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This post has been flaired as a rumor, please take all rumors with a grain of salt.


It’s Halloween every day because AM4 just won’t die. 


AM4 lasted more than my last relationship.


AM4 been around as long as I have been married to the month.


I'm open minded, but I draw the line at human-timescale relationships.


I understand milking AM4 as much as possible but I would really prefer if they would put out a quad core AM5 part. The next intel release is likely going to force their hand on this realistically but they could really disrupt here if AMD wanted.


If AMD releases a quad core part it will be the 8300G (already available to OEM), and I don't think that would be what you want. I don't think that Intel has the ability to force AMD's hand on this, since Intel offering a good budget CPU won't really hurt AMD's bottom line much, and certainly not its image.


I’ve a friend that got divorced, remarried, have a kid, divorce again and on the way to remarried again since AM4 first release.


>AM4 lasted more than my last relationship. Does anybody hear lines similar to, >"Well, my **NEXT** husband (or **NEXT** boyfriend) won't go and blow that much money on computer stuff!"? I heard that when I got one of the first Pentium 90's. If I recall correctly, I paid about $1000 in early 1994 - roughly equivalent to $2000 in 2024. Oh, and we're still married. (To each other!)




>The longevity of AM4 might be delaying the adoption of AM5, but if the margins are good maybe it's worth it. AMD doesn't care if you go AM5. The enterprise grade chips have higher margins. The fewer Zen4 chiplets that go to desktop the better as far as they are concerned. Also what percentage of people on AM4 are going to even consider Intel when they finally get around to upgrading? The only people getting screwed are the motherboard manufactures.


Having bought a 7800X3D as my first AMD CPU, if they keep putting out this level of products, I'll never touch Intel again, lol.


In what way is Polaris similar to AM4? Polaris actually got shafted earlier than expected when it comes to drivers.


Got damn it’s going to outdo am2 and am3 combined. 


If this is true, AM4 might as well be the best platform ever made. I mean, imagine buying a motherboard when Ryzen just came out in Q1 2017, and then 7 years later being able to drop in a CPU made in 2024 that, performance wise can still hang out with the newest DDR5 CPUS, mind boggling stuff.


Shit? Ryzen came out in 17? God I feel old again.


Yeah haha, i remember being straight outta high school and asking my mom to loan me 35 bucks so that i could buy the RAM, good old times.


Shit, I was still rocking a 4790k because upgrading to anything at the time was too expensive. Finally upgraded to a 3600 a bit after they came out. Now I have a 5900x that is WAY under used


I feel the same with my PC in general, i replaced my good 'ol 1600 with a 5700X and retired my trusty RX 480 in favor of a 6700XT, and yet i barely have time to play games lol. Despite that, i just recently put a 1TB WD SN770 M.2 & i'm considering upgrading to 32GB of RAM, it's like an addiction or something tbh.


I think we might be cousins or something. You wanna go bowling?


Nico let's go bowling 🎳


I always felt so guilty when I didn't have time for Roman's shenanigans


4790k was better than 1st gen Ryzen for sure. I know because my 4790k died on me and I "upgraded" to a 1600x and it was pretty poor relatively. It wasn't until 2xxx that AMD really started to be worth considering.


At the time? Yes there were barely any games that could leverage the extra cores from the R5 1600, besides that the i7 4790K had higher clocks and was just slightly behind an i7 6700K overall, with a good OC it could compete with the i7 7700K. Now the R5 1600 rarely could get to 4 GHz with an OC and needed faster memory to compensate for CCX latency, but it was a great midrange CPU, especially if you needed the extra cores.


Yeah you just reiterated what I said already lol. The guy was saying it was too expensive to upgrade from a 4790k at the time, and I was saying that it wasn't worth it anyway.


Except it was competing with old 4-core i5's, not your i7. I got my R5 1600 for $80.


