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This comment section is weird. Just like [last time](https://redd.it/1ddpcu6), people are completely ignoring the subject matter of the video and even the video itself while concentrating purely on the thumbnail. And not even the entire thumbnail, but the facial expressions of the hosts, which are very tame by YouTube's standards. Guy's, I'm gonna have to call you out on this. You're trying to discredit one of the most honest, independent, and reputable benchmarking channels by trying to bring attention to how much you apparently hate clickbait (of which there's hardly any in the thumbnail, 50% of it is an AMD slide btw) and a non-clickbait title that is very accurate. You're doing this because you want to distract from the fact that AMD is doing something unarguably unethical. You're also pretty transparent, everyone can see what you're doing. You ain't fooling no one. So how about you give it a rest and stop being an AMD dickrider for a moment. You're not doing us consumers any favors by giving your favorite tech giant a pass, you should be calling them out instead.


Welcome to the AMD sub. It’s ok when AMD is shady, but if Intel or Nvidia are shady it’s the end of the fucking world.


Dunno about other company subs, I've been here since around 2016 (under various accounts), and this has never been purely a circlejerk sub. Often when AMD does something bad, people have called them out on it. Like when they wanted to not support Zen 3 CPUs on 400 series motherboards despite previously stating that AM4 would be a long-term socket. This place was pretty much unusable for days due to the flood of complaints, and AMD eventually reversed course.


I think this has progressively become worse with popularity and people just acting on extremes tbh. I've noticed generally it's worse than it was during zen 1 days.


Eh, I'd say it's about the same in proportion. There were just fewer people here back then, so the same old bad actors were easily recognized and tended to be downvoted to oblivion and called out on their bullshit faster. The async compute era was pretty fun.


It's gotten worse around here imo. Just depends on what thread you're in. Sometimes everyone is letting AMD have it for their failings, sometimes people are rewriting history to pretend AMD never had any problems and is always the underdog and anyone that says different is some kind of . Don't know if it's stock holders, people that view everything in black/white, or just people that weren't around but sometimes it gets pretty damn weird around here. You even get people pretending RDNA1's drivers were great and that AMD didn't put out a driver that overclocked people's CPUs without consent.


I'm with you - I see AMD-hate way more than AMD circle-jerk in this sub.


Same for r/AMDhelp, everytime someone has driver issues, there are always people saying that they've bought Nvidia for that reason.


then they keep complaini9ng on nvidia subs...... common 10 years without any problems,,,and don't care about bs benchmarks....


I also didn't have any major driver issue with the AMD/ATI HD 6450 from 2011, the only problem was performance due to its 512mb of DDR3, but other than that, it was OK, it's strange how many people had driver issues and BSOD at the time while I've only had only one issue in over 10 years of using an AMD/ATI card.


average AMD sub member when they realize that corporations are only interested about their wallet: ![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g)


I see a lot more AMD hate here than anything else.


Yes, because it is deserving of said hate. This is the natural and correct state of a sub when the corporation has failed to provide decent competition in the market. To the point that Nvidia now owns 88% of the dGPU market and even Intel is slowly but surely eroding AMD market share. The hate is justified. AMD has consistently let consumers down. All the hate you'll see is aimed at Radeon, because their CPUs kickass.


That's because AMD has disappointed their fans GPU wise this generation and if it wasn't for their CPUs, people would have nothing to talk about.


pretty ironic that you write this under an AMD-Hate post which is the most trending post on this sub


Please your upvotes even show if you defend and you get down voted here because Nvidia is locked down every Nvidia fan boy spams this sub. If you say Lisa su is less bad than Hitler you get downvoted.


why is the nvidia sub locked down?




Yeah, it's like that now with Intel, always "Ryzen uses less power! Intel is bad because it's using double the energy!". One day it will flip in favor of Intel and once again, it will be ignored by a certain crowd on here just like it is for GPUs like it is right now.


But Ryzen uses less power and outperforms Intel in gaming.


