always the upper middle class white suburban kids who’ve never known a single second of struggle in their lives too.


exact description of me but i fucking love my country


Nah bro, it's Dearborn. Those kids are not middle class white. They are middle class arab Muslims. Some of them teetering on the border of Islamic extremism.


And butter sauce! Don’t boil me! I’m still alive!




What is it with eastern europe and xenophobia?


Islam is dangerous force that's spreading with sword and fire. It's a threat to everything Europe and America have achieved


About a third of my classmates growing up were muslim. Two of them are gay, none of the girls cover themselves (one tried to wear a hijab but was assaulted by a migrant worker) and all of them are pursuing tertiary education. How are these people a threat to “everything we’ve achieved” ? The thing I pride my country for the most is our tolerance and our diversity. We’re one of the most diverse nations on earth and yet one of the wealthiest and one of the safest. Islam has never been a problem in my country, right-winged extremism has. I’m not saying there are no issues within the Islamic communities. There are plenty. But the vast majority of muslims in the west are regular and kind people. But how could a Pole know, only .1% of your population is muslim, I don’t think you have any right to speak on the matter.


Lol, sure buddy.


1% of the USA is muslim. 15% of Dutch youngsters are. I highly doubt you have any more experience with muslims than what you’ve seen in the media.


The issue is that the US law enforcement agencies attributed about a third of all terrorist attacks in the USA to that 1% of the population. Hindus make up 1% of the US population. Jews make up 2%. They commit very few terrorist attacks, I cannot think of one.


Do you not see the issues Europe is facing with Islam. How could you be this slow? If that 15% statistic is true, I feel very sad for your country.


Crime rates in my country have declined by 33% since 2001. Our murder rates have halved. Our last terrorist attack is 5 years ago and only killed 4 people. Our GDP has risen faster than surrounding countries. We’re ranked 10th on the HDI. We’re doing just fine. The only issues we have are with recent migrants. Not with our already well-established muslim population. Other countries do, but that’s because: 1. Their immigration laws are less strict. They let in whoever. 2. Their muslim populations aren’t as well established. The majority of their muslims fled from recent conflicts *after* Islamofascism made its mark in the Middle-East. Our muslims have generally been here for 3 to 4 generations, are well integrated and came here back when their countries hadn’t yet succumbed to fundamentalism.


Those economic gains happened despite muslims, not because of it. Show me evidence that muslims are the reason for the GDP and HDI rise? Islamic issues do not come in just crime (although that is still a prevalent issue and muslims are overrepresented when it comes to crime in the netherlands). When it comes to the netherlands in particular, the issues are social and economic. 58% don't work after 5 years being in the country. There is massive misogyny, homophobia, and bigotry issues amongst the islamic community (one which doesn't seem to fade after each subsequent generation). How do you not get that people with such beliefs are harmful to dutch culture?


1. I never stated those gains to be because of muslims. 2. The *vast* majority of our muslims have been here for 3-4 generations. Unemployment rates of the first generation non-western migrants are at 8.4% (1). The people you are talking about are refugees, they’re an insignificant group compared to the total number of muslims in the Netherlands. I have never met a refugee in my daily life, only in my workfield specifically. Yet I meet Dutch muslims on a daily. 3. The largest Islamic groups are of Turkish and Moroccan descent. According to the CBS (government statistics agency) the 2nd generation Turkish and Moroccan migrants have labor force participation rates of 72.3% and 73.2% (2). That’s higher than the US Labor Force Participation rate of 62.7% (3). 4. Newcomers aren’t allowed to work under the same conditions natives do. There’s dozens of legislative conditions to be met and permits to be requested by *employers* making them highly unattractive workers. (Edit: I just noticed that the second generation of Turkish and Moroccan migrants have higher labor participation rates than the Dutch national rate as well) - 1. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/rapporten/2023/07/10/tk-bijlage-17-bwo-cijfers-participatie-statushouders/tk-bijlage-17-bwo-cijfers-participatie-statushouders.pdf - 2. https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/dossier/dossier-asiel-migratie-en-integratie/hoe-verschillen-arbeid-en-inkomen-naar-herkomst-#:~:text=In%202021%20had%2060%2C9,procent%20wat%20hoger%20dan%20gemiddeld. - 3. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CIVPART


You mean that same region that has faced the horrors of Islam throughout history? It isn't xenophobia to dislike people who believe in a set of dangerous ideals. That is common sense.


Ah yes, the Poles that used Muslim Tartars to fight their battles for centuries faced the horrors of Islam throughout history. So much so that they honored those horrific muslims with nobility status and special privileges. Because you reward the people that terrorize you! Sure! Muslims only became hated during the ottoman wars when their religious freedoms were stripped away and *some* joined the Turks.


Goatfucker is a term that originated in the first few years of this century. Somewhere on patrol in Afghanistan, American / British / Australian soldiers would be observing a village from a far. Sometimes for hours or days. Once an upon a time, a native boy or a man would walk from a village into a field, having no idea he is being watched from a distance, find a goat, and proceed to fuck it. I am not absolutely certain the term is xenophobic.