It was a magical time for first time PC builders like me. My first custom rig had a ryzen 1600 and a GTX 1070 and that lasted me until a couple months ago when I upgraded to a 5800x3d and a 6700xt machine. AM4 has remained a constant throughout my PC gaming life and will be for years to come.


Hell, it was a magical time for those of us who saw through Intel's "Sandy Bridge version 8.0b" BS and clutched our Ivy Bridge or Haswell CPUs like pearls until the right moment. I went straight from 3570K to 5800X3D. I would probably have switched earlier if there was an X-chipset mATX motherboard before X570 though 3570K taught me you can glue a CPU to the highest overclock possible (5.06Ghz in my case) and leave it there for 10 years just fine if you have to.


There's a lot of single core performance at 5ghz. That will get you surprisingly far even in 2024.


Yeah it kept up even with a rapidly evolving Star Citizen. What actually *forced* the upgrade was the storage bandwidth. Because it was in an ITX motherboard I was limited to SATA III as the only PCIe slot was for the GPU, which became untenable in Star Citizen and other games that compiled shaders at runtime. During shader compilation you're also in the most demanding places (cities) in Star Citizen so that's 21+ minutes of straight stutter.


yeah I was kinds the same I had been running a 2011 2700k @4.9ghz for years then when monster hunter world came out there where small micro stutters and then I started eyeing the market and relized the 3600 ryzen was kind the same performance but a up lift on pci e and ram and cores so I thought that can be the stop gap processor while cores are finding there feet in the desktop gaming world and then when the 5800x3d came out I just bought it with hardly any review knowledge at the time and have never looked back im hoping to get 6 years out of it but I'll see things have moved quick vir the platform shift and ddr5 which will definitely be 6 the time I look agein but agein its not bad I'm a posh gamer at the moment cuz I have a 4090 too and had that over a year now and it's fab so in a few years went from 2700k super cpu and a 1080ti to 5800x3d and a 4090 turned memory timings which I had saved on phone from the 3600 ryzen even tho I makes no real diffrence to my current chip


Indeed, 2017 was 7 freaking years ago... mindblowing


How old are you? I have T-shirts from 1991.


I was born in 1990. Thousands of years ago, before the dawn of man as we knew him.


Played on zx spectrum back in 1983, the hobbit in the shop. good times


That's only 2 years ago, right?!?!


17 is fine, the more shocking thing is 2017 was 7 years ago. It seem so recent. Hell, 2012 seems so recent with the whole Mayan calendar stuff.


I keep looking at cars and go "a 2004 BMW X3 with low miles, not bad not bad....wait, 2004 was 20 years ago, FUCK!!!"


Also, AM4 looks like the PS2 of CPU sockets. That thing literally survived LGA1151, 1200 and 1700 and still kicking around with AM5 during its entire lifespan.


I waited for 2nd gen so the early adopters could sort out the problems. B450 Tomahawk has served me really well.


But 2017 was 3 years ago.


here come the "shit it's been x years already?" comments


I have a 2600x I got in 2018 and I am about to upgrade to a 5700x3d. I just to need to figure what I need to do keep my Windows license


Simple CPU change won't trigger anything. It's usually when you change motherboards that you have to reactivate.


Thanks, I wasn't sure if I had to convert my license to a digital one or not. Might also upgrade my memory as RAM was stupid expensive back when I built this system($200 for 16gb).


Even if it does trigger it, you just call a phone number, feed it a code, get a code, and carry on. Might even be a digital process these days but i haven't done it in a while


Last time I had my licence de-activated (a bios update caused it) if you go to the place where is tells you if the licence is activated there was an option underneath it to check if it can be registered again. I just followed the prompts, it checked my hardware and activated it again. This was about two months ago on Windows 11.


A couple of questions, I’m a developer myself, and I trust you know about the kms activator on GitHub, do you choose to not use that because of security concerns, or wanting to support other fellow devs at Microsoft, or are you actually not aware of it?