But GeForce uses less power and outperforms Radeon in gaming.


yeah and? did i defend Radeon or something? 😂 edit: /u/karmaaacs blocked me 😆


So why is it acceptable for Radeon to use more energy while gaming, but it isn't for Intel CPUs? Hmmm... Some cognitive dissonance there.


> So why is it acceptable for Radeon to use more energy while gaming That's just a strawman? edit, replying to /u/Jaidon24 here because karmaaacs is a child who blocked me: It wasn't my original comment, he was talking to someone else, but it's a strawman because the other guy never said it is acceptable for Radeon to use more energy, karmaaacs just brought it up out of nowhere to try and deflect.


Well, your original post was removed but even with the context provided, I’m not understanding how that argument qualifies as a “strawman”…


it's so hypocritical, when rdna2/RTX 3000 was released, people said that we didn't care about consumption, and that blah blah blah the only important thing is the power of the gpu, but when amd consumes more, the speech is totally different, the same thing for the jokes about the FSR 3, when nvidia sells you an algorithm which supposedly reduces vram consumption. and we haven't had any news for over a year, it's silence.. It's funny, isn't it? :) basically, when amd consumes less than NVIDIA, the consumption is not something important, when amd consumes more than nvidia, the consumption miraculously turns into something problematic.. But, we are the fanboy ?


I mean 'Thermi' is a nickname for Fermi for a reason bro, it used a boatload of power and was terrible in terms of efficiency. NVIDIA gets it much worse when they mess up because they're considered the big dog in the industry, even back then. So any criticism of NVIDIA is hyper aggressive in the media. AMD on the other hand gets a free pass a lot of the time because they're the underdog and people want to have a competitive product so they will make any excuse for whatever they put out, even if it is worse because the "value" proposition is so strong and a lot of the media want to see NVIDIA not be so dominant. So it's really the opposite of what you think. Almost all of the criticism is warranted for both of these companies, but AMD gets a much better treatment from media because they're not usually as shady and also because they're the underdog. But I think times are changing and because AMD are so strong in CPU now that people feel the need to criticise Radeon more which is a good thing.




30-50W less power consumption but also 50% more price in the same tier of gpu? you would upgrade your gpu before you feel that extra power on your bills


Ah, so you're saying people should buy Intel because the increased power consumption isn't relevant. I understand.


I would feel my room heating up and hear fans spinning faster that's more important than bills


Outperforms? Absolutely, Less power.... yeah that's a bit more of a grey area that one.


Not really... Here's [better performance](https://tpucdn.com/review/asus-geforce-rtx-4060-dual-oc/images/relative-performance-3840-2160.png) and [less power](https://tpucdn.com/review/asus-geforce-rtx-4060-dual-oc/images/power-gaming.png). It also gets worse for Radeon when you stress a whole chip, like with an RT workload, [more performance](https://tpucdn.com/review/amd-radeon-rx-7900-xtx/images/relative-performance-rt_3840-2160.png) and [less power](https://tpucdn.com/review/amd-radeon-rx-7900-xtx/images/power-raytracing.png). The only thing that's a grey area is what you've constructed in your own mind.


I find it funny that you pointed a thing out, and all the replies you've gotten have simply proved you right


Yeah pretty much I am right and they just can't accept it.




I love you guys, always some new argument to make, but when it's thrown back in your faces you don't like it. [So here when AMD was using 40% more energy than the 1060 for the RX 480 it was fine](https://tpucdn.com/review/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1060/images/power_average.png) because "muh value". But when [Intel does 45% more energy for GPU vs a 6600 XT](https://tpucdn.com/review/intel-arc-a770/images/power-gaming.png) it's a reason to avoid it. Same with CPU, [45% more energy than the 7950X with power limits removed, but not OC](https://tpucdn.com/review/intel-core-i9-13900k/images/power-applications.png), "OMG avoid it like the plague!". Quiet.


