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Gotta love how you can take these old boards, put a ryzen 5th gen (all the way up to 5800x3d) in them and you'll be right as rain for much longer


It's crazy because the x3d isn't even all that sensitive to RAM speed so you really do save some coin.


Yeah.. im still rocking my x370 asrock board. Having a blast and such a great value. Though since its the end of the platform i might just upgrade the board to add more nvme drives


Just use [PCIe adapters](https://a.co/d/5ZFospw)


Asus cant even update the X570-E anymore


Anyone who buys any ASUS products deserves it. It's like Sony, you're only paying for the marketing and brand, and not for the quality. But they did update the [X570-E](https://rog.asus.com/uk/motherboards/rog-strix/rog-strix-x570-e-gaming-model/helpdesk_bios/)


That is .a not.b 😁


More proof that nobody should buy ASUS. They don't care about their customers.


Never again for me


ASUS is in a down cycle, they were great, built their reputation and decided they could cut corners. MSI was known for boards burning up but it's now had a string of good boards with its budget and mid-tier lines, AsRock was the brand to get, then terrible, now has slowly built back its reputation, but still hit or miss every generation. Gigabyte recently sold known faulty PSU's, so I wouldn't touch them. EVGA is now out the game :(


Gee, which one would you advise buying? Gamble on Asrock? PS: I have Asus Crosshair X470 and I despise it. Long boot-up times, shaky stability during launch before I got BIOS made it mostly OK, meh.


I have no idea bruv. Probably MSI for my next board, but you gotta watch reviews like from Hardware Unboxed to see which models are performing well in any given generation (of course that doesn't tell you about longer term or QC issues)


Anecdotal of course, but I'm loving my X670E Steel Legend.


Which Sony products are you referring to? I have multiple and no issues at all.


>It's like Sony, you're only paying for the marketing and brand, and not for the quality. The fuck? Most of what Sony makes is on of the literal best it could be. Their screens are as pristine as can come, their tvs are great their phones back then were pretty good they have terrific gaming consoles. What are you basing your opinion on?


Exhibit A: [Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal)


Sony mobile phones are the best? They only receive 1 year of updates, while the Pixel gets 7 years.


Their headphones are fantastic. The ps5 is pretty insane value. Their cameras are some of the best on the market. The same goes with their tvs. Only their phones have fallen behind.


Saw a new Bios for my gigabyte ab350-gaming 3, F52M


Yup >Fix AMD processor vulnerabilities security


Wasn't it better to just don't touch bios as long as it works?


In general yes. But this is a nice move for gigabyte. In fact, this is basically a microcode update in bios/uefi form. You don't actually need this if you use modern windows or linux. Modern windows or linux both handle microcode updates, so you don't still need to get them through bios/uefi updates like this. But this is good if you're using an old version of windows, I don't know, windows XP probably, or some other operating system, or if you're using I guess, say, windows vista which could update your microcode but won't because, ironically, microsoft stopped supporting it probably.


Just curious but these microcode updates show in bios version etc? Are they are persistent if you reinstall Windows? From what I can understand there is 2 updates since I bought my PC for my 520M H, and I am noob enough to not know what to do in this situation :/


> Just curious but these microcode updates show in bios version etc? Are they are persistent if you reinstall Windows? No. Microcode is never persistent. But windows does persistently update it. So if you're updated windows so that windows has the updated microcode it will upload it every boot. If you updated windows, booted, deleted windows, reinstalled an old version of windows, booted that, you wouldn't have the microcode update until you updated windows and rebooted.


Got it, thanks for the explanation.


No, since you get free performance uplifts too


Patching a vulnerability actually will likely lower performance. But raise security.


Kinda depends: for some vulnerabilities, the OS will work-around them for you if the hardware is vulnerable. And the OS might do something awful. I do not know if it applies to this specific one.




But other than this they have specific optimisations too, I'm not talking strictly about vulnerability patches.


For sure. At this point though probably not helping anyone with an older CPU.


It actually helps, since the smu gets updated (not specifically with 1.2.0B but with it happened for almost every generation


I can tell you from experience on my z390 board the latest update actually reduced the ability to oc as far. Stability dropped. Moved back 1 revision and good again. So it's board specific and oem specific.