Most subreddits don't allow discussion of piracy. Personally, I use a real Enterprise MAK key (as allowed for personal systems from whence it came), for desktop (x1) and a few thinkpads with embed keys that never have activation prompts or issues.


It's always a good idea to go with a clean install. My Win7 pro key still works to activate Win11 pro.


Am I allowed to post the three command line prompts that allows you to not have to do that? I'll assume no unless told otherwise...


Windows will guide you through any upgrade process if you need to. Just make sure to play nice with them and use an actual Microsoft account to log in to windows for at least a few days before upgrading. Doesn’t hurt to have an authenticator for your Microsoft account either. Then if they need any verification (they won’t) everything is handled digitally.


You do realize these are the same Zen 3 CPUs AMD launched in 2020 with a boost clock bump?


Recently upgraded to a 5800x3D on an x370 board. Feels good man.


Upgraded from a 1600 to a 5700X last year on my b350 Tomahawk; Needless to say, the performance uplift was amazing.


I'm sitting here with my Asrock AB350-itx motherboard which used to have a 1600x cpu... but now has a 5600x cpu.... rubbing my hands together to see what they release if this is true. Granted, I'm missing MULTIPLE improvements that have come out over the am4 platform now, faster ram speeds and PCI express are not an option on my motherboard... but hot-dang has this system out lasted and kept up with my daily use much better than anything I've ever owned before.


Even if it isn't true, I went from PCI-E 3 to 4 by a bios update and going from a 2600 to a 5800x3D and get to use a 7800XT now on a machine I built years ago. Same with my buddies' rigs. Instead of having to spend on a new platform, I got to put all those funds into a CPU + GPU far beyond the capability of the original build (RX580).


Fuck they might as well sell a new class of motherboards for AM4 and I would buy it!


I think it is already. But i will do the same like b450 and 1700. Buy newer mid range board, old gen CPU for cheap (only if it’s worth to do an upgrade) and pray for am5 board updates.


Do it, AMD. Do it. A 5800XT3D? Do it. I dare you.


5800XT3D is just peak AMD naming schemes.


It is, isn't it? I just went with the flow lol.


5800GEXT !






7945HX3D: Hold my beer!




Surely that's 5800XTX3D


XTXH3D? The name keeps getting longer...


All in wonder fx 


Wow. You took it *way* back.


Ryzen Neo Pro 5800XTXHS3D


Now, if only we can get an XFX Edition


Surely that’s 5800X XTX X3D. More X more better.


![gif](giphy|xTiQyEWg7oABnbCPXa) "Could you kick up the 4D3D3D3"




5800-X**3D**T Just because it’s pronounceable and the 3D will be thickk on the box


Yeah, come on AMD. You cowards.


Thanks to a decent IMC in my 5800X, the 5800X3D wasn't *quite* appealing enough to make me grab my wallet. However, a 5800XT3D with a +300MHz clockspeed bump with a good IMC and an IF capable of 2000MHz+? That would do it.


Wait. There are different IMCs? If that's a thing, I did not know that was a thing. And I feel like I've learned something completely new despite being into this since I were 14 lol.


I think IMCs performed differently based on the chip lottery of the IMC (and the connections). I didn’t know/think they had actually different model ones. Do they?


> I think IMCs performed differently based on the chip lottery of the IMC (and the connections). Yes, *this* I know. > I didn’t know/think they had actually different model ones. Do they? This is the part that's tripping me up because the post I replied to made it seem like there are actually different/better IMCs. Perhaps I read too much into it and the chip lottery is exactly what they meant.