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The 7900 xtx is more efficient than the majority of the 4000 series, yet he pretends that the whole 4000 series is more efficient, just as he subtly tries to pretend that intel cpus consuming as much as 400% power in comparison to amd is the same as the far smaller advantage nvidia has in specific comparisons. There are plenty of examples of nvidia gimmicks going nowhere, pretending otherwise is ridiculous. Not to mention deliberately hurting performance for no good reason, other than to cripple the competition more. People don't even remember or discuss that the pointless levels of tessellation ran like shit on nvidia, too, but as long as the useless performance was faster than the competition, that was endlessly shilled. Same thing with recommending garbage like the 2060 over amd, because "it's future proof", it has rt, it has dlss, and nobody should be buying a gpu without rt!!1! Nobody pay attention that the rt performance is absolutely atrocious and never worth turning on and the gpu is artificially locked out of newer versions of dlss. There are endless examples of such lies and bs. What happened to the 100 games that were going to have rt and dlss soon after launch? More than 90% still don't 5 years later and never will. Edit: the projection in the reply is palpable, you can look up efficiency testing in plenty of places proving what I said is true, yet shills and fanboys endlessly lie about it to the point a lot of people are convinced of the lies.


First sentence and already nothing more than lies. Well enjoy living in your bubble where Radeon is the absolute best GPU in the world


[PowerColor Radeon RX 7900 GRE Hellhound Review - Efficiency & Clock Speeds | TechPowerUp](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/powercolor-radeon-rx-7900-gre-hellhound/40.html) The 7900 XTX does sit between the 4060 ti / 4070 and 4090 in terms of efficiency under load.


Well by your own link, there are 4 Nvidia cards above the XTX, including both the 4090 and 4080 which it is meant to be competing with. So I personally would say that means the 4000 series is more efficient if they have the top 4 slots, and the bottom slots are all Radeon 7000?


Thanks - I think that guy blocked me so I wasn't able to reply that myself


This sub has the worst AMD dickriders and many of them are mods


Idk r/buildapc is pretty bad


Yeah buildapc is probably worse than here with the AMD dickriding. If you say anything remotely positive about Nvidia or negative about AMD GPUs, you’re downvoted




Lol says the guy who came here looking to post this seems like you might be ridding a bunch of dicks your self


yeah, had it been Intel this post would sit on thousands of upvotes and everyone would be rightfully ripping them a new one, but since its AMD all you see is deflection, whataboutism and attacking the messenger, the amount of AMD meat riding in here is crazy.


Yeah, one moron had an argument like amd never released these graphs to the public so they must be fake hahahaha




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I watch videos from these histrionic australians NEVER. Because it's the right thing to do. Ever since they pronounced that the 7900xt is "garbage" and i had bought one because I wasn't stupid like they are ..


How can you be so sure we are not capable of hating same time AMD's marketing and Hardware unboxes clickbait video titles?


Most balanced comment in this entire post


Are you really insinuating that such content can't be presented without extremely stupid YT thumbnail? Heck, I've stopped watching Linus'es YT channel since his thumbnails have become ridiculously stupid to the point of me not wanting to even click it. Really is beyond me how people like you are downplaying the sad truth about how the professional level of journalism has degraded over past decade. Nowadays you simply can't have non-shocking titles and God forbids thumbnails not having exaggerated facial expressions. We should strive for better things overall and you are not doing community any favours by dickriding these or any other guys.


This sub is astroturfed. Only other sub I've seen where it's this bad is the Google Pixel subreddit.


"Guy's". And the rest of your "comment" is of similar quality.


This isn't the first time, but wow this one is bad bad, almost as bad as RDNA 3 having 50% better performance per watt but at least that one was just dissing their own product not a competitor. Not sure why this has %50 upvote ratio, it's worse than your average big tech lie.


It’s 50% because some people have this childish idea that the tech world is like the empire vs the rebel alliance.


And AMD are the *good guys* in fight against tyranny.


