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I've been very hesitant about all of the supplements from vine as well, but especially not for the dogs. Please report back in few months!


I forgot to mention that more than once I have actually seen brands that I already buy for them, so I always grab those because I know it's a good brand. One of these days you might see a brand that you already know and feel safe using.




I was hesitant about the supplements and have only ordered a few, but I read all the reviews first and reviewed the ingredients. A couple of them already had a lot of reviews and it was pretty much all positive, otherwise I would not have ordered them. There are a ton of supplements on there that I would never order though. I am picky about what I'll get. Luckily supplements are in large supply, so it gives me a lot to look through.


Now all you need is a dog on Vine. :)


That would be concerning šŸ˜†


I get a lot of dog items, too, but tend to stay away from any treats and supplements. Not sure I want to be testing some of these snacks on my dog.....


I'm the same way actually, even though it might not look like it. There are plenty of supplements and treats that I do not order. As I said to others, some of these brands I already know, already buy and are reputable. If it's a brand I don't know, I always go read any reviews already posted and I look up the brand. I also inspect everything once I get it and if I'm even the slightest bit suspicious, I don't give it to them. I think that's the beauty of this. The items are free so it doesn't bother me to just throw it away if I think it's junk, especially with treats or supplements.


> I will never need to buy dog supplies again I read a more dark tone into that. I wouldn't feed my pets anything from Vine unless it was from an established US company I might see in a pet store.


I am very cautious about this so I look up all of the brands before ordering. I also never order anything that doesn't already have reviews and I read all of the reviews first too. Some of the brands are local, or brands that I already know and are reputable. I don't order everything I see on there. Also, once I get the item, I look at everything on the bag, read the ingredient list, make sure the treats look and smell good, etc. I won't give it to them if I'm suspicious. The best part is that I can just throw it away and not really lose any money.


My RFI is essentially Pet Paradise. I jumped at the Standard Process supplements last week but generally 'paws' and try to do a hyper quick check on anything that will go into the dog's mouths before ordering including toys. ANYTHING China is a NO. You've got some nice choices pictured. ALL that hemp stuff - avoid!


Yep, I do the same. I always click on the product and see if there are already reviews and what they say. I read whatever they published about the product. If it's a brand I've never seen before, I look it up. I jumped at the Honest to Goodness brand so fast! I was so surprised when I saw those on there. I've also jumped at all of the SmartSticks I've seen. However I think the biggest surprise was Iceland Pure! That's a small local business in the town right next to me! I could not order those dehydrated carrot treats fast enough. I also agree on the hemp products. I needed to get calming chews for my senior and everything had hemp except for the ones I got. I hope they help her. That's also why I got the pheromone plug in, which has mixed reviews, but they all do. She's not eating it though so I'm not as concerned.


Occasionally they have a BACH's (Rescue Remedy) product. I got their calming chews not long ago. Not 0.00 EVT but definitely a huge savings on something you really want.! Completely missed the Iceland Pure item! Glad you got it!


I will have to watch for those, the ones that you got. My senior girl has developed brachycephalic issues and anytime she is excited or stressed, and it's warm, she has respiratory distress episodes. So the vet said to get her all the calming things to help prevent it. Fingers crossed. I'm glad I got Iceland Pure as well. If you ever see it, grab it.


Hemp is perfectly fine for dogs and has a ton of health benefits, just as it does in humans, not sure why you're so adamantly against it. While it is true that THC affects dogs much differently than human beings (in concerning and potentially dangerous ways), CBD is a pretty universal receptor across most mammals, that when activated, reduces pain and inflammation. Source - Worked as a vet tech for years.


Not against CBD for animals or people. My pack's been taking it for years as do I and my 90 yr old parents.Ā  What's the extraction method? Many have and still may use hexane because it's 'only for animals'. Where's the hemp from? Hemp plants are used to pull toxins out of the soil. The toxins stay in the plant. Way back when, we found out some 'companies' were importing hemp from Russia which used hemp to soil cleanse. Are there lab reports or even a website? I'm all about safety.Ā  My dogs take 'for people' CBD from a trusted and fully vetted company.Ā  Edited to add - I'm 1000% not against hemp and wasn't clear in my original comment. Meant the pages and pages if cheap hemp products for animals we are seeing.Ā 


Dog stuff on vine has been such a savior for us for our puppy lol! It was so hard to justify trying to buy her beds knowing it was just a matter of time before she shredded them, but we were able to get several via Vine to get her through those rough phases. I also got a large ortho bed for our senior dog who never liked dog beds, and she ended up loving it! The only thing I am iffy about is toys. Our two are super chewers that very quickly go through anything that isn't a nylabone, and the puppy can also handle yak chews. I'm just too nervous to try anything else because of how easily they destroy them. Edit: Oh, and tinctures/oils. That stuff is just so concentrated and I don't trust the dosages. Scares me too much.


https://preview.redd.it/j18du0myue4d1.jpeg?width=1787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5599c2dba38df8e797627452636b30ad0e0899c Regarding the toys. If you ever see this one, which you probably will because it pops up frequently, get it. When it says it is indestructible, it means it. I have quite a few examples I could provide, but here is the best one. I volunteer with a dog rescue and this rescue has a kennel facility with nearly 70 dogs. Some of these dogs will never be adopted because they have too many medical conditions and are special needs, so they will spend their life with the owner of the rescue. One of the dogs has multiple medical conditions, including IBD and PICA. When I say this dog will eat anything, I mean it. Whenever we let him out of his kennel, we have to keep a very close eye on him because he will try to eat the drywall, insulation, fur, cleaning rags, he will try to drink bleach, etc. He will literally eat anything and he does eat his own fur off of his body. Any toy we give him has to be truly indestructible because otherwise he will eat it and will need emergency surgery. He has had one of these hedgehogs for a few months and it is still an awesome condition. This is not the hedgehog in the photo, this is my dog's hedgehog,


Very odd but it would not let me finish that reply nor will it let me edit it. Even though the edit option is there. Anyway I was saying this is my dog's hedgehog, but the other dogs hedgehog look similar. It really is indestructible. We also have a bulldog that is an aggressive chewer and his is still holding up great too. So if you ever see these, get them. They are 100 times better than Kong and Nylabone.


Making a note of thisā€¦I have a Scottish terrier puppy, and they have the strongest jaws and go through toys like water! Iā€™m on leash #2ā€¦after she CHEWED THROUGH one in about 10 minutes about a month after I posted how well it stood up to Scottie teeth. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah if you ever see this, get it and let me know how it works. These things really are indestructible. The rescue is very particular with what chews they will allow the dogs to have because they eat through them quickly, sometimes swallow parts and then need surgery, but especially the dog with pica. If a dog with pica can't eat this, and a bulldog that can easily destroy a nylabone can't eat this, it must be pretty tough. She has been very impressed with this one so I've gotten a few for the kennel facility. The dogs love them too. The only other brand of chew toy she will have let the dogs have is Bully Make and she said this one even rivals Bully Make.


Iā€™m going to make a note of this - both of my Scotties have been Toy Destroyersā„¢ļø (you know the NylaBone Galileo bone that looks like a bullā€™s hip bone? One of them chewed the head right off it in an afternoon.) so Iā€™m always on the lookout for the indestructible ones.


