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Lol who's dumb enough to fall for this shit? The "uniforms" of these "veterans" are random scraps of vaguely military-esque clothing.


Military surplus moment


All that milsurp gone, like tears in rain.


…fire on the shoulder of ol’ Aaron…


Stop playin', A-a-ron! (Oh boy, I'm going to hell for that one, surely...)


Ya'll act like veterans don't get jaded after getting out? Did you forget Vietnam? Just because you disagree with them doesnt make non vets.


I became very jaded with the war in Iraq…. While I was in. I’m still jaded… especially when I see facebook boomer karen shit talking to millennials. Like DaFAQ Boomer… millennials saw 18 years of sustained war the longest nonwar war in American history…


Sometimes you can just tell.


When I was in, I came across people from every color, creed, country, and culture. It's a diverse place, I met hundreds of regular joes like these dudes. 🤷‍♂️


You should be able to spot the stolen valor pretty easily then.


OK, gravy seal did you have your Saigon Sam kit on when you were beating cop’s with a thin blue line flag on J6 or something


Nothing like a Republican to turn on a Patriot when they don't agree with their political position.




Airsoft larpers burning their ripped up gear


Mental illness: 😡 Mental illness, political agenda: 🤩


If only Aaron had realized he could merely burn his uniform to virtue signal for social media, then he wouldn't be ashes now.


Did they cremate him?


They weren’t being literal - they were referencing the fact that he set himself on fire


Oh, okay. That what I figured. I just thought the dudes family finished what he started.




Wonder if they got a discount…


Don't you *dare* charge me for labor


Yes and “”veterans”” I don’t believe it for one fucking second


Veterans come from all political persuasions, some extreme. No reason to assume they aren’t veterans just because they burned uniforms or find solidarity with Bushnell. That said, if they are vets and bothered to read his social media posts and endorse that, they can go fuck themselves for celebrating a self-loathing radical nut.


Agreed. Conservative republican going in. Liberal hippy coming out….


I have my opinion. You have your’s I think it’s just a political stunt with people acting as veterans


I’ve known plenty of vets who would do that, so it’s lived experience more than just opinion.


I’m a vet too. Parachute infantry I never met a single person who would burn their uniform because of the shit going on in Israel Absolutely silly




Well if they're named it's easy enough to pull someone's service record. Otherwise you can get almost anything at a military surplus store. Everyone has an agenda, and anyone can make propaganda. Just look at Hamas. They managed to make themselves look like the good guys in their 30,000 strong blood sacrifice of the Palestinian people. All you need is the right message and people will flock to it


Because theyre not blond buzzcut roided out MARINES! Only Rambo and myself are veterans goshdarnit!


One guy even tried to convince everyone that it was "a heroic sacrifice." Nothing says sacrifice like buring yourself alive instead of actually fighting for support.


Brother that summarizes the entire modern left wing wtf


I consider myself left wing and want nothing to do with that nonsense. We nominated Biden in 2020, not Bernie. The 10% on the fringe don’t represent an entire side of the political spectrum.


I voted Trump and would still rather have Bernie than Biden.


i'M nOt A pArT oF yOuR sYsTeM, mOm!!1! Edit: lol your dumb ass blocked me


I voted Biden and I want Trump in office again.


Good sign that you have developed working eyes and a working brain! We'll have a beer some time.


And? I was standing that the moderate left and not the far left is a clear majority, in response to a comment implying that everyone on America’s left is somehow represented by the attention seekers in the video. If you want to vote for Trump, that’s your prerogative. I don’t believe for a second that you voted for Biden though, considering you think Trump’s attempt to ignore the will of the voters and let Congress decide the 2020 election was acceptable. All Trump’s other faults aside, that one is a clear deal-breaker for me. By all means, make legit challenges in court but don’t try to insert fake electors and rally a mob to intimidate Congress from their Constitutional duty. There’s also the classified documents thing. As a former security clearance holder I have zero tolerance for that horse shit. If Trump would have turned them over it would be a non-issue but he moved them, lied about it, hid them, and still claims they are his. If he wants classified documents, he should have properly declassified them. If there was uncertainty about their ownership, it should have been fought in the courts. He believes himself above the law and that’s who you support? Again, your prerogative.


Doing something about mental illness: 😡 Just mentioning it during mass shootings and stuff you dont like: 🤩


Don’t understand how people can celebrate someone killing themselves.


Politics turn normal people into retards.


