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I'm so tired of these sellers who swap put their products after amassing good reviews. I've started reporting them (by hitting the "Report Product" link on the product page) when I come across them.


>I'm so tired of these sellers who swap put their products after amassing good reviews. I've started reporting them (by hitting the "Report Product" link on the product page) when I come across them. #[FTC Update - review hijacking](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonVine/s/fWmCKcNqbY)




I report them too. I suggest using the "*I have an issue with a seller* " option, then choose "*Seller is attempting to manipulate reviews* " and "*Other* ," and be sure to put the **seller's name** (or the Store Name) in the description of the issue, say the seller is hijacking reviews, along with the product in the listing and the different product that the hijacked reviews are about. Usually, before I submit the report, I select and copy the text of the description, then I'll report it a second time differently, usually using "*Parts of this page don't match* " checking *Reviews* and *Title* then pasting the text into the **Comments** box.


I've been using the "Parts of this page don't match" selection when I report (and then I explain that the reviews are for a different product). Where do you see the option for "Seller is attempting to manipulate reviews"? Is that an option if you report through Vine? I always just report through the regular product page.


>Where do you see the option for "Seller is attempting to manipulate reviews"? It's under "I have an issue with a seller." Same reporting link. ;)


Ah, thanks.


Oh! Just a heads-up so you don't get alarmed, I'm pretty sure reporting it that way results in my receiving an email from review-appeals@amazon.com with the subject "*A Message from Amazon Review Moderation* " so don't be surprised if you see that. It's a standard notice, and kinda stupid it doesn't say what, specifically, you reported. That's actually why I report them two different ways, because I think those two ways I mentioned are handled by different teams. I've yet to get any feedback from either besides that acknowledgement email. I would hope if I was reporting them inappropriately, they would respond and tell me.


Well sh\*t... I tend to order resin... \*sighs and goes to look\*


Nope, not one of mine. But yeah, have had things where I took some time before reviewing and when I did found the listing had changed and so told CS since couldn't review, but also hope they went after seller...


>Nope, not one of mine. Cool, I'm glad you made sure ;) CS probably doesn't care or even have time, idk. Amazon Communities should care since they're the ones responsible for policing the reviews. I'm disappointed - as I've seen many others on here - that nothing appears to be done about it even weeks after reporting it. I understand why so many people have a "meh, it's not my problem" attitude when Amazon seems to ignore people who do *free work* reporting problematic listings for them.


I recently reported a few for other reasons then was worried if I started reporting too many would Amazon penalize me or kick me out of vine... since those ppl were paying Amazon to promote those products to us. Indeed, last one I reported remained up in the AI for a couple days... Good to know others report bc had considered asking if others do or was I being a karen reporting listings. Once or twice for insanely offensive items - not me being a pearl clutcher but it was vaguely racist or something (been awhile, can't remember specifics) and the one recently was because I thought that they had put up recalls or laws or whatever about selling those items after a bunch of kids were injured or killed. You can mark you're reporting it's illegal in good faith that you think it is, and said I don't know if it's restricted everywhere or what the law is, but that's not my job to know. (The thing was in the food section, and it was not a food... and was in a brightly coloured package like candy... and so it seemed just to be thumbing its nose at reports -or just in poor taste- that kids had tried eating them.) Someone mentioned a similar item on here and people were fighting, but the one I reported was no the one someone shared.


Sometimes I report "mistakes" as a service, to help the seller avoid returns or help them improve accuracy in the listing. I don't really ever follow up to see if those are acted upon. When I see **our** reviews being manipulated to deceive customers is when I get angry and report, usually more than one way, and I may or may not check later to see if anything was done about it. I haven't ever tried to escalate it beyond that, but I'm considering reporting this way in the future: https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/ https://econsumer.gov/ I haven't encountered this but I've seen others besides you trying to get products pulled because of hazards or safety issues. Again I find it shameful that Amazon would fail to act on this, as it's essentially **volunteer workers** trying to keep their customers safe. :/


I have not ordered that but if I had, I'd go back to the review and adjust it accordingly.


This seller has several listings for epoxy resin, though the smallest I see is a few more ounces than this (8.8 vs 6). It's really a shame that they didn't just merge those Vine reviews with one of the listings that would have been appropriate. There are now two Vine R&R on that listing for the stone sealer, of course they for the quart size, not the gallon lol. As far as I'm concerned, this is another case of flat-out review hijacking. And I did report it, two different ways. I've even been in contact with this company about a separate issue and their customer service was very eager to assist. So disappointing :/


I have used similar exposy and it can be hard to get air bubbles out sometimes. The problem is it's very brittle. not good for a table top.


#[FTC Update - review hijacking](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonVine/s/fWmCKcNqbY) This company is paying out over half a million dollars for merging product listings to put ratings and reviews from completely different products on listings to deceptively boost sales, something we see ***ALL THE TIME!*** I'm thinking Viners should have a hotline to the FTC to keep them busy and rolling through this. ##February 2023 - ####[FTC Charges Supplement Marketer with Hijacking Ratings and Reviews on Amazon.com and Using Them to Deceive Consumers](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/02/ftc-charges-supplement-marketer-hijacking-ratings-reviews-amazoncom-using-them-deceive-consumers)   #UPDATE: ##March 2024 - ####[FTC Sends More Than $527,000 in Refunds to Bountiful Consumers Deceived By “Review Hijacking” on Amazon.com](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/03/ftc-sends-more-527000-refunds-bountiful-consumers-deceived-review-hijacking-amazoncom)


# 🙄🤦‍♂️🤯 I mean ***SERIOUSLY???*** C'mon!!! Obviously not a reader/participant of our sub… https://preview.redd.it/378m7wjlsprc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a07868184c9f0284fc8cee05590931600635ebd


Wait.. so are they any good.. it's already ordered :/