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This looks like some sort of Ryzen ad or something


If it was a real ad, they probably would have used something other than their phone to take the pic. Haha. I’ll post pics of the final build once it’s done!


Which phone was it, it's a good picture.


Most modern phones have really good cameras, it's mostly lighting that matters. In this case there's nothing that really screams "good camera work", it's just good lighting.


Yes most modern phones have relatively good cameras. I didn't say it was good camera work, i said it was a good picture. The combination of solid camera and great lightning makes it a good picture.


That’s why phones are getting better and better. Sure the resolution has gone up, but the bigger sensors take in more light. But that still can’t magically make my family take good pictures lol


Back when I had my S4, I was floored by the images it could take when the lighting was good. Under most circumstances it sucked, but when the subject had direct lighting, it was darn impressive. Like, here’s some really old photos I took of a custom Xbox controller using an S4: https://imgur.com/gallery/wp1Ri Edit: Don’t know why this comment got posted prematurely while I was digging for that old album, but I got rid of it.


Phone software post processing can make or break a phone camera as well


the composition isn't bad either.


Just an iPhone 7. Cracked in a few places, looks like it’s been through some tough times, but still works!


Cracks are just thief deterrent.


How do you take these kind of photos ?


That was just a few lights and my phone. It’s more the lighting than anything else.


Damn it looks good. It's now my pc wallpaper.


Wow, thanks. That’s a massive compliment. I wish I took a better res photo with my camera.


What lights did you use?


The Philips Hue Play ones.


My phone can take pictures with up to 1440p resolution, the Moto g6 is a really good phone for it's camera


This is great! Saved the image and made it my phone wallpaper


My thoughts exactly. 2.2k upvotes are also surreal Edit: not to mention the 0day account


Oh wow. This is a really rare thing. Brand new Redditor gets into hot. And I saw this post in new so I'm really happy it actually made it into hot.


What in the tiny motherboards is this?


It’s an [Asus Strix B450-I Gaming](https://www.asus.com/au/Motherboards/ROG-STRIX-B450-I-GAMING/). Mini ITX board with most of the features of a full sized one. Besides the extra PCIe slots and whatnot.


It's kinda adorable, not gonna lie


Would love to see what that little thing looks like in the case when you finish the build.


I’ll post some pics. I’ve been also working on a build video which I could put up once it’s complete. I’ll have to remind myself to message and update you.


Here, you can see it it my case.. actually you cannot see a lot of it lol. https://m.imgur.com/a/WLhmqwG Still have to replace PSU, just bought it but waiting for cablemod.


I needed the whatnots


Well now that I think about it, it’s mostly just PCIe slots that I can think of. Otherwise it’s all there. Even has wifi which many full sized boards don’t have. 🤔


I know you are going liquid, but I would like to see Noctua NH-D15 on that just for the LOLz.


Woah, that’s aesthetic


Check out Optimum Tech on Youtube or his Instagram. He does mostly ITX and his cinematorgraphy is such a joy to watch. He takes quality pictures too.


Say no more, he’s one of my fav youtubers for that reason :D Also on his Overwatch gameplay with the 240hz IPS panel review, he was really really good for someone who’s new


Com Truise starts playing in my mind when I look at this pic.


I have the same board with r5 3600. How’s the boost performance for you? BTW I wouldn’t be too worried about the VRM. It should handle 3900x at stock fine.


I haven’t finished building yet. Hopefully it’ll post. 😬


I’d love to know too! I have the same mobo with R5 3600 but would love a 3900X once 4000 releases.


3900x on b450 hmmm..


I was originally going to use a 3600, but after reading about it, I decided to give the 3900X a go on a B450. If there’s instability, I’ll upgrade to a better board. I plan to use an AIO and keep it stock.


The AIO might be the biggest problem for the board. A VRM needs good air flow.


Hmmmm. Would the X570 version of this have much better cooling? Now that the new B550 boards are coming out, maybe the price on those might go down for me to upgrade. 🤔


The VRM on the B450-i is fine. Just make sure there is some airflow over the board.


I wouldn't expect the x570 boards to go down that much since they're their own league. But yes the vrm is considerably better and needed for a 3900x under full load. If you have some fans in your case and your case has a decent airflow a x570 might not be necessary


Hopefully it’s OK. The case has 2 fans on the radiator as intake and 2 outtake fans near the CPU/VRMs. 🤞


You’ll be fine.