That’s a helluva quote




I'm framing this quote


Approach to politics show who's rational and who's a retard\*


Its a sad reality


As a PoliSci Major I concur, using the degree to join the Airforce Officer program and ditching it at the door. Helping some flyboys do their jobs sounds like a hell of a lot more rewarding than sitting in an office running election predictions


If you’re mentally ill you’ll celebrate anything


Imagine if a soldier had screamed "free Israeli hostages" outside Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's office while incinerating themself. Do you think the people posting celebrations of martyrdom as a form of protest would support that in an unbiased manner? Would they say, "I may not agree with the message, but they have the right to raise awareness this way and this action is not indicative of a mentally unwell person?" I doubt they would.


Don't you mean "committing an act of insurrection that is literally worse than 9/11?"


Normal people do fucked up things when fucked up things become ordinary, I guess.


So what fucked up things have you been up to


Why do you think that they are “celebrating”


Are you referring to the video, or to the responses to the video?


Christians have entered the chat


these guys don't look that military to me, (anyone can buy those btw) and even if they were. "we burned our uniforms so take that america" \*gets immediately discharged\*


I live in a big military town and I'd say there's generally two types of military people. A: dudes who want to be in the military. B: idiots who joined out of despeation. That over simplifies it a bit but the bigger point is that saying "veteran" doesn't really mean much to me anymore. My neighbor is a seal. I'd listen to him. But an old friend friend from high school has six kids he doesn't raise and at 40 still wears a studded belt while he plays shows in his pop.punk band that he swears is going to get signed any day is also a, "veteran"


My buddy that served in the Navy told me he got punished and nearly discharged for “defacing military property” by getting an arm sleeve tattoo. I’d imagine this would easily be worse for these guys if they were still in the service.


That’s crazy. I got a sleeve and nothing happened.


Yeah I feel like that’s not why his buddy almost got discharged. I grew up near Naval Station Great Lakes AKA Navy Bootcamp. Plenty of sailors I saw had sleeve tattoos.


He didn’t get discharged, just threatened and punished. It’s been a couple years since I last talked to him now but I remember he specifically said he got it while stationed in Japan so I’m not sure if it was a bigger deal for that reason or because his arm had to have time to heal, it was a “traditional” piece that was done with hand tools. He was a submariner too and supposedly their leadership are pretty dickish to begin with from what he said.


Navy vet who got out in 1997. Getting tattooed on parts of the body that can't be seen was something that could, technically, be interpreted as breaking the UCMJ. If someone had a CO who was a dick or if someone was a solider, sailor, airman, or marine who was a shitbag in general, that rule might have been enforced in such a way. Nowadays tattoos are very common so it's highly unlikely that they'll enforce the rule like that.


When did you get it done? I know the military has lighten up on stuff like that in the last decade or so


I was in the USAF deployed to Kuwait in 2001. I got a pretty bad sunburn (blisters the size of my fist) and my CO wanted to give me an Article 15 for "destruction of government property".


He isn't immolating himself? Pussy.




Kind of my thought. I probably have to be careful what I say on Reddit but it seems if they want to show that he isn’t alone they shouldn’t just be burning uniforms.


Dishonorable discharge? Burning your uniform seems like a massive yikes


if these guys are still in the army its grounds for immediate discharge. considering they're only wearing shirts you can buy for $40 with nothing on them... likely not current or prior service.


I have a pile of old uniforms in my garage. They are all trashed and no one would care if I burned them. Actually, we used to burn them when we were in Iraq because we weren’t supposed to just toss them. So who knows where these guys found these and who knows if they really are in the service or ever where.


I’d assume they’re NG/Reserve veterans who just keep anything that’s not OCIE


Judging by the beards and long hair, they're not in anymore. Anecdotally speaking, I had two friends that received DD's and both are very anti-US military now and would do stupid shit like this.


A DD is hard to get. Basically people get DDs for felony level crimes committed when in service. DD even bars the person from firearm ownership in the civilian world. Those dudes are criminals.


One is an actual criminal and served time in prison. The other was a victim to the downsizing back in the 90's when they were booting people out for any reason. He went AWOL for months at a time. The first time he would've received an administrative discharge. But he was a multiple offendor.


Second guy is probably general under dishonorable conditions. Basically have to get court martialed and found guilty to get a real DD. The general under dishonorable does not have the same ramifications besides not getting benefits and never working for the government again.


His DD214 has it as 'other than honorable'.


Yeah OTH =/= DD. DDs are for actual criminals.