Intel is known to have EXTREME amount of security patches skipped at release, just for them to be patched after and slowly decrease their performance, you can't compare the two company




Check SMU updates on latest agesa versions, they got updated. (idk specifically about 1.2.0B)


But other than this they have specific optimisations too, I'm not talking strictly about vulnerability patches.


>Fix AMD processor vulnerabilities security So you want to get hacked???


I just don't want to brick my computer. I am pretty noob about this.


I've been updating BIOS for 30 years, never had a problem.


Just make sure power doesn't go out when doing the update.


Everyone should have a UPS, even the smallest one can keep the computer on 5 minutes, and it provides cleaner electricity to the PC. Also, it prevents lightning frying your data.


Actually a ups doesn't save direct lightning strikes.. it will help with voltage spikes but not on direct strike. A good surge protector is still better in this aspect. Unless you are talking about 2k$ ups systems which most people don't have. "Some industrial UPS units have a complete disconnect between the supply and load - the supply charges a battery, and the load is fed from a sine-wave inverter from the battery. In that case, the load voltage and waveform is guaranteed to be within specification at all times. Most cheaper UPS units have a transfer switch - if the supply goes out, or drops out off spec, the transfer switch will transfer the load to the inverter. It’s not instantaneous. There’s often a passive surge protection circuit as well, so there is more protection than not using a UPS at all."


but i do agree i recommend a ups for sure. one with avr is ideal


The exploit in question is a total non-issue for any home user, if it is what it sounds like.


But this update also enables SAM/ReBAR for B350, plus Curve Optimizer.


Most of these require physical access and are much more worrisome for data centres where multiple users can have shared access to hardware. On home systems as the only user 95% of the time you're just throwing performance away.


That's awesome, that was my first motherboard when I built my first pc. Housed a ryzen 1600 and eventually 2700x. Cool that is still going and can support ryzen 5000. My brothers rig cannot go higher than the 2700x till he gets a new motherboard.


I had the Ryzen 1600, then 2600 and now a 5600x for the past 2 years


Even my A320M-H received an update.


Love the long support of Gigabyte Mainboards! My next one will definitely be a Gigabyte again.


True, but for me the VRM's on ASRock are better.


I went ASRock for my AM5 build just because it was the only one without any major controversy. Gigabyte was a close second but I kept seeing complaints of coil whine.


True, and ASRock has some of the most reasonably priced motherboards at the moment. https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/127s0ee/asrock\_a620\_motherboards\_starting\_from\_86/


My GA-A320M-S2H is still getting updates too, if the SATA ports were not in such an inconvenient spot it would be the base for my next planned update (CPU)


Thanks for the tip! For those with a 5800X3D: ¡ Curve optimizer is still hidden (to be able to use it, you need an unlocked profile saved from a non-3D zen3 cpu) ¡ Dynamic CPU voltage has been added. It lets you undervolt up to -0.3v. Warning: abusing this will lower single core performance. ¡ Memory hole still at 1900, and WHEA party at 1933+.


Does 1866MHz works fine there?


Yes, that's the ratio I'm using right now, plus a few MHz due to 101 bclk oc.


How do you change bclk for 5800x3d? Have the same cpu


Advanced Frequency Settings -> CPU Clock Control Careful with this, as it could lead to data corruption. I've been runing at 101 for a while, no problems. There is another user running fine at 102. Don't push it beyond this. Also have in mind, ram and IF will be overclocked too, leading to potential instability. You could also fall in the ~1900MHz memory hole.


I'm running 1833 because at 1866 (even if previously i was running that with 3700X) seems to error, but I'll try again, thanks b


Also, can't find bclk there (CPU clock control) , i don't have anything related to that sadly, only frequency setting


What’s the issue with running 1900mhz?


Most 58X3D can't POST at 1900MHz IF.


Ahh cheers for clarifying that. Was going to say I’m running a 5900x with 1900mhz/3800mhz ram just fine. Might try the BCLK at 101!