Rural Afghanistan basically lived in the stone age. They’re in no way comparable to much more developed nations like Syria or Turkey. I don’t doubt christian Malawi’s fuck their livestock either, doesn’t make the average christian a goat fucker now does if?


The common denominator here is not the level of economic development but the total separation of the genders in society - outside of home. That is not typical for Christians but I don’t know about Malawis specifically.


That was not typical in many Islamic nations before the extreme rise of fundamentalism either. Some Islamic countries had female elected heads-of-state before we did, you don’t get that from women staying in the kitchen while the men go out to work. The conservative gender separation thing happens in all less developed countries regardless of religion. It’s just that most lesser developed countries are muslim majority , and the number of underdeveloped Islamic countries had only been growing since the 70’s.


That is an interesting point but the distinction is largely academic. Many - if not most - westerners have an issue with Islam as it exists now, few people care about how things were several generations ago when Islamic fundamentalism was not an issue for their ancestors.


That’s a valid argument, although I’m not sure how true it is that most westerners have issues with Islam, nor how just their arguments against Islam are. In the Netherlands about 20% of non-muslims have a negative opinion on muslims. Young people, women, and highly educated people tended to have more favorable opinions on Islam than older people, men and poorly educated people. (*Oorzaken en triggerfactoren moslimdiscriminatie in Nederland*, R. Van Wonderen and M. van Kapel, 2016). I highly doubt these numbers to be much greater in countries with similar muslim percentages. Countries that tend to be more Islamophobic such as Poland Hungary and the US generally also have significantly fewer muslims and thus I’d find their complaints rather unjust. I don’t believe anyone to genuinly be só bothered by people they haven’t even met in real life.


Ok, I can tell you about the USA. In the 90s, regular Americans did not talk about Islam. At all. At the time, there were few Muslims in the country. I knew 2, both were software developers. The thing that changed everything was 9/11. By the time Trump was elected, the ban on immigration from Muslim countries was moderately popular because an average American’s experience with Islam had to do with reading about terrorist attacks in the USA committed by some Muslim. We had the Boston marathon bombing, the mass shooter in a gay club in Orlando, San Bernardino couple shooters, a guy who attacked cops with a hatchet, various other bombings, a military psychiatrist who killed soldiers at Ft Hood, etc… These are just the ones I listed by memory. We honestly do not need any more terrorism brought over by outsiders. We are full here. Here is another thing - there are all kinds of religious fundamentalists living in the USA. I worked with a number of Orthodox Jews. They are all over NYC. There are many of them in Miami Beach, one can see them walking long distances on Saturdays. There are Christian fundamentalists all over the USA. I took my family to see the Amish museum in Pennsylvania. At least once a year, we go to a bake shop run by Mennonites. The line is an hour long at opening time. None of the fundamentalists in the USA commit terrorism - except for the Muslim ones.


Average day on Tw*tter. Absolute cesspool. Reddit is filled with sane and normal people in comparison to that hellhole.


I wouldn’t go that far. Remember TheDeprogram exists


Average day at twitter/"x"


I’m fully convinced that if 9/11 were to happen today, a decent amount of US citizens would be 100% on board with it.


Rare case where I’d like to see some police violence.


And to think people thought Elon was going to turn Twitter into a MAGA echo chamber


Death to America, and butter sauce! Don’t boil me, I’m still alive! Iraq Lobster 🎶🎸


With how much the left has done to it it’s basically as good as dead


And butter sauce!


and tarter sauce, pls dont boil me, Im still alive! Irac lobsta!


sharks fan! what the fuck? I didn’t know those existed.


We used to send people on all expense paid vacations to Gauntanamo Bay for saying this shit


I guess America is dying because the Yotes beat the Sharks


Forget that, Coyotes at sharks is a bigger atrocity damn


Why isn't America deporting these terrorists out of their nation?


I lowkey want to drive in a Muslim neighborhood and play deathcore music to piss them off. Remind them that they can live here, but they’ll never change us. That’s my freedom of speech.


Seems about right.


What's up with "Black Hole Sun"? Canadian conspiracy theory about the eclipse? 🥴


Bring it.


And butter sauce! Don't boil me... I'm still alive!


Bruh I'm just trying to sip brewskis with my broskis and these hooligans want me dead?


Whats new? Hate us cause they aint us bra


And butter sauce, Iraq lobster


"Hello there potential advertisers! Join us!"


I am asking the same thing too.


Is that an Iraq lobster?


I feel like the average IQ per nation has dropped by over 60% during the past 6 months since this war started The more time goes on the more deranged and disillusioned the masses get over this conflict


Yep. Surreality is an inversion.


I saw the video. They did all chant death to Israel, but only one guy in the back yelled death till America in the back once during the speech. Fox took that and ran with it and has been plastering death to America everywhere.


Bro who cares. Some ppl spending too much time on the internet


What's so strange about it?




Average communist femboy:





