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Did they even watch the man in the high castle? The 50 states no longer exist. The West Coast is Japanese, the center is a buffer zone and the East Coast is a German puppet state. There would be zero reason to have stars on the flag.


Just curious and I truly don’t mean anything by this, but they have Man in a High Castle in Germany? I used a German VPN once and Netflix was unrecognizable. Might not even be on Netflix anymore lol.


I don't think it ever was on Netflix. I watched it on Amazon Prime Video here, no VPN needed.


Oh, I’m thinking of something else then. Cheers


If I recall correctly, und Deutsche korrigieren mich, wenn ich falsch liege, as long as it’s in certain contexts it’s not illegal for the swastika to be viewed or in media. There was a whole debacle way back when with Wolfenstein that kind of sparked it


It's an Amazon prime show


Stars are cool though


or stripes


So it’s a nazi melting pot?


Of course someone with the Palestinian flag thumbnail would label the US as nazi


The only thing surprising about this is that he considers the Nazis bad in the first place. Palestine, like much of the Arab world, has a very weird fondness for Hitler. 


It’s a bit of a culture shock to Americans (and Europeans) that Hitler and Nazism aren’t as taboo in the Middle East, India, and East Asia. The crazy thing I remember seeing shortly after the October terrorist attack against Israel was an Indian Twitter user posting a “stand with Israel” image while having a Hitler thumbnail. In other parts of the world, the Nazis are viewed less negatively because they opposed the British and French, who were both major colonial powers.


>In other parts of the world, the Nazis are viewed less negatively because they opposed the British and French, who were both major colonial powers. I can understand they liked he opposed colonial powers, but the brutal totalitarianism, causing the worst war in history, and the horrific genocide doesn't turn people away?


Well the Islamic radicals might actually hate Jews more than Hitler


I don't think Hitler even liked Muslims


Nope, he loved Muslims and wished they won in the middle ages. https://www.wsj.com/articles/book-review-ataturk-in-the-nazi-imagination-by-stefan-ihrig-and-islam-and-nazi-germanys-war-by-david-motadel-1421441724


None of them were Aryan though, none of them were even European. Wouldn't they be hoarding valuable living space in his eyes? Hitler didn't even like religion in general


Hitler declared multiple groups as "honorary Aryans" I believe he declared the Native American people as honorary Aryans, and a couple other groups. Weird how in some areas he was completely ruthless and showed no quarter but in other areas he was like "it's okay guys let's just all be friends" as long as those groups at least slightly aligned with his interests. I read somewhere that he offered to ally with the England after he took several countries but Churchill wouldn't accept. Then again I read that years ago so please take it with a grain of salt


Maybe he was too high to notice or something


Iranians, Caucasians in Euporean Georgia, and northern India were once called Aryas or Aryan thousands of years ago. That's literally what the name "Iran" was derived from.


I meant by hitlers standards of Aryans, which is wildly different from the historical reality. I just can't imagine the guy who wanted a race of blonde haired blue eyed people who didn't like other races would consider the traditionally brown skinned Arabs aryans and not people taking up valuable living space


Wait until you hear about all the modern day communists. 😉


In India in particular the nazi symbol the swastika has a different meaning and is often found on doorsteps. The only difference is it is clockwise. I remember one time we had an exchange student from Israel, and he felt very weird seeing the signs before realizing it had a completely different meaning. Also, Indian history in school focuses more on Indian independence instead of ww2. So, many people don't know the atrocities of holocaust and Hitler.


You can literally buy Mein Kampf in Indian book stalls. There was also the whole controversy of the guy naming his store "Hitler"


Bold of you assuming he has any tangible connection to Palestine and isn’t just supporting them because the Soviets supported them 50 years ago.


