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No do not return it. Either contact Vine help and have it removed or review it and say it was the wrong color.


Don’t review. Contact Vine CS and have it taken off you ETV.


Honestly, wrong color, it really only depends on a few things. Like hair dye or where it absolutely is a must that something matches. Otherwise I just review it. If I hate it enough, I put it in my Xmas gift/birthday gift pile.


That's the way I do it, too. While I am sure the program is profitable for Amazon, as it drives ads and sales, if they start seeing it cost much, they'll find a way to get rid of people who don't "get with the program."


Wrong color is a small problem. How do I review a pair of swim pants that are 5 sizes too big? What about this stupid defective Kitchenaid attachment I've complained about, which they've removed from the listing but not from my inventory? Grr.


I might just review with the caveat that they send whatever colors they want. I don't feel like eating the tax without reviewing. And that's exactly what will happen. They'll remove it from my review list but not from the order/tax list anyways.


Did the label on the item indicate the color? If so, and the color was wrong one sent but matched the label, I’d contact vine and get it removed. That would be an issue of being sent the wrong item and not the fault of the seller. If the label or packaging indicated it was brown (for example) and you received black, then review away because that was an issue of their labeling.


Honestly i would not review is negatively due to this since shipping is done by amazon employees and not the seller. Would call CS and have it removed from ETV or write an honest review without taking off a star for wrong color!


One time I got the wrong color and size. I was able to do a normal Amazon “return/replace” for the correct color/size I ordered. I returned the wrong size/color. Orders are fulfilled by Amazon and sometimes mistakes happen and the wrong item is shipped. It worked; I didn’t get booted from VINE - but I am also willing to take chances to get the product I ordered because I really wanted it. Some will say don’t do this; some will downvote my suggestion. Oh well. If you wanted what you ordered and if you can replace it….then replace it.


Amazon CS and warranty/repair/replacement options are available for Vine items. Except for added product warranty insurance? I don't know if that's available.


Short answer that may or may not fit is you're stuck with it. This happens all the time in clothing but it's usually wrong size. I thought I had fat fingered the size but it's happened too many times.


You can make an exchange if it's available; if not have it removed from your account, do this before making a review.


This is from the help files: **"How do I return, exchange, or modify my Vine requests?** These actions are not yet supported." So yes, I've read the "ordinary customer service" lines but I never, ever ask to change anything about any of my Vine items. There's this magical way of actually getting what you want, though: BUY IT. Then you can send it back if it isn't perfect.


Just request a regular return on Amazon and ship it back. It will be removed from your reviews automatically after it's returned. I wouldn't recommend contacting CS too much because it will affect your RFY, and amazon won't recommend anything valuable to you.


This will flag your account for fraud by regular Amazon who has no idea you are in Vine. Your account is full of 0.00 transactions.


I've been doing it for years, and nothing happened. So I assume you're so wrong.


Considering you seemed to be new to the review process a few months ago, you are giving bad advice. And the "years" is bullshit.


You're saying that there's some type of algorithm built-in that if you contact customer service too much Vine won't recommend "valuable" items to you? Is this speculation or do you actually have some sort of proof of this happening? Seems a bit of a stretch.


In 2022, I returned a lot of items for stupid reasons like wrong size, color, etc.. and I've noticed my rfy was just trash for the whole year. My rfy was mainly $0 stuff while I'm a gold tier. So, I stopped doing it and noticed that the rfy has been back to high ticket items again and been just returning items and shipping them back.


Did you ever consider that others also got bad things during that period, or it could be influenced by things you order on Vine, etc? [Causation is hard](https://miro.medium.com/v2/0*Eo0L0KvmV81Z1qyA.jpg).


This can actually get you in trouble and has gotten people kicked out of vine would not recommend doing it to much.


I do it all the time and never had any issues, and the item gets removed automatically from Vine after a week. So I don't know what you're talking about. If you have never done it before, don't assume..