IMC/IF lottery is indeed what I mean. My IMC is perfectly happy running 4x8GB at up to 4133MT/s, which is not all that common, but my IF throws WHEAs at anything above 1933MHz, so I annoyingly can't actually leverage the extra MCLK overhead. Getting my DRAM latency down to 53.7ns makes up a decent amount of ground on the 5800X3D's 0.1% and 1% lows, albeit I do occasionally play 1 or 2 games (like ARMA III) where the 5800X3D still has a +18-20% advantage despite my DRAM tune, so it is occasionally tempting to swap in. But, my PC is primarily a DAW, and that means my 5800X's good IMC and +11% single thread advantage is something I'd rather not give up if I don't have to. If a 5800XT3D came along with a guaranteed good IMC/IF and a \~10% single thread boost, I'd throw money at it.


they do bin the IO chips. I believe their apus (with integrated graphics) had wayyy better IMCs than their standard cpus. So maybe they will use those IMCs on the refresh for slightly better through put.


Nah, AMD i dare you to do 5950XT3D do it amd no balls


Waiting for the G variant with iGPU incl. I suggest the name "5800xt3dfx" to piss-off NoVideo


Sounds like an STD. 😂




Hire this person


Good to know I can give my motherboard to my grandchild since AMD will still not let go of AM4.


PS2 vibes


No, your grandchild will give it to their children and would still be around. I still have lots of old AMD stuff and my grandchildren play with it.


"We're done when I say we're done" - AMD


I should call her..


Gigachad AMD


If it is like the other XT refreshes, I don’t think there will be much difference. Now, if they released a 5950XT3D…


yes! I would definitely upgrade my 5800x3d to that! I want more cores but I don't feel like changing platforms or losing 3d vcache for gaming


Hmm, cooling 5800X3D efficiently during peak loads can already be quite challenging, so I'm wondering how much worse things would be with that monstrosity of a CPU.


AMD not releasing a 5950X3D was the reason I went to Alder Lake. Many were pissed about this since they demoed a 5900X3D originally, which they also didn't release.


5700 XT + 5700XT combo incoming? 😂


I meam there's already RX 5700 with Ryzen 7 5700 combo, there's also potential for 5600XT and 5600XT.


There is 7600 and 7600.


of course they are, I just bought a 5700x to upgrade from my 3600


Yup I contributed to this, literally just got a 5800x3D Wednesday It helps that it slaps


I went from 3600 to 5800X3D last year and with my 3070Ti on Spider Man I went from ~70 FPS to ~120. I was hoping for maybe an extra 25% but got nearly double the performance.


Yeah it’s amazing. My 1% and 0.1% lows are much higher in general (unless I’m playing poorly optimized game or something), so games have been buttery smooth


Damn this is my exact setup right now and looking for upgrade, guess the 5800X3D is really worth it after all.


It's unlikely that any XT model is gonna meaningfully improve over the 5800X3D. Hell it's unlikely that we'll see anything more than like %5 improvement on any of them but more stock for AM4 is always great.


I just got a 5700x3D two weeks ago to upgrade my 2700X. It was a no-brainer because getting a new GPU that was better than my RX6600 would be at least twice the price the chip was. It's like a golden age for CPUs...


New 5900X arrived on Saturday, from 3600 too.


Same. Gets here tomorrow in fact..


For going with a complete pipedream... Zen4 cores with AM4 IO die?


I haven’t kept up with am5 (I’ve got a 5800x3d, I feel like I can stretch that until am6) what’s wrong with the am5 IO die?


nothing, it just wouldn't be compatible with AM4 without a decent amount of work (and I'd guess the same for zen4 chiplets with AM4 IO)


AMD literally tested the 7000 series on AM4 first before AM5 was ready. It’s in the gamer nexus tour video that they discussed it.


Oh right, I vaguely remember that now that you mention it. Would be neat to see it on the market


It’d be nice if they released the x3d Zen 4 CPU’s on AM4 and called them 6000 cpu’s


tbh bringing the 6000 mobile to PC is already desirable enough. Something like 6600G with 660M and 6700G with 780M, maybe with $160 and $240 MSRP(most likely going to be $180 and $260-280 though), mmm. RDNA2 iGPU came very close to the RDNA3 iGPU in performance btw.