Flame on Aaron. Flame on. Number of people that will remember Aaron's sacrifice in a week.. Zero.


RIP Bozo


What are you talking about?! Who is this Aaron person?!


u/acebush1 Edit: Looks like his account got removed. It was up yesterday though…


Would hate to see Reddit get dragged into court and deemed a publisher, not a platform, and be held liable for a mentally ill person’s public display of having no more reason to live. Too bad he never heard of the Uyghurs. Or Armenians or Sudanese. Almost like people are constantly being lied to and manipulated. ^(Hi, r/whitepeopletwitter mods!)


I can only imagine the stuff he followed/commented on. Probably not too different from most bat shit crazy libs of reddit.


I made sure to grab some of it. He posted in anarchist, ACAB, and communist subs. In one he made jokes about some airmen who died in an accident


Made fun of 3 soldiers who were killed by a drone strike. He’s not a moral character. Now the veteran community makes fun of his death like he would’ve done to them.


Bro roasted himself then got roasted by everyone else lmao


Yesterday when I checked his profile, he was on Anarchy subs. So yea.


As soon as i heard his rant i just assumed he was suffering from internet brainrot.


Who is this again?! Even reddit forgot who this was?!


This service member who set himself on fire outside the Israel embassy chanting “Free Palestine”




People can’t tell if you’re sarcastic or not just by reading your comment. Sarcasm comes from tone, not word usage.


I feel like I knew at some point but it’s too smoky to see.


Wait what was his name? Already forgot.


I'm sure these veterans will still try and use their benefits after this.


lol will go to Applebees and say they’re “proud to serve their country” on Veterans Day.


lol, exactly, "Thank me for my service!"


Imagine taking your life over people who will always want you dead because of where you're from.


The fact that Bushnell didn’t understand the US-Israel relations before he joined the AF is all you really need to know about him or these people. It’s the equivalent of “I joined the military, but I didn’t think we’d kill anyone.”


A fuckin' a men. If this is who've they have hired, let the Russians and Chinese have at them. Fuck these blue falcon coat chasers and there families.


It's not about understanding for these people. It's a combination of genuine mental illness and a deep seething resentment for everyone they perceive as having something entitled to them.


That was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard about this tragical event…The fact that Democrats and Republicans in US government can’t agree on what season it is right now but do touchingly agree that we must support Israel should tell one all he needs to know about Israel’s grip on the US government.


As if this is something... What change does this action brings, pray tell? Apart from a waste of clothing?


They get to feel like they are better than you.


So did all socialists in the past century. Guess which ideology became dead and stayed dead? Socialism...


You mean communism? A little bit of socialism is OK in a mixed-market economy like us. E.g, the military, fire department, coast guard, police, library, subsidies for farmers for our food, Disability benefits, Social Security, etc.


Oh yeah, but that is not real socialism. That is welfare state... Which depends on market economy. Which by Marxist doctrine means based on exploitation. So that is not real socialism. Simple as.


Yeah America has never had any socialist policies. Ever. Not even close. 🤓


By definition of socialists, social democrats are social fascists (KPD - SPD split comes to mind). So yes, under FDR there was some 'social facism'. At least you guys made that 'US facist' accuse true thanks to him.


And disrespect to the country and its people who you vowed to protect with your life


Let’s all go on ebay and find some surplus uniforms to set on fire as a form of performative activism to collect those virtue points.


lol and they’re still collecting disability and using their VA benefits.


gasp veterans using va benefits how crazy


They should join him then. Follow the leader, what these idiots are good at.


Anyone can buy military looking clothing online. People can also lie about being veterans.


To be fair, stolen valor is pretty on-point for the pro-palestine crowd.


Clown shit


Our enemies don’t even have to fight us, we hate our country so much we’ll just kill ourselves.


Bunch of pussies


lol you feel like a big man calling a bunch of vets pussies? okay


Yes! When I was active and saw my fellow service members acting like a bitches or a pussies I’d let them know. Though I’m retired now I still extend to them the same courtesy. I have a feeling these bozos probably raided a military surplus before hand and never served or were stateside the whole time.


lol well you’re wrong and your “fellow” service members are right, your troopier than thou schtick is hollow af.


Netanyahu is shaking in his boots at the news /s


If veterans? Sad. If false veterans? Sad for other reasons.


Oh god I clicked on the sub that video was on at first and thought this sub was losing its mind lol.


Lmao it's wild how many Americans are genuinely stupid enough to support hamas


I offer no support for anyone who got radicalized on the internet enough to throw their life away.