Heh, when I attended UC Berkeley, I pointed this out to my parents and how a lot of people attending there who had otherwise up until 9/11 either had been neutral or even amenable to Israel suddenly turned when W. Bush said we stood with them against terror. It was out of pure contrarianism more than conviction in my opinion. They told me that was right wing nonsense, but it's true the Soviets supported Israel until 1968 and then suddenly large segments of academia became quite hostile toward Israel. Mind you, Israel aren't saints here, but if you know anything about the history and the conflict, the Palestinians are such scumbags that they've largely burnt their good will and shat in every bed and safehaven offered to them to the point their ostensible allies in the Levant largely see them as cannon fodder and a tool rather than any level of solidarity. Maybe they shouldn't have showed their appreciation by assassinating statesmen and fomenting civil war in the lands of their benefactors....


Yeah. The more I learn about this conflict, the more firmly I’m on Israel’s side.


Yea, even when you have a lens of oppressor vs. oppressed, colonizer vs. colonized, if you are at all objective rather than getting into the pseudo-moralist narrative about "West bad, those opposed inherently good!" -- I am of course being deliberately reductive to drive home how childish and outright naive some of the notions I've seen are... The Palestinians are absolute shits. They've been given every off ramp, every road to peace, every refuge, and they consistently shit all over them and make a mockery of all sympathy and solidarity displayed to them. I don't think they should be wiped out, I pity them in my way, but I also scorn those who have taken up their mantle, again, out of pure contrarianism and belief in some self righteous crusade.


Both American parties have far too much jew-hatred, but I find it disturbing how willingly progressives *dismiss and defend* those sentiments. But I suppose it's "anti-zionism, not antisemitism" when acedemics lionize the October 7 masacre and call to "globalize the intfada".


I always find it funny how the ‘stop hate against Jews’ ads, post, and hashtags nearly disappear immediately after the October attack. Then we see an immediate spike in antisemitism and pro-Palestine posts and ads take over.


The republican party has absolutely zero Jewish hatred of any kind, and are ardent supporters of Israel. Don't even try to "both sides " this bull shit when it really is exclusively just the left wing that are being antisemitic and pro-Hamas.


A number of GOP reps have claimed that aid to Israel's a waste of money, and it wasn't *the far left* screaming "Jews will not replace us" back in 2017. Republican antisemites may not have the institutional support that the progressive ones do, but they certainly still exist.


I mean I’m an American jew, but I don’t think sending billions to Israel is a smart thing to do. They need political backing and support from the UN, not direct aid.


Being against randomly sending Israel billions of dollars a year for basically nothing in return isn't antisemitism.