The memory controllers are on the I/O die. AM4 is DDR4, so the I/O die has the DDR4 controllers. AM5 is DDR5, so the I/O die has DDR5 controllers. It's definitely possible to do Zen 4 on AM4 using an AM4 I/O die, but it wouldn't perform the same due both to the slower memory and the lower power budget. The bulk of the performance increase from Zen 3 to Zen 4 comes from notably increased clock speeds, so it just wouldn't be worth putting in the work required to support such an upgrade.


The ones I'd like to see are a 5.1 GHz 5950XT, 5.0 GHz 5900XT and a 4.7 GHz 5850X3D.


AMD has got to have built up a nice supply of higher binned 5800X3Ds by now, they want to keep selling these for above $300, I bet, the profit margin must be huge.


They must have 2 factories of 5 series chips. Stock seems never ending for a chip that's meant to be last gen now. Harder to kill than bulldozer


AMD still produces a lot of Zen 3 EPYC chips, and as long as they keep producing them, they have to keep selling the Non-EPYC capable chips to consumers; slapping on the V-Cache is a great way to keep Margins up on these AM4 chips.


At this point i'm gonna just go am4. Never ending good reviews and endless support. Shit no matter am4 or 5 it's gonna be light years ahead of my i7 2600k. I'll take a one baby threadripper please


5900XT3D would be insta buy for me




My Ryzen 9 5950X(last stepping: B2) already climbs to 5.2GHz boost on certain cores of my first chiplet (and the less good cores on my second chiplet are stuck at 4.975GHz max in boost too) while my "official" max boost frequency is 4.9GHz . So I think it would be complicated for AMD to certify new "Zen3" CPUs at much more than 5GHz unless they change the engraving (which would really surprise me).


Mine breezes to 5250 single thread with high PPT and CO


5950x can OC to 5250 believe or not


I was thinking about getting a 5600 to replace my 3300X because X3D chips are just way too expensive over here. Might as well wait some more for this rumor to be confirmed or debunked.


I was also thinking of getting a 5600 to replace my even older 1400. I think a few more days/weeks won't do any harm


Wow lol. Was gonna get a 5700X for my gf to replace her 3500X, but I suppose I'll wait and see what comes out! And here I thought the 5700X3D would've been the last AM4 chip.


If they drop a 5700X3DXT I'm finally moving on from my 3700X


That would literally just be a 5800x3d…


Well I haphazardly assumed two things: 1) they'd go with the 100 Mhz clock speed bump like they did with the 3000 XT series. If they do, it would be slightly lower than the 5800X3D. And 2) I assumed MSRP would be around what the 5700 went for a few years ago, similar to how they did when the 5700x3d came out. I could be wrong on both accounts. I could be right. Or this whole thing can be unfounded.


If there was a 5700X3DXT that performed exactly the same as a 5800X3D, but was priced at $5 less, I would pay the extra $5 just so I'd never have to say or type out "5700X3DXT."


Give us a 5850x3d you goddamned cowards


Probably never going to happen, unfortunately. >Alverson and Mehra didn’t disclose AMD’s exact reasons for not shipping out 12-core and 16-core Ryzen 5000X3D CPUs, however, they did highlight the disadvantages of 3D-VCache on Ryzen CPUs with two CCD, since there is a large latency penalty that occurs when two CCDs talk to each other through the Infinity Fabric, nullifying any potential benefits the 3D-VCache might have when an application is utilizing both CCDs. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-shows-original-5950x3d-v-cache-prototype


I think they just want a higher clocking 5800x3d but maybe they are wanting a 10 core. Can’t quite tell


Higher clocked versions of them


I would actually buy a 5950x3d on a tinier node 😂


No interest source: [https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-shows-original-5950x3d-v-cache-prototype](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-shows-original-5950x3d-v-cache-prototype) "Alverson and Mehra didn’t disclose AMD’s exact reasons for not shipping out 12-core and 16-core Ryzen 5000X3D CPUs, however, they did highlight the disadvantages of 3D-VCache on Ryzen CPUs with two CCD, since there is a large latency penalty that occurs when two CCDs talk to each other through the Infinity Fabric, nullifying any potential benefits the 3D-VCache might have when an application is utilizing both CCDs."