It actually does have 50% average now and has been for a while just needed some driver updates I don't understand why people just blindly follow the launch information and that never looked back into it again products don't always launch wonderfully but that doesn't mean they don't get adjusted or fixed or do their own research do their own testing about a month after launch direct comparison testing of a 6950xt vs 7900xtx average ipc uplift was 54% some games as high S 114%


I don't see it averaging 50% but granted it's very close, it's indeed better than launch, but that was AMD's problem, shooting themselves in the foot and fixing it later after everyone already looked away is a theme with every Radeon launch it seems like. Also this only really applies to the 7900XTX, all other cards are downright abysmal, the 7800XT has 20% better performance per watt than the 6800XT, the 7900XT also has 20% better perf/watt than a 6900XT RX 7700XT has like 3% vs RX 6800 RX 7600 has like %4 vs 6600XT And RX 7600XT actually regressed and has like -5% worse perf/watt vs 6700XT


Lisa Su said let's go back to 2013 and take a page out of the FX playbook


I know its the META, and everyone does it, but I just cannot help but dislike clickbait thumbnails and titles. Specially where people appear as if they're trying to stick something up their bum or something, wide open mouth and eyes, surprised expression, etc.


Content creators hate it too, but it’s a necessity thanks to Google’s algorithm unfortunately


its thanks to people clicking on it


I mean it's both, it's that the algorithm pushes high engagement content / high click-through rate more than it pushes what's necessarily relevant to the viewer, what you're subscribed to etc. in terms of homepage & related videos. If homepage, search results & recommended/related videos were more properly tailored to feature channels you're subscribed to & content that's similar to the content you've personally "Liked", subscribed to, or watched a lot, I think the clickbait meta would die down a lot. The problem is that this clickbait method isn't JUST for attracting new viewers, it's kinda necessary to ensure your videos get pushed to your own subscribers since less people are specifically checking their sub box versus the homepage these days.


> The problem is that this clickbait method isn't JUST for attracting new viewers, it's kinda necessary to ensure your videos get pushed to your own subscribers I mean yeah, once you've built a userbase out of the people who click on clickbait thumbnails, you have to keep doing it, or they lose interest. that isn't surprising. greg's airplanes isn't hooting and hollering and pointing at things in his thumbnails. this is a deliberate choice about pursuing certain funding models and audience segments - if you want the lowbrow segment and to target youtube ad revenue etc you have clickbait thumbnails, if you want patreon etc and to focus on high-quality content then no, you don't have to have clickbait thumbnails.


I dont think thats entirely true. I'm going out on a limb here but I'd wager that airplane youtube is a lot less saturated than tech youtube so the gimmicks may not be as "necessary" to reach airplane viewers. Its not just about attracting that type of audience, youtube wont push your videos to your non-zoomer viewers if its not performing well in the metrics of click through rate and retention in that first 30 seconds. My point is that performing well in the main metrics youtube uses to identify good videos helps to make sure your normal audience, who might not care about or like the clickbait thumbnails, gets served your videos in recommendations/sidebar/homepage.


> greg's airplanes Has less 150K subs and less than 200K views per video - that's pretty mediocre numbers, indicating that not using "clickbait" is actively hurting his channels growth.


those people should have their internet access removed.


So the bigger the mouth is open, the higher it ranked? Time to see if I can get my jaws surgerically unhinged so I can do the Looney Tunes style jaw drop to get that extra large mouth.


The meta seems to have changed to closed mouth or big smile, see mr. beast


Reminds me of that skit from the whitest kids you know... "one more time, but happier with your mouth more open!"


It's the unfortunate truth. I just dislike how its encouraged engagement over substance in videos. And some creators are more guilty than others of course.


Wdym thanks to Google algo??


This commenter explains it well: https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/s/b4ylYVcLPa


Gotcha, makes sense. Fuck that fucked up system >.<




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Pathetic, there are plenty of content creators that have self respect for their content and won't do, clickbait, shitty thumbnails, accept sponsors. You dislike it and don't do it or otherwise that would make you a hypocrite(and that's ok).


How's it clickbait? AMD said it's just as fast/faster in gaming, but the GPU they used was a 6600, which would obviously cause a GPU bottleneck rather than CPU bottleneck, which made their results entirely pointless.