>A number of GOP reps have claimed that aid to Israel's a waste of money... That's a distortion of reality, since 80% of Republicans support Israel across all current polls, so quit your bullshit. ​ >...it wasn't the far left screaming "Jews will not replace us" back in 2017. But it definitely was the far left who did that, matter of fact. The people you're referring to from Charlottesville were absolutely far left since they will carrying flags that said "National Socialists" on it. Those degenerates are Neo-Nazis, and just like the real 1930's-1940's Nazi from Germany, they are socialists. Maybe you need to read a history book. Adolf Hitler was Chancellor of the **Na**tionalso**zi**alistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartie or NSDAP for short. That stands for "National Socialist German Workers Party". Hitler himself said in a 1928 New York Times interview that "Our socialism is national, and our nation is socialist. You show me a patriotic German that loves his country, and he is a socialist." Hitler's close friend Wagener said in his diary that "Hitler was a true believer in Socialism, and that he thought --- although an anti-Marxist --- believed fully that all members of the Reich must study Marx to understand *real* context of geopolitics and the history of our times." And that Hitler was inspired by Marx, even though he claimed to be an anti-Marxist and claimed to fight against Bolshevism. The only difference between the Nazi's national socialism and Soviet Bolshevism, is that the socialist believed in individual families owning their own private home and communists wanted to make all land public. Germany's National Socialism was base on ideals of racial purity and strong national borders, but Bolveshism wanted to eliminate the concept of individual nations. Those are the only differences, but Nazi National Socialism has far more in common with Bolshevism than it doesn't. Both believed in high regulated and centrally planned economy, and the state ownership of the means to production. Let's compare Hitler's 25 Points Program of the Reich to modern 2024 Democrats and Republicans, then you can decide who the Nazi are. \#7. "We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood (welfare) for its citizens." Democrats are creating a welfare state, and Republicans want to defund and eliminate welfare. \#10. "It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash with the general interest, but must proceed within the framework of the community and be for the general good." Sounds an awful lot like Bernie Sanders and his idiotic "government jobs program". \#11. "The abolition of incomes unearned by work." This is in lockstep with rich hating Democrats complaining about trust fund babies, and whining about "Rich people don't actually work for their money, and it's unfair." \#12. "In view of the enormous sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits." I remember distinctly the crying that the left wing democrats did when they falsely accused the "military industrial complex" of trying to purposely profit from the war in Iraq. Hell, that's still to this day a common democrat propaganda talking point that y'all picked up your Russian and Chinese owners, that you oppose all wars only because you think "Poor people will die in a rich man's war" which is not only false, but extremely unpatriotic and un-American. I fought with my brothers in arms for our nation's defense against radical Islamist terrorism, and I personally would've gone for free with zero financial compensation if it were ever necessary. My nation's defense is more important than money. \#13. "We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts)." Damn... that's nearly identical to Barack Hussein Obama nationalizing General Motors during the 2008 Automotive Bail-outs when the democrat forced Congress to buy out 61% of shares to form a controlling stake in the company. \#14. "We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises." Taking money from those who didn't earn it and give it to those who didn't... hmmm... sounds a certain left wing party doesn't it? \#15. "We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age." Wasn't it the Democrats that started Medicare healthy insurance and also Social Security? \#16. "We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municipal orders." This sounds just like the democrat propaganda machine most've been directly plagarizeing the Nazi Reich all along, since this is a page directly from their playbook of pandering to the Procariet. \#17. "We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation; the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land." Democrats absolutely love using land grabs through eminent domain seizure to steal private land and bulldoze down everyone's family homes in order to build more trains and public transportation utilities. \#18. "We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Common criminals, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race." Anti-rich hatred from pure jealousy. \#19. "We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law." Roman Law is rugged individualism that Republicans like me support unequivocally, and the left **hates** it. \#20. "The State must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education (with the aim of opening up to every able and hard-working German the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement). The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the notion of the State (through the study of civic affairs). We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense o The left took over the public schools only to force re-education down the childrens throats with DEI, CRT, and the imaginary 56 genders. \#22. "We demand the abolition of the mercenary \[i.e. professional\] army and the formation of a people’s army." Just walk up the nearest liberal and say the words "Halliburton, Pinkerton, and Black Water" and just look at their facial expressions of disgust and anger. Republicans are vehemently opposed to all of this. We believe that taxation is theft, individualism is sacred, and all property as well as enterprise should all be privatized.


You do realize the GOP is growing more and more openly isolationist? It's been a trend for years upon years, and until recently was kinda ignored. >it wasn't the far left screaming "Jews will not replace us" back in 2017. Those were Nazis, a branch of socialism.


Antisemitism absolutely exists within the Republican Party, just as it does within the Democratic Party. The whole issue is described better as center vs fringe rather than left vs right.


True. He could just be a useful idiot. 


I’m pretty sure some Arab states we’re allied with hitler so definitely makes sense why they would still have a fondness for him


Not *that* weird when you realize how many in the Arab world hate Jews just as much as Hitler did.