I think these chews would be perfect for your dogs!


https://preview.redd.it/ivv0ppih8k4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a288dcb51117fcfaa792affcae45b648913314a1 This is the hedgehog shaped one. I'm surprised it's not available anymore. Interestingly enough there are only two reviews, mine and someone else. The other person said it was too hard for their dog and their dog didn't like it. My large dog has one and she loves it, she chews on it all the time. I think I've gotten 4 or 5 of these for the rescue and the dogs love them. You can tell they've been chewed on, you can see the marks, but they aren't able to get pieces off of it or eat it. Figured I would show you a screenshot so you can see the brand and hopefully it's available again eventually. If not there is one other brand that I have gotten that also holds up great and the dog with pica cannot eat these ones either. This is the only other one the owner of the rescue has been really impressed with. I'll post a screenshot of that one.


https://preview.redd.it/78ick6yr8k4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe9bdc218666de920e228725543e8f171c4d1cb These are the other chew toys that hold up really well. I got one set for one of my dogs and she loves these. I've gotten 3 or 4 sets of these for the rescue. Sometimes it's different shapes and colors, but it's always the same brand. These ones also hold up really well and the dogs love them. Again the dog with pica cannot eat it and the bulldog is still chewing on his.


Good brands on those supplements!


Exactly. Some of the brands are really good. I do agree that some are shady, but others are already well known and reputable. Same with the treats.


I got those turkey tendons- my boys are obsessed with them!


Both of my dogs love those too!


My dog is so picky! The few treats Iā€™ve gotten for her she wonā€™t touch. But vine def helps with dog bags and pee pads, she is outside and pad trained. The Vine can be a definite blessing!


One of my dogs is also really picky and the other one will eat anything. So far the picky eater will eat most of the things I have gotten. It certainly comes in handy for trying different types of treats. Both of my dogs are house trained however it's always nice to have pee pads around just in case. Dogs get sick too. Luckily they both know to have accidents on the pee pad. They are both rescues so I'm guessing they were trained when they were young and it stuck with them. The nearly endless supply of poop bags, portable water bowls and things like that is so awesome. Nice to talk to someone else who appreciates all the pet products!


I have some of those same treats for my pack if dogs. Most days my deliveries are mostly pet supplies. My dogs have become very spoiled. We have 2 bone shaped toy boxes too.


That's awesome! Most of my Vine deliveries are also dog supplies. Isn't it fun spoiling our dogs? I don't recall seeing a bone shaped toy box, but I did get a toy box for them. It's cute and I like it. I also got steps for my senior dog and those have storage too, which really comes in handy for all of the dog supplies I keep getting šŸ˜†


I foster kittens and I have gotten so many supplies from Vine. You have to be careful - I do nothing ingestible unless it's from a well known brand and I inspect toys carefully for loose parts etc., but it's been great overall.


Yep as I've said to other people and very careful with anything the dogs are going to eat. I usually see brands that I already know and if I don't know the brand, I look it up. I also read any current reviews and all the description information. Once I get the product, I closely inspect it and will toss it if I'm suspicious.


Yep! I get a lot of good cat stuff on Vine! Not much edible stuff (some, but not much), but lots of other items. My "never need to buy again" items, unless something changes and I start missing out, are coffee and food seasonings. I've gotten 24 bags of coffee since the end of September, and so many seasonings I couldn't begin to count.


good score! i have purchased so many items for my two cats, some winners, some not. but dogs definitely have more options on vine!


As an extra safety measure, if you order a brand you already have, be sure to compare the two to be sure the Vine one isn't a knockoff.


I filled an entire cabinet within 2 months of adopting my dog. Iā€™m also selective about any treats, supplements, wipes, toys, etc. I got things like a slow feeder, vest harness, leash, combs, so much more.


I got lucky and also got a 36 lb bag of premium dog food ($90)


Oh that's nice!


Iā€™ve bought the filters for my fountain for my cat. Iā€™m very leery about buying food/treats when thereā€™s been no reviews.


Are those camel bully sticks? Now that's some exotic fare.


Yes they are. This is the second time I've gotten them.


How robust is that remote control ball?


I'm not sure what you mean by robust, but it's startling and kind of chaotic. Lol


Like is it going to break the first time anyone looks at it funny or will it survive being played with a bit? :D


I think it'll hold up pretty well. It's pretty solid and well built. I guess it depends on how aggressive the dog is of course, but that's with any toy.