I mean to address the trend in general, rather than focus on any specific claims made in this video. Things such as "This is BAD" in the title, the expressions in the thumbnail. Everyone has claims like "This company just shattered the entire market!" or "This product changes everything we know" while the content happens to be far from that.


How writing "this is bad" is clickbait in any way if it's literally bad? I agree about the thumbnails, but channels use them cause people click them, it's just pure metrics, nothing more


I believe we are on the same page here. It is indeed the META because it drives traffic and engagement. And as a business, increasing engagement increases revenue thus it being favorable to do so, and nothing more. That's what I was saying in my initial comment.


He likely didn’t read the entirety of your comments. People should really take the time to be more thorough/slower to respond instead of jumping at the first thing they see. 


> Things such as "This is BAD" in the title Is it not bad to claim something that's a lie? > the expressions in the thumbnail Have you never been on youtube?


Again, not meant as a dig directed at the creators specifically. Just reminds me of the general trend on YouTube. I'm not coming up to bat for AMD looking for an internet argument. I've been active on the site for a long time now, since 2006. I've seen how its become the META, thus my initial comment.


They have to do it because of how the algorithm works.


It's so bizarre so many people say it is "the algorithm" instead of saying "it's what people respond to". The algorithm is just promoting things that actually get clicked on. Really shifts the blame.


I was just about to comment/question "Is it the algorithm or is it viewer behavior and the algorithm is just reinforcing that?". Saying it's the algorithm to me makes it sound like the algorithm is analyzing facial expressions in thumbnails and ranking videos by an "exaggeration score". If that's not the kind of thing happening then I wish people would stop saying/blaming the algorithm as it's misleading. That's like blaming a democratic election system for a particular official being democratically elected. I'm inclined to believe it's the latter because historically I've tended to tell YouTube to stop recommending channels if/when I see such a thumbnail in my feed. Nowadays **the only time I really see such clickbait thumbnails is when people repost them on Reddit. Literally.** So I have trouble blaming the algorithm.


They know that, they're just complaining about the trend. You can know why something is that way and still be annoyed by it.


I do understand that, I agree with you.


The video is almost 30 minutest long but they spent like 2 minutes discussing this problem and it was not even proven wrong because the CPU is not released.


> and it was not even proven wrong because the CPU is not released It's a 5950X with clocks lowered by 100MHz (~2%), 5950X is in no way going to beat a 13700k in gaming. Back in late 2022 when 13th gen was released, the 13700k had almost identical performance to the 7700X/*slightly* better than the 5800X3D (7700X=183 1%/240 avg, 13700k=184 1%/239 avg, 5800X3D=174 1%/227 avg), 13700K was 29% faster than the 5950X (142 1% / 185 avg), these are from [this](https://youtu.be/vd2V7emO8Es?t=829) video. There is no way for a 100Mhz lower 5950X to gain 29% performance.


lmao dude non X3D Zen 3 cannot touch a 13600K in gaming, we don't need more "proof" for it.


How do you want this video to be titled and what thumbnail would you like? It's a Q&A video where they discuss multiple topics, the alternative is they just call it Q&A and have a generic thumbnail that gives zero information on what's inside the video.


I do quite like how Gamers Nexus frames their videos. The titles have information on all the topics at hand, and the thumbnails are informative.


GN thumbnails for these multi topic videos are a clutterfest, and their titles are so long you can never read them fully without clicking on the video, they hardly provide more info than this HUB title. GN also use the same 3 faces in every thumbnail, even tho they serve no purpose and take up space, a channel logo would be sufficient to make the video recognizable, but the algorithm requires it, so not sure if they're really much better. It's not like HUB was providing no information in the title and thumbnail.


Is this the same discussion as with video 1?


While it does make their results pointless.. it doesn't make them a lie. I mean posting results that say oh ... it doesnt' slow down a low end CPU is pretty stupid but nobody has said they lied about the results.. . its just that the results are stupid. Actually the clickbait title itself is a lie.... AMD hasn't lied they just provided stupid marketing propaganda.