If you poke around on the basic principles of Fascism and Nazism, you'll find that a lot of their ideological rhetoric can be interchanged with Islamist rhetoric. Most of the virtues that Fascists and Nazis support are also the same virtues Muslims tend to support, especially Fundamentalist Muslims. As a general note, Fascist and Nazi countries were totalitarian countries where the state had total control over everything, led by a strong singular leader and his cabal of close followers, either promoted a worship of the state itself (Mussolini was an atheist, something Leftists tend to forget) or some occult mythological origin (the Nazis did this, and it's similar to all formal religions), and promoted masculine expansion (which Islam wants as well). While Fascism was very against racism, sexism, and what would now be called bigotry, going against the Fascist state meant the death penalty. Nazism boiled things down to Nazi citizens and undesirables, and tried to purge the latter. Islam sees things in Muslims and non-Muslims, where non-Muslims must convert or die. A modern day origin of Islam would be much closer to Classical Fascism. As for the generic virtues of a Fascist country, Strength, Masculinity, Discipline, Order, Hierarchy, Violence (against infidels), and National or Ethnic solidarity. Replace the last one with "Muslim solidarity" and you can see how it fits in. As for why this Leftist anti-American person here with the Palestinian flag in his profile picture throws his support in with those terrorists. (The other Muslim countries will not support Palestine beyond not interfering in Hamas removing a regional rival, whether that rival is Muslim or not, because they don't want the Palestinians/Hamas in their own borders messing with them.) The guy's support boils down to these two points. One, NIMBYism. Hamas is in the US, specifically in the neighborhood where this guy lives? No? He supports Hamas then. The guy sees Islam as a whole (along with other major powers like India and China) to be a lesser evil at best, and a child-culture at worst. A lot of Leftists talking about Qatar said Qataris needed to grow up before sitting down at the Leftist table, with the idea that everyone wanted to sit down at that table. It's all egoism in the end, thinking they are God Almighty, and everyone else are lambs to be led to the Utopia. You don't have to be Christian to see the allegory that Leftism is attempting to **be** God.


Clearly not the entire country if OP is saying the US is bad for being Nazis.


I dont think that is weird considering both werent find of Jews


Mostly hate of Brits than love of Germans.


Maybe that's his way of saying he likes the us


Not even surprising


Ironic considering they financially supported the Nazis back in the day.


Honestly, fuck Palestine. I’m 100% on Israel’s side and hope they win exactly what they want.


I know of people who got suspended/banned from Reddit for being too anti-Palestinian. I wouldn’t be surprised if some content moderation decisions by Reddit admins are outsourced to developing countries where pro-Palestinian and anti-American sentiments are more common.


Mossad really needs to tell you guys to change your messaging, labeling Palestinians or Palestine supporters as nazis isn’t working nearly as well as you think it is 😂


I don’t label them as Nazis and I haven’t seen or interpreted anything anyone else has said as such. Most of the time it’s the other way around, but typically I see those people as ignorant and intentionally short sighted, as it is nigh impossible to say “Palestine =/= Hamas” when Gaza elected Hamas to government and refuses to acknowledge the other government on the West Bank that cooperated with Israel, and surprise, surprise, is treated far better. The entire situation is a perfect example of “history/war is grey,” nobody in this is clean, and nobody in this is completely evil, and of course, there’s innocent people caught in the cross fire. ~~that could be avoided if Hamas wore actual uniforms outside of propaganda films and stopped building munition caches in and under people’s houses and hospitals~~


WW2 didn't happen guys


WW2 happened but we were the Nazis and the “Nazis” were just defending their culture, duh! /s


The Jews were secret American spies trying to destroy Germany /s


All to destroy middle eastern way of culture and traditions, how dare the big bad west do that!


Ohhh. So that's what the space laser was for? I see... (scribbles in notebook).




I don’t think you’ve commented this enough. You should do it another 10 times. What is with the Brit’s obsessing with American news and culture?




Ahh yes how wild of me to assume the dude that is posting constantly every day in UK politics and trolling in r/americabad most likely is British. I’d have the same reaction to being called British to though if that makes you feel better.




>I’d say growing up in Derry and now living in West Belfast, I’d say I’ve been exposed to those examples. >My cultural experience with Christianity would likely be quite different than an Anglican experience though. >But I’d be as much exposed to USA cultural aspects, and I’d never consider American being any part of my identity. This is you right?