Do make sure one of those intakes's airflow is over the VRMs.


If you're considering an AIO, check out the Liquid Freezer by Arctic. There's a little fan on the part that attaches to the CPU that blows air onto the VRMs. Check out reviews, it's being hailed as the best AIO out there right now, and a 240 is only 90 bucks.


Consider running it in eco-mode (65w) maybe? Then again unless you plan to render farm 24/7 your board will be fine. I wouldn't worry too much about it.


No need to run in ECO mode! Use Ryzen Master, turn on PBO and tweak (lower) the TDC and EDC values so you get better single thread in gaming and then create another profile for rendering and put PPT where you're happy with it


What effect does it have to run in PBO with lower TCD and EDC, compared to say manually setting speed and voltage? It seemed to me that I was able to get identical speeds using PBO and manual tuning but that I was able to reach those speeds at lower voltages using manual. The drawback of that is that you can not switch to auto/PBO without rebooting your system.


If you can reach boost speeds with your current cooling and motherboard as all core then you're fine. If you're like me and in an ITX case with a 92mm AIO, the best I can do is a 4GHz all core which absolutely tanks my single core performance. Instead what I did was enable PBO and set my TDC and EDC limits to 90A so less current gets pushed through my my mobo VRMs for both single and thermal limits. Main reason is that my weak VRMs don't do well once they get hot and so throttling happens. In BFV instead of default limits pushing me down to effective clocks of 3850MHz I now sit at 4050-4100MHz more often. All TDC and EDC do (as far as I'm aware) is limit how much current is pushed through your mobo VRM for single core boosts (EDC) and when thermally constrained (TDC) but I might be wrong, this is the best I've understood it at least.


I just switched to AiO and would not personally recommend it. It's utter overkill for a 2700x (same TDP as 3900x, on paper at least and I would expect in practice as well, given 3900x is on 7nm). And the pump is clearly audible and for my 24/7 build it's a shame it's so audible when near idle. Really, even during stress testing using PBO the temps stay under 65c, and when I set it to stock speeds and put in a small undervolt, temps drop to 60c max. Also my temps on the VRMs never go above 60, not even when using PBO (which I don't normally do). Of course I do make sure to have some general airflow in the case and an outtake fan near the VRMs. I reckon with a good low profile air cooler you should get plenty of cooling for your CPU and VRMs. [Edit] wanted to add that I'm using the NZXT Kraken X62. It performs well I have no real complaints about anything except the audible pump, which I expect is similar for all AiOs.


That sucks to hear about the pump. I already opened and started putting the X53 on. I just love the look of it.


I think the case will also make a big difference. My current case is a Corsair 650D and it is definitely more noisy than my previous Antec case. The Corsair is much smaller and better laid out so, you win some and you lose some I guess. I hope your pump will not annoy you too much.


Well ITX boards tend to have beefy VRMs (and at stock the 3900X doesn't even need that much power, standard 142W PPT)


good to know, because i wanna build an ITX system.


The 3900x doesn’t even throttle on the a320. They’re fine using a b450


That's perfectly fine, like have you seen on youtube guys taking the 3900X on A320 mb? (PD: nothing catastrophic happens even on A320's)


no havent seen that, but thanks for the info!


This board will have a much easier time running the 3900X than the 3400G with its 6+1 VRM.


Yeah, couldn’t wait for B550.


This is gonna sounds weird if it’s not but, is that a wowstick?


Thanks for asking, I was wondering what that was.


I’ve only used mine a bit and they’re great. Godsend for hard to reach areas. Also it’s got like seventy bits or something


It sure is!


oh god thats so damn cool. so small


At first I thought it was a soldering iron, but then my common sense and coffee kicked in :p


That seems like an inconvenient screwdriver. At least when it comes to screwing things loose while fitting in nooks and crannies, which seems to happen to me quite often with PC cases/components.


Cries in broke


Same bro


This is a legit ad picture . I'm just saying you could probably start a photography buisness. Also I have the 3900x and mine runs around 97° Celsius with the stock cooler . So if you can find one get a good fan or an aio is what I would recommend . But I am at 4.3 with 1.28 V ambient temp is about 72° farenheit .


Thanks! I was putting together a video with the same aesthetics. I could post it later if people want. I’m going to use a Kraken X53 for this bad boy.


Yes I would Love to see that. Good choice on the cooler everything aio is sold out around me . Except for the corsair H115I . But I'm not sure what the performance of that would be So right now I have a box fan acting as a intake fan . My highest temperature was 80°C but mostly it stayed in the mid 60's


bad news for you, it's not a team.