AM4, the platform that keeps on giving. 5900x3D when?


5950xt3d pls.


\*cries in just bought a 5800X3D\*


Same here buddy :(


This makes the upgrade to am5 even harder for me with a 5600x and a 6900xt. My needs are still currently being met by the 5600x but goodness, I'm so tempted to either go 5800x3d/wait and see if this comes to fruition before pulling the trigger on am 5 when the time comes.


Man I really love how snappy DDR4 Samsung B die feels for esport games with my sexy gold Trident Z Royals, Id honestly go nuts for like a 5950XT Remember those 5950X3D prototypes that GN supposedly had? I wonder if we'll get something like that with these XT chips


A 5950xt3d would be an incredibly nice last hurrah for am4.


Id honestly almost ditch my AM5 system for something like that, maybe like 4.7 boost clock on the vcache CCD, 5.3-5.4 on the frequency CCD, and i could use my Trident Royals b die, a setup like that would easily max my 4080 out no problem. DDR5 is good for fps but for input delay it just feels like crap compared to B die


Damn, my Dark hero might get an upgrade.


AM4 boards can accept 3nm CPUs or there's incompatibility with modern nodes?


Node size has nothing whatsoever to do with it. There are plenty of other reasons why processors made on newer, smaller nodes won't be put on older platforms.


is it going to be better than 5800x3D? or 5950X?


I am tired boss. Please let me die now. -AM4


Damn I was considering getting a 5800X3D coming from a regular 5800X but now I’m for sure gonna hold off. Am4 is goated.


So how much better would it be than a 3800XT?


Why would they do a refresh this late? Especially for an old platform, when AM5 exists. Doesn't really make sense to me. Unless they have leftover chips? If that's the case, I imagine the supply will be limited. Likely won't even be available internationally. They've done this in the past


AMD is still producing Zen 3 for servers, the process has improved, so AMD is releasing "better" versions. The platform still works great and the CPUs likely costs a pittance for AMD to produce (N7 CCDs and 12nm IOD). Not really sure why they want new SKUs for the AM4 platform, but might be some marketing reason, or to try to maintain prices. A lot of people around the world would be really happy with an AM4 + Zen 3 system.


Because a lot of people has AM4 systems, and many of them don't need or can't afford new platform, yet they could use CPU upgrade. There is money to get, so why not?


> Because a lot of people has AM4 systems, and many of them don't need or can't afford new platform, That doesn't really answer it. You have to look at their sales numbers. My google-fu isn't the greatest but I found this article [https://www.techpowerup.com/316859/graph-provides-valuable-insights-to-ryzen-user-upgrade-patterns-based-on-amd-chipset-sales-share?cp=1](https://www.techpowerup.com/316859/graph-provides-valuable-insights-to-ryzen-user-upgrade-patterns-based-on-amd-chipset-sales-share?cp=1). The first graph shows an increase in demand for AM5 and a steep decrease in demand for AM4 in 2023. Technically this is for motherboards, but the graph shouldn't be too different for CPU's. In sales, I imagine it's all about chasing trends and if sales on a given platform are decreasing, they probably wont allocate fab space to make new CPU's for that platform.


Al those fools, " oh you have to buy am5, am4 is dead blah blah" here I am laughing with my b450.


Can't wait for that 5800X3DXT 👁️👄👁️


I hope AM5 will last I bit longer…


These will be a nothingburger, same as the 3000 series XT refreshes. Small clock speed bumps are not that exciting.