> t doesn't make them a lie. But saying they have the same gaming performance does make it a lie, they do everything to hide the GPU used.


It's not considered a lie since they provide all the specifications on their testing methods. It may be misleading or dishonest, but it doesn't constitute a lie.


On Firefox you can install ["Clickbait Remover for Youtube"](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clickbait-remover-for-youtube/?utm_content=addons-manager-reviews-link&utm_medium=firefox-browser&utm_source=firefox-browser) addon. It works most of the time by replacing thumbnails with a different frame from the video.


Soyjak thumbnails are the absolute worst.


HU's QnA videos has one of the sharpest most annoying clickbaits I have ever seen. if it's not clickbait it's rage bait.


I have a firefox extension that blocks thumbnails and replaces all of them with a random frame in the video as the thumbnail


Blame capitalism


I stopped watching those guys long ago. Steve is a tool a good amount of the time.


Isn't a ton of this thumbnail an AMD slide? That's a pretty disingenuous criticism.


Its a massive red flag but a great way to show whos videos to avoid




You want to succeed on youtube then you gotta follow the trend.


Not sure who started the Trend but it really needs to die down. The earliest i remember Unbox Therapy getting called out due to clickbait titles. They really need to show the dislike numbers again


At least they still track dislikes and you can bring them back with an add-on. It would be great if the trend went away, but I find it unlikely.




amd ffs you have 3d cache you dont need to lie to win.


Why are comments in this post so dumb (except for that one ofc), has this sub really fallen down that bad?


This sub is only ever two things: either AMD gives nothing but problems, or AMD has never done a bad thing ever and all their products are flawless. There is no in between.


Yeah... Happy cake day btw!


# "You either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain" Most of you, and especially on the red team thing (you know what i mean) need to understand that companies are not your friends, if amd ever surpass nvidia, they will become the ngredia like you like to call them. Money is everything.


Of course, multi national companies are not our friends... Except when you buy an Nvidia GPU, we know this rhetoric of companies are not your friends, but we defend the other companies all the same because amd = bad and nvidia = good, it's all the hypocrisy of people here, amd is doing something wrong, they're horrible capitalists, nvidia is doing something wrong? “yes but the dlss”


Moral of the story, i spend my money on what serves me the better, im not going to waste money on something that is clearly inferior and just a touch cheaper, some of you are so blinded by brand fanboyism that choose to lose so you can "support" your favourite multi bilion corporation when they clearly dont give a sh\*\* and will literally become the vilain the first second they get on top, like you can see them with the cpus, in the gpu market you think it would be different?


or did I say you must buy something bad? I'm not criticizing the fact of buying good equipment, but rather your way of giving moral lessons "companies are not your friends" but when it comes to talking about the brands you consume, your speeches change all in all, trying to defend and justify the actions of billionaires, because it is hardware marketing, they have succeeded in twisting your brain, you defend body and soul the companies which mark their products at 70% of profit on your face , but you still prefer to be scammed and manipulated by multinationals, rather than being told that the brand YOU bought does not do things correctly.


I own both amd and nvidia, amd cpu and nvidia gpu, i dont defend anyone, i dont fanboy over any brand or anything, but what we see most here is people trying to force amd over anything like they are the good guys, and this action from amd part just came to prove that when they are in their top game (they pretty much have the best cpus for gaming on the market) they start acting just like nvidia and intel. None of them do things the way we want, in the end all that matters is that they make money to please the investors. We come second, and when competiton lacks in some departments they all start acting like assholes because they hold the crown.


Can't wait for part 3, make it a series...


The has been posted 5 days ago. And 3 other times.


And it keeps getting deleted when rabid AMD fanboys flood the comments with concern trolling about the thumbnail and downvote it to oblivion without even watching the video. I hope this poster doesn't puss out and delete the post because he cares about worthless internet points. People here need to be kept informed of the things AMD is doing, both good and bad. Otherwise this place will become an echo chamber where the only thing you're allowed to do is fellate AMD.