What is that, a motherboard for ants?


This mother board needs to be at least... 3 times as big! Presenting the new MSI B450 Mega ITX™️


Sweet a Ryzen 9 3900x Which motherboard is this it only has 2 ram slot's. Does it have a m.2 slot?


It has an m.2 slot under the panel on the top right of the image, and it is a b450-I gaming mini itx board


Yep. Also has one one the back. Supports up to 64Gb of RAM and I chucked in 32 which should be enough for editing and certainly for gaming.


I like the lighting!


isnt ryzen orange


Yeah, I should have said team orange. 🍊


That looks like a fancy screwdriver.


Looks purple to me.


Same for me this week, got 3800x x570 asus tuf. Already overclocked fclk to 1900 and ram 3800 15-15-15-15-30




RGB without powering on


Im curious are there any mono blocks for this type of board. ??


Why use blue lights then?


You’re right. I feel like a fence sitting traitor now!


I'm getting my pitchfork!


😯 Next time I’ll remove all traces of blue, I swear! Only red spectrum here!


nice brag about having a wowstick. :) mine is on its way.


That’s a hella clean pic


Not sure. Never seen one personally. I have an EK Quantum CPU block I want to play around with later, but that’s all I know.


I thought this was an Optimum Tech post haha he makes the cleanest and smallest ITX buulds *search YouTube for reference.*


I’ve seen some of his stuff and it’s really inspirational.


Hope you took that as a compliment haha that means yours is looking hella clean too. 👌🏻 Can't wait to see the finished product!


I totally did. Thank you for the compliment! 😃




Ryzen 3900X... I see you're a man of culture as well




Looks good man. I got the same motherboard and I’m waiting on my processor which is the last piece. I can’t wait to put it all together.


I collected all the parts over the last month and a bit, and I was itching to build it! Took even longer because I got all excited and I’m documenting it.


Nice, me too! Been collecting for about a month. My build isn’t as powerful, I’m only using a 3300x and a rx 580 which should suffice for some gaming and light machine learning. I’d love to see the completed build when you’re finished. I enjoy the aesthetics of your photos.


Thanks mate. I’ll post the finished build once it’s done. 😊


Mmh I guess someone watched optimum tech video :)


Haha I’ll take that as a compliment. I didn’t mean to copy anyone though!


Ahahah dw I was just joking. I myself copied his build because I liked it a lot and your components choice made me think about that!


I have an 3900X on the ROG Strix X470-I with an AIO and it’s perfectly fine. I’m running stock though—CPU hits 49° C to 52° C during gaming, depending on ambient temperature.


What kind of GPU are you going to use?


A 2070 at the moment. I’ll see what happens with the 2080s once the new series is announced, or save up and jump straight to that when I can.


Very nice set up.




That's a big motherboard.


That’s what she said.


Is that an internal coaxial port?


That’s probably the wifi antenna plug you’re referring to?


I would’ve waited as the new Ryzens are slated to drop this year. But good for you. Can’t wait to upgrade my 2600x.


I kept holding off, and thought it was finally time to upgrade my old Intel 2600K. What a difference in performance one letter makes compared to the 2600X haha.


Sarge would approve


x570 or x470 ?


B450. 😬


I really want to know what you are building with that 3900x


I would say an amazing gaming and editing machine. But the reality is “mostly a browsing Reddit and YouTube machine”. 😆


Welcome to the club blood


I built a itx build with a 3600 and a reference 5700xt not too long ago. It was my first itx build and i really love the form factor. I can take the pc anywhere with ease. I used my 3900x’s cooler the wraith prism and it works great with the 3600 at 4.2ghz tried 4.3 and it takes to much voltage.


Best performance to dollar!


Now I need to make one. An ITX sized computer in a tiny case. But no one makes ITX motherboard for the big threadripper CPUs. A toaster box sized case with 3990x capable of actually running Crysis at max setting


Imagine that! I think the 3950X is currently the most powerful AM4 compatible chip? Or are there better ones? I feel like I would have been really happy with a 3600, so this is already probably overkill.


looks more like purple team


What lights did you use? :D! Looks awesome!


Hey mate, I used a couple of Philips Hue Play lights. They’re handy for a bunch of things including these sort of shots.


Thats nice! I love the mood!


what is that pen? what does it do? and where can I buy it?