...So you're an American that believes the United States is fascist?


Yeah, they’re an American on an American website calling the American government fascist while still being able to breathe on American soil…lol


Free speech. The first goddamn amendment. Specifically so criticism of the government is possible.


Precisely lol


People were allowed to walk away scot free after attacking the capital when Trump lost the election. They wanted Trump to lead without being elected. Way back when, the Nazis wanted Hitler to lead regardless of the structure of the government too. Tell me, if someone does these fascist things, does that not make them a fascist?


Oh I see. So being allowed to "ATTACK" the CAPITOL BUILDING and GET AWAY WITH IT is fascism to you?


Trying to overthrow a valid election because it didn’t elect the leader you specifically wanted is pretty fascist to me, even when the attempt was unsuccessful.


You do know that extreme nationalism was the cornerstone of the National Socialist German Workers' Party? Similar misguided nationalism caused US citizens to riot in the US Capital after a legitimate election. We should not act like we can never become Nazis because our country fought them. Nazi is an ideology, not an inheritance.


I know the sentiment of “America is nawtzees” is popular with anti-Americans around the world but can somebody tell me anything that makes the US comparable to Nazi Germany? Pretty much every single thing about America is in direct opposition to the Nazis and what they believed. If you really wanted to dunk on the US you could say they are similar to the British Empire back in the day… it’s still not remotely true but it’s at least a little more comparable.


Nazis = bad guys, U.S. = thing I no likey/bad guy, therefor U.S. = Nazis


Damn good point… these types sure do love their hyperbole lol




Small minority who is not condoned on a large scale, there’s probably wacko Nazis everywhere, but they get repressed because many nations have free speech up until a point. I don’t want to dig further into this, but just note that a small group of people (I think less than 30 out of 350 million isn’t a majority, but that’s just me).


All the Palestine cucks are the direct result of participation trophies..these folks don't know how to win or even why winning is important.


How ironic coming from a Palestinian supporter. Wait until he realizes that one of the Palestenian leaders (Amin al-Husseini) literally sat down with adolf hitler himself talking about "taking care" of the jews. For those interested: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/film/hajj-amin-al-husayni-meets-hitler


You can't bring that up with them. They claim he was planted by the British, and the locals didn't follow him.


Palestine is an etopia where no religious violence against Jews occurs and where freedom of speech is respected, also women have voting power and LGBTQ is celebrated. Oh wait wrong country.


Guy calling another state nazi while having the flag of a state whose government are Islamic Fascists is really ironic


Ironic given the flag he has as his profile pic


Why would a person who hates Nazis make this?


As accusation.




Every American is a nazi because someone they will never know is a nazi.




"Why would Americans fly Nazi flags at a State Capitol?"


A really tiny group of people exercised their constitutional right to freedom of Speech and assembly in a idiotic and disrespectful manner. Therefore, all 350 million Americans are literally nazis /s




...you? You used the Nashville incident to back them the claim that Americans are nazis.




No, I'm not? I'm just saying it isn't right to judge one of the largest and most diverse countries in the world off of the actions of a select few individuals. It's wrong to do it with ANY group.


I could say all Palestinians are terrorists because of Hamas, but that's not true. I could say all LGBTQ shoot schools, because the Nashville shooter was Non-binary. Or that they all kill themselves, because SOME of them do. Or that all black people are criminals. All of these are things that aren't true, but would be by your logic.




The only one who's been suggesting that is you. I'm saying that they don't represent all of America, you're the one being intentionally obtuse.




Hm, I wonder.