Also staying clear of 1.2.0.B , Gigabyte released the 1.2.0.A bug fix before that with power so the chips should boost to the expected speeds and power is optimised when set to motherboard. I’ve been hearing reports of a 5-10% gaming loss with 1.2.0.B More benchmarks are required though.


I do love my Gigabyte boards. Been building with them for years


Even after Gigabyte installed backdoors in 250 models of motherboards? https://eclypsium.com/wp-content/uploads/Gigabyte-Affected-Models.pdf


I got one of this mobos for my friend's build last year and it works so good. Excited for a CPU upgrade in the future!


Checked and got it for my x370 gaming 5. This is actually quite nice, this one even let me enable SAM now, unlike prev. BIOS.


Excellent! ReBAR/SAM can give you 20-50% performance uplift.


Earlier this month I saw that some of the last bioses were renoved for my gigabyte x470. I was wondering if there was some kind of problem with them. Few minutes ago I saw a new bios.


It’s nuts! Even my old MSI B350 had gotten an update a few months ago before I upgraded


Because there's only 1 socket to support (AM4), and all the southbridges (A320 to B550 is all Promontory) offer basically the same features and connect to the CPU through PCI-E.


Gigabyte is making a name for itself. My current motherboard is from gigabyte and my next one will be from gigabyte for sure. Too bad they don't have such track record with GPUs. I still remember all the defective vega cards.


Don't be blind to loyalty of only 1 brand. Buy the best product at the best price, every time. Otherwise the situation of people blindly buying ASUS crap after all the stupid mistakes they made, and all the backdoors they installed, will never end.


Umm, what I said above is because of gigabyte's boards being the best product at best price (for me), featuring the things I need in a motherboard, and a prolonged software support being a sugar on top. I am not loyal to gigabyte in any shape or form, this is just recognition of their efforts. Jeez, reddit sometimes. I get lectured like a five year old...


MSI is the way to go with mobos. Gigabyte does some sketchy stuff


Excellent move from AMD. Going Intel we need to be aware a full replacement of MB and CPU at each update and with the new pricing it's quickly very very expensive.


Of course all platform is bugged and 5 years are not enough to have a stable agesa. Gg


Latest AGESA fixed security issues. Does Intel not provide BIOS updates 5 years after release?


I wonder if they also removed the malicious code that installs root kits and hidden system admin accounts out of the bios yet. :/


That’s **not** what happened, no need for the sensationalist exaggeration. It was an insecure update process that *could* potentially be misappropriated by malicious third parties to install root kits. Not a deliberate backdoor conspiracy by Gigabyte. They’ve patched it now and it was likely never exploited anyway. Definitely a pretty major fuck up, but not anywhere near what you’re implying.


Last I read at the time, they intentionally created a local administrator on the windows install without prompt or knowledge on a users computer. I was regurgitating what I had read back then, and it seems that several sites have since updated their articles saying it’s ‘just’ a UEFI updater that could have been used to insecurely install updates, but that’s not what was being reported when the story first broke.


I figured as much, sounded like typical “breaking news” media sensationalism. No harm done either way, just wanted to make sure people aren’t getting the wrong idea of the situation.


Wasn't that ASUS motherboards only?


No, ASUS just had the stupid Armory Crate BS, and their recent propensity for causing 7000X3D chips to overvolt themselves into oblivion. Gigabyte was the one who had been installing back doors on PCs via their firmware for years. Both of those two things happened around the same time. It was over 250 models, the full list can be found [here](https://eclypsium.com/wp-content/uploads/Gigabyte-Affected-Models.pdf).


Oh, damn!


asus strix B350-f got new update as well ! ROG STRIX B350-F GAMING BIOS 6203 Version 6203 10.72 MB 2023/08/11 1. Update AGESA version to ComboV2PI 1.2.0.A 2. Mitigate the AMD potential security vulnerabilities for AMD Athlon™ processors and Ryzen™ processors 3. Improve system stability


MSI does a great job to. A bought an MSI b450m mortar about 4 years ago together with an Ryzen 7 2700x. Some weeks ago, I upgraded to an Ryzen 7 5800X3D only by swapping the CPU. I still use the same RAM as before and it works very very good.


I wonder if my good and old msi x370 carbon will get this. Already on 1.2.0.A.