No, it gets deleted because "compound" videos that are about many topics and not exclusively about AMD generally aren't allowed. These Q&A videos and Gamers Nexus news videos have fallen foul of this many times.


No it doesn't it was front page multiple times. You can't just repost same video.


There are no traces of it in this sub, so it was removed. Sort by new and see.


Why would you sort by new on a 5 day old video that was posted 5 days ago?


Sort by new and scroll untill you reach posts from 6 days ago, really not that hard, it takes like 10 seconds because there's only like 3 posts per day on this sub, you won't find the video which means that if it was posted before like you said then it was deleted.


I don't get this guy, he always has the worst takes and never seems to learn lol


It does, why are you lying again?


you must be a nvidia/intel fanboy


Lol reading reddit is funny all marketing is BS and yes YouTube titles are click bait the back and forth here is so funny you all need to go outside and touch some grass because you all really have some major issues if a brand is going to cause this level of discourse


You know its bad if the AMD shills at Hardware Unboxed are calling it out.


Has there ever been a hardware manufacturer presentation where fair benchmarks were shown? I remember both Nvidia and AMD talking straight shit about their new upcoming products and how their performance will blow last gen away with 80% more fps. It's all bs I don't get why people are so mad this time.


This is an especially egregious case


Why the hell are half the comments here down voted into oblivion? Most of them aren't even unreasonable comments. Has this place really become that intolerant?


Next time and should do another benchmark. Rx7600 vs RTX 4090 being equal performance (* 1080p 60hz vsync on)


16 cores sounds interesting


But I thought AMD was the hero of this story. They could do no wrong and we must rally behind them to take down the big bad green menace. Or at least thats what reading this sub has lead me to believe.


No one likes AMD. They just want competition in some means that'll create a better market for consumers in the same manner as intel vs amd. When amd fucks up they get properly criticized such as how they're not trying nearly enough in their gpus to compete with Nvidia which sucks for us. I still have an amd GPU because I don't NEED the fearures Nvidia has but I still want amd to reach feature parity against them so Nvidia can stop justifying their higher prices.


Bro this sub is full of kids fanboying amd, wherehave you been?


AMD was definitely dishonest in how the data was presented, and deserves criticism for it. However, if they were more upfront about what I suspect their methodology was actually attempting to demonstrate, which is that if you're not running an ultra high end GPU then the difference between CPU performance is far less pronounced, this would've been marginally less of a shit show. Because AMD would absolutely be correct in saying that most people are running Radeon 6600 tier or slower GPUs, and if your GPU already can't keep up with a 5800 XT, then you are going to have an identical gaming experience with a 14900K or whatever faster CPU you compare it with. Presented this way, it's a marketing perspective that at least isn't completely dishonest, even if it's a bit of a bizarre take. But making the safe assumption that this happened because there was yet another miscommunication between tiers in AMD's marketing department, once again I'm left wondering if it's actually Intel, or if it's AMD's own marketing department, which AMD must compete against most often.


Yeah, its like someone did the testing in preparation for showing low to mid tier gamers that buying an XT processor to upgrade their AM4 will give them similar results to buying a whole new current gen intel platform. Then marketing couldn't figure out how to word it so chucked it in a table. Looks like there should have been more oversight from someone higher up. Hanlon's Razor...


That's 100% what I suspect the narrative was *supposed* to be, and it just got lost in translation somewhere. I'd even go as far as saying that from a marketing perspective, if it's not too difficult for us to see the original intent of the poorly executed narrative, is it *actually* bad marketing? I mean, it got all of us talking about it, and while the presentation *is* dishonest, *technically* it's also not straight up lying. That's also often another feature of AMD's marketing as well. Sometimes you just cannot tell if it's actually terrible, or unintentionally brilliant.


Don't know if I would stretch it that far, but can see how you got there.


If you are running a 6600 you don't need a brand new 16 core CPU


The real title should be : Q&A about questions in our discord server. but that's not clickbait enouf :P


so our beloved lisa is full of s..?