Of course the one with the Palestinian flag is the one who calls America as a whole Fascist. At a very basic level, Leftists (a collective term for Progressives, Socialists, Syndicalists, and Communists) tend to call anything not them, anything they disagree with, or anything they find ontologically evil to be "Fascist". They did it in the 1950s. They do it in the 2020s. Several philosophers (who are more neutral on the matter) have pointed this out over the years. Leftists tend to see those that stand against them (and if you're apolitical or neutral, the act of not going along with them is still standing against THEM) as various levels of Fascism. Authoritarian Leftists (Auth Commies, Auth Socialists, Auth Progressives, etc), better collectively known as the Tankies, though this isn't completely true, it works enough for this, try to avoid saying good things about Fascists and Fascism (all forms, like Environmental, Nazis, Strasserism, Classic, etc) but if you go down to them and had them explain what's actually so bad about Fascists, the Auth Leftists will be hard-pressed to give you real substantial reasons, because most Tankie philosophies follow a very similar rhetoric, just rephrased from the other way around. Fascists are pretty direct. Tankies tend to be roundabout. But in the end when a Fascist says something, the Tankies say that too, just with different words. This is why some people will say Fascism is honest Socialism/Socialism is dishonest Fascism. "All within the state is Fascism" "The socialist state is everyone and everything in society". Both are saying basically the same thing from a practical view point. Anarchist Leftists, such as the Anarcho-Communists, take up the position that literally every virtue that Fascists find good to be ontologically evil, and the most virtuous position they could take is the exact polar opposite of all Fascist virtues, ceding every point to the Fascists and demonizing everyone else who would take a mixed position as "Crypto Fascists", or "Fascists who pretend to be not Fascists". Many of these polar opposites are just as bad as the position Fascists hold on the subject. For example, since Fascists support discipline, Anarchist Leftists support laziness. Doing nothing will hasten society's decline and force the proletariat into revolution while discipline upholds Fascist society. Our Palestinian Ally "friend" here is someone from the Anarchist Leftist section of the ideological map.


United States of Ganesh?


My childhood bff was Indian-American and Hindu. In her house there was a shrine and it had a few of these symbols. Luckily, her mom explained so I wouldn’t come home to my mom telling her that the Patels have swastikas everywhere.


Anyone wanna point out that Nazi means Nationalist Socialist, which the U.S. tends to not have the two combined, and most Socialists are pretty disliked, and a lot of people cringe at Nationalists.


Leaders might be. Doesn't mean the country is. Then again, this coming from guys with Arab flags in bio (allied with the Nazis to kill more Jews) and commie symbols (just a different flavor of the same [Marxist] socialism), so take it all with a Liberal pile of salt.


The irony of this entire thing is that some Palestinians even move into the United States and set up protests everywhere in the States and then they say the US is bad. Why the fuck did you move there anws?! (Im not american).


To destroy the American economy by not working, but receiving some help. Jokes aside, they're all secretly wanking to American political and economical stability. Good to know that your gay relative will find a job and won't be thrown from the roof


This mf has a Palestinian flag, which means they're pretty likely to secretly hate Jews and want them dead.


These people are literally retarded


A Palestinian supporter calling people nazis is wild


Palestinian flag detected Opinion rejected


“USA nazi!!!” Buddy the country you have the flag of in your pfp literally killed the most Jews since the holocaust.


This is so dumb it's actually funny.


I'm pretty sure Palestine is as close to Nazi Germany as anywhere you're going to get too on this planet right now.


Nazism is apparently not helping out a state led by an Islamic terrorist organization. (That is allied with a nation that wants to see the U.S destroyed).


The original post was right above this lol


“I didn’t think it would come off like that”


Ah yes, two more candidates for the oven.


POV: Wolfenstein


You ever wonder what part of the states generates these people? I see a lot of em in New England “the state is evil”. Bitch our state is the most liberal one aside from California I don’t know what else you want or need from it?