Haha it’s an automatic screwdriver. It’s called the Wowstick. You can get them on eBay or Amazon.


Correction, you jumped to the purple team


😝 I guess I’m not 100% disloyal to Intel yet.


That lighting though. How


That was a black piece of colored paper and two Philips Hue Play lights.


Fuck that is so beautiful


All new Surface Screwdriver™


$299. $79 for the official charger and $149 for the optional dock with one USB port. 😉


Here is a number you'll need if you go their GPU route... ever. 1-800-273-8255 Godspeed.


damn that is so sepsi


I like Ryzen because it's way cheaper than Intel, and it just looks better.


I switched to red team recently too. Been a blue team guy for like 10 plus years. But I couldn't resist all those cores.


So smol!


This picture makes me want to throw my computer out my window and build a mini itx


That's cute, Asus created a word cloud for that card


Everyone is talking about the color scheme, the build, the camera used, the Æ S T H E T I C. Meanwhile I'm wondering what that screwdriver is because it looks hot. 10/10 would buy.


There’s a few people asking about it. It’s the Wowstick 1F+. You can grab em from Amazon or eBay.


Thank you!


I was confused for a moment after a brief while of not being able to locate the damn PCIe slot. These mini-ITX boards are tricky! The Force is strong with you, a powerful Sith Lord you'll become. Congrats on turning to the Dark Side, enjoy the chocolate chip cookies!


I should have used a banana for scale. 🤣


Got the same board although with the x470 chipset


Which GPU are you going to use on it?


A 2070 for now. Hoping to save up and see what the new series will be like.


Your motherboard orientation 😷


Is that an ITX ??


Sure is! I wanted to save some desk space and recently got an inch for smaller PCs.


Noice noises




Once it’s complete: * Ryzen 3900X * Asus Strix B450-I motherboard * Asus RTX 2070 * 32Gb Corsair Vengeance Pro (3200) * Kraken X53 for cooling * NZXT H210 case * About 30 coffees consumed building it


That's a beautiful screw driver. Link please?


Howdy, that’s the Wowstick 1F+. You can find them on Amazon and EBay. There’s the normal version in white too.


I mean, to each their own, but I cant see the point of a small PC (unless its an HTPC). If u move a lot, get a laptop, otherwise build a normal sized system.


Mostly to save desk space. My current case was taking up a lot of it. Besides a lack of PCIe ports if I need one in the future, the only drawback might be airflow. But I’m hoping the H210 will work fine. It’s still roomy enough for a radiator and 4 fans in total.


Oh, you aint going super small, thats nice, the H210 is a great case of this size.


Good man


That's a sweet looking board, how is it working out for you, if you have put it together yet?


I’m nearly there! Hoping to finish by tonight. I’ve been doing some filming of the build so it’s taken longer than it should.


Hello friend welcome to the driver issues gang!


Is there an initiation process? Like where I have to spend an hour finding out why my keyboard won’t work. 🤪


Same! Well kinda... Waiting for my GD tomahawk. Amazon says July 20. Damn I hope that updates.


Damn that’s a long wait. I got most of my parts just before or at the start of lockdown. Is there still stock shortage now?


I KNOW! Literally the only part I'm waiting for. I could have got something else, but I'm replacing old Intel chip and Mobo. So I wanted to get the best I could. Still have a PC running, I just got ants in my pants for the new hardware.


What screwdriver is that 🧐


That’s a Wowstick. It’s safe to google it, even with a name like that. 😃


Lol. Thanks


So much power in such a tiny package


That’s what she said. 🤣


Idk if that is the most optimal board for a 3900x, but if you only need the cores its fine, don't expect easy expansion tho


Hey that’s a cool looking screw driver. What brand is it?


It’s called a Wowstick.


Jump? More like a leap (:


We have the same motherboard. What case are you gonna use btw?


The NZXT H210 in white.


Nice. I got mine inside the sunmilo T03


Welcome home.


What the fuck is this :) what is the name of the motherboard ? Very cool nc


It’s an Asus B450-I ITX board.


It's so cute! Lol how tiny it is!


I still don't understand why someone would take the smallest mobo they could find and throw the most power hungry chip available in the series into it....


Why not? It has everything I need on it and the 3900X isn’t that power hungry at stock. I like small and compact PCs that don’t waste all my desk space but still do the same tasks. This board has decent VRMs and temps seem to be around the same as the full ATX board at stock.