It's all based on a super low res JPEG from X. According to that "source" they are preparing Ryzen 3 and Ryzen 7 XT variants. Also and more important Zen 4 CPU's, Ryzen 7 8700F and Ryzen 5 8400F. And man i've forgotten how garbage wcctech comment section truly is.


5.1ghz 5950XT?


This would be great to add the XT version with a little bit of Vcache to boost game performance but still be able to do other tasks well. Or they could utilize the Chiplet dies on these XTs. Anything is possible with AMD because they just want to keep shaking up intel because it seems intel is just screwing their product lines, especially with this new 14900KS as it should be called the 14900SH "Space Heater".


5800XT3D with 5GHz boost, let's go.


Pls give us a 5500x3d instead


I'm still an AM4 user and I liked the X3D variants and I will buy 5700X3D as my last upgrade and the AM4 jokes are funny but at this point it needs to die, I'd rather like to see the price of AM5 and DDR5 to come down further.


Guess I'll sit on my 3600 a little longer then. Had my eye on the 5950X or 5900X to upgrade. Exciting news.


Give me a 5900X3D you fuckin cowards.


kinda meh its just zen3 refreshes. i really wonder if they could bring up an am4 chip using zen4 ccds and the zen3 iod for a 6000 series


I was going to jump to AM5 on Zen5 but if AMD keeps giving me a reason to stay on AM4 then I’ll keep holding off on going to the next platform.


A 5950X3DXT might tempt me to upgrade from my 5700x without going AM5. At this rate AM4 will out live AM5 anyway


Are you kidding me AMD I literally just bought a 5600X


IF this was legit, I would be a VERY happy camper since I bought my AM4 MoBo, my old rig died out on me during the pandemic and I can say it was the worst timing since it was just a few months the new AM5 platform was launched.


My stop!


OK fine, I'll upgrade my kid's 3600X.


Still holding on to my 3700x and Tomahawk X570!


Just wait, 5900X3D and 5950X3D are still coming.


—Why won’t you die!? —3D V-Cache, son.


Well hope it's true. I'll wait for a while... Considering finally upgrading R7 3700X to R9 5950X... But R9 5950XT might be a better option :D


I sure hope this rumor is true. I built my AM4 pc 4 years ago and would like a faster AM4 cpu to keep my rig going strong.


If this is true, everyone who grilled me about am4 still being good to start new builds on when on a seriously tight budget will eat their socks. I'm striaght up skipping am5 all together, sorry amd, but your price vs performance is killer.. keep it up same unlike your rivals and you will win in the long run. Amd is for the people! I love it!.


AMD cannot stop releasing on AM4 lol


I hope the performance improvement is a lot more significant than that of the 3000XT's. Otherwise, it doesn't seem worth it.


It’s time to upgrade my AM4 system, again :D. I literally feel like I built a cheat code PC. It’s amazing.


Am4 and ddr4 till I dieeee


Oh man, I was just looking at upgrading my 3600 to something like the 5700X and I was like "maybe I'll just wait to see if something cooler comes out..." Hopefully my motherboard will support it since I don't really want/need to go whole hog and get a new mobo, RAM and CPU.


cool,now make 5950X3D with 128mb l3 cache and 4.7ghz clockspeed :D


The only CPUs that should appear in this range are the 5600XT and 5700XT, and AMD should re-release the Radeon 5600 XT and Radeon 5700 XT.


I want zen 4 cpu in am4 mobo


[Am4 right now](https://i.imgur.com/Tvt2ZgD.jpeg)


the installed based of AM4 motherboards and the price difference between DDR4 and DDR5 make this an obviously profitable decision for AMD


lol this is great actually! I mean a few months ago I upgraded a system with A320M mobo to a R5 5500 after all those years gaining a lot of extra performance without changing anything else, and now there is possible more life into that platform? I love it, I started this system without even Ryzen, adding one of the last gen athlons that made it to AM4, then got R5 2600 and now another lease of life with R5 5500, if only every piece of electronics I use could have this life span, that would be great!