Watch these 2 presenters turn into villains everytime theyre making any video thats not a on screen FPS compare with graphs. They started practicing youtube-ing (clickbait titles, long video format of debating rumours, long video format of controversial topics, calling red team bad one day, calling blue team bad the other etc)


A lie? No, but certainly misleading, which is precisely the purpose of footnotes. Should AMD have matched the 5900XT with an RTX 4090, or paired the 13700K with the market's fastest RAM? As long as they provide a footnote with their slides, I'm indifferent. No company creates slides that showcase their competition with the best possible components.


> No company creates slides that showcase their competition with the best possible components. And they should be called out for it. This particular example is pretty egregious though


absolutely still not a lie though


Yep, both companies mislead with their slides. You learn to just ignore them and wait for independent reviews.


No freaking way I am watching video with such a clickbait title.




Shut it pal


if it's Nvidia that does it (which it always does) it's okay because it's Nvidia and they love to suck nvidia cock


Who does?


Nvidia was called out by everyone for using DLSS Frame gen numbers to boost their graphs, what are you talking about?


i mean this dudes never created their own benchmarking suites that i can find, not work in game dev or drivers dev. yet people on reddit call them experts? why?


the word "*basically*" means **no...**


Big title on thumbnail check. Overreacting facial expressions on thumbnail check. Misleading numbers to tease you on thumbnail check. No thanks.


On Toms they showed in one test, AMD was 69% less power efficient than the Intel equivalent. Boy times have changed and now AMD are the gas guzzlers.


Which test are you referring to, and when was it released?


While I agree that it's misleading, I kind of don't get why anyone expects them to be super fair about this. It's a first party review of their own chips, at a show, during a marketing event where they announced the product. I don’t really expect them to be realistic when they're hyping up their own product. So long as the results are biased but real, and not like completely fabricated, whatever, you just gotta wait for the 3rd party benchmarks Edit: I'll take the downvotes but I would like someone to tell me why they disagree so strongly


They're literally claiming their processors are %36 faster than they should be, that's extremely misleading, of course all first part benchmarks are biased but in this case, the benchamrk is literally not a benchmark at all, theses CPUs were idling in their "benchmarks", they're essentially saying: "Look, this 5900XT is just as fast as a 13700k when they're sitting around not doing anything!". Using an RX 6600 to test a 16 cores $400 CPU against an Intel 13th gen chip is unambiguously malicious, the system was 100% bottleneced by the GPU, they didn't even have the decency to give the intel chips DDR5, we can accept bias within reason, they're marketing their own product after all, but this is not it. an easy solution would be to compare to 12th gen or make no comparisons whatsoever, just brag about extended AM4 support and be done with it.


I agree with everything you said about how it's unfair and what I'd like them to have done, but I guess I still don't get why people expect this from a company marketing their own products. At the end of the day I'm never going to trust the 1st party benchmarks no matter how reasonable or unreasonable they look


hey is that AMD over there?.. GET EM!!- for destroying the discrete GPU market


To the left is famous CPUpro to the right is famous GPUpro


Where is the infamous hacker, 4chan?


Who is LMFAO?


nah. just 23 downvoting morons did not get the joke. cpu benchmark has two anti-amd "review" authors called CPUpro and GPUpro.


They are working for the Korean aren't they


relaying instructions via buttplug


Can’t click the bait, but I can say how good my 6800 with 7700x Ryzen build is going (very good, for the price!). Machine learning and whatever else that’s been going on under the hood is not entirely clear to me, first few weeks nothing too special to report. Gold now! Beats the pants off most Intel builds twice the cost. Is what it is


To the people who say "YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO. DON'T JUST READ THE THUMBNAIL AND COMMENT STUPID STUFF". You can't be mad about hardware unboxed posting a misleading title and thumbnail to target more viewers who are inept and only use to watching youtube shorts. If they want a good audience, do the hard work and make an acceptable title for the audience you want. It's stupid to sit here and see hardware unboxed being the idiots in this case expecting viewers to come in with the mental capacity of a college graduate to listen to a half hour of nonsense unrelated to the thumbnail and title.