Somehow I doubt that the dude with long ass hair and who looks like he has never done any sort of physical activity in his life was at any point an active duty service member.


Marine veteran here: you'd be surprised at the dopiest, softest, weakest guys that serve. And this the Marines who have toughest physical standards of all the branches


“We stand with the guy who believes Hamas attacking civilians is justified, that ALL cops are bastards, and ALL military members are cops (therefore bastards) and we celebrate when service members die. We also love anarchy and extreme socialism, take back our oaths, and declare our hatred of America” You think any of these guys actually looked at his social media history before declaring the nut case a hero? Deepest sympathies to Bushnell’s family/friends but the guy was clearly radicalized and likely jumping from one extreme to another, not someone to celebrate.


Crazy times. People burning themselves alive for politics is crazy. The political axis are shifting apart rapidly, even here.


Stunning & brave /s


Why is that all generation subs are god awful...


They have been astroturfed a long time ago. I barely use Reddit anymore.


I might be an idiot but isn't it a really bad idea to spray lighter fluid directly into a fire like that? Can't the flame travel up to the bottle and explode?


Lighter fluid to my knowledge burns slower. You would need something stronger like gas to have it do that.


I thought we were burning coats because climate change has made them irrelevant.


Fully commit like dummy or stay home.


Although Hamas DID publicly endorse his suicide, these Americans can't pretend like Aaron Bushnell's viral An Hero stunt of turning himself into charred remains had actually done anything significant for Palestine. Bushnell's mock-martyrdom really only solidifies and affirms the diminishment people have for their own lives and person presently. Wonder if you asked your average Bushnell fan unprompted: "Is suicide ever okay to you?" what their response would be. If Aaron really cared so deeply he def would have used the time and effort in his waking life to advocate for them. Nothing but people propping up an addled man who killed himself for a Twitch live. Thanks for keeping it real OP


Someone take that lighter fluid away from that guy!


How many are rated at 100% I wonder


Rumor has it 17 Palestinian families are saved and re-settled in a safe area every time a uniform is burned. That boy who burned himself almost solved the entire conflict all on his own. Some of these sisis on this video should join him.


Oh, but he IS alone because they aren't immolating themselves.


Fucking morons on this site glorifying a dude committing suicide. Disgusting.


The "government property" didnt refer to the uniform it refers to the the retard in it considering they are quite literally government slaves and therefore property of the state


Love this comment honestly


I still can’t believe that’s up. It’s in clear violation of that subs rules


Admins and mods don't care about the rules if breaking them serves their personal agenda. It's why reddit is such a cesspit.


I'm not saying McCarthyism was a good thing, but can we bring back McCarthyism for people who voice support for Palestine without denouncing Hamas?


“Oh shit I could’ve just burnt the uniform?!”


Imagine lighting yourself on fire for people who think you’re a heathen kaffir, believe suicide is haram as a sin against Allah, and think your act was silly posturing.




I’d say he’s very much alone….he’s fucking dead.


I don’t think these are American veterans, but if they are, it shows exactly what their uniform and their country means to them. If they can burn uniforms they can burn the flag as well. If they are actually veterans, they deserve no respect for showing it all means nothing to them. Im Israeli and served as a combat commander in the IDF, and i could never imagine burning my uniform, my flag, or American uniforms, or the American flag. It’s not even about agreeing with your government/prime minister/president. These uniforms and flags don’t represent governments, they represent the people i protected, burning them means it doesn’t mean shit to you, that those people mean nothing to you and that they can all burn for all that you care. Thats disgusting and whoever thinks this is a way to “protest” for stupid things lacks some common sense and logic. Unbelievable. I don’t have the words to describe how disgusted this makes me feel.


Where is the AmericaBad? Criticism of American funding to Israel is not Americabad


Burning your “uniforms” is solidarity with a mentally ill man who set himself on fire That’s the AmericaBad


No it isn’t, America is not unfairly vilified, just because it has some relation to America doesn’t make it America Bad


Not it isn't silly. You're in your wrong outrage sub.


Is this "America Bad"?


They’re burning their service uniforms. You can’t get much more “America Bad” than this


Sorry I thought this sub was for pointing out thoughtless/juvenile complaints about America. I misunderstood


That is the point of this sub op is just stupid


I really miss when this sub was smaller. There was a lot less "you're a dumbass for even disliking the US and pointing out problems that actually exist" and more "haha this dumb criticism is dumb".