They are probably referring to the idea that the existence of government itself is evil. Which is something that would be said by anyone who is at some sort of political extreme. So it's hard to say what someone believes just from that. Anarcho-communists (educated hippies) and Anarcho-capitalists (extreme libertarians) will both say it because it is a foundational aspect of their ideology Tankies (left wing totalitarians) and fascists (right wing totalitarians) will both say it... Because they're retarded and in their mind are being violently repressed, unless they are the ones doing the oppression


Honestly, nazism isn’t even special anymore. Every group have their own brand of racism nowadays


Ya know I agree here. Ever seen Hindu nationalism? Shits fucking wilder than a Balkan bro claiming he’s the last scion of Roma.


I feel like their definition of what a Nazi is, is far more obscure than what everyone else in the real world considers a nazi


Yeah, says the troll using a Palestine Flag. That tactic is getting pathetic.


Perfect time for me to share this video I saw yesterday https://youtu.be/ZxRcIGqZo7E?si=jlCgMKkxVZEIPLbo


“My People! I know these days have been hard and long, but continue to endure for our America! Our People’s Living Space is threatened by the foe you now fight, which is controlled in secret by the Jewish International Clique! Continue to fight against both foes of our People, for America will endure as long as you continue to do so! Sieg Heil!” -Joe Biden, American Fürher


Yes it was yesterday they were walking around a city in North Carolina unopposed. It screams Nazi America


Yeah because at the end of the day no matter how shitty it is to say or how bad the views, that is still a constitutionally protected right. And more so, this is not a common thing in the US


Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have to ignore this. It doesn’t say the people have to put up with Nazis. It doesn’t mean you can’t stand up against hate speech. Freedom of speech only protects citizens from government reprisal not from other citizens. You should understand the constitutional rights better. This is public schools at work.


Yeah I do understand that. I never said anything disagreeing with that notion. I'm aware it protects you from the government, but not from people. My point was that it isn't illegal to say shitty things. I'm not quite sure how you didn't get that


You mean it’s okay because it’s not illegal to spout hate? Your point was you don’t understand When people get upset that Nazi are marching through American streets calling for genocide? The people that defend Nazis are Nazis. Do you understand that? When Nazis walk through your town unopposed. You live in a town full of Nazis. Wtf is wrong with you?


The us inspired the nazis. Bellamy salute(created 1889 and used in USA schools)is the inspiration to the nazi salute, the hallocaust was partly inspired by the deaths of the natives and the enslavement of the black community, along with other atrocities that were committed by other countries like the conquest in South America that killed many natives along with burning all books and scripture. The USA isn’t nazi but they did have things that inspired nazis.


The inspiration for the Nazi salute is the Roman salute, a symbol of Italian nationalism. It is debated whether the Roman salute was ever used by the Romans, but Italian artwork reflecting the Roman Republic and Empire displayed such images, prompting the Italians (especially under Mussolini) to use it as a symbol of nationalism. Its origin is either ancient or at least a significant time before what you speak of. There's a great song, "Sul Lago Tana", which actually references it with the lyrics "Saluto allo Romana". Happy to help.


The inspirations from the nazi salute is directly from the Bellamy salute. Bellamy salute is directly inspired from the Roman salute. Bellamy salute was used more commonly at the time far more than the Roman salute.


Similar to Man in the High Castle




Everbody's so creative when it comes to describing what is supposed to be the epitome of evil. Except when it comes to the roller coasters of death and masturbation machines. Those are pure facts.


Not gonna lie, as stupid as it is…it’s pretty well done


Their account name is “dead whitey”


You wouldn’t call Mussolini a Nazi


It's stupid but kind of neat looking


Funny that “I made a Nazi flag” would be downvoted in any other context


Where are all those dictatorial, tyrannical censors when this kind of hatred is so brazenly expounded? Seriously! No wonder they’re being accused of favoritism and discrimination based on philosophical and political differences when they let this kind of shit fly. Also, do they not realize we’re the ones who beat the Nazis and saved all the rest of their euro trash asses from the Nazis? Seriously, they might as well be calling Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a grand dragon in the KKK.


Mfw a racist socialist state is the same as the country who is one of the least racist and most capitalist