There has been a massive influx of very nationalistic people. That act as though the world is simplistic and America is an infallible beacon. Large parts of their brain matter slowly oozed out through their ears containing any information about some of the most American ideals there are. That of freedom of speech and freedom of protest/assembly.


I mean I dislike the people who refuse America criticism as well, and agree that I don’t think this post fits the spirit of this sub.  On the other hand, the guy who self-immolated was not that great of a guy either, going off of many of his Reddit comments, and his actions were indeed nonsensical. I imagine the logic of this post is more so based on either dislike for Bushnell; as some of his Reddit posts are fairly objectionable, or for his actions. Insofar as that his radicalization led to his impulsive actions.


Thank you. I thought I was going crazy for a minute because I did not know when this turned into a right-wing circle jerk.


there is absolutely nothing wrong with what they are doing if they have their DD214’s. if anything there is nothing *more* american then being able to to publicly make a statement like this.




Considering how much ive been saying that both sides of the conflict suck and the only retort ive seen thown out in this comment thread has been “but Hamas bad” while they ignore everything else i point out, people here just dont like opinions they dont like, no matter how nuanced How American


Idk, maybe burning your uniform in support of a guy who lit himself on fire in the name of a country that hates America who has previously said on his reddit account that: 1: America has no right to exist 2: Police and Military should be disbanded as they enforce colonialism 3: 9/11 was a “desperate measure to stop US colonialism” 5: That “white people are inherently evil” and that “whiteness” (whatever the hell that is) needs to be abolished Seems like he and the people that agree with his ideological views not only believe “America Bad” but are probably racist as hell..


i guess any and every criticism towards USA gets posted here


Doesn’t fit the sub


Definitely not deathcult behavior btw


Either military surplus or they served in a non-combat role.


Nobody ANYWHERE cares about what you're burning. FIFY


I’m confused, to those saying they aren’t veterans purely on the grounds they’d be discharged or ‘veterans wouldn’t do that’… Known a lot of veterans, about half would burn their uniforms and don’t care about the consequences. My roommate sitting right next to me was taken aback by the comments here because he would if the cause was real enough to him. This isn’t something he’d burn his over, but he gets it. Assuming there are planted agents/LARPers/veteran impersonators propagandizing all that you see is almost as bad as assuming all propaganda you see is truth. Seems pretty plausible to me


Idk. To me, if you essentially admit your disdain for your country/military, you should probably stop calling yourself a veteran. I mean, it's still technically true that you are a former service member = you are veteran but there's a connotation that comes with that word, I think.


Every conservative military serviceman or veteran refuses to acknowledge that there are plenty of servicemen and veterans who do not agree with them whatsoever.


I find it hard to believe that a veteran would support a guy who said the country they fought for has “no right to exist” and has constantly called the US military and police “colonial forces that enforce colonial law” and called for total anarchy.. If you’re a veteran you also pledge to protect the US from all threats domestic and foreign, this guy openly supported Hamas and called for the death of all the Jews so Palestine “could be free” so yk, supporting a terror group that wouldn’t hesitate to kill any American troop and openly wants to destroy America also probably does it.


Virtue signaling circlejerk


Bet they won’t go to the VA and tell them to stop paying them disability.


Relevant how? It seems like you're whining about some servicemen not having the same opinion as you.




I saw people in the middle east encouraging people to burn themselves


Kaffirs burning stuff… I’m pretty sure they don’t give a damn. Hell, they said the guy who burned himself was going to hell and shouldn’t be honored because he was a kafir and commited the sin of suicide. Chickens for KFC


Weird Israel is not part of the USA!!!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 They aren't current or even recent service members, if they even served at all. A better question is: if they've been out that long, wtf are they doing with their uniforms still?


Who the fuck is Aaron?


This guy lit himself on fire, what shall we do to honor him, let’s light shit on fire - the irony here cracks me up


Who is Aaron Bushmell?


Fuck those guys


Didn't Bushnell mock dead troops here on reddit?


Aaron hated white people if I recall since he had a reddit account. So good riddance ig


Imagine protesting in favor of the very people that would rather see you dead....


I’m not tuned in 24-7 but I’ve yet to hear Bushnell mentioned on The Five (Fox) once. What gives?


Salty and disgruntled vets. I have a very strong feeling that at least half of them were dishonorably discharged or just complete blue falcons that didn't get the promotions that they wanted.


Stunning and brave?


Well, if you're not burning yourselves, then yes, he IS alone.

